
Saturday, February 27, 2021

black diamond #4/walk3/jr20

 walk 3 mi

black diamond #4

Buy in:

  • Pass the ball x 20 - it will warm up your shoulders, hips and abs.


15min AMRAP

  1. Dip Station Knee raises x 8 #10
  2. Ball Pike to opp k2e x 6
  3. Dip Station Leg Raises x 5
  4. Man makers x 5 #20s
  5. Pull Ups  x 3
  6. Leg Lift to weighted criss-cross crunch x 10 (swiss ball)
#r = 3

Buy out: 

  • elbow plank up  x 20 (swiss ball)
total time = 17:40


JR20: 5/25

Friday, February 26, 2021

WOD10>1 FT/step 20/umob

 2 min warm up

10–>1 FT:

Split squats #15s 

Box jumps (bench)

K2e (hanging)


Time: 22:45


Step 20min 15/45



Thursday, February 25, 2021

Cardio shred #51/jr20

 2 min warm up

Cardio shred #51:


Jump tuck/pistol x 10 alt

Chin up/pu #10wv x 5

30s DBUs

kB swing #40 x 20

Time: 14:23


Jr20min 5/55x20

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Monday, February 22, 2021

Exercise challenge/walk3/umob

 walk 3 mi


exercise challenge: 40min Count Down

3 min JR

block straddle leg lift overs (in + out = 2r) x 10

toe touch crunch to V leg/V arm (=1r) x 10

seated block boat twist bicycles x 20

#r = 7 + 1/2 a JR


uMob KD BF

Sunday, February 21, 2021

lifted butt #8/jr20/Lmob

 2 min warm up

Lifted butt #8:

buy in: squat down, dL up #15 dB x 30

Ladder FT:

sngl leg elev: 10/10-15/15-20/20

surrender squat/side kck (x2)/ jump lunge (x2) ~ 10/10-8/8-6/6 #15/10

Figure 8 jump squats #30 x 10-10-10

1 arm kb swing alt #30 x 20-30-40

time: 24:41


JR20 10/30x30


Lmob floor hip mobility from mobility method docjenfit 10min

Friday, February 19, 2021


Walk 3 mi


Lead, 8,7,10a, 10c, 11a/b (2t)

TR: 11c/d


Jr 20: 10/25

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

18AMRAP WOD/walk4/jr20/Lmob

 walk 3-4mi

18min AMRAP WOD:
mtn climbers x 50

sB good mornings #35 x 10

banded dyn squats x 20 green

kb snatch #30 x 8/8

#r = 4.75+


jr20 10/40


Lmob BF KD

Tuesday, February 16, 2021




8,8,10b, 10d (1t), 11b (2t) project?!!?, 

TR: 12a,12a, 11a

Walk 3 mi


Row x 8/8 #50

R Mod cobra QL squeeze and hold 30s

HSCTs x 10

Monday, February 15, 2021

Ex Challenge (core)/uMob

2 min warm up

Ex Challenge 9RFT:

2 min JR

L sit knee mod hold 20s/pilates teaser x 14 alt/L-sit leg ext x 10 alt

time: 37:05


BF uMob

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Control & Cardio #8/JR20/Lmob

 2 min warm up

CC#8 2rft:

pike ball roll ins x 5

jump lunge x 10/jump tuck/sumo squat x 5 ~ 2x

asst'd pistols #10 x 5/5

jump lunge x 10/jump tuck/sumo squat x 5 ~ 2x

hanging leg raise/scissor x 2 ~ 5x

jump lunge x 10/jump tuck/sumo squat x 5 ~ 2x

weight back support squat #60 x 8

jump lunge x 10/jump tuck/sumo squat x 5 ~ 2x

time: 15:48 (I did two rounds in the time it took Z to do ONE)  :D

JR20: 10/60x18


BF Lmob 23min

   ^hoooolyyyyyy crap. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

WOD: 15AMRAP/jr20

 2 min warm up

15min AMRAP WOD:

8 box jumps 24"   ^^next time!!

