
Monday, September 29, 2014

ZWOW #56 -- BMS!

AM: 20 min JR

2 min yoga

4/9 Legs:
back squats #60
deadlifts #60
time: 5:06

DietBet [Halloween] Challenge WO #1 
[ZWOW #56]
5/25s -- *24x
dB squat n press #20s
standing dB row 2x, plank row 2x #25s
dB jump lunge and twist to both sides #25
one leg pu/toe touch
(12min -- normally this would be a BMS but 5s isn't enough to record reps!)

total:  37min

sun eats:
10 - capp shake
230 - grnd beef & veg, broc in parm, tiny apple/a few grapes
4 - wine & fruit cocktails
6 - freemeal

Sunday, September 28, 2014

ZSHRED #41 & Carb Back Loading

Carb Back Loading
and more
Carb Back Loading
Starting tomorrow (mon) I think I'd like to experiment with this.....or at least start moving in this direction. They say its takes about 10 days of low to no carb to go ketogenic but I'm going to ease into this by first starting with the first bullet point there.
  • no carbs until dinner meal (150g max)
  • 6 out of 7 dinners should be rice, potatoes, ezekiel bread
  • one night a week carbs can be high glycemic (ice cream, donuts etc)

AM: JR/burpee tabata

2min yoga warm up

10 dB squats/calf raise to 1 push up - 5x
10 dB back lunges (alt.)/5 90 deg bent rows - 5x
1 min ROW
time: 17:04

10/20 -- 8x
chest taps
push ups

total: 41min

sat eats:
10 -- capp shake, bites of bobo bar
2 - chicken/apple stew, 2 tiny apples, salad w/ hm dressing, sliver of pizza
4 - rise bar, veggies, 2 beers
630 - ribs, coleslaw, rise bar, a few swt tato fries

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Z's 5 Min Shredder/Energy Boost Mash Up + BONUS AMRAP (by k8)

2min yoga

4/9 back:
lat pulldown #136 
one arm row #35
time: 5:34

Z's 5 Minute Ab Shredder
P1: 30/30s -- 5x

**#12wV for all***
burpee (regular pu)
crab kicks
donkey kick/jump tuck

sB dyn squats #30
ugi side lunge jumps #10
Z's Energy Boost WO 

sB glute bridge #30  - 10x
high bridge pu - 5x
time: 4:35

k8*s 5 Min Blaster
**wV for all**
jump lunge 10x
sB /wV curtsey lunge kick 10x
ab splitters  5x
ball pike/knee tuck abs 5x
#sets: 2.5

 total 19:30min

thurs eats: 
10 - wendy's frosty protein shake, grapes
230 - grnd beef, salad w/ HM dressing, 6 tiny apples, 1/3c museli in alm milk, 4 mac nuts
330 - 6 crackers & 2T pB
430 - 2 egg/2 eggwhite w/ salsa & daiya cheese, veggies
630 - freemeal

10 - cappuccino shake
130 - tuna, salad, tato in avo oil, paleo pancake bites, 6 mac nuts
330 -  rise bar, 5 tiny apples
5 - tiny burrito, carrots, 2 T nuts
7 - apple/chicken stew

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Z's Sexy Butt &Thighs, Body Bomber, Fast Shape Up w/ kB Mash-Up

Awesome nutritional video.
  • Try no carb prior to workout, then

AM: JR 20 min

PM: 2 min yoga

4/9 legs:
BB step ups #55
BB wide squat #95 (^)
time: 10:10

Z's Sexy Butt & Thighs Workout
5 min AMRAP
unilat suitcase squat (kB) #30 - 10x each
dB jump squats #15s - 10x
dB skater lunge #15s - 10x each
#2. 1/3
Z's BodyBomber 5 Minute Workout
5min AMRAP
10 dive bomber pu
10 jump squats
10 crab toe touches
#3. 2/6
Z's Fast Shape Up w/ Kettlebell
5min AMRAP:
one arm kB swing (alt) #30 - 10x
burpee - 1x
figure 8 kB squats #30 - 10x
burpee 1x
pu/kB touch 10x
burpee 1x
# sets: 3


