
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

3RFT/tabata + jr20

 2 min warm up


Pistol x5/5

BB 1/2 burpee row (x5) #30-40 x 3 sets

Plank bd k2e x8/8

Sumo squat jump tuck x 15

Tri dip x 8

Time: 12:14


10/20x8 core

Ab splitters

kB leg lowers

Total: ~16min


Jr20min 10/60x18

Monday, March 29, 2021


 Warm up 2 min


20 archer squats

8/8 sideplank k2e

15 Superman lat pulldown blue

20 dbl kB swings #30-40

Time: 19:07


Jr20min 5/25

Sunday, March 28, 2021


 2min warm up


F/b bb lunges #30-40 x 10/10

Knee tuckx2, reptile x2, up x 10

Side lunge jumps (green) x 20

#3+20r 1st


Jr20min: 5/40

Friday, March 26, 2021


 2 min warmup



21 ball crunches dB #8

15 dip st. straight leg raises

9 ball pike roll ins

Time: 8:33



24 goblet deficit lunges #26

16 (8/8) kickstand dL #15s

8 lat burpee dB hop overs

total time: 22:10


JR20: 10/50


+ 2min pigeon on eachside

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Solo Climb/jr20/walk3/5rft1


Solo day:

Auto: 8, 8/9, 9/10a, 11d, 12a (made corner move! Then fell)

Bouldering: 4dot same>3-, 3+>3, 3+, 4+>3, 4->3+, traverse prom x 2 one side, 1 x other side, traverse left of bulge wall to right.

Auto: 10b, 10d

Jr20min: 5/35



Tuesday, March 23, 2021



Solo day:

Auto: 8/9, 9/10a, 10a, 11c, 12a/b (fell off 2nd to last move), 11b 2/3 fall—>10c, 

Bouldering: 4s, 3s, 2s, haaating the dot grading😡

Auto: 11b, 10c

Jr20: 10/20

Walk3 mi

Monday, March 22, 2021

Lifted Butt #11/walk3/jr20/uMob

 walk 3 mi

lifted butt #11

Buy in: *Elev glute press #20 x 50 

THEN 2rft:

1. One arm KB (BEAST) front squat to tippi toe wide squat (x2) x 20r 1st/10r 2nd #60
2. KB deadlift /squat down/up/down and then  jump squat x 10 sets #30
3. Jump lunge x 20
4. KB (Beast) pendulum x 40 #30
5. Jump lunge x 20
6. Standing kick back 20/20

time: 20:24


jr20 5/45



Sunday, March 21, 2021




8,8,10a, 11b 3t :(, 10b/c


11c, 11c

Friday, March 19, 2021

Iron Body WO *redux/walk 3/jr20/umob

 walk 3 mi

Iron Body:

Part1: 10/50 x 6

side lunge jumps (blue band)

dynamic sB squats #20

Part2: FT

30 reptiles (60alt)

30 kB leg lowers

30 plank knee tucks

time: 5:52

Part3: 10/30x9

plank ups

upside down inv row

jump lunges


jr20 10/50



Thursday, March 18, 2021


 Lead: 7,8,9,11b project (2t!!!), 11b (2t)

TR: 12c, 12a, 12a




Walk3 mi

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 walk 3 mi




elevated lunge backs #30sb 8-8-8-8

time: 4:36

B: 8 min AMRAP:

15 rev burpees

12 alt asst'd pistols

#r = 3

C: 4 min AMRAP

4 HR push ups

8 bent dB row #25s 

#r = 5

D: 4min AMRAP:

8 ab splitters

6/6 bird dog k2e

#r = 3


JR20 10/20

Monday, March 15, 2021

Lifted butt #10/Jr20/umob

 2 min warm up

LB #10 FT:

Buy in: Figure 8 squat x 30 #30+ wV10

1. Squat jump forward/back to Reverse Squat x 10 #15
2. Ladder – Side to side weighted quick squats #15+10wV

20 – 30 – 40

3. Weighted Skater x 10 #15
4. Ladder – one leg bridge knee tuck

10/10 –  15/15 – 20/20

Buy out: kb swing *** x 30 #40

time: 16:16


jr20: 10/45



Sunday, March 14, 2021

Cardio Shred #23/jr20/umob

 2 min warm up



  1. Over the box jump (5 risers) x 15
  2. Plank Rows (x2) to Weighted Squats (x2) x 10 #20s
  3. box jump (all risers) x 15
  4. Forward / Back Samurai Lunges x 10/10 #10dB + #10 wV
time: 22:34




umob w/ QL sqz mod

Friday, March 12, 2021


 warm up 2 min

buy in: elev sumo squats #90kb 6-6-6-6-6


12min EMOM:

