wlak 3 mi
step 20 intrvals:
plank box hop over k2e
side lunge jumps (no step)
step up hop kicks alt
step run
burpee box jumps
split hops L/R
straddle 1 leg hop
180* jump turns onto step L/R
twisted climbers
wlak 3 mi
step 20 intrvals:
plank box hop over k2e
side lunge jumps (no step)
step up hop kicks alt
step run
burpee box jumps
split hops L/R
straddle 1 leg hop
180* jump turns onto step L/R
twisted climbers
*Sore legs make a difference hoooollllyyyyy crap*
Lead: 8,8,10a, 11b 3/4, 11a/10bmix, 10b mix
Also, stupid climbs galore today.
kB row x 8/8 #50
Row w rotation #8s x 10
HSCTs x 10
2min z warm up
deficit lunges #15s: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8
sngl ham ball roll ins: 8/8--10/10--12/12--10/10--8/8
time: 9:00
11min AMRAP
kb leg lowers #50 x 10
wV block assist pistols #10 x 8/6/6
sumo squat #60 x 12
#r = 3
walk 3 mi
step 20 intervals 15/45x20
plank transformer jacks
plank frog jump ins
step run
jog up step/kick/down touch step R
jog up step/kick/down touch step L
box jumps
½ burpee jump tuck
step ups/knee drive alt
side burpees
lateral step up/k2e alt
Lmob15 KD beyond flexibility
2 min warm up
ladder FT:
BB glute press #85: 10--12--14--12--10
split squat kb #30: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8
time: 7:27
12:33+ AMRAP:
assist'd pistols #10 x 4/4
ball oblique roll in abs x 10 alt
jefferson curl #12 x 10 slow (hold 10 sec on last rep)
L-sit (knee mod) hold 20s
#r = 3
step intervals 15/45x20
Step run
10 hi knees, ½ burpee
plank box hop over k2e
dynamic step squats (touch down)
snowboarder burpee alt
jog up step/kick/lunge back L
jog up step/kick/lunge back R
single leg hop ups L/R
step mtn climbers
toe taps
Lead: 8,8,9, 11a prob 1t, 10c/d prob completed!, 11a-10amix, 10c
Single row #50 x8/8
Seated row rotation#8s x 10
Superman lat pulldown blue x 10
Lmob KD 15m
2 min warm up
ladder ft:
upside down smith leg press #50 (^^next time!): 12/12--11/11--10/10--9/9--8/8
sngl machine ham curl #15: 7/7--8/8--9/9--8/8--7/7
time: 8:48
11:12 AMRAP:
kB front squat/band knee up #40/blue x 12 alt
hanging knee raise/cross kick x 8 alt
banded hydrant/ext (green) x 8/8
#r = 3.33
Walk 3 mi
Lead: 9,8,9, 10d/11a (lower w/ 2 clips left), 10d 2t,
Tr: 11c, 11a
Row x7/7 #50
Seated row rotation #8s x 10
HSCTS x 10alt
hmob KD
walk3 mi
step 20 15/45x20
Step run
10 hi knees, ½ burpee
plank box hop over k2e
dynamic step squats (touch down)
snowboarder burpee alt
jog up step/kick/lunge back L
jog up step/kick/lunge back R
single leg hop ups L/R
step mtn climbers
toe taps
KD Lmob15
evo climb:
9,8,8, 11a proj 2t :((((, 10c 1t, 10c, 10c 1t
row #50 x 7/7
seated row w/ rotation #8s x 10
superman lat pulldown blue x 10
Lmob KD 15min
walk 3 mi
step 20 15/45x20
1 - ½ burpee/foot taps x3
2 – squat/twist jump (no step)
3 - side lunge over step
4 - handstand jump ups x 5 each
5 - twisted climber