Wed eats:
10 - Capp shake, nana
2 - tuna, salad w/ HM dressing, swt tato in coc oil, grapes
4 - protein bar, carrots/cel & pb2
7 -HM chicken soup w/ extra chicken

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sexy Butt & Abs Challenge Day 3

AM: 20 min JR/burpee tabata


2min yoga

4/9: back
Seated cable row #66
Time: 6:41

Sexy Butt & Abs Challenge Day 3
**all w/ #12 wV on!!!!!**
p1: 10/50 -- 12x
dyn squat/burpee (no pu) - 10/11
underhand inv rows - 18/17
assisted pistol (jG) L (R next round) - 10L/10R
kB 1 leg dL L #30 (R next round) - 16L/16R
fast feet 10s/touch down/jump squat - 7/7
dB standing side to side twists #10 - 38/43
p2: 10/50s -- 6x
bent lat raise/rotation/OH press #8s - 12
bent rev fly #8s - 25
bent Y raise #5s - 20
plate front raise/4 steering wheels #10 - 11
lateral raise to front raise #5s - 12
shoulder circles #0 - 80

Total: 24min

Mon eats:
10 - mint protein shake, grapes, bites granola/nana mix
2 - tuna, salad w/ HM dressing, carrots, tato in avo oil, 2pk sea snax
4 - 6 mac nuts, protein bar, veggies
6 - grnd beef, salad in HM dressing

10 - wendy's frosty protein shake, grapes, a few bites nana bread
1 - grnd beef, salad w/ HM dressing, carrots, 4 mac nuts, 1.5srv veggie chips
3 - 2egg/2whites w/ leftover skillet veggies, grapes, a shit ton of roasted seaweed, celery & pb2
615 - baked chicken, salad w/ HM dressing

Monday, September 22, 2014

Wicked Things

Annoyed. It's been almost a month of AM jump roping and I don't feel like I'm seeing any changes :( In 8 days I'll do actual measurements and see............

AM: 20min JR

2min yoga

Legs 4/9:
Bk squat #60
DB walking lunge #20s
Time: 7:11
OH Ugi Jump Lunge & Chop #10 - 10 reps
Diagonal Knee Raise - 20 reps
Side Plank Leg Lift (elbow on ugi) -  10 reps each leg
Plank Toe Touch Vertical Leap 20 reps
Pike Press & Knee Tuck 20 reps alt.legs
Leg Swing, back lunge, knee raise 20 reps alt. sides #12 wV
Time: 16:43

Total: 43min

Sun eats:
10 - bottomless mimosa's (oops), lamb burger patty, swt tato fries
3 - Capp shake, veggies, 4 tiny apples
5 - 6 mac nuts, 3 slcs Salomi, 1 cracker sliver apple pie
7 - 2egg/2white Daiya cheese, 1/4c black beans n salsa, sautéed zucchini

10 - mint chip protein shake, grapes, bites of granola/nana mix
2 - 2 egg/2white, 1/4c black beans, thin slice diaya cheese & salsa, sauteed zucchini
4 - tuna, veggies
6 - grnd beef, mixed green salad w/ HM dressing

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Z's Lifted Butt Series Workouts # 7

AM: 20 min JR
**Extra (1/2) rest day. I'm exhausted. Legs are STILL killing me.**


AM: 20 min row(1)/jr(2)/burpee(2) tabata

2 min yoga

Lifted Butt Series Workouts # 7:
Breakdown: 3 Rounds for TIME! Wear #12 wV for all!!!!!!
    •    20 Cross Sumo Squat Jumping Jax #12
    •    20 Kettlebell Swings #30
    •    20 Cross Sumo Squat Jumping Jaxs #12
    •    15 1-Leg Deadlifts (each) #35
    •    20 Cross Sumo Squat Jumping Jax #12
    •    20 kB curl to Step-Ups with Leg Extension (alt) #30

