
Friday, August 31, 2012

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Hotter

4 min yoga warm up

sb pu & front raise (#30) - 8/7
fwd/bk crawl w/ bag drag - 15/13
commando pu/roll/mtn climbers - 4/4
sB shldr lift & sqt w/ 1 knee up - 12/12
sb squat/around the world - 12/11
kb jump sqt & front raise (#26) - 21/18

+ JR 20 min (10/40 -- 24x)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Simon Says, "Row More!"

4 min yoga warmup

For time:
Row 1000m (lvl 6: 4:45)
25x Pull-ups
25x Push-ups
50x single leg kB Deadlift (30#)
50x Box jumps (20’)
25x Pull-ups
25x Push-ups
Row 1000m (lvl 6: 5:08)
50x Sit-ups (#25)
time: 24:07

+           Jr 20 min (10/20 -- 40x)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hot Pants Sweat Workout

4 min yoga warm up

ugi 3 point jump/reptile each leg - 10/11
wide leg 1/2 burpee/bb row (#50*heavier next time) - 15/14
180 degree burpee w/ PU & 3 low jacks - 6/7
ugi leg lift overs - 26/30
jump squats - 28/29
squat/abd leg - 30/30

+           jr 20 min (5/30 -- 35x)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Go Kaleo #55

So as you can see i’ve added a fifth workout and jump rope session. This is due to the fact that all this time off of a full workout schedule has gotten me no where but fat. From now ‘til the end of october my workout schedule will be as follows:

1)           3 cross fit workouts every week
2)           2 body rock workouts every week spaced btwn xfit
3)           5 interval jump roping sessions a week (20 min)
4)           rock climbing whenever i can squeeze it in (but probably not consistently until october due to travel.)

This week my nutritional habits were better...i avoided alcohol completely but i still over ate. Gotta get between meal snacking out of the picture and work on portion sizes even though i’ve been eating clean food. just goes to show that too much of any food won’t do a body good.

go kaleo #55

4 min yoga warm up

Squat: 5 x 5 (#95)

5 RFT:
10 box jumps (24”)
20 air squats
30 kettle bell swings (#30)

total workout time: 16:42

1)           JR 20 min (10/50s -- 20x)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ass Fire

4 min yoga warm up

Explosive star/3 pt jump/pu (#4 dbs) - 6/5/5
hanging circle abs - 15/14/13
pull up/knee lift - 9/8/8
bb step up & press (#35) - 12/12/10

then i hated the abs wo so i made my own:

10/50 -- 6x
star crunches - 26/23
plank knee tucks - 25/25
plank hold

1)           JR 20 min (5s/25s -- 40x)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Not Afraid w/ Lisa-Marie

4 min yoga warm up

10/50 -- 12x:
elevated knee twist planks (alt.) - 17/19/16
2 commando pushups/roll/10 mtn climbers - 4/4/4
1/2 burpee upright row (kb - #26*up nxt time) - 13/14/13
10 low jacks/wide leg burpee - 3/3/3

10/50 -- 6x:
sb alt. elbow touch sit ups (#15) - 12/12
1 knee hug/1 chin lift - 7/8
dip station v-abs = 18/20

total workout time: 18 min

+          JR 20 min (10/30 -- 30x)

+           indoor rock climbing

"Dead-man Walking" - AUG 24

4 min yoga warm up

5 rounds for time:
10 single leg Dead lift (35#)
10 Lateral Burpees
10 Roll-Outs (abs)
10 Overhead Walking Lunges each leg (45#)
time: 19:26

1)           JR 20 min (10/50s -- 20x)

1)           Hike in boulder

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Go Kaleo #56

4 min yoga warm up

Back squat: 5 x 5 (#95)
time: 4:02

Superset 1: 5 rounds
10 wall ball (#10)
10 mountain climbers (10 each leg)
time: 3:31

Superset 2: 15-12-9
dB thruster (#20)
burpee w/ pull up
time: 9:53

total time: 17:26

+20 min JR (10/20-- 40x)

mon eats:
815 - capp shake, raspberries
1130 - burger patty, 1/2 acorn squash, 1/3 cup nuts, 3 tbsp raisins
215 - 2 hb eggs, salad, 1 tbsp coc butter, cantaloupe, blue chips :((((

815 - cappuccino shake, peach
11 - 1/2 salmon burger, 1/2 acorn squash, raspberries
145 - 2 eggs, salad, cantaloupe, 1/4 cup raisins, 2 tbsp coc butter
610 - 1/2 salmon burger, carrots & celery with bean dip
930 - 1/4 cup nuts

Monday, August 20, 2012


Back from vacation! Having drank every single night, I am now not drinking ANYTHING until I step foot on Kauai in mid September. I did do great at getting in every workout I planned for though...that being the only health plus about this vacation.