6 - plank step jump overs
7 – 10 hi knees, ½ burpee
8 - plank box hop over k2e
9 - straddle 1 leg hop
10 - step run
KD uMob20
walk 3 mi
lead: 7w/down climb, 8x2, 11a proj 2t :(, 10d switch to 10b 1/3rd way up
TR:12b (2/3 and lower), 11c (so many fall offs)
KD Lmob15
2 min z warm up
ladder FT:
sb side lunges #30: 8/8--10/10--12/12--10/10--8/8
sngl ball ham roll ins: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8
time: 8:33
11:27 AMRAP:
SB glute press/band abd (green) #55 x 10
pilates teaser alt legs x 14
sb Squats #55 x 8
ab splitter x 8
#r = 3.75
jr20: 5/35x30
1 - ½ burpee/foot taps x3
2 – squat/twist jump (no step)
3 - side lunge over step
4 - handstand jump ups x 5 each
5 - twisted climber
6 - plank step jump overs
7 – 10 hi knees, ½ burpee
8 - plank box hop over k2e
9 - straddle 1 leg hop
10 - step run
KD umob10
walk 3 mi
2 min warm up
buy in: HS 1 min
side to side knee raises x 10alt
leg elev transformer pu on ball x 6alt
bent(short) arm pull ups #10wV x 5
ball chest press to oH press #15s x 6
side plank rows #22.5 x 6/6
#r = 4
kb row #50 x 7/7
seated row w/ rotation #8s x 10
superman lat pulldown blue x 10
KD Lmob10
warm up 2min
ladder FT:
sngl leg dL #50: 7/7--8/8--9/9--8/8--7/7
clam/ext blue: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8
time: 10:45
9:15 AMRAP
kb leg lower x 10
pistols x 5/5 (blocks)
plank reptiles x 10/10
ballerina sumo #60 x 10
#r = 2.25
10min KD Lmob
Walk3 mi
Row x7/7 #50
Row w/ rotation #8s x 10
HSCTs x 10 alt
Lead: 8,8,8, 11a new project, 10d (2t), 10a, 10c, 8
Walk 3 mi
2min warm up
Wall ball kb squats #50: 8–10–12–10–8
sngl Elev heel tap: 5/5–6/6–7/7–6/6–5/5
Time: 9:37
11:23 amrap:
Sngl ham curl machine #15 x 8/8
Hang knee raise to ext to slow lower x 6
kB curtsey #30 x 8/8
Plank cross kick slider x 10/10
R= 3+
Jr20 5/40
2min warm up
12min amrap* (3rft)
#r = 3
Row x 7/7 #50
Seat row rotation #8s x 10
Superman lat pull down blue x 10
10 min kneeling hip mob flow
2m WU
Sb st lunges #45: 8/8–10/10–12/12–10/10–8/8
Elev dL #70: 10–11–12–11–12
Time: 7:53
12:07 amrap:
Wall ball glute press #50 x 10
Db hang knee raise #10 x 10
Wv archer squat #10 x 10alt
Side plank k2e x 8/8
#r= 3.75
kneeling hip mobility 10min
10min hmob
12amrap (z 5min fat burn #120)
Side step squat/ heel raise (green) x 10/10
Low band jack/ pu jack (green) x 10
Side plank dip/leg lift tap back and front (blue) x 5/5
Glute p & abd (green) x 10
#r = 3
10min hmob
Jump lunge/pistol alt
Elbow plank drop
Band side lunge jumps
12min tb
12min tb
walk 3 mi
ladder FT:
assisted wV pistols #10: 4/4--5/5--4/4--5/5--4/4
sngl elev glute press #20: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8
time: 11:00
9min AMRAP
kb leg lowers #40 x 10
deficit lunges (3r) #12s x 8/8
hanging knee raise/cross kick x 8 alt
elev sumo squat #70 x 10
#r = 3
kneeling hip flow (mob method) 10min
East Colfax:
Lead: 4, 6,
TR: 7, 7
Lead attempt 8+
kB row #70 x7/7
Row w/ rotation #8s x 10
HSCTs x 8
walk 3 mi
ladder FT:
sb Squats #45: 10--12--14--12--10
sngl dL #40: 10/10--11/11--12/12--11/11--10/10
time: 11: 36
9:24 AMRAP:
sngl leg box heel tap x 5/5
ab splitters x 8
band parallel clams green x 10/10
v-abs on dip station x 10
#r = 2 3/4
JR20: 5/40
hmob10 (kneeling hip flow from mobility method)
East Colfax
Lead: 4,6,7
Lead: 9 with a 6 finish :P
kb row #50 x 7/7
row w/ rotation #8s x 10
superman lat pulldowns blue x 10
walk 3 mi
#5 15/45x20
step run
twisted climber
toe taps
box jumps
step run
jog up step/kick/down touch step R
jog up step/kick/down touch step L
v hop up, hop down narrow
step run
lat jump up and overs
evo climb:
lead: 8,9,7, 11a yellow project COMPLETE!!, 11a blue new proj (1t), 1/2 11a, 10b
walk 3 mi
jr20: 5/25x40
#7: 15/45x20
plank jump ins
180* jump on step L/R
step run
lunge back hop up L
lunge back hop up R
lateral step hop overs (clear)
side lunge over step
½ burpee jump tuck
step run
plank step jump overs
Evo climb:
Lead: 7,8.9, 11a vert project (1t)
TR: 12a clean!!!!, 11c (1f), 11b (1f)
Walk 3 mi
kB row #50 x7/7
Bent row rotation #8s
HSCTs x 8 alt
walk 3 mi
ladder FT:
side slide lunge/calf raise/4th pos eleve #26: 7/7--8/8--9/9--8/8--7/7
band abd + p (green): 12--14--16--14--12
time: 11:38
9:22 amrap:
wV archer squat alt x 12 #10
dip station db knee raise #12 x 10
elev dL #70 x 10
dB btwn legs v ups #12 x 10
#r = 3.25
jr20: 5/30x35
kneeling hip flow mobility method 10min
single leg hop up R/L
step hop/kick alt
arabesque hop ups
dynamic step squats
step mtn climbers
½ burpee hop ups
toe taps
plank box hop over k2e
repeater knees L/R
step run
10 hip mobility warm up
ladder ft:
sB static lunges #45: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8
sngl ham curl mach #12: 7/7--8/8--9/9--8/8--7/7
time: 7:31
12:29 amrap:
ballerina squat/curtsey slide #10wV x 20 alt
side to side laying leg lifts x 12
asst's pistols #10wV x 4/4
ball roll in/knee tuck L & R x 6
#r = 2.25
hip mobility warm up 10min
BW Cardio 20min:
1- High knees
2- Skater lunge hop over touch down
3- Burpee (no pu)
4 - push up plank rotation
5 - plank jax
6 - diagonal mtn climbers
7 - sumo squat jack
8 - crab toe touches
9 – burpee no pu
10 – walk out plank/jump up
11 – jump lunges
12 – reverse burpee jump up
13 – squat leg lift
14 – duck under squat jumps
15 – plank jump in/jump tuck
walk 3 mi
hmob 10min (warm up)
ladder ft:
elev heel tap squats: 6/6 ----------------->
BB glute press #85: 12--14--16--14--12
time: 11:32
9:28 amrap:
kb/band side squat (green band + #40kb) x 2 ~ 12 sets
side plank k2e ext x 8/8
side slide lunge/dL #30 x 20alt
t2b x 8
#r = 2.25
jr20: 5/45
walk 3mi
lead: 8/9, 7, 8/8, 11b (new project?!?! 3-4t/assist mmmmnno)
TR: 12b (4f)
kb row #50 x 7/7
seated row with rotation #8s x 10
