
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Paradise! Workout & Happy NY!

I thought we’d start the new year off with a positive image.That is Seychelles off the east coast of Africa. Skiing? Who needs it! She sells sea shells on Seychelles:)

2012 - is the year of the caveman and so today begins my RE-commitment to not just paleo but 100% paleo. I have officially given up whey protein as of yesterday and have made it part of my resolution to eat whole foods only. Not only this but I am also resolved to start eating only when I’m hungry and not when I’m bored or to meet any kind of protein quota. As a part of this adjustment phase, I am cutting out the additional cardio sessions and taking my workouts up to 6 days a week.

That said, I am doubling today’s BodyRock workout:)

Paradise! Workout

4 min yoga warm up

Part1: 10/50 -- 8x
one leg squat jump3 + one arm push up3 L - 4/4
one leg squat jump3 + one arm push up3 R - 4/4
half burpee jump ins3, squat jump3, jump tuck - 5/5
commando push up - 11/12

Part 2: 10/50 -- 8x
reptile push/one leg push on ball - 7/8
sB clean & press, jump over bag, 3 jump squats - 4/4
sB alt fwd/bkwd lunge and twist - 11/12
high knees w/ JR - 90/117

Part 3: 10/50 -- 6x
*leg lift w/ ball - 17/19
ugi chop on ball - 18/18
knee raise w/ oblique crunches - 9/8

*this exercise is PERFECT if you want to wreck your lower back. take the ball, put it between your knees and do leglifts with it this way

sat eats
715 - 3 eggs, grapefruit
11 - 4 oz chicken, sweet potato, carrot
2 - 1/3 cup almonds, brussel sprouts, carrot
5 - 2 tuna pkts, spinach, 1/4 squash
730 - 1 cup paleo chicken pot pie

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