
Friday, December 31, 2021

🥝 December notes/LBS

12/1/21 CD16 = 133lbs 

        ^trying to cap it here for December 

*Listening to ETP podcast is slowly converting me but maybe more something like this:

FL1 = 1700/d 6 wks (2 adjustments based on scale progress)

AP1 = add weekly cal to TDEE or slightly lower (4 wks) (1950 ish?)

FL2 = 1600??? ONLY if 1700 isn't aggressive enough

AP2 = 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000

PR = 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300??? (monitor weight before each bump)

*Tracking 1900/d for the month. 66% compliance at best. see LBS below for how well that worked out.   ಠ╭╮ಠ

12/28/21 CD16 = 134.6lbs    well shit.

*hyperbolic stretching (week1) 2x week (3 was causing tweaky hamstrings)

*reverse plank holds (20s ish) a couple times a week and to 5rft2 because they seem to be better for my back than windmills or the modified cobra hold

*Brought my step intervals down to 15/45 from 20/40

8mob DEFINED: 8mob -- 1min hold each: pigeon, frog, lying hamstring w/ band, wall quad/hip flexor on block, TFL ball L only

ladderx3/metcon20/walk2/rev pl 5x20s

2 min warm up 


BB DL #105:                          10---->all 5 sets

sngl leg mtn climbers (ball):   8/8--->all 5 sets


ball on wall surrenders #10wV: 6/6--7/7--8/8--7/7--6/6

seated alt leg lifts #2.5s:            10---12---14---12---10


smith deficit lunges #20: 6/6--7/7--8/8-7/7--6/6

ab splitters:                         6---7---8---7---6

time: 22:13


10/40x24 metcon

pendulum to kb swin #26

jump lunge ft tap

band and and press (blue)

twisted climber

alternating archer squat

ball OH crunches #10 


rev plank holds 20s x 5

walk 2

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Climb G1/5rft1/walk2


L: 8,9,10a, 11a lead wall clean!, 11b lead wall 3/4 completed

TR: 12b, 12a


Walk 2



kB row #53 x 7/7

Prone 90* lifts #1.1/4 x 20

SLPDs blue x 10

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

5x4/c shred49/16moblvl2/walk2

 2 min warm up

5minx4 amraps:


sngl kb dL #40 x 9/9

seated pancake dL #26 x 9

r = 3


sm sissy squat (feet together, butt 2 ground) #20 x 9

leg ext #30 x 8/8

r = 3.5


prone bench lying dB (behind knees) frog abd #20s x 9 (add band next time)

landmine kneeling suqats #38 x 9

r = 4.5


scissory bicycle crunches #2.5s x 16

plank slide cross kick under #2.5s x 8/8

r = 3


Cardio Shred 49 


pull up/expl pu x 2 to squat ~ 4 sets

crisis cross jump squat (blue) x 20

HSCTx2/jump tuck to pistol x 2 ~ 4 sets

crisis cross jump squat (blue) x 20

+ mtn sliders: 10reg/10cross/10reg/10cross

r = 3


16 hyperbolic stretching lvl 2 front slpt & pancake



Monday, December 27, 2021

Sunday, December 26, 2021

300 KR #20/JRto40/walk2/8mob

 walk 2


    Pull Up x 1

  1. Kettlebell Swing x 10 #60
  2. Pull Up x 1

  3. Jump Lunge / Side Kick x 10
  4. Pull Up x 1

  5. Clean & Press x 5 / 5 #30
  6. Pull Up x 1

  7. Band Asst'd Pistol Squat x 5/5 
  8. Pull Up x 1

  9. Ballerina Sumo #60 x 10 
  10. Pull Up x 1

  11. Push Up to squat x 10
  12. Pull Up x 1

  13. Heavy Clean to Squat x 10 #50
  14. Pull Up x 1

  15. Hanging Leg Raise x 10
  16. Pull Up x 1

  17. Extreme Mountain Slider x 5 / 5
  18. Pull Up x 1

    time: 26:55


JR to 40 (14min 10/30)



Thursday, December 23, 2021


 walk- ish (bah! children!)


step ups #20               10/10---->all5 sets

dip st knee raise #12: 8-1-12-10-8


elev dL #60:                              10-11-12-11-10

band on ankles/leg lift/hip lift: 10---->all 5 sets


kb curtsey lunges #30: 8/8-9/9-10/10-9/9-8/8

ball pike:                      8------------->all5 sets

time: 23:36


Control &B CaRDIO #13 


side plank dips x 8/8*

jump lunge x 3/side kick ~ 10 sets

pistol down/leg lift x 3/up x 10 alt*

180* burpee (no pu) x 16

air lunge to slow side kick x 5/5

r = 3 2/5



*modified because of stupid ankle pain or I suck at this

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Upper Body & Abs Inferno14/jr20/5rft1/walk2

 walk 2




ball elev 1 leg plank hold 30/30s

top 1/2 pullups x 5

Handstand criss cross knee tuck x 8 alt

windshield wiper abs x2/chin up ~ 5 sets

one legged roll into handstand (wall) x 6 alt

time: 14min



row #53 x 7/7

prone 90* lifts #1.25lbs each hand x 20

superman lat pulldowns blue x 10

time; 8:25


JR20 5/25

Monday, December 20, 2021


 2 min warm up

5amrap A:

pancake dL #30 x 9

kickstand dL #20s x 9/9

r = 3


sb side lunge #20 x 9/9

crab banded abd (y&blue) x 9

r = 3+


lying L single leg drops #2.5s x 14alt

lying dB crunch up and hold/knee tucks #2.5s x 16alt

r = 3


goblet squat #40 x 9

suit case lunge backs #30 x 8/8

r = 3.5


JRCKB13 (20min amarp)