superman lat pulldown (blue) x 10
plank box hop over k2e
½ burpee jump tuck
straddle 1 leg hop
box jump up and over/180*/back
plank jump ins
step run
180* jump turns onto step L
180* jump turns onto step R
jog up step/kick/down touch step L
jog up step/kick/down touch step R
walk 2 mi
ladder FT:
kb single dL #40: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8
kb ball on wall squat #50: 10--11--12--11--10
time: 9:09
10:51 amrap:
1 leg ball mtn climbers x 8/8
band (green) hydrant ext/abd x 8/8
dip station V leg lift abs x 10
upside down leg press #50 x 10/10
#r = 3.25
Doubles auto: 8x2, 9x2
Lead: 11a project ***done!!!***, 11a 1t,
Tr: 12a 4f, 11c, 11c, 11c
Walk 2mi
Row #50 x7/7
Seated bent row w/ rotation #8s x 10
HSCTs x 10 alt
Hip mobility flow 15min (mobility method)
Walk 2 mi
Ladder ft:
Assisted pistols #10wV: 4/4–5:5–6/6–5/5–4/4
Single leg glute p #25: 8/8–9/9–10/10–9/9–8/8
Time: 12:30
7:30 amrap:
Hang knee raise cross kick x8 alt
Elev sumo #70 x 10
kB leg lowers x 10
Jump lunges x 20
#r= 2.75
Jr20: 5/35
Cold AF in the gym today!
Lead: 8,9,8, 11a proj (2t), 11a (2t), 10a, 10b
Walk 2 mi
kB row #50 x 7/7
Seat row w/ rotation #8s x 10
Superman may pukldowns blue x 10
Today, I'm starting my commitment to mobility for 15min as many days a week as I can possibly fit it in!
I have purchased DocJenFit's Mobility Method program and will be using the kneeling hip flow for 15min.
The goal is minimum 4x a week. Maximum every day!
I really need to improve my hip mobility for my pistol squats and I'm sure it won't hurt my climbing skillz either ;)
Here goes..............
step intervals 20min #3
step run
plank step jump overs
step hop knee up
handstand jump ups x 5 each
lateral toe tap hop overs
½ burpee/foot taps x3
v hop ups, hop down narrow
repeater knees x3 hop over step other side
step run
twisted climbers
Mobility Method kneeling hip flow x 6
2 min warm up
12min amrap:
Bottom squat to ballerina lo squat abd (green) x 10
Hollow rock v-ups w/ db ten legs #12 x 12
Hollow rock dB leg lifts #12 x 10
Cross kick slider to push up x 10
#r= 4
2 min warm up
12min AMRAP:
alternating pistols (no assist) x 10
ground to OHP #15 x 10/10
side lunge jumps #15 x 20
pilates teaser x 14
#r = 3.25
walk 2 mi
lead: 8,9,7,11a project (1t)
TR: 12a/b(4t), 11d, 11a (more like 10c)
walk 2 mi
kb row #50 x 7/7
seated row and rotation #8s x 10
HSCTs x 10 alt
walk 2 mi
12min AMRAP:
snatch to OH squat #26 x 10 alt
Czech swing (overhead) #30 x 10
pass under/goblet squat #40 x 10
kb roll back/OHP #30 x 8
russian twist x3/pushup x 6 alt
#r = 2
evo climb:
9, 7, 9, 11a (1t), 10b, 10b, 10a
row#50 x 7/7
bent row w/ rotation #8s x 10
superman lat pulldown (blue) x 10
I was surprised (but not thrilled) to find that this week is deload week! Sometimes I really have to push myself to rest especially when I'm not loving the ol' bod right now.
