
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jump Roping & Big Sky

QUADS ON FIRE!!!!! Yes! This is something I RARELY got from traditional body building workouts. Wearing the weight vest while I’m Bodyrocking has really enabled me to push my legs far, far beyond anything. Not to mention my quads are way bigger than when I was doing standard weight workouts!
My goal for this trip is to REALLY stay on track with my clean eating. Half of my suit case (not joking) is food that I’m bringing with to help ensure that I have clean food available to me at all times. That’s the biggest hurdle. My family tends to mess me up with all the wine, cheese, pasta (and other dinners that I’d rather avoid) desserts, and snack food. I’m sticking to my guns this time. I did decide on one glass of wine...MAYBE. Since Kauai, I haven’t really had much of anything to drink. Not interested.
Anyway, thought I’d sneak in one last jump rope in since I’ll be doing a lot of sitting the rest of the day. Ha ha...this is really hilarious because my legs hurt SOOO bad.

+ Jump rope intervals 10s/40s -- 24 rounds

Friday, February 25, 2011

Drag Me To Hell


One day I’m going to make a t-shirt out of that...

I’m going to be wearing my Bodybugg the whole time I’m riding Big Sky because I’ve always wanted to know how many calories snowboarding burns. I will let you know what I find out! ^_^ V

P.S - sooo done with the pistol squats. they are wrecking the crap out of my knees.

5 min yoga warm up
Prisoner Squat/knee tuck (2)(12lb weight vest) - 20 reps
Chin ups (12lb weight vest) - 5 reps

# of sets completed: 11 1/3

5 min countdown - do as many sets as possible!

Pike jump overs - 20 reps
Jump lunges - 20 reps

# sets completed: 8.5

That really truly was the tenth level of hell :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Peak Fitness

My hamstrings were in the tenth level of EXCRUCIATING yesterday so I decided to just walk the dog and take it easy. They still are very stiff and uncomfortable today but I must forge ahead!

Just a few more days until BIG SKY!!!!!!! :D


Go for max reps of these combo exercises!

5 min yoga warm up

5 min countdown:
10 BB plank knee tucks/1 row (30lbs) - 15 reps (ab killer!)

5 min countdown:
exploding star/lateral jump/side lunge - 45 reps

5 min countdown:
10 kick ups/breakdance pushup - 20 reps (hardest exercise!)

5 min countdown:
jG inverted row/jG assisted pistol (one on each leg) - 19.5 reps (don’t use again)

2 sets 38 reps each leg of anterior tibialis band pulls (forgot to do them last week, now my shins hurt again)

+  20 min jump rope intervals (5s/35s -- 30 rounds)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sexiest Abs

Did you know that aside from water you are mostly made of protein? This is why you want to eat a diet high in complete proteins! (By complete proteins I am referring anything that had a face.) Not just because it has a high Thermic Effect (meaning it wastes a lot of calories just during digestion) but also because it extends the gastric emptying time of carbs. The longer gastric emptying time, the less energy will be stored as fat. Like I’ve said before, NEVER eat a carb with out protein!

That said, it is waaaay easier to reach for some snack bar or fruit, nuts or whatever carb, this I know very well. I over do it on the nuts and nut butters all the time. Canned and packet tuna have been life savers! Even organic jerky. Though a little high in sodium it doesn't matter too much if it is otherwise lacking in your diet as it is in mine. I average between 900mg-1200mg any given day. The high end of consumption is 2500mg/day but if you want a flat stomach you've got to keep it at least under 1500mg/day.

Getting back to protein, the other important thing is that you stock up your freezer so its always available to you. Then you can spend your weekends or any free time you have cooking a big batch of it to munch on for the rest of the week when you are at work or busy. My favorite thing to do is put some water and a little chicken broth in the crock pot and put a bunch of chicken breasts in there all day long. Unlike boiling, the chicken doesn't get rubbery and instead has a wonderful moist and tender texture to it that you can throw on top of a salad or mix up with some dijon mustard and put on top of some whole grain bread (my preference is ezekiel bread).

Happy protein-ation!


