
Monday, December 31, 2018

Fast phys 6a/walk3

10min primer: jrc#11

10min compound lift:
Bb side lunge
25# 30# 35# 40# 25#

15 min circuit:
Machine  leg ext #25 x 10/10
 Elev sumo #60 x 10
Band hyd/ext (blue) x 10/10
#: 5

walk 3mi

Sunday, December 30, 2018


my mobility:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Fast Physique 5b

10min primer: JR/JR/burpee
10min compound: BB back squat
45     55   65    85   45lbs
15min circ:
sngl dL #40 x 10/10
curtsey slide lunge #12s x 10/10
kB band side to side squat #50/black x 10 (total)
#: 4 2/3

**slept in by accident so I missed my step cardio workout :(

Friday, December 28, 2018


lead: 8,8 10b fail
TR: 12b, 11c, 11b/c
sngl kb row #40 x 8/8
superman banded lat pulldowns x 10 (blue)

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


8,9,10d/11a(1 take at top),10c fail, 10b, 10a

Monday, December 24, 2018

Fast Physique 5a

10min cardio primer: zgym JRC #13
p1: 10/20x8
BB/dBU + 10/10 jR lunge hops
p2: 10/20x8
high knees/jax + 23 JR situp/knee tucks
10min compound lift: elevated DL
50#   60#   65#   70#    50#
15min circuit:
lunge back pass #50/wV x 10 total
kB front squat/heel raise x 10 #40
band clams (black & yellow) x 10/10
#rnds: 6

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Fast Phys 4b

10min primer: JR/JR/burpee 10/20x20
10min compound:
+15   +20  +25   +35     +15/each side of BB (45lb bar)
1:15 rest (plank variations)
15min circ:
Bb glute press #75 x 10
side lunge to tip toe #40,40,35,35 x  10/10
pistols x 5/5
#: 4

Friday, December 21, 2018


auto: 8,8
lead: 11a project (7 takes)
TR: 12c project FINISHED!!! (clean until the 6th), 11b, 11a
sngl kb row #40 x 8/8
banded superman lat pulldowns x 10 (blue)

Thursday, December 20, 2018


3 mile walk
my mobility:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


auto: 8
lead: 8,8, 11a project! (6-7takes), 10d (last clip/anchors not finished), 10b
sngle kB row #40 x 8/8
superman banded pull downs x 10

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Fast Phys 4a

10min primer: JRC#14: 10/50x10
1.High knees
2. Plank jump Jacks
3. Double Unders
4. Side Plank Lift – 25/25 sec
5. High Knees
6. Knee tuck to one leg push up alt.
7. Double Unders
8. Leg lift to boat pose
9. High Knees
10. Front / side plank knee tucks
10min compound: kB curtsey lunges
 26#     30#    40#   50#     26#
1min plank variation rests
15min circuit:
Fig 8 squats #50/wV x 10 total
Deficit lunges #15s x 10/10
sngl ham rolls w/ ball x 10/10
# 4 2/3

Monday, December 17, 2018


my mobility:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Fast Physique 3b/JR20

Note: since I missed my JR sesh post climb Wednesday, I made it up at the hotel yesterday!

10min cardio primer: JRC#15 10/20x20
1. Jump rope:
20 sec jump jacks (in and out counts as one rep)
20 sec one leg – R
20 sec one leg – L
2. ABS:
20 sec knee sliders  – R
20 sec knee sliders / – L
20 sec double knee hug to double v-up (all four counts as one rep)
3. Jump rope:
20 sec Double Unders (only double under count for reps)
20 sec Scissors
20 sec Double Unders
4. ABS
20 sec plank knee tucks (fast pace)
20 sec bicycle
5. Jump rope:
20 sec high knees cross arm jump (after each 10 reps)
20 sec side to side jumps
20 sec high knees cross arm jump (each jump counts for a rep)
20 sec DBU-s

10min compound lift: BB static lunges

12/12 -- 9/9 -- 6/6 -- 3/3 -- 12/12
 35#       40#   45#    50#     35#
1min rest (w/ plank variations)
15 circuit:
elev dL #65 x 10
BB squat to heel raise #50 x 10
single elev glute press x 10/10
#rnds: 5 1/3

Friday, December 14, 2018


Boulder: (rest3min) 
V?1?, v0, v1, v2, v3 (promontoryL)x3
Lead: 9, 11a 
TR: 12b, 11c

Lead: 10c
kB row (single) x 8/8 ~ 5 sets
banded Superman lat pulldowns (blue) x 10

Thursday, December 13, 2018


3 mile walk
my mobility:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Auto: 8, 8
Lead: 8, 10c project *crushed*, 11a (1/2), 10d/11a (didn’t get anchors or last clip), 10c (take city!)

