
Friday, August 31, 2018


annnnnnnnother high grav day. don't know what the deal is. perhaps i need to stick to 4 days of lifting and 2 ard with the 5th day being a longer walk and JR20min. yes....that's what i'll do starting next week.


Bouldering: (4min rests) 840am
  • V0, v0 (cave),v1 (cave),v2(cave-fail)/3 cave fail, v2 (didn’t get last move), v2 retry (crushed)
  • V1 (cut feet) pullup to hi shoulder/V0 (cave) leglifts x2 (5min rests)
  • ^^try 3-5 sec hover instead of leg lifts next time!
20min rest

  • Target 11a (4/5 finished), 11a (3/4 finishes), 10d, 10d (2/3 finished), 10b, 10b,target9, 10b 4/5 finished)
Pull& plank 5rft:
Single kB row x8/8 #40
Plank hold 30s


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Lifted Butt #3/JRto30

Buy in: 100 KB swings #30
1. Weighted clams x 20 / 20 #12
2. Weighted backward lunge lean forward to chair squat (x3) / Goblet squat (x3) alt. legs x 6 sets #30
3. Weighted in and out clams x 20/20 #12
4. Side lunge deadlift (x5) / kettlebell swing (x5) alt. x 6 sets #40
5. Sumo Squat pulses x 50 reps
time: 20:04
JR 5/35x15

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


climb (lead):
8,8,target 10a (2/3 finished), target 10c (3/4), 10b (1 take)
pull & pank 5rft:
single KB row #40 x 8/8
plank hold 30s

Hmmm, something is not right here. I climbed like a turd today. Maybe JR warm up is not the best idea. SO.....moving forward I will autobelay to warm up instead and save my JR & p/pl for home when Gavin is quietly resting after school.

Monday, August 27, 2018

300 Killer Reps #11

2 min warm up

1. Jump Squat Twist Knee Up x 10
2. Plank Heel Touch to Push Up x 10
3. Everest Climber to One Leg Jump x 10 alt.
4. Donkey Kick to Pike Press x 10
5. Backward Lunge (stay low) to Jump Squat x 10 alt.
6. Plank Knee Tuck / Cross Body Kick / Leg Lift x 10 alt.
7. Side to Side Lunge (stay low) x 10 alt.
8. Side Plank Kick Up x 10 alt.
9. Side to Side Squat Hop (stay low) to Jump Squat x 10. alt.
10. Reverse Plank Kick Up x 10 alt.
time: 17:58
JR 5/25x24 (12min)

Sunday, August 26, 2018

LIfted Butt 1X/JRto30

Part 1
1. Side Jump Lunge x 20
2. Weighted side lunge knee up / side lunge jump x20 #12s
3. weighted curtsy lunge side kick / side lunge jump x 20 #12s
Part 2: 4rft
1. One leg bridge alt. x 10/10 (black band)
2. Kettlebell swing x 20 #40
3. KB Squat jump x 20 #30
time: 16:15
JR to 30

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Fitslide #1/JR15min

1. Mountain Sliders x 40
2. Slide to side Push ups x 10
3. Curtsy slide lunge heel up / side slide lunge heel up x 10 / 10
4. Slide back lunge to slide plank x 20 alt. legs
5. Frog Sliders x 10
#rnds: 2 4/5
15min JR

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Summer Shred #40/JR to 30

Buy in: 25 Burpees
Part 1 – 3 rounds:
High Knees – 1 min
Squat Leg Lift / Ankle Cross Jump Squat x 20 alt. legs (black band)
Part 2
1. One Arm KB Swing (x4) to Snatch and Overhead Squat X 5/5 sets #26
2. Kettlebell Hip Raises on Balance Ball x 20  #26
3. Bird Dog Push Up x 10
4. Kettlebell Hip Raises on Balance Ball x 20 #26
5. Kettlebell Clean and Press to Overhead Stationary Lunge (x3) X 5 / 5  #26
6. Kettlebell Hip Raises on Balance Ball x 20  #26
Part 3
Jump Lunge / Handstand Scissors / Hanging Leg Raises 
round 1: 4 / 4 / 4
round 2: 6 / 6 / 6
round 3: 8 / 8 / 8
time: 22:27
JR to 30min
10/40x10 (=8min)

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


8,8,9/10a, 10c project, 9
TR 11a
Pull : 5x8 bent row #80
Plank: 30s


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

walk 2mi//JR20

2 mile walk outside(which I've been doing 4x a week)

Monday, August 20, 2018

climb *DOUBLES!*

I totally slacked with my time management skills today + cranky ass toddler = nothing gets done.