I’m getting back to strict paleo as well starting today:
Breakfast: 3 eggs/spinach & fruit or a protein shake w/ fruit
Lunch: meat, sweet potato or squash, fat
Meal 3: meat, veg, fat
Dinner: Meat & veg

4 min yoga warm up

AMRAP *15min:
10 curl to press (#15)
30 ugi mtn. climbers
10 sumo dead lift/hi pull (#65)
5 burpees
rounds: 6  5/8

1)      JR 20 min (10/40s -- 24x)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Go Kaleo #1

4 min yoga warm up

10-15 Rounds for Time:
10 hindu pushups
10 running reptiles (10 each leg)
10 dynamic squats

+ JR 20 min (10/50 -- 20x)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

ZWOW #26

4 min yoga warm up

Side burpee/leg abd L
Side burpee/leg abd R
Side v crunch L
Side v crunch R
Low side to side squats
Knee hugs
Elbow plank
Pike press
Plank jumps

1)           JR20min (10/20-40x)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Go Kaleo #46

4 min yoga warm up

20 min AMRAP:
40 squats
30 plank jacks
20 mtn climbers
10 burpees
15-30s btwn each round!
#rounds: 5  1/8th+JR 20min (10/30--30x)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Burpee Sweat Workout

4 min yoga warm up

 0s/59s -- 20 rounds (approx)

50 jump squats
50 pushups
50 jump lunges
50 tri dips on stairs
50 spider pushups
50 star crunches

Time: 18:32

+JR 20min (10/40--24x)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

“Harry” X 2

4 min yoga warm up

3 rFT:
5x kB Dead lift each leg (#40)
5x Hang squat clean #65
5x split jerk #65
10x Burpees
time: 16:52

-   JR 20 min (10/20 -- 40x)

1)           rock climbing outside!!!!!!!!

wed eats:
710 - cappuccino shake, banana
11- 1.5 cup stoup, 1/4 bn squash, 4 zucchini “fries” 2 tbsp coc flakes, 3 tbsp raisins
3 - ground beef w/ salad, 2 tbsp guac & cuke, 1/2 cup nuts
8 - 1 cup jambalaya, 2 glasses red wine, small handfull of grapes


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Move Your Ass!

4 min yoga warm up

400m run
21 Row w/ feet on ball (#12wV)
21 dip station reptile Push Ups
400m run
15 Row w/ feet on ball
15 dip station reptile  Push Ups
400m run
9 Row w/ feet on ball
9 dip station reptile  Push Ups
400m run
6 Row w/ feet on ball
6 dip station reptile pushups
time: 13:34

1)           Jr 20 min (10/50s -- 20x)

mon eats:
740 - cappuccino shake, 2 pc dried papaya & 2 tbsp raisins
1115 - ground beef, 1/2 squash w/ coc. oil & 3 tbsp coc flakes
4 - 1/2 wf chicken salad, salad, grapes, 1/2 cup nuts

Tues eats:
740 - cappuccino shake & banana
1030 - 1.5 cup stoup & sweet potato, 1/3 cup nuts
3 - leftover wf chicken salad, salad, grapes, 2 tbsp coc flakes
730 - 2 eggs w/ salsa, baked zucchini “fries”

Monday, August 6, 2012

Just Say Hot

4 min yoga warmup

4 rounds for time:
27 Box jumps, (20")
20 Burpees
11 thrusters (#55)
time: 18:00

+           jr 20 min (10/30s -- 30x)

sat eats:
7 - cappuccino shake, banana
11 - leftover tomato basil chicken, sweet potato
245 - ground beef, salad, 2 pc papaya
8 - brat, few sweet tato fries, salad

Sun eats:
745 - cappuccino shake, banana, 2 pc papaya
1145 - tuna, 1/2 acorn squash, 1/4 cup shredded coconut
3 - 2 egg/broc scramble w/ salsa, 2 paleo crackers
6 - ground beef, salad & veggies