walk 2 mi
kb swing #40
band abd + press (green)
kb goblet surrender squat/kick L #18
kb goblet surrender squat/kick L #18
kb rev squat to DL #50
walk 3 mi
ladder for time:
ball kB glute press #50: 10--12--14--12--10
box (5 risers) heel tap pistols: 8/8---------->all
time: 10:18
9:42 amraP:
alt kb swing #40 x 16
HSCTs x 12
side plank dip/leglift x 8/8
#r = 3.66
jr20: 5/25
walk 2 mi
ladder FT:
sb curtsey lunges #35: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8
suitcase squat #40+wV: 8/8 --------------------->
time: 11:06
8:54 amrap:
pistol/side kick x 5/5
kb knee hugs #18 x 10
machine sngl ham curls #12 x 8/8
ab splitter x 8
#r = 2+
jr20: 5/35x30
#2: 15/45x20
single leg hop up L
single leg hop up R
step up hop kicks alt
lat jump up and overs
toe taps
step mtn climbers
lunge back hop up L
lunge back hop up R
toe taps
side lunge over step
2 min warm up
ladder FT:
1 leg sm squat +5#/ea: 5/5--6/6--7/7--6/6--5/5
elev dL #70: 10--11--12--11--10
time: 6:54
13: 06 amrap:
kB leg lower x 10
fwd lean kb split squat #30 x 8/8
HC egg x 8
kb sumo squat to calf raise x 12 #60
#r = 3.25
walk 2 mi
15min AMRAP:
hanging diagonal knee raises x 10 alt
HSCTs x 10 alt
1 leg mtn slider (x5)/1 leg slide kick pu x 5/5, 3/3, 3/3
**kb swing switch to snatch and press #26 x 8 alt
wall L plank knee tuck to shoulder stretch x 6 alt legs
#r = 2 3/5
kb row 7/7 #50
seated row with rotation #8s x 8
superman lat pulldown blue x 10
time: 9:30
~total WO time = 24:30
walk 2-3 miles
sB lunge backs #45: 8/8--10/10--12/12--10/10--8/8
lying hamstring sliders (dbl): 8--10--12--10--8
time: 7:49
12:11 amrap:
ninja jump tuck/pistol x 6alt
side plank k2e ext x 8/8
kb/band(green) side to side squat #50 x12
TRX reptiles x 8/8
#r= 3+
jr20 5/30x35
****usually I'd climb inside today but I'm going to let my bicep rest a little extra this week since I climbed 3 days in a row on the weekend.
walk 2 mi
Black dimaond #24
ft elev inv row x 5 #10
kB windmill #26 x 10/10
L-handstand push up x 6
hanging knee up/straight leg lower x 8
time: 12:19
kb row #50 x 7/7
bent row with rotation #8s x 10
superman lat pulldown blue x 10
time: 9:41
=======total time = ~22min========
walk 2 mi
15/45x 20:
step run
dynamic step squats (touch down)
lateral step hop overs (clear)
step run
box jumps
step run
½ burpee hop ups
step run
arabesque hop ups
step run
walk 2 mi
30s walk/30s sprint x 20
***damn left hip and quads (foam rolled the shit out of them)
walk 2 mi
ladder for time:
sngl ham curl machine #12: 6/6--7/7--8/8--7/7--6/6
suitcase step up/lunge back #26: 8/8---------------->
time: 13:33
7:27 amrap:
sb/band glute abd & press x 10
HSCTs x 10alt
pilates single leg teaser x 10 alt
#r = 3.66
jr20: 5/35
walk 2 mi
ladder FT:
fig 8 squats #40+#10wv: 20--18--16--14--12