8,8,10ax2, 10bx2(1/2 way fall on 2nd), 10ax2(3/4 fall on 2nd), 9x2, 10a

saving my JR sesh for tomorrow!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Summer Shred #39

Buy in: 25 Competition Burpees
Part 1 – 8 rounds: High Knees – 30 sec / Mountain Sliders x 20

Part 2:
1. Weighted Air-lunge to Overhead Squat x 8/8 #18
2. Side to Side Dynamic Push Up x 8
3. Squat Pulse (x3) to Goblet Squat x 8 #50
4. Jump Lunge (x2) to Side Kick x 8/8
5. Weighted Standing Heel Lift x 1610 / Squat Heel Lift x 10 #12s
Part 3
Pull Up #15/10/0dB/ Knee Raise – One Arm KB Swing #40/30
Round 1: 1 – 12
Round 2: 2 – 14
Round 3: 3 – 16
Round 4: 4 – 18
Buy out: Plank Hold – 2min
time: 24:30
5/25x12 (6min)

Friday, August 17, 2018


lead: 8,8,10b project finished!!!, 10d (new project - 1 take), 10c (didnt finish last bolt/anch), 9


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Tabata #7/22min JR

8 min Tabata – 20/10 sec. intervals
1. High Knees Jump squat w/ band
2. Chin Ups #10 dB
3. Double Unders
4. kB Squats #40
5. High Knees kB glute press on ball #30
6. Push Ups
7. Double Unders Pistol L
8. Pistol R
2 rounds


JR10/40x27 (22min)

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


8,8/9,10a/b 1 fall, 10b, 10a 1 take, 9 1 take


I’ll jump Back into the pull&plank next week, maybe even Friday. I’m beat.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Summer Shred #18/JR to 30min

2 min warm up

Lower Body with Dumbbells – Time Challenge
1) Backward lunge kick ups (DB2g) x 10/10 #15s
2) One Arm DB front Squat heel raise / One Arm DB overhead jump lunge with heel raise x 5/5 #15 
3) One Arm DB Side Lunge Knee Up DB Overhead x 10/10 #15
4) Jump Lunge DB Twist x 20 #15
Cardio HIIT 6 x 15/35 intervals
1. JR high knees       DL R #40
2. Plank Jack Push Up with Power band
3. JR DBUs      DL L #40
4. Curtsey lunge leg lift with Power Band
5. JR high knees      goblet squat #40
6. Squat jump jacks with power band 
ABS & Upper Body – Time Challenge
1. Push Up with L-Kick x 5/5
2. Pull Up / Chin up x 2 sets #10
3. Elbow Side Plank Jack knife x 10/10
Buy Out: 3 Minute Plank Intervals 10/50 seconds
time: 15:12

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Summer Shred #13

Time Challenge: 5rft
1. Circuit
pull ups x 3
Burpee Jump Tuck x 5
DB Side Lunge to jump squat x 10 alt. legs #15
2. Jump rope / Kettlebell HIIT
30/10 x 6 rounds = 4 minutes
1. JR – High Knees    goblet squat #40
2. KB swing #40
3. JR DBUs    kB split squat L #30
4. KB Pendulum #30
5. JR high Knees    kB split squat R #30
6. KB Swing #40
Buy out: Flying Burpees x 22* (O=20)
time: 15:00


JR to 30min
10/30x23 = 15min

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


lead: 8,8,10d fail (3 clips), 10d fail (6 clips -- 2 more than last time), 11a (3 takes, didn't finish)

pull & plank:
5x10 #80 bent bb row
30s plank hold