*forgot leg ext part!!!! :(((((((


fri eats:
10 - capp shake, peach
2 - chicken/leek stroganoff, tato in avo oil, carrots
4 - wendy's frosty protein shake, veggies
6 - Louisiana shrimp skillet, spinach salad, tiny apple

10 - capp shake, peach
1 - 4 tiny apples, tuna & spinach salad w/ HM dressing, swt tato in coc oil, 1 T pB & 1 T J
4 - celery & pb2, 6slcs salomi, mint protein shake
7 - 1.5 bison brats, spinach & huge salad w/ HM dressing

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Z's Tabata Training # 5

AM 20 min tabata jr/row

2 min yoga

4/9: back
Single arm inv rows
HSCTs (9each)
Time: 9:11

Tabata Training # 5:
Breakdown: 10/30 -- 6x each 
 #1: 4-Punch Jump Squat + Bendover Row Warrior (one legged) 90 deg Row #8s - 7/6/7/9/7/9
 #2: Weighted Back Jack + Plank Fly / Row #8s - 22/8/18/10/20/8
 #3: Donkey Kick / Jump Tuck + Prone Lying Dumbbell Behind the Back Pass #3 - 8/7/8/9/9/8

Total: 41min

thurs eats:
10 - capp shake, peach
2 - tuna melt (tiny chunk of diaya cheese),  swt tato in coc oil, carrots &celery w/ pb2, seasnax
430 - 2 egg/2 eggwhite w parm, veggies, 4 tiny apples
730 - chicken leek stroganoff

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Z's Kettlebell Series Workout # 5

AM: 20 min JR

3 min yoga

4/9: legs
JG pistols #12 wV
Full SB side lunges #42
Time: 12:09

Kettlebell Series Workout # 5:
breakdown: 3 Rounds
    •    20 Kettlebell Swings #30
    •    20 Sec Plank hold (full plank) bosu seesaw 
    •    20 Dead Lift #60
    •    20 Sec Plank hold full--bosu in outs
    •    10 Touch Bell Push-Up
    •    20 Sec Plank hold full -- bosu toe rocking
Time: 11:20

Total: 43min

Tues eats:
10 - Capp shake, peach, bites of granola
215 - leftover turkey&kale over spinach salad w/ vinegar, tato in avo oil, 2 sm apples, 1/2 mac bar
4 - protein rootbeer float! veggies, 1/4c nuts/seeds
615 - spinach, salsa, grnd beef, thin slice daiya cheese

10 - mint shake. peach
1 - **Freemeal**
3 - 2 eggs/2whites w/ parm, carrots
6 - can o' tuna w/ HM dressing, veggies, a bunch of tiny apples from evan's tree

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sexy Butt & Abs Challenge Day 1

Climb shelf (9 routes -- 5.7&9lead)
Climb voyager (3 routes -- no lead, TR 10.d)

AM: 20min JR

2 min yoga

4/9: back
one arm row #35
Rev fly #17.5s
time: 5:12

Sexy Butt & Abs Challenge Day 1
P1: 10/50s -- 12x
*all with weight vest on!!!* #12
bosu burpees w/ cross kick - 8/7/7
BB dL/row #60 - 9/8/7
bosu sumo squat lateral hop overs - 25/25/27
BB full clean & press #60 - 6/6/5
P2: 10/50s -- 5x. wV #12 on!
bosu crunches #12 - 15
bosu V-ins - 29
hands on bosu plank k2ch then twist - 14
elbows on bosu seasaw plank - 27
bosu supermans - 16

total: 42min

thurs eats:
10 - capp shake, peach
230 - thai ch/veg curry w/ spinach & xtra chckn, tato in avo oil, peach, 1/2 fig bar
4 - 2 egg/2white w/salsa & a bit of daiya cheese, steamed veggies
630 - turkey meatballz in veggie pasta sauce, spag squash

