
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Cardio shred #28

15 min AMRAP
1. Commando Pull ups x 3/3
2. High Knees with Cross Arm Jump (every 10 reps) x 50 reps
3. One Arm Push Ups x 4 alt.
5. High Knees with Cross Arm Jump (every 10 reps) x 50 reps
#rnds: 5 1/5
JR to 25! (10/30-15x=10min)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Lifted Butt#12 take 2

buy in: SB One leg weighted bridge #30 x 20each

2 rounds for time:

Round 1

1. Back extensions on execise ball x 20 

2. Kb Feet elevated squats x 10 #40

3. Jump Lunges x 20

4. Back extensions on execise ball x 20 

5. Kb Feet elevated deadlifts x 10 #50

6. Jump Lunges x 20

7. Kettlebell Swing x 20 #40

Round 2

1. Back extensions on execise ball x 10

2. Feet elevated squats x 20 #40

3. Jump Lunges x 20

4. Back extensions on execise ball x 10

5. Feet elevated deadlifts x 20 #50

6. Jump Lunges x 20

7. Back extensions on execise ball x 10

8. Kettlebell Swing x 30 #40

Time: 13:05 (bms!!!!)


JR to 25(10/30--18x=12min)

Bunny Slope #12


Curtsey lunge 1 arm kb #40

Pull-up (2f/3b)

Kneeling DB 1 leg stand ups #15s

Time: 8:58


3 rounds for time:

1.  *Squat with a curl /step up / Deadlift x 10 #20s

2. Kneeling hip raise to shoulder press x 20 #15s

3. Kneeling back kick 20/20 (glutes) #15

4. DB dbl arm swimmers on ball x 15 #5s

5. Walk out Push ups on exercise ball x 15

Time: 16:47

Total: 25min

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Lifted butt #11 take 2

DB split squat 22.5s#
Upside down inv row #17
Bb lunges #50
Time: 8:56
Buy in: Weighted bridge x 50 reps #50
1. One arm KB front wide squat pick up to tippi toe wide squat (x2) x 20x/10x #40
2. KB deadlift /squat down/up/down and then  jump squat x 10 sets #30
3. Jump lunge x 20
4. KB low squat pendulum x 40 #40
5. Jump lunge x 20
6. *Db kickbax #10/12  x20/20
Time: 17:38 (bms!!!)
total time: 25min

KB WO for all levels #12

KB WO for all levels #12 

1. KB One arm swing x 10 to Snatch x 5 L/R #30
2. Figure 8 squat with Elbow Twist x 20 #30
3. Clean & Press to Backward Lunge x 10 (same arm same leg then other side) #26
time: 15:10
JR to 25! (10/30--15x=10min)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Lifted butt #12

Lifted butt #12

buy in: SB One leg weighted bridge #30 x 20each

2 rounds for time:

Round 1

1. Back extensions on execise ball x 20

2. Kb Feet elevated squats x 10 #40

3. Jump Lunges x 20

4. Back extensions on execise ball x 20

5. Kb Feet elevated deadlifts x 10 #40

6. Jump Lunges x 20

7. Kettlebell Swing x 20 #40

Round 2

1. Back extensions on execise ball x 10

2. Feet elevated squats x 20 #40

3. Jump Lunges x 20

4. Back extensions on execise ball x 10

5. Feet elevated deadlifts x 20 #48

6. Jump Lunges x 20

7. Back extensions on execise ball x 10

8. Kettlebell Swing x 30 #40

Time: 13:52

& JR to 25min 10/30--25x=16:40min)

Black Diamond #1

Omg. Coming out of round three with mastitis. WTF. Sunday was a wash. I was as bed ridden as one can be with two kids under the age of three. I did manage to walk the dog at least. :( 

It's week 4!!! Sadly this is about the time the new flock of resolution-ers at the gym begins to thin out. The secret they're missing out on is this: Don't train for specifically for weight loss! Train because you've always wanted to join that softball team at work, hike a 14er or because you want to improve your speed on your 5ks...or even because you know it'll improve your health in general! Results will follow! I train primarily for the last reason. I have a lot of chronic pain issues and insomnia when I'm inactive (especially carrying babies around all day!). I also train because I never EVER want to grow (old?) and unable. You want high quality of life as you age? Put on some muscle. You want to be able to maintain your goal weight easily? Put on some muscle. See most favorite article about muscle (your fountain of youth).

