
Friday, October 31, 2014

Lifted Butt Series Workout #11

AM: 20 min JR

PM: psoas release, psoas lift/yoga x 2

4/9: back:
Prone dB behind back pass #4(2)/3(2) 18x total
Upside down inv row #12
Time: 8:03

Lifted Butt Series Workout #11: 
 2 Rounds for time!
  • 10 Stationary Side Lunges (STAY LOW!) L #12wV
  • 10 Curtsy to Side Lunge L #12
  • 10 Side Jump Lunge #12
  • 15 Bent Forward Squat #12
  • 15 Bent Forward Squat Hold & Calf Raise #12
  • 15 Jump Fwd Squats #12
time: 10:41

total: 39min


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Your Best Body Ever

AM: 20min JR AMRAP, 4 burpees on every minute!

PM: yoga warm up

4/9 Legs:
back squat #65
dB skater lunge (each) #15s
time: 7:46

Your Best Body Ever
10/50s -- 16x
pu&toe touch burpee (1 toe touch per burpee) - 8/7
pike mat jump overs - 24/26
leg swing over (d. st)lunge back/knee raise - 8/7
pu&toe touch burpee - 7/7
pike mat jump overs - 26/22
4 elbow plank jax/sB bag drag under #30 - 9/9
knee hugs - 20/19 (feet off grnd!)
hanging knee raises - 17/18
10/50s -- 4x
dB curl & press #20s - 9
straight up dB shoulder press #12s - 15
F raise to oh/ lateral lower & reverse #10s - 8
dB upright row #20s - 15



Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sweat Hard Play Hard

AM: 20min JR/burpee tabata

AM: 20 min JR

PM: 2min release/30:30 lift/yoga

4/9 back:
Lat pulldown 132#
Plank row 25#
Time: 5:22

Sweat Hard Play Hard
P1: 10/50s -- 12x
side lunge hop touch down 10# - 35/32/31
10 crab/10 mtn climber - 4/4/4
narrow pu, burpee, toe touch (alt feet) - 8/8/8
*alt SB shade/side lunge #30 - 9/8/10
P2: 10/50s -- 8x
SB f squats 30# - 17/16
Bb bent  row 60# - 21/20
kB wood chop L 18# - 18/17
kB wood chop R - 19/16

Total: 45min


Friday, October 24, 2014

Z's 5 Minute Legs, Abs &Cardio + Just When You Thought It Couldn't Hurt More [by k8*]

AM: 20min JR

pM: yoga wy

4/9 legs:
Ham ball Rollins single 
Back squats 60#
Time: 5:38

Z's 5 Minute Legs, Abs &Cardio
5 min AMRAP
pistol downL/switch legs/stand up R #12 - 6x
low jack/jump tuck - 10x
expl pu burpee - 5x
low jack/jump tuck - 10x
R1:2.5 sets//R2: 2.5 sets
Just When You Thought It Couldn't Hurt More...
30/30 -- 5x
Ugh dynamic squats #10
ugi 1 leg dL 2 OH p L #26
ugi 1 leg dL 2 OH p R
Running man abs
split hop/jump lunge


Total 45min


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Beg For Mercy Workout

Indoor climbing

AM: 20 min JR/burpee tabata

PM: 2min;30/30

back 4/9:
1 arm seated row #35
prone BB row #55^
time: 4:08

Beg For Mercy Workout
10/50s -- 15x
sB lat hop over burpees (no pu) - 16/13/14
OH sB getups #30 - 3/3/3
elev plank reptiles then pu - 8/8/9
sB side step ups L - 15/14/14
sB side step ups R - 15/14/14

total: 39min

thurs freemeal @ dinner

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Z's Ultimate Fat Burner + Shldrs&back + Abs&Butt Mash Up

Oh this red wine stuff is really a killer. I've been adding it into my macros so technically I SHOULD be ok but I just don't know..............

AM: 20 min JR

PM: psoas release, 30/30 lift, yoga, lift, yoga

4/9 legs:
1) stationary BB lunges #55
2) BB dL #55
time: 5:59

Z's Ultimate Fat Burner WO
30/30s -- 5x
hi knees
*kb suitcase squats #60
comp burpee
dB jump lunges #12s
ninja jump tucks
Inv row 10x
Kb oh press #26 5ea
Kb swing #30 15x
# sets: 4
5 Min Abs & Butt
1 arm kB swings L 30s #26
*mnt lungers 60s
1 arm kB swing R 30s
kB glute bridge/sit up & twist 30s #26

Total: 41min


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

ZWOW #69

TWELVE DAYS TIL HALLOWEEN AND I STILL DON'T LOVE MYSELF IN MY COSTUME. CRAP BUCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I neeeeeeeed to be down 2 more lbs but really I'd much rather be at my ultimate goal of 123. The most realistic situation is that I'm down 1lb. Plus I have all this hormonal crap coming my way sometime this week. Oy.