JR BB 60s/HK 60s

squat pass/elbow strike #30 x 16 alt

JR BB 60s/HK 60s

tornado clams #30 x 10

JR BB 60s/HK 60s

1 arm kB swing #30 x 20/20

r = 1.66+


16mob hyperbolic



Sunday, December 19, 2021


 walk 2




  1. Jump Tuck / Jump Lunge
  2. Push Up / Plank Jack
  3. Criss Cross Jump Squat / Pistol Squat - alt. legs
  4. Side Crunch - L
  5. Side Crunch - R

Step intervals 15/45x20


8mob -- 1min hold each:
lying hamstring w/ band
wall quad/hip flexor on block
TFL L only

Saturday, December 18, 2021

rest: walk/mob



mob: pancake BF & backbending 1 BF + rev plank 20s hold x 5

Friday, December 17, 2021



lead: 7,9,9,11b1t,10d 1t, 11b, 11a

TR 11d, 12a 11d

Thursday, December 16, 2021


 walk 2


sngl kb dL #50:   8/8------->all 5 sets

dip st. L sit hold: 20s ------>all 5 sets


kb alt archer #18:  12--10--8--6--4

plank knee drop:  8/8-7/7-6/6-5/5-4/4


smith glute kick back #20 total: 6/6 ---> all 5 sets

kb leg lower #40:                        8---->all 5 sets

time: 23:31



db thrusters #12s

step up L

step up R

high knees10/drop down

reptile alt sliders 


RFL ball roll one minute
   ^I need to get back to being regular about this. my hip has been hurting again!

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Restish: walks2/jr20/16mob+umob



16mob hyperbolic/shoulder yoga + 5x 20s rev plank

Tuesday, December 14, 2021



L: 7,7,9, 11 proj 3t, 11- proj  2t

TR: 12, 12 (3/4 completed)





Monday, December 13, 2021

5x4 amrap/Cshred50/walk2/16mob

 walk 2


5min amrap A:

banded clams (green/yellow) x 9/9

fwd lean split squat #30 x 8/8

r= 3.5


smith bar sissy squat #20sb x 8

fig 8 squats #50+10wv x 14alt

r = 3.5


sngl ham machine #12.5 x 9/9

elev seated pancake dL #30 x 9

r = 3


ball pikes x 9

kB knee tucks #26 x 10

r = 4


cardio shred #50


HK JR 60s

windshield wiper abs/hanging pistol kick(same side) x 6 reps

box jump x 10

ugi 1 leg squat/squat jumps x 5/5

kB swing #40 x 20

r = 3 2/5

16mob (hyperbolic stretching)

Friday, December 10, 2021

LC laddersx3/CC#14/walk2

 2 min warm up

elev sumo #70: 10--11--12--11--10

plank k2e:        8/8-8/8-8/8-8/8-8/8


sngl elev glute P #20: 8/8-8/8-8/8-8/8-8/8

sngl leg lifts overs:     15--12--12--12--12


elev kB dL #65: 10--11--12--11--10

dip st leg lift:       8--8--8--8--8

time: 23: 52


control & cardio #14

20min amrap:

dragon pistol (block assisted) x 5/5

jump jack/squat jump x 30

L-handstand pu/leg abd 1 ea x 6

jump lunge x 3/side kick x 16

rev plank holds 15s each x 5

Hi knees x 6/side step squat x 20

r = 2 2/3+


walk 2

TAKING THE WEEKEND OFF FOR A BALL XMAS PARTY WEEKEND IN DENVER!!!! Not sure how I feel about this but I did it all the time when I was younger so I should be ok with it and everything will be fine.

Thursday, December 9, 2021



L: 8,8,9+/10-, 11 proj (3t), 11- (1t)

TR: 12, 12





Monday, December 6, 2021

5x4 amrap/JRCKB14/walk2/16mob

 walk 2

A: quads (5min amrap):

- dBl kB sumo #90 x 9

- assit'd pistols #10wv x 4/4

r = 3.5


hanging knee raise/cross kick x 8 alt

seated v overs x 16 #10wv on chest

r = 3

C: hams

dbl ball roll ins x 9

sB good morning x 9 #35

r = 4

D: glute

abd + press green & yellow bands x 9

side lying (bench) dB leg lift up #12 x 8/8

r = 3


JRCKB14 (20min amrap)

JR high knees 20s/DBU 20s/HK 20s

*kB side crunch v ups x 10/10 #26

JR high knees 20s/DBU 20s/HK 20s

clean & squat #30 x 8/8

JR high knees 20s/DBU 20s/HK 20s

dL #60 x 10

JR high knees 20s/DBU 20s/HK 20s

*sngl kB hip flexor pulls x 8/8 #18


16 mob (hyperbolic stretching level 1 - week 2)

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Fiscal Cliffs/Graveyard CCC


Fiscal cliffs: TR: 8*** 

Graveyard: TR: 2 pitch 9, 9 to 4 out of 6 bolts (several attempts)

I really should have taken Friday off. I climbed like garbage today.

Friday, December 3, 2021

LC ladder/15metcon/5JR/walk2/8mob

 should have rested today but oh fucking well.

walk 2



sm squat #66:                 10--10--10--10--10

ball 1 leg mtn climber:   8/8-9/9-10/10-9/-8/8


pancake dL #30kb:   10--10--10--10--10

kB leg lowers:             8--8--8--8--8


kb side lunge #26: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8

ball dB crunches #12: 10-10-10-10-10


metcon 15:

pogo #10 x 8/8

side step squat #60 x 12

dBU x 40

snatch #26 x 8/8

r = 4


5JR 5/45x6



Thursday, December 2, 2021

Plotinus BC

 Climb Plotinus Wall in BC

TR: 10a (mr sandman), the daily grind 10d, smell the coffee 10a, chore boy 10c, 

Lead attempt: snooze button 10a/b = 5 clips to crux (get feet higher on the slope-y rail and go for the thin flake!