5 min yoga warm up

10s/20s -- 36 rounds (18 min)

1)   Side Lunge Jump – 20/20/17
2. Shouldering Sandbag – 6/5/6
3. Single Leg (Alternating) Touchdowns – 16/16/15
4. Dive Bomber – 6/7/8
5. Side Lunge Jump – 21/21/18
6. Sandbag Clean – 6/6/6
7. Single Leg (Alternating) Touchdowns – 15/16/15
8. Pike Jump Overs – 18/24/23
9. Side Lunge Jump – 21/19/16
10. Sandbag Sit Up – 5/6/7
11. Single Leg (Alternating) Touchdowns – 16/15/15
1)       Slide Under with Sandbag – 8/10/10

***AAAHHH! The hamstrings!!!!

+  20 min jump rope intervals (10s/30s - 30 rounds)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sizzlin' Summer Bod

No climbing today :( My climbing partner is skiing Wolf Creek right now and having an awesome time no doubt! That’s ok because this coming weekend we are flying up to Big Sky, MT for a few days of riding ourselves :D  Time to get packing!!!! (Ha ha ha that was a joke because those of you who REALLY know me know that I have been completely packed for two weeks now.)
Lats and biceps are really sore from doing negative pull ups yesterday! But I put together a brutally AWESOME workout for today anyway...

5 min yoga warm up
pendulum lunge and press (10lb dBs) - 25 on each leg
sB ninja jump/pickup - 26 reps
1-2-3 pushups - 50 reps
sprinter abs - 50 reps
jump squats (12lb weight vest) - 50 reps total
one arm (kneeling) pushups - 50 reps alternating each arm
jG reverse fly - 25 reps

Completed in: 20 min 57s

1)   20 min jump rope intervals (5s/30s -- 35 rounds)
Yesterday’s Food Log:
8am - cappuccino shake and small banana
1130am - spiced ground turkey, 1/2 cup cooked brown rice, 1/4 cup dried cherries
2pm - Spinach egg mug (1 whole, 3 whites), 1/2 large sweet potato, 1 tbsp almond butter
330pm - 1 WASA cracker, 1 tbsp almond butter
5pm - 1 luna protein bar (defies the 20% rule, I know but it totally fixed my cravings for all sorts of WORSE things.)
8pm - spiced ground turkey, salad, vinegar dressing, small slice sharp cheddar

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hard Core Abs

To a lot of people this doesn’t look like a hard core abs workout what-so-ever! But I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong! Don’t get sucked into the belief that the only thing you can do for abs is crunches and exercises specifically targeting the abs. While those do help with hypertrophy(which is great if you want wash your clothes on ‘em) and core strength (good for posture and injury prevention), standard abs exercises do NOTHING for the fat that’s covering them up.
I know several fitness professionals who never do a single abs exercise and still have a great six pack and that’s because they’re doing everything BUT abs...they are eating clean, avoiding alcohol (not just because alcohol is 7 calories per gram but also because alcohol is estrogen promoting which slows down metabolism and makes you store your food as fat rather than burning it off for energy), training intensely and making sure they get a good night’s rest. Estrogen is why women store more fat than men. IT IS THE BANE OF OUR EXISTENCE! IMO...of course...
5 min yoga warm up
10s/20s - 8 rounds - half burpee reptiles - 12/10/9/8/9/8/8/9
5 count star pushups - 10 reps
5 count down pull ups - 10 reps
10s/20s - 8 rounds - leg lift/toe touch - 5/5/5/5/4/4/5/4
5 count star pushups - 10 reps
5 count down pull ups - 10 reps
10s/20s - 8 rounds - 1/2 squat/leg lift (12lb weight vest) - 11/11/9/9/9/9/9/9
5 count star pushups - 10 reps
5 count down pull ups - 10 reps
10s/20s - 8 rounds - santana zuzana plank - L12/R12/L12/R12/L13/R13/L12/R13
Total workout time: 23min 4s
+ 20 min jump rope intervals (5s/25s - 40 rounds)

Yesterday’s Food Log:
8 am - cappuccino protein shake and a banana (combining them in the blender yesterday was a BAAAAD idea)
12 pm - 1 can tuna, dijon mustard, 1 apple
1 pm - 1 kind bar
4 pm - 1/4 cup sunflower/pumpkin seeds, 1 oz turkey jerky,  2 tbsp craisins
6 pm - salad, blackened salmon, 2 tsp vinegarette dressing
10pm - 1 wasa cracker, 1 tsp almond butter
About 25 grams of fat over where I usually shoot for!    :(   I need to come up with a back up protein source so I can just grab that instead of nuts or nut butter when I need a little something extra. Did you know that consuming protein by itself raises the metabolism by 25%! (Fat and carbs only raise it 5%.) This is called the THERMIC EFFECT OF FOOD.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Aubrie's Thanksgiving Day Workout

You’ll notice I post quite a few inspiration pictures. I also have them hanging up on the pantry, on the fridge and on my bathroom mirror to affirm my goals every second of every day. I have always suffered from not being able to envision my results and therefore giving  up (nutritionally) before I even gave myself time to reach them so this really helps keep me more focused and committed.  TRY IT!