elev single leg glute press #25: 6/6--7/7--8/8--7/7--6/6
time: 9:09
11:51 amrap:
assit'd pistols #7.5 x 6/6
handing windshield wiper abs x 6 alt
kB side lunge/knee up #18 x 10/10
ball oblique roll ins x 5/5
#r = 3
jr20: 10/20x40
walk2 mi
ladder FT:
wV ball air lunges #10: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8
elev dL #70: 9--10--11--10--9
time: 11:27
9:33 amrap:
kb knee hugs #18 x 10
kneeling hyd/ext green x 8/8
k2e planks x 8/8
ballerina sumo squat #50 x 8
#r = 3.25
walk 2 mi
ladder FT:
deficit lunges #15s (4r): 8/8--7/7--6/6--7/7--8/8
sB back squat #55: 10--11--12--11--10
time: 9:25
10:35 amrap:
pogo #10 x 10/10
hang knee raise/cross kick x 6 alt
BB glute press #70 x 12
ball hard core egg x 8
#r = 3
jr20: 5/30x35
Lead: 7,8,9,11a/10d assisted crux )2t), 10a, 10b/c
kB row #50 x 7/7
Seated bent row w/ rotation #8s x 10
Superman lat pull down blue x 10
Walk 2mi
warm up 2 min
ladder FT:
weighted asst pistols #7.5: 5/5--6/6--7/7--6/6--5/5
sB curtsey lunges #30: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8
time: 12:47
8:13 amrap:
dB ball crunches #15 x 10
kB sngl dL #50 x 8/8
sngl leg roll down abs x 10
bosu jump tux x 8
#r = 2.25
jr20min: 5/25
Evo climb:
Lead: 7/8,8,9, new proj 11b/c (9/12 clips), 10c, 10b
***left arm oooowwwww
Walk 2 miles
Seated bent over row w/rotation x 10 #7s
Band Superman lat pulldowns blue x 10
walk 2 mi
ladder FT:
upside down single leg press #60 5/5--6/6--7/7--6/6--5/5
machine single ham curls #15(2)#12: 5/5--6/6--7/7--6/6--5/5
evo climbs:
lead: 7,8,9,11a project CRUSHED!, 10b, 10a, 8
kb row #50 x 7/7
walk 2 mi
lead: 5.9 dance with the dead, 5.8 wizard rock, various other failed attempts at unknown climbs.
Walk 2 mi
kB swing #50
Transformer Jax
WV jump squat #10
Side plank leg lift L
Side plank leg lift R
WV Side jump lunges #10
warm up: walk 2 mi
dB jump lunges #12s
plank k2e alt
JR hi knees
pistol L
pistol R
ab splitter
Lead: 8,9,7/8,11a proj (1t after the clip!! 🤩), 10/d11a (1t),
Tr: 11a
Lead: 10b
kB row x7-7-6-6-6 #53
HSCTs x 8
walk 2 mi
mtn climber x 4/push up
side lunge/knee up L #10wV
side lunge/knee up R #20 wV
*1/2 burpee/pullup
(4 rounds all the way through. last 2 rounds were side lunge knee ups)
Lead: 8,8,9,11a proj (1t), 10c (1t), 10b, 10a, 10b
kB row #50x 7/7
Superman last pulldowns blue x10
Seated row/rotation #6s x 10
2min warm up
Frog jump ins
Hang knee raise
Power split jump
Side plank cross k2e L
Side plank cross k2e R
Jump tuck/sumo squat
Rockstar burpee
walk 2 mi
2 min warm up
ladder FT:
sb elev single glute press #20: 10/10--11/11--12/12--11/11--10/10
elev sumo squat #70: 10--12--14--12--10
time: 9:51
11:09 amrap:
ninja jump tux x 10
hollow rock to knee tuck #18 x 12 alt
split squat #15s x 8/8
pilates box plank w/ leg kick back x 12 alt.
