
Saturday, February 12, 2011

New 300 Rep Workout

Remember: A mediocre workout will get you absolutely no where. You will ONLY make fitness gains if you push WELL beyond your limits. Duration is not the issue holding you back from achieving your dream body. It is intensity. Intensity of workout and intensity of your fit commitment. Push in your workouts, push yourself to always eat clean despite the fact that you are infinitely and catastrophically surrounded hormone/antibiotic/GMO/chemical laden garbage in the guise of food and you’ll get there. Recall yesterday’s theme of breaking free...get angry, get motivated and get LEAN.

Yesterday was a great workout. I only know this today because my quad’s are KILLING ME and that’s a next to impossible feat.

This weekend we’re going to mix things up and do a couple time challenges! This first one is Zuzana’s and tomorrow you will have to suffer through mine! *evil laughter and the dry washing of hands*

5 min yoga warm up
side lunge/knee tuck L - 30 reps
side lunge/knee tuck R - 30 reps
side crunch - 15 reps each side
sB swing - 15 reps each arm
(wide grip) pull-ups - 30 reps
3 pulse one leg 1/2 squats - 15 reps each leg
hanging knee raises - 30 reps
3 low jacks/jump up - 30 reps
triple knee reptile/side step pushup - 30 reps

COMPLETED IN: 21min 37s

Yesterday’s Food Log:
7am  - strawberry banana protein shake
1030am - apple, 1/2 chicken breast w/ 2 tbsp home made black bean dip mixed in
1130am - 2 WASA crackers 2 tbsp home made bean dip
130pm - 1 can tuna, salad, balsamic vinegar
3pm - 1 tbsp almond butter
5 pm - 1 oz turkey jerky
8pm - 1 cup turkey (veggie) goulash

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