
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Brutalize Me

4 min yoga warm up

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 28: 23:30min (10/20s -- 47x)
total workout time: approx 44min

+ outdoor rock climbing: PR!!!!!!!! Lead my first 10 outside!!!

tues eats:
720 - cappuccino shake
1030 - tuna pkt, 1/2 med sweet tato, cherries, 1/3 cup nuts
2 - 1 hb egg, veggies, small piece of paleo cake, 1/4 tbsp coconut butter
7 - 1.5 cup pumpkin chicken chili

wed eats
7 - cappuccino shake, 1/2 apple
1030 - 1.5 cup pumpkin chicken chili, bite of sweet potato, 1/3 nuts
145 - WF chicken salad, cucumber, carrot, bite of paleo cake
715 - burger patty, salad, sweet potato/pineapple, 1/4 cup granola :(

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sweaty Hot Punishment - Beat My Score!


4 min yoga warm up

Part: 1: 10/30s -- 6x
Backward lunge jump ups w. ugi (#10) - 16/16/14/14/14/14

Part 2: 3 rounds for time
reptile push up - 10x
1 jump fwd/2 back w/ ugi (#10) - 30 reps
side v-crunch - 20 each side
time: 9:29!!
last time: 12 min!!
Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 26: 22min (10/50s -- 22x)
total workout time: approx 35 min

mon eats:
7 - cappuccino shake
1030 - 1.5 cup chicken/swt tato chowder, 1/2 cup nuts, cherries
330 - turkey, 1 slice pepper jack, veggies, tiny piece of paleo apple cake
7 - 2 deviled eggs, spinach salad

Monday, May 28, 2012

Get Some

4 min yoga warm up

ARMAP in 12 minutes
4 wall walk ups
4 mnt lungers (each)
4 kB single leg dead lift each leg (#40)
# sets: 6

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 24: 21:30min (10/20s -- 43x)

total workout time: approx 33 min

+ outdoor rock climbing

sat eats:
715 - cappuccino shake
11 - ground bison & sweet potato, a couple cherries
230 - 2hb eggs, broccoli stir fry, 1/4c gauc
730 - veggies
930 - burger patty, salad, a couple sweet tato fries

sun eats:
8 - cappuccino shake
11 - ground bison, cherries, small sweet tato
430 - 1/2 cup nuts, apple slice
730 - 1 cup chicken/sweet tato chowder, 4 glasses red wine

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Crazy Intense Workout

4 min yoga warm up

4 rounds for time:
20 OH walking lunges (total -- #33)
400m run

time: 11:53!!!


Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 23: 21min (10/50 -- 21)

total workout time: approx 33 min

+ outdoor rock climbing

fri eats:
820 - cappuccino shake
1245 - paleo casserole w/ spinach & 1/2 cup almonds
5 - ostrich jerky, veggies, 1/3 cup gauc
7 - almond apple patty w/ coconut butter

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wow Booty - Beat My Score!

Beat My Score!

High knees/drop down

Part 2: 30 sets for time
sB shoulder squat/pushup (#40)
time: 4:54
beat my last score of 6:30!!
****I completed 50 sets in 8:19

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 22: 20:30min (10/20 -- 41)

total workout time: approx 33min

+ outdoor rock climbing

tues eats:
730 - cappuccino protein shake
11 - paleo casserole w/ spinach & banana & 1/2 cup almonds
2 - chicken & broccoli stir fry, coconut butter, carrots
6 - ground bison, spinach salad

wed eats:
710 - cappuccino shake
10 - paleo casserole w/ spinach, apple, 1/4 cup nuts
2 - tuna pkt, veggies, 1/4 cup coconut butter
7 - beef/veggie stirfry, 1/3 cup brown rice

Today’s weight: 124.2# (Down .6!!!)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Aubrie's Tabata 11/7/11

Sunday’s Workout:

outdoor rock climbing
Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 20: 19:30 (10/20s -- 39x)


Aubrie's Tabata 11/7/11 - May 22

4 min yoga warm up

Part 1: 10/20 -- 40x
Row (lvl10)
KB swing (#30) - 11/10/10/9/9/9/8/8
KB Sumo Dead lift High Pull (#30) - 10/11/11/11/10/11/11/9
Box jump (20”) - 11/11/11/10/12/13/11/13
TGU - alt sides each round! (#26) - 2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2