This was all I could manage today:(

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Fast Physique 3a

10min primer:
ZGYM JRC#16: 15/45x10:
1. Basic bounce – JR
2. Jump Lunge
3. High Knees – JR
4. Push Up to Front Kick Alt.
5. High Knees with Arm cross (every 5 reps) – JR
6. Long Jumps
7. Jump Rope Jacks
8. Donkey Kick Competition Burpees
9. Jump rope jack (1-2-3) to Double under (1-2-3) – JR
10. Sumo Squat jump (1-2-3-Jump)
10min compound:
elev dbl kB sumo squat   12 (60#)---9 (70#)---6 (80#)---3 (90#)---12(60#)
                                        50k/10d     50k/20d    50/30k   50/40k     50/dB10
1:30 active rests (plank variations) between sets
15min ciruit:
kB chair squat/heel raise x 10  #50
dB side slide lunge x 10/10  #12s
single ham curl machine x 10/10  #10
#rnds: 4 2/3

Monday, December 10, 2018


45min step
my mobility:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Fast Physique #2b

10min cardio primer:
JR/JR/burpee combo
10min compound: dB split squat

12/12 -- 9/9 -- 6/6 -- 3/3 -- 12/12
#12s      15s     20s    25s     12s
15min circuit:
dB backwards ballerina slide lunge #15s x 10/10
sngl dL #40 x 10/10
2nd position releve #60 x 10  (kB + wV)
#rnds: 4 2/3

I finally feel like this was the appropriate difficulty. No worries. It often takes a week or two to figure out exactly how to challenge yourself. Enough but not too much. Enough but not too little.

Friday, December 7, 2018


Auto: 8, 7
Lead: 8,10c project (1take last clip!)

TR: 12b project (didn’t hit anchors), 11c, 11a, 10d
Pretty f-ing happy with my climb today:D
Single kB row #40 x8/8
10/60x18 (21m)

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Auto: 8
Lead: 8,8, 10c project (1take), 11a clean!, 10c, 10a
Single kB row #40 x 8/8

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Fast Physique #2a

10m cardio primer:
zgym JRC #17:

jump lunge kick
mtn climbers
alt pistols
sumo side kick
jump lunge x 2/dyn. push up
10min compound lift:

BB dL 12 (75lsb^!)-9 (105#)-6 (#125)-3 (#145*)-12 (**105#)

*MAX w/ range of motion
**better starting weight
15min AMRAP:
dB step ups #15s x 10/10
glute BB press #65 x 10
sngl leg ext #33 x 10/10
#rnds: 4 2/3

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Fast Physique #1

Cardio Primer: ZGYM: JRC #18 (10min amrap)
1. Front / back / switch JR – 1min
2. Reverse Rock Star Burpee to Burpee Jump Tuck x 10
3. JR high knees 1 min
4. Step up / backward lunge toe touch x 10/10
5. twist left / twist right / front jump / jump jack 20 sec + DBU’s 20 sec + twist left / twist right / front jump / jump jack 20 sec (1min & 20 sec)
6. One leg elevated Plank jump switch x 40
7. Jump rope – Forward / back / switch 20 sec + high knees 20 sec + Double unders 20 sec + twis / twist / front / jump jack 20 sec + Forward / back / switch 20 sec + high knees 20 (2 min total)
10min compound lift: dB curtsey lunges
12/12 -- #12s  (rest 1:30)
9/9 -- #15s (rest 1:30)
6/6 -- #20s (rest 1:30)
3/3 -- #25s (rest 1:30)
12/12 -- #12s 
**finished 1:30 early so planked until time was up
15min circuit:
ballerina sumo squat #50 x 10
elev dL dL #50 x 10/10
surrender squat x 10/10
#rnds: 4

(no 5min burnout this month. add in jan9)

Saturday, December 1, 2018


3 mile walk
my mobility:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Friday, November 30, 2018


auto: 8,8,8
lead: 10c (1 take!)
TR: 11d, 11c, 11a
single kB row #40 x 8/8
plank 30

Thursday, November 29, 2018


3 mile walk
my mobility:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
traction 60s
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


TODAY MARKS A NEW TRAINING PERIOD!!!!! I'll keep my climbing days the same (but do this...Wed: all lead, Fri: lead + top rope) I'll be doing 3, 3mi walking/mobility days, 2 climbing, 2 fast physique leg days.