12 kB swings #50 

10/10 1 riser elevated front foot lunge #30 

15/15 dB side crunch #12

#r = 4.75


jr20: 10/50x20

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Climb/jr20/5rft1/body stats

 Body stats: 134.2!!! Down .8!


Lead,8,9,8,10d (lower from second to last clip again)

TR: 12c->11b, 11a, 11c

Jr20: 10/20x40



Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Try This @ Home WO v2.0/step 20/walk3/umob

 3 mi walk

Try this @ home WO v 2.0

p1: 10/50x6

santana plank w/ leg lift

twisted climbers

p2: 10/30x6

bottom pistol alt leg ext

pistol L

pistol R

p3: 10/50x6

jefferson curl #15

side to side pu


step intervals 15/45x20

+ BF KD back bend level 1 umob

Monday, February 8, 2021



Auto 8,9,10b/c

Lead 10d,

TR: 11c, 12a, 11a slab

Walk 3 mi


kB row #50 x 8/8

Modified cobra hold 30s R QL 

HSCTS x 10

Sunday, February 7, 2021

300 killer rep #3/Lmob

 2 min warm up

300 killer rep #3X FT:

  1. Side jump lunge / side kick x 10 alt. legs
  2. Dive Bomber / kick up x 10 alt. legs
  3. Squat jump toe touch x 10 alt. legs
  4. Transformer jacks x 10
  5. Prisoner backward lunge / one leg squat - L x 10
  6. Prisoner backward lunge / one leg squat - R x 10
  7. Cross body kick push up to ballerina squat x 10 alt. sides
  8. Heel lifted lunge toe touch - L x 10
  9. Heel lifted lunge toe touch - R x 10
  10. Side plank knee tuck / bird dog x 10 alt. sides
time: 32:11

+ Lmob

Thursday, February 4, 2021


 walk 3 mi


1/1min x 7

5 kB front squats #50(5r)/#40(9r)

3 broad jumps (yoga mat length)

10 BB glute presses #85

#r = 14        

 ***hoooollllyyyyy SH!T I'm going to hurt tomorrow!



step 20: 15/45x20

= total workout time 34min


Lmob (lower mobility flow from mobility method 10min)

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


 Semi solo prog:

Auto: 8,9,

Lead: 10c CLEAN!!!!!! ðŸ¤©

TR: 10ax2 (glue hands drill)

Auto: 12a (to 2nd to last clip), 11d (to last clip), 11c to 10c

Bouldering: v4, v3 (prom), v2, v4 cave, v2 prom, v2 cave


Jr20 5/25

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

*Rest day: walk3/umob

 Walk 3 mi


Umob (beyond flexibility)

Back bend mobility video (KD)

wrist rocking x 10 forward facing/backward facing x 10

knuckle push ups x10

cat/cow x 4 (w/ QL sqz R)

extended puppy pose/round back x 3 breaths

deeper puppy pose x 1 breath

deeper puppy round back x 3 breaths

open book x 7/7

**door way QL stretchx 3 4in/8out breaths

**modified cobra R side crunches 20s hold x 5

lace hands together extensions x 5 (hold 5s top)

low lunge L/squeeze feet inward 5s x 3

low lunge side bend L x 2 breaths

low lunge R/squeeze feet inward 5s x 3

low lunge side bend R x 2 breaths

wall facing puppy pose/round spine x 10

wall facing puppy passive x 3 breaths

camel rotations x 10

camel hold x 2 breaths

hold bridge pose x 3 breaths

wheel pose x 3 breaths

wheel pose rocking x 10

Monday, February 1, 2021



Auto: 8,8,

Lead: 9, 10c 1t, 10d//11a>10a

TR: 11c, 11b

Step 20 cardio



kB row #50 x 8/8

Seat row rotation #8s x 10

Superman lat pulldown blue x 10