**this workout was DEADLY.

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 21: 20min (10/50s -- 20x)

total workout time: approx 40 min

mon eats:
745 - cappuccino protein shake
11 - leftover paleo casserole w/ spinach & 1/3 cup nuts
230 - 2 deviled eggs & frozen green lemonade, carrot
415 - almond biscuit, apple w/ coconut butter
730 - small portion ground bison & bell pepper

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hot Doesn't Stop

4 min yoga warm up

Part 1: 10/50s -- 6x
towel drag & push up -13/13/13
sB bicep curl & low jack (#40) - 11/10/9

Part 2: “  
ugi crunch up and jump (#10) - 6/10/9
pull up & sB bicep curl - 5/5/5

Part 3: “  
10 mtn climbers & sB clean press squat - 4/4/4
twisted climber 180s - 7/8/8

Part 4: 10/50 -- 5x
sB low squat/leg lift/knee tuck - 13
1 leg push up on ball - 10
1 leg lunge/knee up/row L (#30) - 14
ball pushup & pike - 9
1 leg lunge/knee up/row R - 14

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 19: 19min (10/50s -- 19x)

total workout time: approx 42min

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Get It Up

Wednesday’s Workout:

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 17: 18min (10/50s -- 18x)

+ indoor rock climbing 3 hrs


Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 18: 18:30 (10/20s -- 37x)

total workout time: approx 33 min

+ outdoor rock climbing

tues eats:
740 - cappuccino shake, 1 cup blueberries
11 - 1 cup leftover curry w/ tuna pkt & 1.2 spaghetti squash w/ghee
3 - 2 deviled eggs, 1/4 cup nuts, cuke, carrots & blue chips :(

710 - 2 eggs, spinach, salsa & banana
1130 - ground bison, sweet potato
430 - chicken & veggies
8 - 1 cup sante fe stoup,1.5 cup grapes/pineapple

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

O Sh!t Workout

4 min yoga warm up

part 1: 10/20s - 8 rounds (4 min)
sB dynamic squats (#40) - 16/12/12/13
kB pick up & jump (#30) - 8/7/8/7

Part 2: AMRAP in 5 min
5 sB rows each arm (#40)
25 dbl unders
5 chin ups
# sets: 4

part 3: AMRAP in 3 min
pistol on each leg/knee raise - 15 reps accomplished!

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 16: 17:30min (10/20s -- 35x)
total workout time: approx 29 min

mon eats:
830 - 2 eggs, spinach, salsa, banana
1245 - ground beef, 1/2 spaghetti squash w/ ghee
5 - 1/2 cup nuts, carrot/cuke
8 - grilled chicken & veggies

Monday, May 14, 2012

Rock Star Booty

leg push up & jump over - 8/9/9
side straddle run's & burpee (no push up) - 6/6/6
ugi squat & wood chop (#10) - 19/20/20
ugi plank jacks - 54/60/59

Part 2: 10/50s -- 12x
elevated reptile push ups - 14/10/11
tricep push ups - 16/12/10
ugi explosive push ups - 8/9asst/10asst
kB tricep lunges (#26) - 6/9/10

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 15: 17min (10/50s -- 17x)
total workout time: approx 41 min

sun eats:
8 - 2 eggs, spinach, salsa, banana, 1/4 cup raisins
1130 - 1.5 cup thai chicken/veg curry, 1/2 apple
3 - tuna, broccoli stir fry w/ carrots & gauc
6 - ground beef, spinach salad
2 large glasses of red wine

Sunday, May 13, 2012


4 min yoga warm up

10 fwd/bkwd ugi squat jumps (#10)
10 kB diagonal lunge backs (#30)
10 plank toe touch jump ups
10 side plank leg lifts each side
time: 12:23
zuzka’s time: 15:23

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 14: 16:30min (10/20s -- 33x)
skillz: *mad combo’s yo!

total workout time: approx 29 min

fri eats:
7 - 2 eggs, spinach, salsa
11 - chicken, sweet potato 1/3 cup gauc, apple
230 - tuna pkt, broccoli stir fry, 1/3 cup nuts, 2 tbsp raisins
630 - 1 heaping cup chicken/veg thai curry

745 - protein pancake (see Start page for recipe!)
1130 - salsa chicken, 1/2 lg swt tato, 1/3 cup nuts
445 - 2 cup thai cury, carrots 1/4 cup gauc
7 - 1 glass wine