TR: snooze button 10a/b

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

LBS!!! restish: walK2/jr20/mob

 CD16: 133#

Suuuuuuuck. I thought I was doing better than that.


And also


Sooooo….I’m going to begin tracking at 1900 cal/day



JR20: 10/20


BF pancake routine & backbending II

Tuesday, November 30, 2021



7,8,9+, 11 new proj (3t), 11- (1t)

TR: 12 (2f), 12- (2f)


walk 2



row x7/7 #53

windmill  x8/8 #18

HSCTs x 10alt

Monday, November 29, 2021


 walk 2

5amrap A:

dB glute kickback #20^ next time x 9/9

BB glute press #95 x 9

r = 4.5



sngl sm squat x 8/8

kb sumo to calf raise #70^ next time x 9

r = 4



ab splitter x 9

plank reptiles x 9/9

r = 3



Jefferson curl #30 x 9

sngl kb dL #40 x 9/9

r = 2.5


Cardio Shred #51:

20min AMRAP (or 3rft)

jump tuck/pistol x 10 alt (block assist)

chin up/pu x 5

dBus x 30s

kB swing #40 x 20

r = 4.25


16min hyperbolic stretching front & middle split

Saturday, November 27, 2021

*deload week!*



Dip at v abs x 10

Reverse burpee/pistol up/squat down x10alt

WV split squat jumps x 10/10 #10

Asst’d HSPU (2 sm plates/1 yoga block x 8

R= 4





PhysioFix IG F mob

PhysioFix IG groin mob (some not all)

YT upper bod mob




L:8,8,8,11- complete, 11

TR: 12,11,11:







walk 2


z mob drills #6 (upper) & BF front splits



Climb G1

L: 7,8,9,11b 1t, 11a, 11b

TR: 12a, 11c





hyperbolic program mobility prog: front splits, pancake, upper body



12min Heart breaker body #3


1. Mountain Climbers (x3) / Lunge Kick up #15s
2. Reptile Santana Push up alt. sides #15s
3. Lunge heel lift / jump lunge #15s
4. Thigh lift (right leg) blue
5. Thigh lift (left leg) blue
6. One leg Hip raise abduction (2/2) #20+green


16min hyperbolic stretching front split/pancake

Sunday, November 21, 2021

New 300 Rep WO (BMS)/JR20/8mob/walk2

 walk 2

New 300 Rep WO FT:

side lunge/knee tuck L - 30 reps
side lunge/knee tuck R - 30 reps
side crunch - 15 reps each side
sB swing - 15 reps each arm
(wide grip) pull-ups - 30 reps
3 pulse one leg 1/2 squats - 15 reps each leg
hanging knee raises - 30 reps
3 low jacks/jump up - 30 reps
triple knee reptile/side step pushup - 30 reps

(BMS!!!! Last time: 21:37)

Here's the first time I did this workout


JR20 10/30x30



Saturday, November 20, 2021

REST: walk2/mob

 walk 2


middle splits + backbending1 (beyond flexibility prog)

Friday, November 19, 2021

LC ladder x3/15metcon/5jr/8mob/walk2



LC ladders:

BB glute press #100: 10--11--12--11--10
L sit holds:                20s-20s-20s-20s-20s


Smith lunges #50 (total): 8/8-8/8-8/8-8/8-8/8
hollow rock hip lifts:       10--11--12--11--10


dB wide leg dLs #25s:         10--11--12--11--10
hanging windshield wipers:   6--6--6--6--6--6

time: 21:16


15min metcon: (amrap)
sB squats #45 x 10
band jack squats x 20 green
kB swints #50 x 15
plank slide under kicks x 10/10
r = 4.5


5JR 10/40x6



Thursday, November 18, 2021



L:8,9,10, 11 PROJ COMPLETED!, 11- lead wall 1 t

TR: 12 (1f), 11+/12- (2-3f)


walk 2



row #53 x7/7

prone 90* hand lifts (rotations) x 20

HSCTs x 10 alt

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


 walk 2

5min amrap A:

good mornings #45 x 9

BB dL +#55ea x 9

r = 4


pilates teaser x 18 alt

side plank reach unders x 9/9

r = 3.5


leg ext #25 x 9/9

ballerina sumo #60 x 9

r = 4


band abd + p (yello + green) x 9

cable kickback #15 total x 9/9

r = 3.5


JRCKB15 (20amrap)

dBU x 40

kb pendulum to swing #30 x 10

plank jack/cross kick under x 20 alt

JR HKs 90s

curtsey pass under/clean and press #26 x 16 alt

*ugi single leg squat x 6/6

r = 2 2/3


8min mob

Monday, November 15, 2021

Sunday, November 14, 2021

15m FB27(+5)/syep20/walk2/8mob

 Walk 2

15fb #27+5m


Fwd curtsey/jump squat 

Knee tuck/straddle crunch

Twist squat jump/monkey pu

4 mt climber/1 Superman lat pulldown

Jump lunge knee drive 


Step20: 15/45x20



Friday, November 12, 2021

Climb /walk2/ 5rft1

 Auto belay: 8/9, 7/8

L: 9, 11proj 2t, 11- lead wall 1t

Tr: 12, 12-





Prone 90* hand lifts x 20

Superman lat pull down blue x 10

Thursday, November 11, 2021

LC Ladderx3/10metcon/10JR/8mob/walk2

 walk 2


Smith sumo #86: 8--9--10--9--8

hang leg raise:     8------------->all 5 sets


Sngl mach ham curl #15: 8/8--7/7--6/6--7/7--6/6

kb side V crunch #18:      10/10 -------------->all


sb side lunge #30: 8/8--------------->all 5 sets

ball hc egg:            8----------------->all



10 surrender hop ups alt

10 dbl dB snatch #20s

20 box step ups alt

20 TRX reptiles alt

r = 3+


10JR: 10/35


Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 L:8,9,8, 11proj 2t, 11 3/4 completed,

