
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sweat Another Day

OFF TO KAUAI TO GET HITCHED TOMORROW!!!!!!! I’m not where I wanted to be but I knew going into this that taking the approach of short intense exercises sessions and trying to be better about eating had the possibility of slowing down the results that I know I could have achieved if I hit it real hard 12 weeks out. Oh well, I’m 4 lbs down and look better at least! This is not the end of the road, I will continue to perfect this technique over vacay and when I get home so that by summer I can get to where I want to be. I will also start using my bodybugg again.

The workout:

5 min jump rope

1) side lunges jumps: 1) 22/22/20/20/20/20/19/18     2) 19/19/18/17/18/17/16
8 rounds 10s/20s

2) sandbag row and clean (both rounds took 5 min 44s) - 4 min countdown

repeat all once more.

**5 min jump rope (1min high knees fast/1 min dbl foot jump)

Total workout time: 23 min 16s

Food Log:

7am - PFB

10am - cappuccino shake and 1 lg apple

1pm - 2.5 oz low sodium tuna, 1 cup plain broccoli slaw, 1 tbsp home made dressing, 15 kashi crackers

4pm - milk steamer

7pm - 1 veggie burger, 2 cup spinach, 2 tbsp home made dressing

Monday, November 29, 2010

Burpee Are Forever

Managed to squeeze in a short but intense workout today! YAY! I didn’t think I would make it! Remember it’s not the hours that you spend at the gym it’s the quality and intensity that you use for the time period that you are there!

The Workout:

5 min jump rope


12 rounds - 10s/50s

1)           One leg burpees (with lateral hop) - 7/6/5/6

2)           side burpees (alt. sides) - 9/8/7/7

3)           starburst burpees - 8/7/7/6


10s/20s - 6 rounds (3min)

10s rest

20s - assisted chin ups - 6BW/2Ast, 3BW/6Ast, 1BW/8Ast, 9Ast, 9Ast, 10 Ast

Total workout time: 20 min


7am - PFB

10am - 1 med banana, cappuccino whey shake

1pm - 1/2 of a chicken wrap, 5 organic whole grain blue chips

4pm - 1 cup milk (steamer)

7pm - 3 oz meat, salad, 2 tbsp home made dressing

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sexy Pain Train

This one was an equipment free, total body weight killer! My shins are hurting today so I’ve decided that instead of jump roping for my warm ups in Hawaii, I will do beach sprints or a jog on the sand for 5-10 min. Yes! No shoes necessary!!!!!!!!

18 rounds - 10s/30s

10 min jump rope

1)           Sumo High knees - 71/67/67

2)           reptile on the run - 39/30/28

3)           one leg squat (jump to switch feet) - 9/9/8

4)           pushup/knee tuck - 10/10/10

5)           forward/backward jump touchdowns - 16/19/17

6)           oblique burpees - 5/5/5

Total workout time: 22 min

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Medal Of Honor Abs

Late workout today but I’m proud of myself for getting it in even though I’m tired. CLick on the link to check out Zuzana’s workout!!!!!

The Workout:

15 rounds - 10s/50s

5 min jump rope


1)           Elevated leg plank hip circles - 24/16/15

2)           super star body spring - 15/13/11

3)           elbow plank up/side plank dip (L) - 8/9/8

4)           elbow plank up/side plank dip (R) - 8/9/7

5)           leaping mnt. climber - 38/33/40

Total workout time: 20 min!


7am - PFB

10am - cappuccino whey shake, 1 med apple

1pm - 2 cup turkey/veggie soup, 1/4 cup cranberry sauce

4pm - 1/3 cup pecans, 1 cup milk

7pm - 1.5 cup turkey/veggie soup

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Body Like A Carry Out


Took an ARD yesterday because the last workout really got me in the legs. I went climbing though so I did get a nice upper body workout. Did my first 5.10!


