
Monday, February 28, 2022




LB3 2rft:

1. Weighted clams x 20 / 20 #20

25 kb swings #40 

2. Weighted backward lunge lean forward to chair squat (x3) / Goblet squat (x3) alt. legs x 6 sets #30

25 kb swings 

3. Weighted in and out clams x 10/10 #20

25 kb swings 

4. Side lunge deadlift (x5) / kettlebell swing (x5) alt. x 6 sets #30

25 kb swings 

5. Sumo Squat pulses #60 x 25

time: 18:45 


JR20 10/25

🔮 February Notes/LBS


2/2: 136.2  - I know it's supposed to be just data but...   。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。

2/9: week of period -- skip lbs, it's just not worth the stress

2/16: 134.6!!!!! I know it's just back to what it was before but.... Ù©(◕‿◕。)Û¶

2/22: Forgot to take weight this last week for CD16. womp. womp.

I really don't care for monitoring my weight this much. I may go back to once a month or twice maybe CD16 and one week prior.                

This month:

  • Add another 20 min JR sesh for a total of 4, 20 min JR intervals plus adding some burpees in there
  • Began my version of the ZGYM 12 week Bikini Butt Program end of January (x2/wk) + legs like a dancer 1x/wk
  • Hyperbolic Stretching 2/16: Switched to Sara Soloman's splits program which has heavy focus on TVA strength x3/wk 
  •  1/2 cup grains with each meal. 1 cup each was making me ultra bloated and gassy. 
    • can't decide if I want to do it at dinner though...does it power my morning workout better? YES. do I feel hungrier at night? ALSO YES. fuck.
  • Calorie cycle 2/7-2/22 1833x3/1600x4 -- nope
  • While scale returned to normal 2/16, it hasn't really been moving so I'm going to try 1769 cal every day based on the minimum or "fastest cut" calculations from New Power Eating.
    • I've probably been at least 100 over most days.

Sunday, February 27, 2022


 Warm up:

  1. Chair squat / standing forward bend x 6 sets
  2. Plie in 2nd side to side bend / wide legged forward bend (straight back) / forward bend spine twist (each side) / roll your spine up x 3 sets


  1. first position releve (x3) / plie on demi pointe in parallel with knee abduction (x3) / arabesque pulse (x8) X 6 sets alt. legs
  2. Develope to the front - tendu to 2nd position plie on demi pointe x 8/ Passe to front and back in 4th position on demi point with plie x 8 / releve in 1st position - tendu to the front - battement into arabesque x 8 X on each leg
  3. Table top 1st position coupe plie to attitude x 8 / table top attitude pulse /arabesque pulse x 8 X  on each leg
  4. 2nd position plie on demi pointe / 2nd position battement in attitude to the side X 16 / plie in 1st x 16 X on each leg
  5. Tendu - degage - battement (to the front ) - releve in 1st X 8 on each leg
    • leg stretch (calves, quads, hips, hamstrings)

Mat work with power band:

  1. Side leg lifts x 32/32
  2. Hip raise with abduction x 32
  3. Quarter leg lifts x 32/32


  1. One legged seated forward bend on each leg
  2. Seated forward bend
  3. Kneeling hip flexor stretch on each leg
  4. Wide legged seated forward bend
  5. Pigeon pose on each leg
  6. Downward dog
  7. Laying hip opener on each leg
  8. Laying spine release

walk 2

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Rest: wd2/TVA



Plank w/ thigh squeeze on block 1min x2


Thigh squeeze hollow hold 45s/ Lsit prep 30s

Friday, February 25, 2022

climb g1/walk2

 Really sucking at climbing at this weight. I wish that was more motivating BUT I'm constantly tired and worn out and feeling shitty so instead it's not motivated me at all :(

L: 6up&down, 8, 7, 11b (to third to last clip), 11a(1/2)-->10b

TR: 11a, 11b



Thursday, February 24, 2022


 2 min warm up

LB8 3rft ladder:

Buy in: Squat down / deadlift up x 30 reps #20dB

One leg *elev glute press #20

1. Surrender to Side Kick (x2) to Side Lunge Jump Up (x2) #10wV
10/10 - 7/7 - 4/4

2. Figure 8 Squat Jumps #40 x10
One Arm KB Swing #40 Ladder:
20 - 30 - 40





jr20 10/60



Wednesday, February 23, 2022

BD2/5rft1/jr20/rev ok 5x20

 Warm up 2 min

BD2 12amrap:

  1. 1. DB front raise deadlift / DB squat and press 5 / 5 #20
  2. Pull up #18 kB x1
  3. 2. Legs elevated Push up (on swiss ball) x 5
    Pull up #18 kB x1
  4. 3. Criss Cross hanging Knee Raises x 10
    Pull up #18 kB x1
  5. 4. *windmill #26 x 5/5
    Pull up #18 kB x1
Jr20 5/30
Rev plank holds 5x20

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Monday, February 21, 2022


 2 min warm up

LB`18 2rft:

