
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

200 Rep Fat Killer & NYR

NYR: Well since I can't really DO anything about the fact that I can't breath, move as slowly as snail and have an ever distending gut...I suppose my resolution this year will revolve around VEGGIES! My goal is at least 2 servings of veggies every day since lately I have been getting one if any. However once July rolls around we're goin' strict paleo! Then in August we'll be back in business and like I said the other day in my post, 4-6 weeks to heal then back to hard core bodyrocking to get back down to (preconception weight) 125lbs. But this time I'll stick to JUST bodyrocking, no extra cardio and see where I get. Lots to look forward to this year:)

6 min warm up

1) concentration curls #15
2) lying cable curl #20
3) BB inclined curl #30
time: 8:09

200 Rep Fat Killer
sB jump lunges #15 - 10x
burpee w/ pu - 10x
sB jump lunges - 10x
narrow star pu - 10x
sB jump lunges - 10x
time: 14:34

That's what pink means, btw.

total time: ~23min

mon eats:
9 - banana/mango protein shake
1 - WF chicken salad, 2 apple, a couple mac nuts
430 - sphaghetti squash w/ ghee & ground turkey w/ red sauce
8 - beef and veg stir fryw/ brown rice (a couple blue chips)

10 - hot banana protein drink (see recipe here)
130 - leftover beef/veg stir fry, grapefruit
4 - ground turkey in tomato sauce w/ spaghetti squash noodles w/ ghee, apple, celery & almond butter
720 - leftover jambalaya w/ cheese & spinach, apple
9 - 8oz sparkling cider in the hot tub! (a belated nye)

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