10 min jump rope


12 rounds - 10s/50s

1)           Pike press and jump up - 15/12/12/13

2)           Fwd/Bkwd lunge (R) - 9/9/8/8

3)           Fwd/Bkwd lunge (L) - 9/9/8/9

Total workout time: 22 min


7am - 2 eggs, 1/2 cup black beans, 2 tbsp salsa

10am - 1/4th cup pecans, 1 strip sirloin jerky

1pm - cappuccino whey shake, 1 med apple

4pm - veggies and hummus (A couple crackers thrown in there too)

7pm - 3 oz turkey, 1/3 cup  cranberry sauce, 1/4th cup stuffing, salad, dressing...and 3-4 glasses of wine, 1 cup spiked cider.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Slap Your Ass

This was a great workout!!!!!! I feel really SUPER today despite that my back is getting worse and worse.


10 min jump rope

16 rounds - 15s/45s

*skipping the weight lifting this week.

1)    squat down/pistol up (used jungle gym to do the pistol up because it’s too hard on my knees) - 13/13

2)    side lunge jump - 46/40

3)    JR High Knees - 91/100

4)    one leg alternating bridge - 29/28

5)    Backwards lunge kick up (L) - 21/21

6)    Backwards lunge kick up (R) - 21/20

7)    side jump squat - 22/17

8)    plank get ups - 12/13

total workout time: 26 min


7am - 1/2 banana, protein pancake

10am - cappuccino whey shake, 1 med apple

1pm - 3 oz organic ground beef 90/10, 3/4 cup broc slaw, 1 tbsp home made dressing

4pm - jerky

7pm - 10 brussel sprouts, 4 oz chicken, 1/4 cup salsa

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Butt Blaster

Went climbing on Friday with a friend I haven’t seen in FOREVER and it was great! So psyched to finally be getting back into this except for now the holidays are coming and then we’ll be away for so long that my nice little climbing schedule will be off :( 

A lot of people go to the gym and are there for hours and hours doing d-o-g knows what. This is why so many people avoid exercise. They think they don’t have the time. If you hit it super hard for 20-30 minutes you are going to get results. OR you can doodle around for 2 hours at medium intensity and waste your time and most likely your effort too. Working out is not worth doing if you’re going to sit there and watch the T.V while you’re peddling away on that bike. All this stuff about target heart rate zones, the “fat burning” zone...nonsense. You get in there, you kick your ass and you’ll reach your goals.

The Workout

10 min jump rope

Lat pulldown - 126lbs  3/10

EZ bar bicep curls - 45lbs  3/10

time: 3min 45s


18 rounds - 10s/30s

1)           elevated leg lunge jump (L) - 25/24/26

2)           elevated leg lunge jump (R) - 25/23/24

3)           elbow plank side hops - 27/27/31

4)           exploding star - 9/8/9

5)           pendulum - 30/29/32

6)           ab buster exercise - 21/23/24

12 minutes.

total workout time: 25 min 45s


7am - 2 eggs, 1/2 cup black beans, 2 WASA crackers

10am - 1 med banana, cappuccino whey shake

1pm - 1/4 cup WF granola, 1 med apple, 1 oz org bison jerky

4pm - 2.5 oz tuna, 1 cup blue berries

7pm - 1/2 acorn squash, 2.5 oz sweet potato, 2 oz jerky

13 Days until my Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A little excited? No:P

Thursday, November 18, 2010

4x Torture

4x Torture
Welcome to another one of my creations....muahhahhaaa! This was a good one. I was out of breath the whole time.
Lately I’ve been on an MSG awareness thing but there is something about this that’s a little odd. A few days ago I posted a list under which MSG hides in but it is important to remember that Monosodium Glutamate and Glutamic acid are not one in the same. Glutamic acid is a non-essential amino acid which means that our bodies manufacture this stuff every single day. Monosodium glutamate was created in a lab by a man. So now I am confused. Why should I be suspicious of glutamic acid, which indeed appears on the list? In addition I found out the calcium caseinate has a high concentration of glutamic acid in it. I guess this is the point where I should have been paying attention in Organic Chem. Whoops. Clearly more research is necessary......
In the next couple of years I am going to look at enrolling in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition so I can get the real idea here.
More good news, my body fat analyzer put me at 15.5% BF today :D My weight remains the same so this is a really really really good thing. Here’s hoping for 14% by December 4th!