TR: 12 (2-3f), 11


Monday, November 8, 2021

5AMRAPx4/cardio shred52/walk2/8mob

walk 2


5AMRAP a: glutes
sngl elev glute press #20 x 9/9
kb curtsey #26 x 9/9
r = 3
b: quad
goblet squat #40 x 9
elev sumo #70 x 9
r = 4
c: core
plank tap outs x 18 alt
seated (hands on blox) leg lifts x 14 alt
r = 4
d: hamstrings
sngl dL #40 x 8/8
ham curl mach #25 x 7
r = 3
cardio shred 52
2rft or 20min cap
  1. Jump Rope High Knees - 30 sec
  2. One Leg Elevated Weighted Lunge Pulse x 10 / 10 #26
  3. Jump Rope High Knees - 30 sec
  4. Weighted Side Lunge to Squat x 8 / 8 #26
  5. Jump Rope High Knees - 30 sec
  6. Banded Side Step Squat x 20 / 20 green
  7. Jump Rope High Knees - 30 sec
  8. Banded Kick Back (x30) / Tippi Toe Squat x 10 / 10 green
r = 2 1/8

Sunday, November 7, 2021

300kR21/step 20/walk2



300 killer rep #21


  1. Jump Tuck x 10
  2. Spring Forward / Walk Back Push Up x 10
  3. Roll Back Pistol Left x 10
  4. Roll Back Pistol Right x10
  5. Donkey Kick / Kick Through - Left x 10
  6. Donkey Kick / Kick Through - Right x 10
  7. Split Jump x 10 alt. Legs
  8. Jump Jack Push Up x 10
  9. Side Lunge Knee Up / Front Kick - Left x 10
  10. Side Lunge Knee Up / Front Kick - Right x 10
time: 27:13


JR13min 5/25



Saturday, November 6, 2021




zgym middle splits drills + random upper body stretches

Friday, November 5, 2021

LBS!!! LC Ladders x3/5metcon/15jr/8mob/walk2

 131.6lbs today CD 16

        ^take weight every cd16/cap at 132lbs!

walk 2

Lower & core ladders: (20min+)

split squats #15s: 8/8--9/9--10/10--9/9--8/8

kb leg lowers:      10 ----------------------->


elev dL #70:                    10--11--12--11--10

plank cross kick sliders:  7/7-8/8-9/9-8/8-7/7


wall ball kb glute press #60: 10-11-12-11-10

dip st. knee tux #12:              8-------------->


5min metcon (from 5min FB129):


kb jump squat/pu x 5

plank jump tuck/jump tuck x 5

pendulum #30 x 10

3 jump lunge/1 leg pu x 6 alt

r = 2ish


JR15 (5/45)



Thursday, November 4, 2021


L: 8,9,9+,11 proj completed!!!!!, 11 proj

Tr: 10+, 11+, 12-







Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 L: 8,8, 9+, 11+ (1/2), 11proj 1t, 10- lead wall

Tr: 12


Rowx7/7 #53

Prime 90* rotations x 20

Windmill x 8/8 #18

No sLPD today. 

+ walk2

Monday, November 1, 2021

5amrapx4/cardio shred53/walk2/8mob

 walk 2

5 amrap a:

alt archer squats #10wV x 14

sB lunges #45 x 8/8

r = 3


ball pikes x9

dip st v abs x 8

r = 4


wV a - lift x 10/10 #10

band abd & p green+ yellow x 10

r = 3.5


sngl ball ham roll ins x 9/9

rev plank knee tucks x 16alt

r = 4


cardio shred #53

20 amrap:

1. L - Handstand on the Wall to Jump Tuck x 5

2. Seated Weighted Knee Tuck / Sit Up to Overhead Press x 10

3. Clean to Squat / Jump Squat x 10

4. ** Box Jumpa x 16

5. Seated Side to Side Knee Tuck x 10

#r = 3 2/5



Sunday, October 31, 2021


 walk 2


15min FB29


1. Twist Squat / Side Kick

2. Tranformer Plank

3. Side Lunge / Knee Up/ Curtsy - L

4. Side Lunge / Knee Up/ Curtsy - R

5. Crab Dance

6. Reptile Plank

7. High Knees (x5) / Squat

8. Hollow See-Saw

9. Kneeling Lunge / Side Kick - L

10. Kneeling Lunge / Side Kick - R

11. Jump Forward / Back / Monkey Push Up

12. Jack Knife / Mermaid - L

13. Jack Knife / Mermaid - R

14. Up Dog Push Up / Criss Cross Knee Tuck

15. Lunge Jump / Jump Squat

r = repeated in extra 5 min


step 20

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Jan 2014 mash up/JR20/walk2/8mob

 walk 2



smith squats #66 x 10-10-10-10-10

1 leg ball climber 7/7-8/8-9/9-8/8-7/7

time: 5:50


10/30 x 6 (4m)

ab splitters

1/2 burpee dL #95


10:10 AMRAP:

alt dip st leg lifts x 20

sb curtsey #35 x 10/10

1 leg surrender to jump tuck x 10 alt

r = 3.33


jr20: 5/55



1 min pigeon ea

1 min frog

1 min strap hamstring ea

1 min wall hip flexor w/ block ea

1 min TFL ball rolling

Thursday, October 28, 2021


Ccc - high wire

TR: 8+ nickel & dime, 

L: 9-

Tr: 5th of July 9+, everything rhymes oranges 9+

Lead: 8 pony express, part of 8+ poker face

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

*restish: walk2/jr20/mob

 Walk 2


Jr20: 10/30


BF middle splits & back bending lvl2

Monday, October 25, 2021


 walk 2



5 amrap A:

sB goodmornings #35 x 9

landmine sumo hack sqt +#35 x 9/9

r = 3


ball knee tucks x 9

plank slider reptiles x 9/9

r = 4


elev dL #60 x 9

band clams green x 9/9

r = 4


plate/band monster walk f/bk #25/green x 9f/9bk

plate kneeling sngl leg squat #25 x 9/9

r = 3


JRCKB #16 (20metcon)

  1. 20 sec high knees/ 20 sec double unders / 20 sec high knees
  2. Side to Side Goblet Lunge x 12 #26
  3. 20 sec high knees/ 20 sec double unders / 20 sec high knees
  4. Weighted Jumps x 12 #26
  5. 20 sec high knees/ 20 sec double unders / 20 sec high knees
  6. *kB glute p/band abd x 12 green/#40
  7. 20 sec high knees/ 20 sec double unders / 20 sec high knees
  8. Kettlebell Snatch / Weighted One Legged Squat x 10 alt. sides #26
R = 2 1/8

7min mob

Sunday, October 24, 2021

15m FB #28+5/step20/walk2

 2 min warm up

20min FB #28:

45/15 second intervals

1. Archer Squat / Knee Up - L
2. Archer Squat / Knee Up - R
3. Negative Push Up
4. 180 Squat Jump / Plank

5. Figure 4 Side Plank Lift - L
6. Figure 4 Side Plank Lift - R
7. Pike Press / Archer - alt. sides
8. Hollow Hip Raise
9. Overhead Squat to Jump Tuck
10. Leg Cross Body Push Up - alt
11. Jump Lunge / Overhead Tippy Toes Squat
12. UpDog Push Up
13. High Knees (x3) to Squat - alt.
14. Quad Shoulder Tap with Leg Extension - alt.
15. Forward Lunge / Twist - alt.

red = repeated for extra 5 minutes


step 20



1 min block pigeon L

1 min block pigeon R

1 min frog

1 min strap hamstrings L

1 min strap ham R

1 min wall hip flexor L

1 min wall hip flex R

+1 min TFL ball roll L 



Saturday, October 23, 2021

Friday, October 22, 2021




8,9,10a, 11b 2t, 11a clean

Tr: 12a, 11d


Row #53 x7/7

Face down lying 90* rotations x 20

SLPDs blue x 10

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Z's BAC#3/JR20/walk2/7mob

 walk 2



1. Weighted Hip Raise x 20 #30
STC Mountain Climbers x 20 (1 each = 1 rep)

2. Plank Knee Tucks (on the ball) x 20 (1 = 1)
Mountain Climbers x 20

3. Weighted Hip Raise x 20 #26
Mountain Climbers x 20

4. Side Elb Plank - reach through x 10/10
Mountain Climbers x 20

5. Weighted Hip Raise x 20 #26
Mountain Climbers x 20

6.Toe tap Hip Raise x 20
Mountain Climbers x 20

7. Weighted Hip Raise x 20 #26
Mountain Climbers x 20

8. Side Crunch x 20/20
Mountain Climbers x 20

time: 16:02


tabata asst'd pistols 10/20x8



JR20 10/45


7min mob

Tuesday, October 19, 2021



Lead: 7,8,9,11- proj (3t), 11 proj (1t), 10, 10, 10

walk 2



Monday, October 18, 2021


 walk 2



6min amrap A:

Jefferson curl #26 x 9

split squat #30 x 8/8

R = 3

5min AMRAP B:

BB bk squat #50 x 9

band hyd/ext green x 8/8

R = 3

5amrap C:

plank knee drops x 9/9

dip st leg lifts x 9

R = 3

4amrap D:

elev 1 leg glute p #20 x 8/8

ball ham roll ins x 8

R = 3



kb lo squat up/down/jump up x 8 #30]

sit up clap under x 20 alt

jump lunges x 20

trx mtn climbers x 20

R = 4 3/4


JR5: 5/25x10

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Climb BC

walk 2

Surprizing Crag TR: 8,9,8
Watermark: 8, 10a/b

Friday, October 15, 2021

Z IG WO/step20/walk2/7mob

 walk 2 


Side plank bottom leg lift/ballerina leg kick x 8/8

curtsey knee up to side lunge knee up x 8/8

burpee x 10

squat jump twist x 20

archer to front kick x 8/8

pike press/leg lift x 10 alt

#r = 2 2/3+


step 20


7min mobility:

block pigeon 1 min each, frog 1 min, lying ham strap 1 min ea, wall/block hip flexor 1 min ea

Thursday, October 14, 2021


 Climb: 8,8,9, 11- (3t), 11 (2t)

