
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hot Reflection & nutritonal brainstorming

This is ridiculous. I am eating garbage. I really need to come up with a plan to follow especially by the end of the month when I'll be done breast feeding and can REALLY get some results. Not sure if I want to go back to paleo (too restrictive?) or actually follow sara soloman's flexible dieting thing (haaaate counting calories) but I feel like I need to follow something otherwise I just mess up :-(

Here is my brain storming:
- back to paleo with the exception of beans & whey  all potatoes/yams
- eat every 2 hours (unless out of the house and doing other things)
- strawberry shake to go instead of q-bars
- aminoX every 2 hours until fast broken
- 1T nut butter
- CHO w/ every meal/snack including dinner

meal structure examples:
1st: veggies, meat, starch, protein shake
2nd: strawberry protein shake OR protein muffin OR protein ice cream OR protein hot chocolate, veggies
3rd: fruit slushie & 1T pB
4th: meat, veg, starch

I'm going to start making small changes today but by JULY 1st...WE'RE ON. FULL ON. (I'll be done breastfeeding! YAY!)

2min yoga

5min ROW

Hot Reflection WO:
Part 1:
- 1min x ugi jump squats #10 - 33
- 1min x sB step ups - 16
- 1min x side to side lunge hops (touch ground!) - 42
- 1min x upside down inv row - 26
- 1min x ab splitters -  9
Part 2: Supersets: 2RFT:
1a) BB back squats #55 - 12x
1b) jump squats 1 min - 30/27
2a) BB dL #60(^) - 12x
2b) ball ham rolls 1 min - 23/25
3a) BB step calf raises #55- 12x
3b) wide squat tippy toe jumps 1 min - 40/43


total: 27min

tues eats:
1215 - spag squash w/ vegan parm, leftover picadillo casserole, cappuccino protein shake, 2/3 cup black beans n' 1T salsa, 3 carrots & pb2
3 - questbar, paleo coleslaw, 2 sm oranges, 2 elk jerky strips, 3 crackers
6 - paleo carrot & ginger soup w/ chicken added, too many blue chips, 1/2c cottage cheese

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