Climbing has left me too exhausted to be doing any extra jump roping on top of it like I planned on doing at the beginning of last week so I decided to can that idea and to take a more food oriented approach instead. I've cut the third meal carb serving this past week in order to get those numbers moving and I'm considering experimenting with a new way of eating this week. My gut feeling is that it'll be incompatible with my lifestyle but you never know Til you try! Plus, the more methods you play with the better your chance of finding something that sticks. Or in my case a hodge-podge approach that sticks. More on the experiment next week.

AND NOW.......
........the workout........

split squat #22.5s
upsidedown inv row #17
BB lunge #50
time: 9:00

Black diamond #1
15 min AMRAP
1. One Leg Push Ups x 3/3 
2. Hanging Leg Raises x 5 
3. Backward Lunge Dumbbells press #15s x 10
4. Pull Ups x 2 
5. Ball Roll Knee Tuck (abs) x 10
Rnds: 5 2/5

The Booty Protocol #1 (by k8*)

YWED: rock climbing @ movement
Z's schedule had way too much upper body this week so I'm swapping in a lower day of my own design.

split squat #22.5s
upsidedown inv row #17
BB lunge #50
time: 8:36

The booty protocol # 1
15min AMRAP
Elev 1 leg glute bridge L #15 - 10x
".   " - 10x
Plank 30s
1 leg smith press L #50- 10x
".    "- 10x
Superman hold 30s
#rnds: 3 1/3

Total: 23:36

2100 cal day

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Cardio Shred #26

Cardio Shred #26
1. Double Unders x 30*
2. KB swing ladder #26\26/30/40x 50 – 40 – 30 - 20
3. Narrow Pull Up / Chin Up x 3 sets
4. Side step single leg dL ladder* #26/26/30/40 50 – 40 – 30 - 20
+JR to 25min (10/30 -- 14x = 9min)

Cardio Shred #22 & April Beach Goal!

It's  week 3 in Zgym!!! I'm glad Gavin is past the 4 month mark. That's really when the weight started coming off more rapidly when I had Jaxen too. I've decided on a beach vacation in April. That means I have serious work to do! I'd really like to look like I did last January...
Probably not super realistic because I'll still be.....(said through gritted teeth) NURSING! I'd settle for just fitting into my regular clothes which I'm currently not even close to. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Might just have to pull out the maternity tankinis for this trip. Womp. Womp :-/

April goal!
135lbs...give or take a pound. (9lbs to go!)

Other Goals:
Acceptable goal (while breastfeeding): 130lbs
Ultimate goal: 125lbs (this is my ideal strength to weight ratio for climbing)

I was about 128lbs/16% body fat in the photo above.

TODAY my measurements are:
W 30
H 38.5
Bb 35
No change :( 
Adding 15min JR on climbing days!! Cutting second carb serving out. It'll just be protein and veg. Gotta get those numbers moving!!!!!

5x5 tri-set:
Split squat #22.5s
Upside down invite row #17
Bb stat lunge #45
Time: 8:50

Buy in:
2 min. jump rope
3 burpees
12 over box jumps
3 burpees
lunge over head press #15s(1)/12s x 10 (right-press up when you bend your knees)
Dumbbell push ups x 10
Lunge over head press x10 (left leg)
Bend over rows #22.5s x 10
Buy out:
3 Burpees
12 over the box jumps
3 Burpees
2 min. jump rope 
Time: 16:09
Total: 24min

Lifted Butt Workout #11

Lifted butt #11
Buy in: Bb glute bridge x 50 reps #50
1. One arm KB pick up squat to tippi toe wide squat x2) x 20(1)/ 10 (2nd)  #40
2.  KB deadlift /rack/squat down/up/down put job down and then  jump squat x 10 sets #40
3. Jump lunge x 20
4. KB low squat swing x 40 #30
5. Jump lunge x 20
6. Standing chair high kick back 20/20
Time: 18:51
JR to 25min (10/30--12x= 8min)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bunny Slope #9 & back on the rocks!!

Wednesday: Rock climbing @ movement!
5.8, 9,9,10a, 9,9,9 
5x5 superset
DB split squat #20s
Bb lunges #45
Upside down inv row #12
Time: 8:30
Bunny Slope #9
1. Bb Front lunge knee up #45 x 10/10
2. Dead lift #75 x 10 (^next)
3. Kneeling leg lift pulses #12 x 20 + stationary lunge x pulse 20 ( repeat on other leg) #12s
4. Bb floor glute bridge#45 x 20
5. Running man sit ups #12 wV x 20
Time: 19:08
Total: 27min
I've had three bad days of eating. Stupid. Fat. Me. Time for three days of super strict.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Body Crush #25

5x5 tri-set
DB split squat #20s
Bb lunges #45
Upside down inv row #12
Time: 8:38
Body Crush #25
15* Minute AMRAP
1. Ninja jump to plank to explosive push up x 10*
3. stc climber (x3) to Kick Through x 10 sets
Rnds: 3
Total time: ~23min

Z's Cardio Shred #21 & fotos

Progress photos taken today!

Comparison photos

So you can see I've made some great progress! My scale weight is not dropping too fast so I'm not losing muscle but my inches are rapidly decreasing. That is the best case scenario. Anything else means you are losing muscle!! Losing muscle means you will have progressively harder time losing weight each time you try. You will also tend to gain fat back very easily. Badness!

Z's Cardio Shred #21

Ladder FT:
Weighted Jump Lunge #12s
reps: 10 – 15 – 20 – 25 – 30 – 25 – 20 – 15 – 10  + handstand after each set 
Bend over row with plank jack to up dog / down dog after each set
reps: 6 – 8 – 10 – 12 – 14 – 12 – 10 – 8 – 6 #15s
time: 9:53 (beat Z by 5 min!)
JR 2/burpee2 to 25min (10/30--24x=16min)
WO notes:
Use 15lbs for legs next time
Make handstand either hs-push ups OR hs-chest taps against a wall 



1. Double Unders x 25*
2. Full swing to Side to Side Swing #30 x 10 reps
3. Clean / Press / Backward lunge #42 x 5/5
4. Double Unders x 25
5. One Arm Swing alternating #30 x 20
6. **Racked Squat #42 x 5/5
7. Double Unders x 25
8. KB low squat swing to swing #30  x 10
9. Russian Twist (x4) to Plank jump (x2) #30 x5 sets
time: 15:45
Wooooo! Those 5 extra double unders made this feel soooooo much harder than the first time!
JR to 25min 10/30 --15x = 10min

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Cardio Shred #25 Take 2

2min warm up w/ Z

5x5 superset:
DB split squats #17.5s ^?
Upside down inv row #12 
Time: 6:50


Buy in: Wall Sit 2 minutes!!
15* Minute AMRAP 
1. Jump Lunge x 20 (k2g rnd1)
2. BB Stationary lunge (k2g rnd 1) #45 x 10/10
3. sB Front squats #42 x 10
4. DB sit-up to jump up #18 x 10
#rnds: 3 3/4
Total time: ~25min

Z's Black Diamond #6 & body stats!

W 30" -- down 1 inch!
H 38.5 -- down 1/2!
Bb 35 -- down 1.5!
144 lbs -- down 4.8lbs!!

Progress photos tomorrow...

2 min warm up w/ Z

Buy in:  Handstand 1 minute
15 Minute AMRAP:
1. Hanging Side to side knee raises x 10
2. ft on Ball spider pu x 5
3. Top 1/2 Pull Ups x 5
4. Chest press on ball to seated shoulder press #20s x 5
5. Side Plank Rows #30 x 5/5
#rnds: 4 1/5

JR 10/30 -- 15x (10min)

Monday, January 4, 2016


5x5 supersets:

BB glute lifts #95
upside down row #12
time: 6:28
*not sure about these glute lifts...doing them on the bench was uncomfortable! Bosu next time!


Buy in: Wall Sit 2 minutes
Workout Breakdown
10 Minute AMRAP – Lower Body
1. Jump Lunge x 20
2. BB Stationary lunge #50 x 10/10
3. sB Front squats #30 x 10
4. DB sit-up to jump up #15 x 10
#rnds: 2 1/2 (+extra 30s to finish exercise)
Total time: 20min


This is the Dec 21st 2015 Zgym schedule.

Z WARM UP (2min!)


1. Double Unders x 20
2. Czech swing to Side to Side Swing #30 x 10 reps
3. Clean / Press / Backward lunge #30 x 5/5
4. Double Unders x 20
5. One Arm Swing alternating #30 x 20
6. **Racked Squat #30 x 5/5
7. Double Unders x 20
8. KB Pendulum to swing #30  x 10
9. Russian Twist (x4) to Plank jump (x2) #30 x5 sets
time: 13:56 (she did it in 17! Lame!)
JR to 25min 10/30 --18x (12min)
Total time: 27min

Friday, January 1, 2016

DailyHIit Show Ep. 17

10/20--12x jr

5x5 band pullups 3:2
Time: 3:42

DailyHIit Show Ep. 17
10/40 -- 15x
single leg burpee w/ pu   -6/5/5
Sb curtsey lunge L #30- 12/11/11
step straddle hop up (3risers)- 22/24/24
Sb curtsey lunge  R - 11/10/11
bB curtsey lunge to plie squat #50- 6/6/6

Time: 22min

Note that I took all the stupidness out of this workout.