#r = 3.25
jr20: 10/20x40
Walk 2 miles
Auto: 7/8, 9, 10a, 11c white (7/8clips), 11a/b, 10c/d, 10b
Bouldering: cave v3, v4, v5 fail, v3 variation of v2, v4 cave right, v3-v2-v1-v0, v3 vert fail
5rft #2:
kB row #50 x 7/7
HSCTs x 8 alt
walk 2 mi
warm up 2 min
(right side up mod) bosu side slide lunges: 5/5--6/6--7/7--6/6--5/5
elev dL #70: 8--10--12--10--8
time: 9:35
11:25 amrap:
asst'd pistol #7.5 x 6/6
bosu ab v slides alt x 16
bosu lat hop overs #10wV x 16
dive bombers x 8
#r = 3
2 min warm up
Sb curtsey #30 x10/10
Kneeling bent knee band kick backs green x 10/10
Db rev squat 2/squat jump 2 #10s x 10
Pilates teaser (single leg ext) x 20 alt
Time: 13:00
7min amrap
kB swing #40 x 15
Side jump lunge knee up x 20
Elbow plank reptiles x 8/8
#r= 3
Jr20: 5/25
Walk 2 mi
Auto: 7/8, 9, 10a, 11c finished!!!!!, 11a/b, 10c finished!!!!!, 10b/c
Bouldering: v3 yellow cave project (fail), v2 fail FTS
Bent bb row #80 x 8
Superman last pulldowns blue x 10
Walk 2 mi
1.5+ hrs auto:
7/8, 7, 11c 6/8 (clips), 10a, 11d (3/9 clips)—>10c (8/9 clips), 10b/c, 10b/c,
Bouldering: v3 prom—2–1-0-1-2fall
kB row #59 x7/7
HSCTs x 8 alt
2min wRm up
Db jump lunge kick #10s x 10
kB squat/band leg lift (blue) #40 x 10
Hanging cross body kick x 10 alt
Ball back supported air lunge #10wv x 8/8
Time: 11:44
9:16 amrap:
Asst’d pistol #7.5 x 6/6
kB snatch #30 x 8/8
kB leg lower #50 x 10
#r= 2.33
2min warm up
1/2 burpees box jump x 10
Elevated dL #70 x 10
Plank k2e drops x 8/8
Glute p&abd green x 10
Time: 11:40
9:20 amrap:
Kb swing #50 x 10
Assy’d pistols 7.5# x 6/6
Running man sit ups #10wv x 16
#r = 3
walk 2 mi
2min warm up
pike pu x 6 (FOCUS ON FORM!)
hang leg raise holds (10s r1/5s all other r) x 5
back supported hip thrust sb+kB #70 x 10
time: 11:29
9:31 amrap:
sb stat lunges #30 x 10/10
ab splitter x 8
side jump lunges green x 20
kb/wv ballerina sumos #50 x 10
#r = 3+
jr20 10/20x40
Walk 2mi
Evo climb:
Lead: 9,10a,11a fail 1/2 way, 10b (NOT a 10b fail 1/2 way), 10b, 10a
Kb row #50 x 7/7
HSCTs x 8 alt
Walk 2 mi
Evo climb
Auto: 8, 9
Lead: 10b, 10b/c,10b
Auto: 10b, 11a, 10a
5rft #1:
kB row #50 x7/7
Superman last pulldowns blue x 10
2 mi walk
2min warm up
Summer Shred #42 v2.0
jump lunge to faux split jump switch
pu to squat position
criss cross air jump squat/sumo heel lift
pendulum legs
16min AMRAP**
kB ball squat #50 x 10
chin up x 2 #10wv
bk lunge/pistol x 10 alt.
chin up x 2 #10 wv
ball assist air lunge x 8/8 #10wv
**HSCTs x 10alt
walk 2 miles
evo climb:
Lead 9,9, 10b (1t), 10b, 10c, 10a
kb single row x 7/7 #50
superman banded lat pulldowns blue x 10
walk 2 mi
2min warm up
sB split squat #30 x 8/8
green band hyd/ext x 8/8
kB leg lowers #40 x 10
green band dyn squats x 20
time: 11:43
dip st. obliques x 20 alt
dB jump squat/lunge back #12s x 10 alt
asst'd pistols #7.5 x 6/6
#r = 2 2/3
JR20min: 10/35x27
Walk 2 mi
Evo Climb
Auto 8,8
Lead: 11b 3t, 10c, 10d, 10c, 10b (2t)
Jr20min: 10/20x40
Auto: 8
Lead: 9, 11a project (1t), 10d (3/4 finished), 10c, 10b, 10a (1t)
Sngl kB row x 7/7 #50
Superman lat pull downs blue x 10