10 - capp shake, peach, bites of granola
1 - turkey jerky, 5 apples
3 - 1/2c nuts, carrots, sea Snax 
5 - veggies n gauc, glass o red
7 - chicken fajita salad

10 - capp shake, peach
2 - leftover spag squash w/ spinach & shroom sauce, turkey meatballz, 1/3c museli in alm milk
430 - mint/spinach shake, small apple, carrots, 1/2 larabar, 2 mac nuts
7 - buttnut squash boat w/ turkey filling

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Zshred #23

Eating better is paying off already! Down 1lb from 9/1!

AM: 20 min JR

2 min  yoga

4/9: legs
Back squat #60
DL #60 (^)
Time: 5:52

Zshred # 23: Breakdown:
3 Rounds for time!
  • 2 Minutes Rowing
  • 25 vertical Leap Jumps
  • 10 dB Curtsey Lunge to 2 Renegade push-ups (2x) #20s
  • 10 Over Head Crunch/Knees In #20
Time: 17:48

Total: 43min

Wed eats:
10 - Capp shake & peach
230 - buttnut/bean chili w/ Xtra chckn, mash tato, celery & pb2, 1 cracker, grapes
4 - 2egg/2eggwhite w/ parm, steamed veggies, apple
630 - grnd beef, spinach salad w/ HM dressing, carrots, 6 mac nuts, 1/4c kombucha

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Z's Kettlebell Series Workout #12

20min row/JR tabata 

2 min yoga

Back 4/9:
Inv row #12
Lat pulldown #132
Time: 6:12

Kettlebell Series Workout #12:
Breakdown: 1RFT
  • 3 High Pull | Snatch | OH Squat x 5 #30 (each side)
  • *60 Seconds Double under jump rope - 55
  • Clean | 3 Kneel Ups / Press + Tough Heel / Stand Up x 5 (each) #26
  • 60 Seconds Double under jump rope - 58
  • 3 Russian Twist | 3 Push-up x 10 #26
  • 60 Second Double Under jump rope - 48
time: 13:47

**CORE BONUS: 10/30s -- 6x (4min)
hand to foot ball pass - 5/6/6/6
Dip stat V/knee raises - 5/4/5/4
total: 44min

Tues eats:
10 - Capp shake, peach
230 - can tuna w/ dressing, 1/3c museli in alm milk, celery & pb2
4 - chicken/squash/bean chili w/ extra chicken, pepporoni, 8 mac nuts
7 - free meal #1 ( I had ice cream and a mac bar with dinner and now I feel TERRRRRIIIIIBLY GUILTY)


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Z's Lifted Butt Series #10

tabata JR/ROW (lvl8)
Climb Tonnere Tower in BC! (2 single pitch/1 multi=4/first 5.9 lead!)
AM: JR 20 min

3 min yoga

4/9: Legs
stationary lunges #55
sB dbl glute bridges (elev) #42
time: 6:33

Lifted Butt Series Workouts # 10: 
Breakdown: 3 rounds for TIME!
  • 10 One-Arm Kettlebell Swings (10 Each Arm) #30
  • 10 Skater Squats Each (one leg lunge back/k2g)
  • 10 One-Arm Kettlebell Swings (each)
  • 10 Burpee with Back Leg Extension 
  • 10 One-Arm Kettlebell Swings (each)
  • 10 Jump Lunge (lean forward and touch toe) #12s
TIME: 14:16

total: 41 min

10 - capp shake, peach
130 - chicken/tato/zucchini
430 - rise bar, cuke, seasnax
730 - chicken, salad, peach 

10 - capp shake, peach
130 - chicken, tato, 6 mac nuts, salad w/ HM dressing
330 - mint protein shake, veggies, raspberries
630 - thai curry, 1/2 fig bar, glass o red wine

Friday, September 5, 2014

Guns & Pistols Series Workout #2 & BODY STATS

About the same place I was in February. Womp, womp.

This proves that I really need to get my butt on track here! It irks me to think how far along I could have been by now if I had just buckled down on nutrition and extra jump roping right after I finished breast feeding.

Oh well. Now I'll know better for next time.

I do have the goal of fitting in to my tomb raider costume by Oct 31 however the ultimate goal is 123 by Jan 20, 2015!

AM: 20 min JR
4/9 back:
one arm kB row #30
seated cable row #66
time: 5:25

Guns & Pistols Series Workout # 2:
Breakdown: 15-minute AMRAP! 
  • 10L/10R Weighted Chair Pistols to Seated Shoulder Press (alt legs) #15/12s
  • 15 Ugi Sumo Jacks #10
  • 10L/10R Chair Pistols to Side Lunge and Bicep Curl (alt legs) #15/12s
  • 15 Ugi Sumo Jacks #10
  • 10L/10R Weighted Chair Pistols to Seated Reverse Fly (alt legs) #15s
  • 15 Ugi Sumo Jacks #10
 # sets: 1 4/9

total:  40min
wed eats:
10 - capp shake, peach & grapes
2 -  1/4th efl beef meatloaf, swt tato in coc oil, spinach & cuke salad w/ HM dressing
4 - wendy's frosty protein shake, grapes
7 - leftover tomato soup w/ extra tuna, 8 pcs salomi, 1/2 zucchini

10 - capp shake, peach, 1/4c granola :(
115 -  1/4th efl beef meatloaf, 1/3c museli w/ alm milk, spinach salad w/ HM dressing, 1 T pB
330 - 2eggs/2whites w/ salsa & a lil daiya cheese, veggies, 4 mac nuts
630 - buttnut black bean chili w/ chicken

Soooooo felt like drinking this evening but somehow I talked myself out of it. I should feel happy that I stuck to my goals but I really just wanted alcohol........  :-/

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

ZWOW # 109 & Muscle Genes

A few days ago I was browsing facebook when I noticed a friend of mine had just received a Muscle Genes kit. I was curious so I looked them up and found that the are a company in the UK that uses genetic testing to help streamline your fitness process. As I watched the video where they went through a few of the genes they looked at, I found that I knew where I stood already from years and years of fitness experiments. They look at things like what time of day you are more effective at working out (from experience mid-morning for me), if you are prone to high or low inflammation (DOMS) which would determine your workout frequency (low/med for me -- I rarely am sore after a workout no matter how hard I push!) and whether or not you will get better results with high rep/low weight or low rep/high weight (my magic formula: 4 sets, 9 reps). There is much more they look at but I stopped watching there because I was convinced that this was a company who was worth investing in. Even though I can answer some of those for myself already, if I had an extra $300 to drop on it, I would!

Tabata jr/row 20 min (10/20 -4x) x5

2 min yoga

4/9 legs
Bb DL #60 (^)
Sumo BB sqt #90 (^)
Time: 4;49

ZWOW # 109: 
Breakdown: 2 rounds for time!
  • 20 SB Side Step-Ups #30 L
  • 3 Pistol Squats L
  • 10 Competition Burpees
  • 10 Flying Jump Lunges #4s
  • Repeat first part on right side then:
  • 20 Plank walk Over the Chair
  • 20 Chair Kick-Ups/dips 
Time: 16min

Total 40min

Tues eats:
 10 - capp shake, peach
2 - chicken, tato in avo oil & salt, coleslaw & zucchini
4 - 2egg/2white w/ salsa & a lil daiya cheese, veggies, grapes, 6 mac nuts
6 - efl beef meat loaf/spinach strawb salad w/ vinegar, ghee 2t