auto: 8
lead: 7x2, 10c project* (2 takes), 11a (3/4 finished), 10a, 10a, 9
sngle kB row #40 x8/8
plank (10/10/10)

Monday, November 26, 2018

12min body #16

2min warm up

12 Minute AMRAP
1. Commando jump tuck burpees x 10
2. Ab Splitters x 10
3. One leg surrender jump squat 10/10
4. Dynamic squat x15
#rnds: 2.5

Sunday, November 25, 2018

12min body #17

2min warm up
12 Minute AMRAP
1. Everest Climber (x3) to one leg push up x 10
2. Side jump over to sumo jump squat x 10
3. Knee hugs (x3) to banded lat pull Supermans (x3)  x 10
4. Jump lunge to stationary lunge jump x 10
#rnds: 2 + 4 reps

Saturday, November 24, 2018

12min body #18

1. Wall plank mountain climbers (x5) / jump squat (x3) x 4
2. Wall supported Pistol Squat / Side lunge one leg jump up (x5) x 5/5
3. Walking push up x 10
4. Seated rows w/ band (black) x 10
#rnds: 2 1/4

Friday, November 23, 2018

12min body #19

2min warm up

1. Hyper Burpee (jump tuck push up / jump tuck) x 10
2. Curtsy touch down / one leg jump x 10 / 10
3. **Banded Superman lat pulldowns  x 10
4. Ballerina Plie Squat / Sumo jump squat x 15
#rnds: 3 1/4

Thursday, November 22, 2018

12min body #20

2min warm up

~12 min AMRAP~
  1. Mountain Climber (x4) / Push Up x 5
    2. Reverse Burpee x 10
    3. Frog Jump / Side Plank Knee Tuck x 8 alt. sides
    4. Jump Lunge Knee Up x 10 alt.
    5. Sumo Heel Lift Jump Squat x 10

    #rnds: 4 1/5

    Soooooo proud of myself for finally getting a workout done while on vacation!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

LBM-1 (#10-15)/jrto30/walk3

2min warm up

Lifted Butt Mash Up WO's 10-15 #1

single elev glute bridge (black band) x 10/kB jump squat #26 x 5 ~4 sets (alt legs ea set)
side lunge dL #30 x 10/10
Squat jump fwd/back/rev squat x10 #15
kB pend. to swing x 10 #30
ball hamstring roll ins (sngl) x 10/10
time: 19:17

Monday, November 19, 2018


My forearms are still cranky as shit from Friday!!!!

Boulder: (rest3min) 9:10-9:55
V0, v0, v1, v2, v3 project - **5min rests (1st: 1/2 way, 2nd: 1/2 way, 3rd: 1/2)
Then: (3min rests)
v0 pull-ups, v1 pull-ups, v0 pull-ups 
JR20min (9:55-1015)
Autobelay: (rest5min) 10:15-1105
11a, 11a, 10b/c, 10a, 10a
one arm kB row #40 x8/8
plank30 (10/10/10)

** extra 2min of rest didn't really help :(   
(for future reference)

Sunday, November 18, 2018

LBM #5 (16-21)/JRto30

step 30 (a.m.)
2min warm up
one ft elev sumo squat on tip toes x 10/10 #50/wv
abd press w/ band x 20
dL to 1 arm deep squat x 10 alt #50/wv
trx reptiles x 10/10
back lunge pass (x 5)/1 leg dL (x5) ~ 2 sets alt legs #40
time: 19;41
10/30x16 (10:40)

Saturday, November 17, 2018

300 Rep #4/JRto30


2 min warm up

side lunge jump/knee up x 20alt
banded curtsey lunge x 10/10 (black)
cross ankle burpee x 10
single kB row #50 x 5/5
one leg elev/butt lift/reach thru abs x 15/15
pogo x 5/5
10min = 5/50x11

Friday, November 16, 2018

lone climber prog/JR20

2mi walk 4.0-4.2 treadmill 1%

Bouldering: 3min rest
v0, cave v1, v1, cave v3 (1st: 1/2 way bail, 2nd: 1 move farther then bail, 3rd: over the roof then bail, 4th: attempt 2 bail)
Pullup v0, v0, traverse no pullup, v1 cave pull-ups fail, quick rest v0 
Autobelay: 5min rest

11a,10c, 10b/c

JR20min 5/35x30

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


!!!!2098 day!!!!