5 min yoga warm up

sB swing (30lbs) - 10 reps
burpees - 10 reps
jump squats - 10 reps
pushups - 10 reps
kB squat to curl and press (17.5lbs) - 10 reps each side

Do Exercises in a pyramid order:

sB Swings
sB Swings, Burpees
sB Swings, Burpees, Jump Squat
sB Swings, Burpees, Jump Squat, Push Ups
sB Swings, Burpees, Jump Squat, Push Ups, Squat Curl & Press
Squat, Curl & Press
Squat, Curl & Press, Pushups
Squat, Curl & Press, Pushups, Jump Squat
Squat, Curl & Press, Pushups, Jump Squat, Burpees
Squat, Curl & Press, Pushups, Jump Squat, Burpees, sB Swings

Completed in: 19min 32s

This was a great one and really got my heart rate up although I added the reverse order pyramid because I wanted a longer more challenging workout. I don’t think that was in the original game plan. Thanks Aubrie!

Yesterday’s Food Log:

7am - banana cappuccino protein shake
10am - 1 slice ezekiel bread, shredded chicken, dijon mustard, 2 tbsp raisins
2pm - spinach dijon egg mug (1 whole, 3 whites), 1/4 cup walnuts
430pm - kind bar, 1 cup wheat goldfish
730pm - chicken, salad, vinegar

Stupid goldfish! I just ruined a fantastic day of eating  :(  Tomorrow will be better because I am fantastic and I will do this. (Pat yourself on the back often, it really REALLY helps.)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Weights Wk3

Unfortunately my interval run on Wednesday took a toll on my back so I had to let it rest yesterday. That is precisely why I stopped running the first place! :(  The good news is my legs were hardly sore at all and usually I can’t walk at all the day after that first day back. All this cross training has really made me prepared to take on ANYTHING. I noticed it snowboarding the first time this season too. Now if I could just get a new back...
ON TO THE WEIGHT WORKOUT! Keep in mind that my body and your body might need totally different workout schedules. For instance, I am a rare mesomorph so my body has always been muscular and athletic workout or not. My body prefers muscle and therefore I put it on quickly and maintain it with very little effort. Most women are NOT like this and require more weight training days in order to both build and maintain their muscle.
Maintaining an increased level of lean body mass is the key to staying fit and lean for LIFE.
Weights Workout Week 3:
3 sets/12 reps
Smith wide squat - +55 lbs each side
Cable row - 60lbs
inclined bench dB curl - 20 (1.5 sets)/15lbs (1.5 sets)
3 sets/12 reps
walking lunges - 30lbs
reverse dB fly - 20lbs
rope bicep curls - 55lbs
2 sets/38 reps anterior tibialis pulls with resistance band (a little bit of shin splint MAGIC)
+ 20 min jump rope intervals (10s/20s -- 40 rounds)

Thursday's Food Log:
7am - pina colada protein shake
10am - chicken, dijon mustard, 1 slice ezekiel bread
1pm - 1 can tuna, broccoli slaw salad, vinegar, 1 WASA cracker, 1/2 almond butter protein ball
230pm - 1/3 cup mixed nuts
5pm - 1 oz turkey jerky
7pm - 1/2 cup leftover curried chicken with peas, other 1/2 almond butter protein ball

Wednesday's Food Log:
7am - pina colada protein shake
10am - chicken, dijon mustard, 1 slice ezekiel bread
130pm - tuna, broccoli slaw salad, vinegar, 1/4 cup raisins,
230pm - 4 WASA crackers, 1 tbsp almond butter
4pm -  1/4 cup mac nuts
7pm - 1 cup curried chicken with peas, 1/4 cup brown rice
I know that I’m overdoing it with the nuts again...they’re just so delicious! I’ve really got to keep it limited to 1/4 cup of nuts OR 2 tbsp nut butter and not both in one day.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Take My Breath Away

I started my CFNS certification the other day and even though I’m only 40 pages into the text book I’ve already confirmed ALL of my standing beliefs about food digestion and consumption. I tend to have REALLY strong gut feelings about things when it comes to the human body and oddly enough they’ve always turned out to be true. For instance, NEVER eat a carb without a protein. The longer you can delay gastric emptying time the less food energy gets stored as fat.  Carbs are typically out of the stomach in under an hour which is why you will feel hungry pretty soon after an all carb meal or binge.