1. Side Lunge Dead lift with power band x 10 green/#40
2. Kneeling heel lift /hip abduction  with power band x 10/10 green
3. Side to side sumo squat with power band x 10 green/#40
4. Kettlebell swing (x 10) + Jump Lunge (x 10) x 4 sets #50

+ Burn Out:
10 x Side to Side Sumo Squat with the Beast / 10 x Side to side squat with power band x 5 sets total #50 + green band

time: 15:31


tabata assisted pistols alt ea round (5 reps each round)




JR20 5/45x24



Saturday, February 19, 2022

*rest: walk2/TVA



Seated T-Spine: (squeeze yoga block between thighs) x 4 week

T-spine flexion x 10

T-spine extension x 10

T-spine rotation x 10/10

T-spine lat flexion x 10/10

TVA exercise: x 4 week 

  • Block plank 1 min (squeeze yoga block between thighs/push away from floor) ~ 2 SETS

Then superset:

  • Set point exercise 45s (hollow rock - squeeze knees together) ~ 5 SETS

  • L-sit prep on yoga blocks (hips back/sqz thighs - knees bent is ok) 30s ~ 5 SETS

Diaphragmatic breaths x 5

  • Inhale through nose into belly and sides

  • Activate PF and exhale through nose

Friday, February 18, 2022

LB4/JR20/RPl 5x20/wd2

 2 min warm up

2rft: 20min AMRAP

1. Weighted Heel Lifted Squats 20/20 Suitcase squat #50 x 10/10
2. Figure 8 squats x 10 #50
3. Hydrants with leg extension 10/10 #2.5s
4. Figure 8 squats x 10 #50
5. Skaters x 20
6. Figure 8 squats x 10 #50 
7. Side lunge knee up to curtsy lunge knee up #15db x 10/10
8. Figure 8  squats x 10 #50

R = 2 5/8


jr20 5/25


Rev plank 5x20s holds



Thursday, February 17, 2022

G1 climb/5rft1

L: 8,8,10a,11c-->10d, 11a (mess)

TR: 11d (mess) 




Wednesday, February 16, 2022

🔺Rest-ish: walk2/jr20/TVA

Program change! I’ve realized that none the mobility I’m doing is working and that I need to revisit and strengthen the crap out of my TVA so I bought Sara Solomon’s split program to do that. My goal is to do it 4x a week.



Jr20 10/20


T-spine mob and TVA exercises from SS’s split program unit 1

Diaphragmatic breaths x 5

  • Inhale through nose into belly and sides

  • Activate PF and exhale through nose

Seated T-Spine: (squeeze yoga block between thighs) x 4 week

T-spine flexion x 10

T-spine extension x 10

T-spine rotation x 10/10

T-spine lat flexion x 10/10

TVA exercise: x 4 week 

  • Block plank 1 min (squeeze yoga block between thighs/push away from floor) ~ 2 SETS

  • Set point exercise 45s (hollow rock - squeeze knees together) ~ 5 SETS

  • L-sit prep on yoga blocks (hips back/sqz thighs - knees bent is ok) 20s ~ 5 SETS

  ^ don’t move to unit 2 until can hold 30s x 5!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

climb g1/wd2/5rft2

 L: 7,8,10a, 10d clean, 11a clean

TR: 11d (1 fall at the top), lead 9 to put up TR on 11c, 11c, 11d


walk 2



Monday, February 14, 2022



LB15 2rft:

1. Bridge #30 x 10 to KB jump squats #30 x 5 x 5 sets
2. One arm swing alt. x 20 #40
3. wV elev surrender squat x 6/6 #10
4. Side step low squat 3x3 x 6 #50+10
5. KB Swing x 15 #50
6. Low Squat (x 3 on the blocks) to deadlift (x3 on the blocks) x 6 #50
7. Squat pass under backward lunge #40 x 10 alt.

time: 17:54


3min core amarp

side plank front kick x2/side V up #2.5s x 4/4

wV+ankle weight knee hugs x 10

r = 2


jr20 5/30



Sunday, February 13, 2022


 2 min warm up

15min Fat burn #4 (+5)


  1. Forward / back jump squat burpee
  2. Forward/back lunge to front kick to jump lunge
  3. Everest Climber (x3) to Scorpio Push up
  4. Side Burpee to rock star jump
  5. Side Jump Lunge (x3) to Double front kick
  6. One arm press up alt.
  7. Side crunch to V-Up alt.
  8. Roll back to Pistol alt.
  9. Plank Jack to Commando Push up alt.
  10. Donkey Kick to Ninja Jump Up
  11. Sumo Squats (x3) jump tuck
  12. Donkey Kick to Dive Bomber Push up
  13. Bird Dog
  14. Squat Jump to low lunge touch down alt.
  15. Curtsy Lunge Sidekick to Squat Jump Alt.