Lead:7,8,10b project (faaaaaaiiiillll), 11a (takes), 10b, 9
single kB row #40 x8/8
plank 30s (10/10/10)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

walk 3mi/mobility

1598 day.
^^yesterday I went over :(((((((((((

3 mile walk
my mobility:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
traction 60s
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Monday, November 12, 2018

Fitslide #19/JRto30/cal idea

Here's my calorie idea:

  • Climbing days (2) = maintenance calories (2098)
  • All other days (5) = 1lb a week deficit (1598)

I need to get this sh!t under control. Hopefully this helps make up for the fact that I burn 1200 in 2 hours of climbing which sends me into STUFF MY FAT FACE MODE.

2min warmup

15min AMRAP:
1. One leg mountain sliders x 10/10
2. Side, front, and curtsy slide lunge x 10 alt legs #12s
3. One arm plank twister x 10 alt.
4. Side, front, and curtsy slide lunge x 10 alt legs #12s
5. Frog Slide to Slide Through x 10 alt.
6. Side, front, and curts slide lunge x 10 alt legs #12s
7. Ballerina Burpee slider x 10
#rnds: 2 1/7+
+ JRto30 (15min) 5/25x30 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

step30/BR Live 6.27.17 P1/JRto30

30min step
10/30x25 (16:40)
dB side lunge jumps #12
dB single leg DL/front lunge and curl #20 L 
dB single leg DL/front lunge and curl #20 R
BB squat/lunge fwd #40 x 20alt
ab splitters
5/20x34 (14min)

Saturday, November 10, 2018

300 Killer Reps #12/JRto30

2 min warmup

3rft (w/ ankle weights on! #2.5s):
1. Hanging Knee Raises x 10
2. Squat to Front Kick x 20 alt.
3. Bicycle x 10
4. Air Lunge / Side Kick x 10/10
5. Hanging Knee Raises x 10
6. Ballerina Plie Squat / Knee Up – L x 10
7. Ballerina Plie Squat / Knee Up – R x 10
8. Side Plank Leg Lift – L x 10
9. Side Plank Leg Lift – R x10
time: 19:28

Friday, November 9, 2018

LB Mashup #16-21 #4

walk 2 mi

bridge to abd press x 20 (black)
kB swing #40 x 20
wide leg hip raise & abd x 20 (black)
kB swing x 10/jump lunge x 10 ~ 4 sets #40
elev DL x 10 #60
one ft elev sumo squat on tip toes x 10/10 #50
time: 14:03
10/60x14 (=16min)

Thursday, November 8, 2018

3mi walk/my mobility WOD

3 mile walk
my mobility:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
traction 60s
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


auto: 7,8
lead: 10b/c new project (1 take)
TR: 11c (one fall), 11b, 10b
single kB row #40 x8/8
plank 30s (10x3)

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

3mi walk/my mobility WOD

3 mile walk
my mobility WOD:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
traction 60s
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Monday, November 5, 2018


lead: 8,7,10c project completed!,
TR: 11d project (1 fall), 11c (clean), 11b chimney FAIL 1/2 way, 11a
sngl arm kB row #40 x 8/8
plank 30 (10/10/10)

Sunday, November 4, 2018


TR: 8,9,9,10a,11d (one fall), 11d,11b,10a

Saturday, November 3, 2018

step30m/Killer Legs #11/JRto30

step 30min
killer legs #11
do along w/ video using #2.5 ankle weights:
1. Fondue Arabesque Attitude Battement x 16 / Arabesque Attitude One Leg Demi Plie Eleve x 16 / Arabesque Battement x 16 – on each leg
2. First Position Releve (x8) / Grand Plie Pulses (x8) X 4 sets on each leg
3. One Leg Curtsy to Releve / A La Sebesque Kick X 16 reps on each leg
~Cardio & Weights~
2 rounds!! (instead of one!O
1. One Leg Elevated Lunge x 10 / 10  #26
2. Jump Lunge (x2) Side Kick x 10/10
3. Deadlift to Side Step Squat x 10 (#40 & Power Band)
4. Jump Jack Squat Heel Lift x 20
time: 18:25
10/30x18 = 12min

Friday, November 2, 2018

300 Rep #3/JRto30

2 min warm up

Sumo Jump Squats x 20
1 leg pike press/jump up x 5/5
twisted climber x 10
single arm row on bar x 5/5
one leg elev glute press x 10/10
tri dip/knee raise x 10
pistol x 5/5
Rev. plank knee tucks x 10
time: 20:30
JRto30  5/35x15 = 10min