Tr: 12 (to last move), 11+




kB row #53 x 7/7

Bent rotations #10s x 8

Superman lat pd blue x 10

Windmill #18: 8-8-7-7-7

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Tuesday, October 12, 2021





L: 7,9,10-, 11+ lead wall (attempt), 11- 1t, 10+

TR: 11

Monday, October 11, 2021





5 amrap A;

smith 1 leg squats x 9/9

sumo dL #95 x 9

R= 4


side plank leg lifts x9/9

ab splitter x 9

#r = 3


sb side lunge #20 x9/9

ballerina sumo squats #60 x 9 

#r = 3


fig 8 squat #60 x 18 alt

blue band kick back x 9/9

#r = 3.5


10min 5min fat burn #111

1.  Pull up / straddle hanging leg lift x 5
2.  Rocket / jump jack w. JR x 20 alt. legs
3.  Weighted pistol up / backward lunge pass under / pistol down x 10 alt. legs
4. Pike Roll / Knee tuck on the exercise ball x 5

#r = 2


JR10: 10/45 x11

Saturday, October 9, 2021

12min body #28

2min warm up

 12min AMRAP:

  1. Flying Burpee x 10  burpee w/ 3suprman lat pulldwn green x ~4 sets
  2. Sumo Jump Squat / Leg Lift x 20 alt
  3. Side Crunch x 20/20
  4. Commando Push Up x 10
#r = 3

Wednesday, October 6, 2021



L: 8,7,9,yellow 11 proj completed, vert yellow 11 proj (2t)

TR: 12, 11-, 11-, 11



Row x7/7 #53

Windmill x 8/7/7/7/7 #18

HSCTs x 10

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

12min heartbreaker body #2/walk2

 *deload week*

walk 2 mi


2 min warm up



banded plank knee tuck/cross kick/1 leg pu alt 

banded side step squat w/ OHP #12s/green 

curtsey/leg lift/curtsey alt green/#12s

bird dog pu green

side plank leg lift front/back/front side plank row alt #20/green

weighted ballerina hip raise & abd green/#20

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Shelf Weekend!

 OUTSIDE Climbing @ Shelf !!!!!!

Fri: walk2 (a.m.)

TR: 8,9

L: 8, 8/9




L: 10b clean!!!*!*!*!*!*!*, 10a (3/4 attempt), 9


TR: 7

Lead 8, 9-

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Jan 2014 Mash up #1/step20/walk2

 walk 2



sb step ups #40 x 10/10

pike jump/squat jump x 10

ugi plank cross mtn climbers x 30 alt

russian twist #30 x 10 alt

ugi pogo x 12/12 #10

=3 4/5+ rounds


step 20 intervals 20/40x20


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Tuesday, September 28, 2021



Lead: 8,8,9, 11proj completed! New 11 (1t)

TR: 11, 11



kB row #53 x 7/7

Rotational row #10s x 8

Superman lat pulldown blue x 10

Monday, September 27, 2021


 walk 2

6min amrap:

deficit lunges #12s x 9/9

kb swing #60 x 9



<5min amrap:

kb leg lowers x 9

ball pikes x 9




elev sumo squat #60 x 9

leg ext mach #20 x 9/9




sb curtsey #35 x 9/9

bb glute press x 9



10min metcon:

20 elev sngl leg lifts 

15 dL #75 

9 box jumps



10min JR


Sunday, September 26, 2021

Hot Like The Sun Redux/step20/walk2

 walk 2

WO 10/40x24

jump lunges

elev inv row

ugi side lunge jumps #10

diver bombers

sngl dL L #40

sngl dL R #40


step intervals 20min

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

12/2013 mash up/jr20/walk2




ninja jump tux x 10

pistol wV10 x 4/4

kb side V crunches #30 x 10/10

elev double reptiles x 10 alt

kick over/lunge back #10s x 10/10

#r = 3 3/5


JR20 10/40

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Tuesday, September 21, 2021



L: 8,8,8, 11 proj (F that shit up), 11 (2t)

TR: 11+ 


walk 2



kb row #53 x 7/7

bent row rotation #10s x 8

superman lat pulldowns blue x 10

kb windmill #18 8/7/6/6/6 reps

Monday, September 20, 2021


September: begin cardio taper
Subtract 5 minutes from 1 JR session each week and add to metcon after lifting.

Sub 1 jr20 for step 20 (on body weight day). Intervals = 20/40x20
Subtract 5 min from 1 more JR session each week and add to metcon after lifting

Change step interval to 15/45

Monday: 5min AMRAPx4 (quadx2, hamx2, glutex2, corex2) + 20min metcon (Zgym: cardio shred or jump rope cardio kettlebell), walk 2 mi, 8min mobility

Tuesday: Climb/5rft1/walk 2

Wednesday: Rest-ish: JR20, full body mobility (zgym or physiofix on IG or Beyond Flexibility), walk2 

Thursday: Climb/5rft2/walk2

Friday: Lower/Core ladder x 3 (1 glute, 1 ham, 1 quad) + 20min metcon (Crossfit or zgym), walk 2, 8min mob

Saturday: Rest: walk2/full body mobility

Sunday: 15min Fat burn (+5) and step intervals 20min OR 300 killer rep (for time, jump rope to 40min), walk2, 8min mob

FALL PROG ∆: 20min BB/5metcon/jr15

month #1:
-1st week taper 1 JR down by 5 min but add 5 min metcon to lifting part
-2nd week taper same JR down by 10 min but add 10min metcon to lifting part
-3rd week taper same JR down by 15 min but add 15min metcon
-4th week = no 20 min JR but 20 min metcon after lifting.