JR20: 10/45x22


walk dog 2

Friday, February 11, 2022


 walk dog 2 mi

LB17 - 3RFT:

  1. 30 reps - Wide Legged Hip raises with power band (green)
  2. 20 reps - Kettlebell swing with the beast #50
  3. 20/20 reps - Laying side leg lifts with power band (green)
  4. 20 reps - Kettlebell Swing with the beast #50
  5. 10/10 reps - Clams  SNGL ELV GLUTE PRESS! #20
  6. 20 reps - Kettlebell Swing with the beast #50


5;40 amrap core:
ab splitters x 6 #2.5s
5 scissors/knee hug x 4 sets #2.5s
plank cross leg slider unders x 8/8 #2.5s
#r = 2.33


Jr20 10/55



Thursday, February 10, 2022

Climb g1

 L: 8,9,10a,11b (2t didn’t finish to anchors), 10c, 11a

Tr: 11d (new proj?), 11b 

Rev plank 20x5

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

climb g1/walk2/5rft1

 L: 8,9,10b,11a,11a (both clean!!)

TR: 12a, 11c





Monday, February 7, 2022

LB#6/jr20/wd2/HB 16mob

2 min warm up

25kb swings #50

1. One Leg Deadlift to heel lifted squat x10 /10 #15s
2. KB Suitcase squat x10 right side #40
3. One arm KB swing alt. x 30 #40
4. KB Suitcase squat x10 left side #40

25kb swings #50 

Mat work:
Leg extension to heel raise x 30/30
Hip raises (short) x 30 elev #15s
One Leg hip raise x 10/10 elev #15s
Clam (open and extend) x 20/20 #15

25kb swings #50 

5. Backward Lunge to heel lifted squat x 10/10 #15s
6. KB Suitcase squat x10 right side #40
7. One arm KB swing alt. x 30 #40
8. KB Suitcase squat x10 left side #40

25kb swings #50 

Buy out: Side to side air squats x 50

time: 19:50

+ 4:30 core amrap:

side plank knee tuck #2.5s x8/8

1 leg ball mtn climber #2.5s x 8/8

dip station sngl leg lifts #2.5s x 12

r = 2.66


JR20: 10/30


HB lvl3 16mob


Sunday, February 6, 2022


 * still too many words. follow along with video!


Warm up:

  1. 8 reps - Rounded back squat arm swing / side step half lunge - ALT. sides
  2. 8 reps - Table top walk in place feet together - ALT.
  3. 8 reps - Table top cat-cow
  4. 3 reps - Standing forward bend

Barre Workout:

  1. 16 reps - (8) Demi plie 1st / (8) 2nd releve - 2 sets
  2. 192 reps - (16) Ballet lunge pulse / (16) Battement the back leg to a la second / (16) Releve in1st - (L x48)(R x48) - 2 sets
  3. 128 reps - (16) Arabesque battement in table top (front knee bent) / (16) Arabesque pulses in table top - (L x32)(R x32) - 2 sets
  4. 128 reps - (8) Plie a la sebesque (leg back) / (8) Releve a la sebesque / (16) a la sebesque pulses - (L x32)(R x32) - 2 sets


  1. 64 reps - Floor stag position - (16) attitude lifts / (16) front and back attitude - (L x32)(R x32)
  2. 40 reps - Inner thigh lift (L x20)(R x20)
  3. 10 reps - Demi-point Bridge to Extended bridge


  1. One legged seated forward bend - each leg
  2. Seated forward bend
  3. Kneeling hip flexor stretch - each leg
  4. Wide legged seated forward bend
  5. Pigeon pose - each leg
  6. Downward dog
  7. Laying hip opener - each leg

JR20: 10/50



Thursday, February 3, 2022



Bodyweight = 1rft

1. Side to side double squats x40
2. Side to side dynamic squats x40
3. Backward lunge knee up x 40/40
4. Narrow Squat jump Leg Lift x 40

Dumbbells #12s = 23rft* 

5. Reverse squat x20
6. Sumo Squat (x2) to Curtsy lunge x 10 alt.
7. Low Side Lunge x 20 alt.
8. Stationary Backward lunge with Leg lift 20 alt.

Kettlebell #30 = 2rft*
9.  One Leg Deadlift 10/10
10. One Arm KB Swing x 20 alt.
11. *Goblet Squat x 10
time: 21:48


jr20: 10/40x24


walk dog 2

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

*rest-ish: jr20/HB 16mob

 ** too much f - ing snow to walk the dog today :(((((((((((

JR20: 10/35x27


hyperbolic lvl 3 week1 (same as lvl 2 womp womp) front splits & middle splits

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 walk dog 2

LB16: 2rft:

Power Band Set:
1. Squat side steps (x2)  with a power band x 10 sets alt. sides green
2. Squat side step with a power band and KB x 10 alt. sides #40/green
3. Standing leg extensions with power band x 10 / 10 x 4 green
4. Bridge to Abductor Press x 20 + Abductor Press at the top x 20 green

5. Sumo Squat with the Beast x 10 #70
6. Side lunge deadlift to single leg heel raise with the Beast x 10/10 #40
7. Pendulum to Swing 10 reps #40
8. Backward lunge pass under (x5) to  One leg deadlift (x5) x 2 sets alt. legs #40

time: 17:57


3 amrap core:

T2B x 6

seated leg lift up to block, other up to block/tap together then down x 10

R = 2.5


JR20 10/60x18