Outdoor Climb @ Table
1/2lead 5.8, tr 5.8, tr 9-, lead 9-, tr10b

AM: JR 20 min

PM: 2min psoas release, 30/30; psoas lift, yoga, lift, yoga

back 4/9:
HSCTs (ea)
BB bent (u-hand) row #60
time: 6:42

ZWOW #69
*250m row (was 75hi knees JR)
25 kB goblet squat #30
25 dive bombers
*250m row
25 plank dB pulls (2 per arm) #35
time: 18:43

total: 45min


Saturday, October 18, 2014

ZWOW #22

AM: JR 20 min

PM: yoga warm up

4/9 legs:
sissy squat #25plate
BB wide squats #171 (66/10/45)
time: 5:55

ZWOW #22
**4 burpees on the minute**
30 bench hop [feet] overs
30 chair push ups 
30 chair tri dips
30 wide squat jump/clap OH
30 [RDL] alt. one leg squat/twists
time: 11:20

**dumbest workout ever! Especially the last exercise which would have been betterif it were pistols or something hard.

total: 37min

see myfitness pal app

Thursday, October 16, 2014

ZWOW #30(#1) -- BMS!

AM: 20 min JR


2min release; 30/30 lift/yoga/lift/yoga

ZWOW #30 (#1)
dive bombers - 10x
burpees 5x
*SB+wV squat/leg lift #42 - 40 reps
burpees - 5x
side plank dips - 10 each side
burpees 5x
jG pistol squats #12 - 10x each
burpees - 5x
time: 20:24 (pretty damn good considering I used no extra weight last time!)
time: 20min 13s


thursday reload freemeal


Monday, October 13, 2014

ZWOW #60 -- BMS!

AM: JR/Burpee tabata

PM: psoas release 2 min; 30/30: lift/yoga/lift/yoga

4/9: back
1 atm dB row #35
pull ups
time: 6min

ZWOW #60
dB full squat twist OH #35 - 10x
cross leg under & PU - 10x
*dip st. obliques (original: cross body kick) #10s - 15 each
dB 4-pt punch (side lunge punch down each side/cross jab each =1) - 10x
bench jump (all the way) overs - 10x
time: 16:03 
Sadness....I did not beat my score! I did go heavier this time though. Plus I did bench jump overs instead of box jumps.
time: 15:39

total: 42min



Sunday, October 12, 2014

ZWOW #2 -- BMS!!!

AM: 20 min JR

PM: psoas release 2 min; 30/30: psoas lift, yoga, psoas lift, yoga

4/9: Legs
back squat #60
dB walking lunges #20s
time: 7:23

5 man makers (#25 dBs)
20 burpee low hops (no pu)
10 break dance pu
25 competition sit ups (#25plate)

time: 16:43 (beat my old score by 2 whole seconds! Whoooo! I was really pushing too...)
time: 16:45 

total: 43min


Z's Solid Abs in *15 Minutes


yoga warm up

4/9: back
one arm seated cable row #35
upside down row #12
time : 5:26

 Z's Solid Abs in 15 Minutes
*15 min AMRAP
20 kB (full) swings #26
20 ugi jump lunges #10
10 dB knee raises #8
10 bridge push ups
#sets: 5. 3/4

total: 40min

fri eats:
see myfitnesspal app

freemeal2 @ dinner time

I also had a freemeal on Thursday so tomorrow I'm going to reign it back in and stick to my macros!!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

ZWOW #65

AM: JR 20 min

PM: new warm up (psoas releaseR/strengthen L)

ZWOW #65
***#12 wV on for whole work out*****
5 jG asst'd pistols each
10 vertical leaps
10 kB split squat/dL each #26
20 side lunge jumps/touch grnd
10 1 leg bridge (hold knee) each
20 pike leg lifts each
time: 17:36

Total: 37min

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Z's 5 Min WO & Cut Fast by k8*

AM: 20 min JR/burpee/row tabata

PM: new warm up
2 min psoas release R, 30/30: psoas lift, toe reach, psoas lift, toe reach

4/9: Legs:
Front squats #55
sB glute bridge (on step)
time: 5:43

Z's 5 Minute Hot Body Workout
5 Min AMRAP 
5 sets each leg - one leg dL touch/side kick/surrender position/front kick
5 sets each side - crab toe touch/break dance into 1 leg pu
5 sets each side -  plank twisted climb to R/side plank cross k2e
#sets: 1. 2/3
Cut Fast (by k8*)
lunge press R #15 - 12x
lunge press L - 12x
wV pullups #12 - 4x
BB squat/kick #60 - 12x
dip station V-lifts - 12x
wV pull ups - 4x
time: 7:49

