
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Suck Wind Workout

Set timer for 15 min cD:
leap frog/burpee combo - 10 reps
plank bicep curls/kickback (15lbs) - 10 reps total
jump lunges (15lbs) - 10 reps total
kB reverse pushups - 10 reps
# sets completed: 5.25

+  JR 20 min (5/55s -- 20 rounds)
Let’s talk about desire and want for a second here. Tons of people approach me wanting a better body, better health, greater fitness...etc. I can’t even tell you how many people I’ve trained who have REALLY REALLY wanted this. However, all of these people have failed in their quest because they only wanted it and they did not desire it. To simply “want” something is somewhat of a wishful state. The possibility that you might achieve it is neither confirmed nor denied. It is this lack of commitment that is the ultimate downfall of the individual.
To desire something is to live, breath, eat, sleep it. Yes, it is borderline obsession. When it comes to fitness, what separates desire from an obsessed state is merely the fact that you could stop yourself at anytime. You know when your body needs a rest and you take it (if begrudgingly.) You could let go and enter a downward spiral that is most human beings lives. But you know better. You know that every workout counts. That the quality of each calorie you consume counts towards a better you. Anything else will just send you backwards. DESIRE is the proper fuel for achieving goals, not want.
1)            still toying with the idea of going from 4 to 5 cardio sessions sometime soon...want better results but don’t want to totally kill myself at the same time.
2)           STILL hurting from jackie’s workout!!!!!!!
3)           went to a bbq yesterday and did ok with food. could have done better. will do better at the bbq today.
4)           p.s - the name of this workout is EXTREMELY accurate
Yesterday's Eats:
8am - cappuccino shake/melon
11am - chicken, ezekiel bread
1pm - 1/3 cup raw almonds, ezekiel bread
4pm - brat, 1.5 cup fruit, 12 multi grain tortilla chips n’ salsa
7pm - steak salad, 1 tbsp vinegarette dressing, 1 chocolate chip cookie

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