Friday, May 11, 2012

Do It Like A Dude

4 min yoga warm up

10/20 -- 24x
renegade row L (#26) - 11/9/10/8
renegade row R - 10/10/10/10
ugi tricep pushup - 10/8/8/6
kB clean & press L - 6/6/6/5
kB clean & press R - 6/6/6/6
dip station pushups - 8/7/7/6

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 12: 15:30 (10/20s -- 31x)

total workout time: approx 27 min

thurs eats:
7am - cappuccino shake, banana
11 - chicken w/ salsa and sweet potato
230 - 1/2 cup nuts
8 - shrimp & broccoli, 2 beers


weigh in: 124.8lbs (hoping that .8 is because of the Sweaty Betties May challenge - I do feel just a tiny bit leaner this week)

indoor rock climbing 3 hrs - rough day
Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 13: 16min (10/50s -- 16x)
*two @ a time - skill met
*rope swing transition hop - difficulty with right entry
*up & over - needs work

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Tough Get Going

Wednesday’s Workout

ARD - every square inch of me hurts from yesterday’s 600 rep workout! YAY ZUZKA!!!!
Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 10: 14:30 (10/20s -- 29x)


Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 11: 15min (10/50s -- 15x)
total workout time: approx 36min

tues eats:
7 - cappuccino shake, 12 strawberries
11 - squat boat, 1/3 cup nuts
245 - tuna pkt, veg stir fry, 3 tbsp raisins
530 - ground bison, 1/2 cucumber, blue chips:((((((

7 - 2 eggs, spinach, salsa, strawberries
12 - ground bison, sweet potato
2 - deli turkey, spinach lemonade
5 - 1/2 cup nuts, 1/2 cucumber

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

600 Rep Sexier Body - Beat My Score!


1/2 burpee/calf raise - 60 reps
one leg push up - 60 reps
jump lunges - 60 reps
one leg dead lift (#30) - 30 each leg
crunches with leg extensions - 60 reps
prisoner squat/front kick (#12 wV) - 60 reps
one leg tri dip - 60 reps
one leg jump/knee up - 30 reps each
chest lift - 60 reps
over the chair kick - 30 on each
time: 23:59
beat 26:42!

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 9: 14 (10/50s -- 14x)

total workout time: approx 38min

mon eats:
7 - 2 eggs, spinach, salsa, 1/4 cup raisins
11 - beef & squash, 1/3 cup nuts
2 - tuna & veggie stir fry
6pm - 1/6th paleo pizza w/ extra chicken & spinach salad

Monday, May 7, 2012

You Are Kinetic

4 min yoga warm up

For time:

Part 1: 800m row

Part 2: 3 Rounds of:
5 Handstand Push Ups  (1 riser)
10 KB swings (#30)
15 burpee broad jumps

Part 3: 31 hang power snatch (45#)

Part 4: 800m row

Part 5: 1 round of
5 Handstand Push Ups
10 KB swings
15 burpee broad jumps

$Cash Out$
40 kB sit ups for time (#26)

time: 23:47

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 8: 13:30 (10/20s -- 27x)

total workout time: approx 37min

sun eats:
930 - paleo shepherds pie
1pm - 2 slices deli turkey, 1/3 cup nuts
230 - paleo shepherds pie, blue chips
7 - grilled chicken & salad

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hot Girls Sweat

Saturday’s Workout:

Outdoor rock climbing (5.5 hrs)
Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 6: 12:30 (10/20s -- 25x)


4 min yoga warm up

10/30s -- 17x
pushup & twist -12
kB full swing (#30) - 16
jump lunge - 25
sB bent row (#40) - 20
sb side lunge L - 11
sb side lunge R - 11
push up & shoulder tap - 12
sB lunge & twist - 9
sB shoulder press & squat - 9
elevated push ups - 14
mnt climbers - 63
inverted row - 19
left side plank
right side plank
tricep dips (on chair) - 25
sB goblet squats (#40) - 11

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s of Jump roping in every day!
Day 7: 13 (10/50s -- 13x)

total workout time: 25min

fri eats:
7 - 2 eggs, salsa, spinach, apple
1030 - paleo shep pie, small bite of cookie
2 - 1/2 cup nuts & green lemonade -- see Start page for recipe(s)
7 - 3/4 beef chunks, 1/3 squash, 1 glass red wine