Total: 38min

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

ZWOW #59

AM: tabata JR 

PM: new warm up:
2 min psoas release, 30/30: psoas lift, pigeonL, psoas lift, pigeonR

4/9: back
prone 90 dB row #20s
Lat pulldown #132
time: 5:19

ZWOW #59
10 [RDL PU] pu/step foot to hand/e2g then reach arm straight up
20 dB *bosu kneeling around the worlds #20
20 lunge back/twists #25
20 plank knee tuck/twists
30 bosu side to side hop overs & touch ground (opp hand to foot)
time: 16:34


(following CBL/dr. sara solomon's flexible dieting and IF 12/14)

Monday, October 6, 2014

ZWOW #23


  • carb back load only on weight training days
  • 30g-50g CHO on off days
  • eat 128g carbs (or the difference although day time lows should be 40g) during last two meals of day (1g per pound of body weight -- adjust from here)
  • 1 free meal per week (extra carb load but lower fat)

AM: 20min JR

Indoor climb 1:15-245 (auto belay): fucking hate it.
AM: 20 Min JR

PM: new warm up
2 min psoas release
30/30 - psoas lift, low lunge, psoas lift,low lunge

4/9 LEGS:
one leg upside down smith press #40
sB side lunges #30
time: 9:11

ZWOW #23
5 wide squat jump, cobra pose, down dog, dive bomber pu
5 ab splitters
50 comp burpees
100 air squats #5 (3risers)
time: 24:08

total: 53 min

eats: see myfitnesspal app
sun dinner = free meal

Saturday, October 4, 2014


BF: 17.2%
  • carb back load only on weight training days
  • 30g-50g CHO on off days
  • eat 128g carbs (or the difference although day time lows should be 40g) during last two meals of day (1g per pound of body weight -- adjust from here)
  • Basically I realized I'm pretty much just following Dr. Sarah's program..............
AM: 20 min JR/burpee (alt rounds)

PM: new warm up:
Psoas release 2min
30/30 - psoas band lifts, camel pose, band lifts, straddle stretch 

4/9: back
 lat pulldown #132
bent BB row #60
time: 4:45

ZWOW #100
    •    10 jack knife, roll up, into burpee
    •    10 Alt. Pistol Down/Roll back/Roll into pistol (switch legs)
    •    10 Push-Ups/Step To Hand/Kick Through
    •    10 Ninja Jump Ticks
    •    10 Ab Splitters
    •    10 Full Squat/Jump Tuck/Pistol
    •    10 Kick-Ups (5) Into Breakdance Push-Up
    •    10 Jump Squat Side Kicks
    •    10 Dive Bomber Burpees
    •    10 H/R Push-Up to One-leg Jump
(time: 13:50)

Bonus reps!
Pogo hop L 10x
Pogo hop R 10x
Time 14;48

total: 39min

see myfitnesspal app

Z's 5 Min Butt & Abs & BONUS by k8*

I think I may have decided to switch to carb back loading instead of carb night. I just have to work out the specifics of it.
  • carb back load only on weight training days
  • 30g-50g CHO on off days
  • eat 128g carbs (or the difference although day time lows should be 40g) during last two meals of day (1g per pound of body weight -- adjust from here)

AM: 20 min JR

PM: 2 min yoga

4/9 legs:
Sissy squats #12
Ball hamstring roll ins (each)
time: 5:19

Z's P1: 5 Min Butt & Abs
5 min AMRAP:
side lunge hops - 20x
bicycle sit ups - 20x
side lunge hops - 20x
sude plank hip lift - 10x ea
#sets: 2 1/4. //. 2 1/4
P2: 30/30 -- 5x:
kB curtsey lunge kick #35 (alt)
kB lunge back pass n' curl #26
ball dB crunches #20
plank jax
plank knee tuck/reptile

total: 45min

Bonus 22min yoga (spinal tonic)

wed eats:

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

ZWOW #55 -- BMS!!

AM: 20 min JR3/Burpee1/row1 tabata
PM: 2 min yoga

4/9: back
upside down rows #12
rev flys #17.5s
time: 4:58

ZWOW #55
*15min AMRAP
plank dB pull/180 hop over & burpee/plank then pull again #40 - 10x
kB goblet squat #30 - 20x
dB hop overs - 20x
plank jack/side plank/knee grab (alt) - 10x
(BMS!!! Previous score: 2 sets)
#sets: 3 (2.25 in 12!!!!!!)

total: 40min

mon eats: