
Friday, April 29, 2011

Death By Kettle Bell


I swear. The hardest part of taking these challenges is remembering that I’m doing them.

5 min yoga warm up!

Every other round you will switch the last two exercises up. First round split squats, second round ab exercises...etc...

10/30 - 30 rounds - 26lb kB:
kB kneeling getup L - 13/13/14/15/16
kB kneeling getup R - 13/13/15/14/15
1 arm clean and press R - 6/7/7/6/6
1 arm clean and press L - 7/7/7/6/6
kB split squat L - 32/36/38       or       bicycle crunch - 22/20
kB split squat R - 32/33/35      or       kB russian twist - 17/20

1)  JR 20 min (5s/25s -- 40 rounds)

Today's topic: BALANCE. All things are a balance and you have to find a balance that works for you. You may want a body like so-and-so but are you really willing to put in the time and effort it takes to get it? Let’s back up a second here. Do you even KNOW what it takes to get that body that so-and-so has? You probably don’t. You probably just assume that they look that way because they’re younger than you or they haven’t had children yet (my personal fav) or that they’re just genetically gifted. WRONG!

Super lean bodies don’t just happen all by themselves. She pays her dues everyday in workout and in ULTRA clean nutrition. The last three years have been my slow progression towards an ever cleaner diet. THREE YEARS!! I didn’t just drop everything and change my eating habits in fact I struggle with that the most. Every year I get a little better and a little better at it. The slower you make these changes, the better. Then you can truly accept them as lifestyle changes instead of temporary changes to get the body (temporarily) that you want. You have to fight (and fight hard) against the I WANT IT NOW/quick fix notion. It causes more harm than good physiologically. If you have an event you'd like to slim up for try 6 months to a full year in advance instead of a few weeks.

So are you willing to sacrifice all processed foods 99% of the time? Are you willing to do both a resistance workout and a cardio workout every single day for the rest of your life? Are you willing to take the time to cook and prep your clean menu meals for the week ahead whenever you have a moment of free time? If you are unwilling to do any of the following (or find yourself making up excuses as to why you think you can’t do any of the following) I’d suggest you re-evaluate your goals. You may want so-and-so’s body but you probably don’t desire it.

Yesterday’s Eats:
7am - cappuccino shake, 1/2 banana
1030am - 1/2 med chicken breast, 1 ezekiel bread, 2 tbsp aB
1230pm - 1 ezekiel bread, 1/3 cup raw nuts
4pm - 1 can tuna, spinach salad, vinegar, 2 tbsp craisins
7pm - seasoned ground beef, spinach salad, vinegar

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