5 dB thrusters #20s

7 pu hops (knee mod)

9 dB jump squats #10s

#r = 12


JR20: 10/60

Thursday, March 11, 2021


 Climb Evo:

Lead: 8,8,9/10a, 11b 3t, 10c 1t

TR: 11b 2/3s, 11b,  11c

Jr20: 5/25





Tuesday, March 9, 2021

High wireCCC/5rft1

 High wire climb CCC:


Lead 8+ clean! 

Loooooved all the climbs!!



Monday, March 8, 2021

Control & Cardio #7/walk3/JR20/Lmob

 walk 3 mi

C&C#7 FT:

#26kB + blue band

  1. One Arm Supported Push Up / Plank Row / Side Plank Leg Abductions (x10) x 5 / 5 sets
  2. Banded Jump Jack Squat / Heel Lift x 20
  3. Curtsy Knee Up / Curtsy Leg Swing x 10 / 10 sets
  4. Banded Jump Jack Squat / Heel Lift x 20
  5. Weighted Jack Knife / Side-Lying Banded Leg Abduction (x10) x 5 / 5 sets
  6. Banded Jump Jack Squat / Heel Lift x 20
  7. Banded Weighted Side Lunge Pulse / Leg Raise and Hold x 10 sets alt. legs
  8. Banded Jump Jack Squat / Heel Lift x 20
  9. Banded Weighted Hollow Straddle Pulse (x10) / Squat x 8 sets
  10. Banded Jump Jack Squat / Heel Lift x 20
time: 18:53


JR20 10/40


Lmob mash up routine from BF:

squat knee press away x 10/10

good mornings x 10/10

squat knee tap down x 10/10

wushu good mornings x 10/10

alt archer squat x 10 total

straddle leg lift overs x 20/20

forward fold pulses (block butt) x 20

pigeon on block pulses x 10/10

pigeon to kick front x 10/10

90/90 leg lifts x 10/10 (hold 10 on last one)

Sunday, March 7, 2021


 2 min warm up


turkish get ups 5/5-5/5-5/5 #18

time: 7:03

12min AMRAP:

15 elev dL #60

20 alt front lunges #15s

10/10 block asst'd leg lifts

#r = 4.33+

total time: 19:03


jr20: 5/30



Friday, March 5, 2021

300 killer reps #5/JR20

 2 min warm up

300 killer rep WO #5:


  1. Surfer x 10 alt. sides
  2. Jump lunge / knee up / front kick x 10 alt. legs
  3. Crossed ankles push up knee tuck x 10 alt. legs
  4. Chair squat heel lift jump / Sumo squat heel lift jump x 10
  5. Laying high leg lifts x 10
  6. Super woman / power push up x 10
  7. Jump Tuck to pistol x 10 alt. legs
  8. Reverse Plank twist knee tuck x 10 alt. legs
  9. One leg Side plank lift -  L x 10
  10. One leg Side plank lift -  R x 10
time: 28:09



Thursday, March 4, 2021



Lead: 8,8,9/10a, 11a project complete!!!, 11c (5 clips), 11a (asst’d)

TR:12a, 11c



Jr20 5/20


Walk 3 mi



kB row #50 x 8/8

Mod cobra R QL squeeze 30s

HSCTs x 10

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 walk 3 mi

WOD 7rft:

7 wall ball shots #10 + #10 wV 

7 (asst'd) pistols each leg 

7 box jumps (toy box)

time: 20:12


jr20: 5/35

front splits BF Lmob

Monday, March 1, 2021


 Walk 3


Jr20: 10/45x22



kb row #50 x 8/8

seated bent row/rotation #8s x 10

superman lat pulldowns blue x 10


Evo climb:

lead: 8,9,9, 11b project (1t!!!!!), 11c->10b, 10c

TR: 12a