
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day 26 &27 BR bootcamp AAAND fitness genes test! w00t!

DAY 26
Today I am feeling very disgusting in my body. It's to the point where if dwell on it for more than 30s...I might just have a melt down. It's been like this for the last week or so and prompted a special purchase: a fitness genes kit!!! Excited to receive it soon! However, I didn't think about the impact breastfeeding would have on the hormone part of the results so I'm not sure I will test now...raaarg.

Day 27

10/20--10x JR

5x5 band pullups (4:1)
Time: 4:25

Day 26
Dynamic squats #12- 22/18/16
4db punch/4sqt side kick #8s- 5.5/4.5/4
Bb jR
bosu lateral jump overs #12 - 20/19/18

Time: 22:25

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing information. I am looking for details about fitness genes. Thanks again