Thursday, November 1, 2018

3mi walk/mobility

3 mile walk
10min mobility video
my mobility WOD:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
traction 60s
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Lifted Butt Mash Up 16-21 #3/JRto30

2min warm up

Standing leg ext w/ band x 10/10 ~ 4 sets
kB split squat #30 x 10/10
Hip raise w/ band x 30 (black)
kB pendulum x 5/swing x 5 ~ 2 sets #30
side to side sumo squat/band #60/black x 10
laying side leg lifts (black) x 20/20

buy out: dyn. squats w/ band (black) x 50

time: 14:05

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

walk3 mi/mobility

3 mile walk
10min mobility video
my mobility WOD:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each (2 with pec stick, 2 on blox w/ assisted higher lift & hold)
traction 60s
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Monday, October 29, 2018


Lead: 8/9, 9/10a, 10c project (1 take), 
TR: 11d project (3 falls!!!gah!)
JR20min: 5/25x40
Autobelay: (rest3min)

10c, 10b, 10a-->9

sngl kB row #40 x 8/8
plank 10/r10/r10

Sunday, October 28, 2018

STEP/Killer Legs #12/JRto30

30min step

later, do:


1. One Leg Pendulum to Squat x 20 alt. #2.5s
2. Front Kick / Back Kick x 15/15  #2.5s
3. Side Step Squat Side Kick x 20 alt.  #2.5s
4. Step Up /Arabesque Bat. /Back Lunge Knee Up x 10/10  #2.5s
5. Jump Tuck / Pistol Squat x 16 alt.
6. Second Position Releve with Beast x 20 #40^^^
7. Chair Squat Heel Lift x 20  #26
8. Side Slide Lunge / Heel Lift / 4th Position Eleve x 10/10  #18
9. One Leg Elevated Lunge with Kettlebell x 15/15   #26
10. Jump Jack Squat Butt Kick x 20 alt.
time: 16:51

Saturday, October 27, 2018

step30/12min Body #4/JRto30

30min step cardio
12 Minute AMRAP
1. Squat jump jack x 20
2. Commando Push Up x 10
3. Sumo Jump Squat Leg lift x 20 alt.
4. Bird Dog x 20 alt.
#rnds: 4 + 40 reps
JR18min (to 30min)

Friday, October 26, 2018


Lone climber Prog v5

Boulder: (rest3min)
V0 not cave, v1 cave, v2 (2 attempts=crush), v3 (3 attempts- last 3 holds left!)***,v2
 Pullup to hi shoulder: (rest3min)
Autobelay: (rest5min)
10d (missed last two holds!), 10c, 10c, 10b

Perfect pace 👌🏻 
***ring finger right hurts from pockets. Avoid 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

walk 3/mobility

uuugghhh. not doing so well sticking to my nutritional goals. last night was a shit show of halloween candy. today will be better. so will tomorrow and (probably) not saturday but definitely from then on BECAUSE I DEFINITELY want to be down more by our trip to the beach at the end of NOVEMBER. >.<

I plan on remeasuring on Halloween -_-

3 mi walk
10min mobility
my mobility WOD:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each
traction 60s
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


auto: 5.8
lead 5.8, 10b (new project! 1 take), 
TR: 11d (2 falls/1assist), 11c (1 fall)
lead: 10a
kB single arm rows x 8/8  #40
plank 30sec (10 regular/10reptile L/10reptile R)
Jump rope:
10s rest/50s jump x 20 rounds = 20min

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

3mi walk/mobility

3 mi walk
10 min mobility
my mobility WOD:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each
traction 60s
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Monday, October 22, 2018

Lifted butt mash up #2 (16-21)/jrto30

2min warm up
Table top leg lifts (arabesque battlement in table top) #2.5 x 20/20
kB side lunge knee up/ side lunge jump #30 x 20alt
kB sumo to 1 leg goblet #30 x 10alt
Kneeling leglift/abd (black) x20/20
**pistols x 5/5
Band/kB side squat #50/black x10alt
Time: 18:32
Jr to 30 (11-12min)
10/60x10 (11:40)

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Inferno #11/JR20/walk 3mi

walk 3 mi
Inferno #11: 3RFT:
1. Evil Ab Slides x 8
2. One Arm KB Overhead Sit Ups x 8/8 #18
3. Pull up / Hanging Knee Raise to Jack Knife leg ext x 5
4. Legs Elevated Plank with Cross Kick / Leg Lift Push Up x 4 / 4
time: 12:43

Saturday, October 20, 2018

LIfted Butt #16-21 Mash Up (#1s)/JR to 30


squat side step x2 (band) x 10 sets alt black
band clams x 20/20 black
curtsey to *side slide lunge w/ kB x 10/10 #26
wide leg hip raise w/ abd x 20
kB swing x 20 #40
side lunge dL w/ band & kB x 10 #40
Time: 18:02
5/25x24 (12min)

Friday, October 19, 2018


The lone climber v 4.0

Bouldering: (3min rests)
v0 (not cave), v0 cave, v1, v2(failx3), v2 (failx3), v3? (Fail)
•.   pullup to hi shoulder: v0, v0,v1 (fail last 2 moves), v1 (fail 2/3 the way)
10min rest
Autobelay: (5min+ rests)
11a/10d (4/5 attempt), 10d 2/3 attempt, 10c (missed last hold), 10b (2/3), 10c

Bb row #80 x 8
Plank 30s (10reg/10 rep alt)


Thursday, October 18, 2018


3mi walk
my mobility sequence:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each
traction 60s
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Killer 300 Rep #6/JRto30

Time Challenge
1. Surfer x 10 alt. sides
2. Jump lunge / knee up / front kick x 10 alt. legs
3. Crossed ankles push up reptile knee tuck x 10 alt. legs
4. squat heel lift jump / Sumo squat heel lift jump x 10
5. Leglift/hip lift (high!) x 10
6. Superman / power (expl) push up x 10
7. Jump Tuck to pistol x 10 alt. legs
8. Reverse Plank twist knee tuck x 10 alt. legs
9. One leg Side plank lift –  L x 10
10. One leg Side plank lift –  R x 10
Time: 22:48
10/30x14 (9min)

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


3mi walk
my mobility sequence:
60 handstand
psoas lift/hold 20s x 4 each
traction 60s
then 2rounds:
60s oblique opener (2s up/1 d)
oblique leg lift x 5
t-spine opener x 5

Monday, October 15, 2018

Lo Impact Lo Body #2/JRto30

2min warm up
Power band (black):
1. Wall Sit with hip abduction pulses – 1 min 
2. Side to side squat x 20
3. Kneeling hip abductions x 20/20
Kettlebell 2r #30:
1. Figure 8 squat x 20
2. KB Swing x 20
2. Weighted curtsy lunge x 20 alt. sides
3. KB Swing x 20
Chair & sliders:
1. Ballerina plie squat / curtsy lunge / side leg lift x 10 / 10
2. Ballerina Backward slide lunge / Backward leg kick x 10/10
3. Ballerina leg circle to one leg squat x 5=10/10
Buy out: Wall Sit – 1 minute
Time: 15:05
10/20x30 = 15min

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

climb/p+pl/JR20 AND ROLL

Lead: 8,7, 10c project (4takes)
TR: 11d project (1 fall!!!)/11a back to back
1 arm trx row x 8/8
Plank30s (10/10/10)


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Lifted Butt #8/JRto30 AND 3mi

3 mile walk to warm up!
Buy in: Squat down / deadlift up x 30 reps

Workout Breakdown 

One leg bridge Ladder:
10/10 -15/15 – 20/20 (w/ band & elevated)
1. Surrender to Side Kick (x2) to Side Lunge Jump Up (x2) Ladder #10:
10/10 – 8/8 – 6/6
2. Figure 8 Squat Jumps #30 x10
One Arm KB Swing Ladder #30:
20 – 30 – 40
time: 21:04
JRto30 = 9min

Monday, October 8, 2018


It's a rough week. Time to back off a little.

A.M. Climb:
Autobelay: 6,9,8, 9+/10a,
Lead: 10a/b, 10a, 10a, 10a


Walk 3mi/mobility + my mobility WO

Sunday, October 7, 2018

300 Killer Reps #8/JRto30

2min warm up

1. Over The Box Jump x 10
2. Side Plank Leg Lift to Frog Jump x 10 alt. sides
3. Jump Jack to Sumo Jump Squat x 10
4. Plank Kick Through to Scorpion Push Pp x 10 alt. sides
5. Knee To Elbow / Straddle Sit Up x 1o alt. legs
6. One Leg Elevated Lunge x 10/10
7. Reverse Burpee to Competition Burpee (each burpee counts as 1 rep) x 10 reps total
8. Backward Lunge Step Up x 10 /10
time: 25:20
5min count down: 30hk/10x10bb:1fig8/30bb/10DBU AMRAP
1 min spinal traction
    ^^gonna start doing this every day, i think!