Enjoy today’s workout!


5 min yoga warm up

Set timer for 4 min countdown:
commando pushup/plank side jumps
Completed 14 sets

10s/40s -- 6 rounds:
tricep dip/wide leg knee crunch - 12
side step ups L - 20
side step ups R -20
inverted row - 26
1 jump forward/2back - 14
inverted row - 25

4 min countdown:
Full squat - 20 reps
1/2 squat - 20 reps
Air chair - 20 reps
Completed: 2 3/4 sets

10s/40s -- 6 rounds:
tricep dip/wide leg knee crunch - 12
side step ups L - 18
side step ups R - 18
inverted row - 25
1 jump forward/2back - 14
inverted row - 24

4 min count down:
commando pushup/10 mnt runners
Completed 12 sets

+ 20 min HIIT on treadmill (1:30 - 4.5 mph/30s - 10.3mph) * Just wanted to mix it up a little bit:)

Yesterday’s Food Log:

7am - pineapple protein shake (this was gross and needs other fruit to make it better)
1030 am - chicken with 2 tbsp home made black bean dip, 1 med apple
230 pm - bison, salad, vinegar, 1 WASA cracker, 2 tbsp raisins
330 pm - 1/3 cup mac nuts
530pm - 1 oz turkey jerky
7 pm - broccoli slaw salad, leftover salsa chicken, vinegar

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Burpee Fusion

I’m so proud of myself! We went out to the comedy club and then to a bar afterwards and I had 2 very small sips of wine the whole night! It’s usually the social gatherings that I fall apart so I try to avoid them but I have now proven to myself that I really hold my goals higher than any social pressures to eat/drink.  :) This is a major milestone for me.

Monday was my climbing day so I did that as well as jump rope intervals (5s/55s -- 20 rounds) for 20 min.

5 min yoga warmup
sB swing - 10 reps
Burpees - 11 reps
sB swing - 10 reps
Burpees - 102reps
sB swing - 10 reps
Burpees - 13 reps
sB swing - 10 reps
Burpees - 14 reps
sB swing - 10 reps
Burpees - 15 reps
sB swing - 10 reps
Burpees - 16 reps
sB swing - 10 reps
Burpees - 17 reps
sB swing - 10 reps
Burpees - 18 reps
sB swing - 10 reps
Burpees - 19 reps
sB swing - 10 reps
Burpees - 20 reps
Completed in: 20 min 4ss
This was an absolute killer! I’m glad I talked myself into doing it because I am very sore from climbing yesterday and was feeling cranky/tired but NOW I FEEL AMAZING! :D

Monday’s Food Log:
7am - cranberry/orange protein shake (made with REAL fruit only)
1030am - chicken, 3 tbsp home made black bean dip, 2 slices pineapple, 1/4 cup raisins
230pm - 1 can tuna, broccoli slaw salad, vinegar, 2 tbsp slivered almonds
4pm - 1 tbsp almond butter, 1/2 honey stinger protein bar
7pm - seasoned ground bison with chopped bell pepper, corn and 12 blue corn tortilla chips

Sunday’s Food Log:
9am - pina colada protein shake
1230pm - leftover turkey/veggie goulash, 1/2 cup wheat egg noodles
3pm - Egg Mug Florentine (1 whole egg, 3 whites), 1/3rd of an elev8 me bar
5pm - 1 oz turkey jerky, 1/4 cup almonds
730pm - baked salsa chicken, salad, vinegar for dressing

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Six Pack Chiseler

Yes, it’s on its way.

Six Pack Chiseler Workout

kB swing - 50 reps
kB plank row (alt.) - 40
knee hugs - 40
kB swing - 50 reps
kB burpee/high pull - 20 each arm
Reverse crunch/leglift - 40
kB swing - 50 reps
1/2 TGU R 12lb - 10 each arm
Plank pushup/bicep curls 12lbs. (alt.) - 20 reps
kB swing - 50 reps

Time completed in: 20 min 10s

BRUTAL! Especially on upper body and cardio.

Yesterday’s Food Log:

8am - strawberry - banana protein shake
1045am - 1 orange
1130am - leftover turkey/veggie goulash
1230 - 2 WASA crackers, small handful walnuts
3 pm - 1 can tuna, salad, vinegar
430pm - 1 tbsp almond butter
6pm - 1 oz turkey jerky
830pm - blackened mahi,  steamed brocolli