
Monday, October 10, 2016

Grain Elimination Week 1 & Lifted Butt #17

It's time. Time for an elimination diet. I am so sick of feeling sick, being in chronic pain and not being able to sleep. As I recall from baby round 1, part of this was due to the relaxin still in my system and The hormonal dishevel-ment that comes along with quitting breastfeeding after a year. It gradually went away some 6months later.  (Don't you just loooove post-breastfeeding menopause?! Apparently I am the only one in the world that experiences this as I've found absolutely NO literature on it or how to treat it. Essentially I am treating myself for menopause with black cohosh and shatavari. It works.) El iminating grains at that point made my pain totally disappear. I've been investigating TheWhole30 (I LOVE the rule about not recreating sweets/snack food with acceptable ingredients! This is where most people fail at life) but being on the cusp of holiday season (beginning with Halloween of course!) I'm not sure I want to go that hard core nor do I need to. Maybe come January if I'm still feeling off it'll be time for something crazy.   I've known for some time that dairy of any kind does not sit well with me and so I'm pretty used to living a dairy free life. Check. What I really need to work on is grains. They've been popping in and out of my diet with all the kiddie snacks we have around the house and I've been lying to myself about how I really need to eat rice and oatmeal to fuel my workouts. That's a thin line. In years past, I've done strict paleo (basically whole30) and been at a lack of energy, slept poorly and felt terrible. The thing I didn't change back then was my workout length/intensity. I was still plugging away at 45-1hr of high intensity. This time, I'm going to scale back my workouts and just do ONE Zgym per day (20min which i'll sorta kinda be tapering down to)5 days a week (plus 5, 2mi dog walks in the early morn) and see if I can get away with it. Fingers crossed. I'll take a weight sometime this week. Ok, 30DayGrainEliminationProject.......GO! 

2min warm up

1. Wide Legged Hip raises with power band x 30 green
2. Kettlebell swing x 20 with the beast #40
3. Laying side leg lifts with power band x 20 / 20
4. Kettlebell Swing x 20 with the beast 
5. Clams with power band x 20/20
6. Kettlebell Swing x 20 with the beast (30-40 with the normal)
time: 13:13
10m amrap (originally 15)
1. JR hi knees ** x 80
4. Jump Rope DBU x 20
5. Pull up to jump lunge (x4) x 6
#rnds: 1 3/5

Total time: 23min

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