
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bringing Sexy Back

Starting a new workout plan for the month of March! This month I am going to include the following bodybuilding circuit at least once a week:

4-6 rounds:
dB row (#35) 5x
BB step ups (#55) 5x each
skull crushers (#15) 5x
BB bicep curl (#55) 5x
back squats (#90) 5x
dB hammer curls (#25) 5x

I will be adding other exercises to it to get my heart rate up and make it more like a bodyrock workout but it will be different every time. The rest of the 5 days a week will be either body rocking or rock climbing. I will also double any 12 minute bodyrock workouts in the effort of fixing my too much excess energy/not sleeping thing that I’ve been doing since Jan.

Nutritionally I completely failed with my goals because of how much I’ve struggled with digesting just plain eggs. Now that I can’t eat eggs for breakfast any more, it complicates my whole menu. Here’s what I’m shooting for this month:

BF: protein muffin or protein pancakes (made with eggs)
L: meat and squash or fruit
Sn: meat or hb eggs, veg, fat
D: meat and veg

Sunday March 4 Workout:
Climbing 2 hours


Monday March 5 Workout:
Climbing 2 hrs


4 min yoga warm up

10/50 -- 24x
burpee w/ staggered pushup & box hop - 9/8/8
star single toe touch abs - 22/24/24
sb squat/press jumps (#40) - 11/13/13
ugi mnt climbers 10/ugi toe taps 10 -5/5/6

mon eats
7 - protein muffin, clementine
10 - 1/2 cup nuts/seeds
115 - enchilada (chicken only), 1 hb egg, salad, 1/3 cup salsa, 1/4 cup gauc
3 - apple, carrots
6 - 3 oz dijon salmon, asparagus, small pc paleo carrot cake

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