The Workout:
Jump rope 5 min
Upright row - 25lb dBs  3/10
Cable tricep pressdowns 60lbs  3/10

1)           Single leg jump squats - 30 reps each leg
2)           Pullups - 10 reps
3)           Hanging knee raises - 20 reps
4)           Explosive pushups - 10 reps  (17:10s total time here)
repeat FOUR times.

Total workout time: 24min 43s

7am - 1/2 cup oats, 1 scoop biochem whey
10am - 1 med banana, 4 oz ground turkey with peas, corn and a mushroom sauce
1pm - 1 cappuccino whey shake
4pm - 2.5 oz low sodium tuna, 1 cup broccoli slaw
7pm - 4 oz chicken, 10 brussel sprouts

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Halo of Sweat

Needed a rest day yesterday since I am just getting back into climbing. My forearms burn so badly I can hardly pick things up and hold them for very long. Walking lunges with two 30 lb dBs were a nightmare on my arms today.

The Workout:

10 min Arc Trainer Hills lvl8

Walking lunges 30lb dBs - 3/10

EZ cable curls - 50lbs - 3/10

6 rounds - 10s/30s x 3

sumo jump knee ups (I did this wrong. I did double knee ups rather than single) - 7/6/7

sumo pulse with calf raise - 17/14/15

reptile on the run - 30/28/26

slow reptile pushups - 11/9/9

knee hugs - 12/8/10

reverse crunch/leglift combo - 11/11/9 (forgot how to do “Ab Burnout Exercise” so I replaced it with this)


7am - 1/2 cup oats and whey

10am - cappuccino whey shake, 1 med banana

1pm - 3 oz ground turkey, broccoli slaw, 1 tbsp home made dressing

4pm - 1 oz organic beef jerky

7pm - 2.5 oz low sodium tuna, 1.5 cup salad, 2 tbsp dressing

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kettle Bell Nightmare

Kettle bell Nightmare Workout
This is one of my very own workouts! It was definitely heart pumping but I think next time I will up the interval time because I didn’t have time to do very many reps on some. Either 10/40 or 10/50 would be perfect!
Today I’m going to meet a new friend at the climbing gym so I can get back into that!

The Workout:
5 min jump rope
BB overhead press 30lbs/30lbs/20lbs  3/10
Prone tricep kickbacks 15lb dBs  3/10

My kettlebell weighs 26lbs.
Set your gymboss timer to 6 rounds of 10s/30s. Rest on the 10s, work on the 30s.
1)           kB one arm swing (alternate) - 18/18
2)           kB clean to press (alternate) - 5/6
3)           kB pushup to row (alternate) - 6/6

Time Challenge:
kB split squats - 25 reps each leg
Burpee with reptile pushup - 15 reps

1)           kB figure 8 to upright row (alt) - 8/10 (you have to be in a wide squat position for this one)
2)           jack knives - 10/10
3)           kB one leg deadlift/pickup (alt) - 10/11

Time Challenge:
kB split squats - 25 rep each leg
Burpee with reptile pushup - 15 reps

TIme challenge time: 6 min 36s
Total workout time: 23 min 5s

7am - protein pancake (used 1/4thcup oats instead of 1/8th today) 1/4 cup blue berries
10am - 3 oz bison, 1 cup salad, 1 tbsp home made dressing
1pm - 1 med apple, cappuccino whey shake
4pm - 2 oz ground turkey, 1/4 cup raw walnuts
7pm - 2/3 cup turkey/veg mushroom bake, 10 brussel sprouts