20min body building routine:

5amrap+ A:
sngle ham curl #10 x 9/9
smith squat #66 x 9
#r = 4
B: 3:30AMRAP
sb side lunges x 9/9
band abd + p green&blue x 9
#r = 3
C: 5amrap
1 leg ball mtn climbers x 9/9
t2bar x 9
#r = 4
D: 5amrap
ball surrender squat #10 x 8/8
wide leg dB dL #25s x 9
#r = 3


z 5 min fat burn 23:
mtn climbers, monkey pu & jump tuck, side lunge jumps, rockstar burpees, jump lunges

JR15 10/35x20

Sunday, September 19, 2021

IG TB WO/step20/walk2



warm up 2 mi


8/8 rotational clean + squat #30 

8/8 rotational squat + press #26

8/8 snatch + fwd lunge #26

20alt ballistic row #40

#r = 2.5

5min AMRAP:

plnak slide cross kick x 10/10

ab splitter x 8

#r = 2.5


step intervals 20min (20/40x20)

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Friday, September 17, 2021


 walk 2



9,9,10a, 11b (to second to last clip), 11a, 11b (to third to last clip)

TR: 12a, 11c, 11d

Thursday, September 16, 2021




2 min warm up


suitcase squat #53: 8/8--10/10--12/12--10/10--8/8

ugi elb plank jax (green): 20-25-30-25-20

time: 9:06

10/30x6 (4min)

bottom pistol leg lefts 15R/15L

abd + press (green)

7min AMRAP:

surrender squat #10wv x 6/6

hanging obligues x 10 alrt

sb lunge 2/lunge hop 2 ~ 6 sets #40


jr20 10/60x18

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


I would have started this prog change earlier (9/1) but I have the TØP concert coming up and I wanted to fit into my costume leggings:)

Here's the plan:

  • Taper 1 20min jR down by 5 minutes every week. Replace with 5 minutes of metcon workout 
  • This lifting workout is switched to a more bodybuilding static routine instead of ZGYM
  • On deload week, do 12min workouts every other day BUT repeat taper schedule the follwing week
  • After first taper is over, keep it the same for one week.
  • The week after start taper of 2nd 20 min JR session by 5 every week
  • Should be done tapering by 1st week Dec
  • stay with 2, 20min sessions until FEB(!?) then add 1 20min JR sesh back per month until 4 total

*rest-ish: walk2/jr20/mob

 Walk 2

Jr20 5/25


IG Fmob by physiofix

Tuesday, September 14, 2021




Lead: 8,8up+down, 11proj 1t, 11 missed top two clips,

TR: 11+, 11+, 11-



Monday, September 13, 2021

Lo Imp Lo Body #12

 walk 2


2 min warm up

LBLI12 --  2rft:

  1. Cross Legged Laying Hip Raise x 15 / 15
  2. Kettlebell Elev. Deadlift x 10 #60
  3. Kettlebell Swing x 10 #60
  4. Suitcase Step Up / Backward Lunge #30 x 8 / 8
  5. Weighted Grand Plie #50 x 10 / 10
  6. Chair Pistols x 8 / 8
time: 13:30
6min AMRAP:
kb knee hugs #18 x15
dB knee raises #15 x 10
BD k2e x 10 alt
#r = 2.66+

~19:30 total time


JR20: 10/35x27

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Pretend Beach WO v2.0/step20/walk2

 walk 2


2 min warm uip


P1: 4 min CD (add 1 rep ea round)

dynamic pu/pullup (started assisting at 5 reps)


P2 10/30x 16 (10m):

sb curtsey #40 L

sb curtsey R
mtn sliders

alt L sit leg lifts on blocks

P3: 6min CD (add1/add5 ea rnd)

HSPU (block+plate)/kB swing #50

1/5---->6/(20/30 swings completed)


step 20min 20/40x20

Friday, September 10, 2021

BC Watermark

walk 2


Climbing Watermark BC

 TR: 7+, 9, redo 10a, redo 10a/b

Lead attemp 10a (couldnt do crux move at top), 10a/b (couldnt do move to anchors)

Thursday, September 9, 2021


 walk 2


'warm up 2


split squat #15s x10/10

kb leg lowers #40 x 10

burpee/step up alt x 15

elev glute P #20 x8/8

ballerina squats #60 x 10

#r = 3+


jr20: 5/50

Tuesday, September 7, 2021




2min warm up

elev sumo #60: 8--10--12--10--8

ball pikes:         8--9--10--9--8

time: 5:37



ham ball roll ins 

jump lunges


10:27 AMRAP:

ball glute press #60kb

trx reptiles x 8/8

deficit lunges #15s x 8/8

#r. =4


jr20 5/25

Monday, September 6, 2021

Black Diamond21-18 mashup/5rft1/walk2




2 min warm up

BD MU #21-18 


hollow rock to v up x 10

bosu transformer mtn sliders x 10

*upside down row #10 x 10

santana dB plank #20s x 8 alt

hang leg raises x 8

time: 16:36


kb row #53 x 7/7

seated row rotation #10s x 8

superman lat pulldowns x 10 blue

total time: 27:22

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Low Imp Low Bod #13/jr20/walk2



LILB13: 24ft:

    1. Banded Goblet Squat / Heel Raise x 10 #40/GREEN

Pistol Squat x 4 alt. legs

    1. Side to Side Banded Squats x 20 #53/green

Pistol Squat x 4 alt. legs

    1. Banded Goblet Squat / Heel Raise x 10 "

Pistol Squat x 4 alt. legs

    1. Side to Side Banded Squats x 20 "

Pistol Squat x 4 alt. legs

    1. Weighted Backward Lunge Slide (lean forward / stay upright) x 10/10--5/5 #40

Pistol Squat x 4 alt. legs

    1. Overhead Backward Slide Lunge x 20 / 20 #0

Pistol Squat x 4 alt. legs

time: 19:33


jr20 5/40

Friday, September 3, 2021

JR Cardio KB16/step20/wlk2



JRCKB16 2rft:

  1. 20 sec high knees/ 20 sec double unders / 20 sec high knees
  2. Side to Side Goblet Lunge x 12 #30
  3. 20 sec high knees/ 20 sec double unders / 20 sec high knees
  4. Weighted Jumps x 12 #30
  5. 20 sec high knees/ 20 sec double unders / 20 sec high knees
  6. One Arm Elevated Push Up / One Arm Bent Over Row x 8/8 #40
  7. 20 sec high knees/ 20 sec double unders / 20 sec high knees
  8. Kettlebell Snatch / Weighted One Legged Squat x 10 alt. sides #30
time: 20:47

Thursday, September 2, 2021





L; 8,9,9, 11 proj (1t!!), 11+ (4t)

TR: 11, 11, 11+ (barely 2 moves), 11-



Wednesday, September 1, 2021

rest-ish: walk2/jr20/mob

 walk 2


z mob drills5 + hamstring strap hold 1 min ea, pigeon 2min ea, frog with rocking 2 min


jr 5/35x30

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Climb/5rft1/walk 2

 walk 2



lead: 8,9,8,11 new proj? (2t), 11+ several t, 

TR: 11+, 11+



Monday, August 30, 2021

IG Legs/jr20/walk 2

 walk 2


IG legs 20min AMRAP:

dBl kB sumo squat #90 x 10

ab splitter x 8

good mornings #45 x 10

side lunge hops (green) x 20

L-sit hold 20s

#r = 5 3/5

jr20 5/50

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Killer Legs3/jr20/walk2

 walk 2


2 min warm up



1. Lunge Switch x 12 (*i did 24 total)
2. One Leg Jump (x3) / One Leg side lunge jump (x3) / side kick (x3) x 6 sets alt.
3. Jump Tuck (x3) to pistol (x2 alt) x 5
4. On the toes squat heel touches x 10

#r = 3


jr20 10/35x27

*restish: jr20/mob

 jr20 5/25


front splits BF mobupper body mob

Friday, August 27, 2021

Z KB WO #25/step20/walk2

 walk 2



Buy in: Overhead Press x 5/5 #30

1. Fancy Curtsy Lunge x 10 / 10 #26

2. Knee Around the Kettlebell Plank / Down Dog x 10 alt. legs

3. Side Lunge Clean x 8 / 8 #26

4. Doggie Row / Twist and Kick x 10 / 10 #30

5. Backward Lunge Pass Under / Elbow Strike x 8 alt. sides #26

6. Oblique V-up x 10 #26

Buy Out: Overhead Press x 5/5

time: 20:52


step20 20/40x20 (example:)

lat jump up and overs

jump squats

step run

high step up knee drive alt

plank jax

jog up/knee up/side knee up alt

toe taps

step hop knee up alt

jog up/kick/touch down 20/20

step run

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Climb Cascade BC

 walk 2 mi


TR: 7 up/down climb warm up, 5.8, 

L: 10a to roof

TR: same 10a, 10a

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Tuesday, August 24, 2021




L: 8,8,9

TR: 12 (3f)

Lead: 11 (4t), 

TR: 11-, 11+



kB row #53 x 7/7

R QL hold x 25s

HSCTs x 10

Monday, August 23, 2021

IG lo body/jr20/walk2



goblet squat #10wv/40kb x 10

frog/pike slide ins x 8

sb side lunges #20 x 10/10

toe elev dL #60 x 10

plank BD k2e x 8/8

time: 19:33


jr20 10/30

Sunday, August 22, 2021

april 2018 mash up/walk2/jr20



2 min warm up

April Mashup FT:

box jumps:                                  10, 10, 10, 10

kb banded side step squats #60: 16, 18, 20, 22

time: 7:52

12min+ AMRAP:

BB glute press #85 x 15

static lunges #15s x 10/10

knee hugs with kB #18 x 20

#r = 4.25


jr20 10/50

Friday, August 20, 2021

15min Fat burn28/step20/walk2

 walk 2


45/15 second intervals

1. Archer Squat / Knee Up - L
2. Archer Squat / Knee Up - R
3. Negative Push Up
4. 180 Squat Jump / Plank
5. Figure 4 Side Plank Lift - L
6. Figure 4 Side Plank Lift - R
7. Pike Press / Archer - alt. sides
8. Hollow Hip Raise
9. Overhead Squat to Jump Tuck
10. Leg Cross Body Push Up - alt
11. Jump Lunge / Overhead Tippy Toes Squat
12. UpDog Push Up
13. High Knees (x3) to Squat - alt.
14. Quad Shoulder Tap with Leg Extension - alt.
15. Forward Lunge / Twist - alt.


Step intervals 20min: 20/40x20

Thursday, August 19, 2021


 L: 9,9,10-, 11 proj 2t, 

Tr: 12- to 11+ (unfinished), 11+, 11



kB row #53 x 7/7

Bent row rotation x 8 #10s

Superman lat pulldown blue x 10


Tuesday, August 17, 2021



Auto: 9,9,9, 11 (6/9 clips switch to 10+), 10+, 10, 10


kB row #53 x 7/7

R QL squeeze 25s

HSCTs x 10


Walk 2

Monday, August 16, 2021

IG LB/walk 2/jr20

 walk 2


2 min warm up

IG Lower Bod WO:

20+ min amrap:

air lunge #10wV x 8/8

BB sumo DL/jump back then front x 10 #85 ^ next time

sb f/b wide squat walk up/back x 12 steps (~3 sets) #40

ball 1 leg climber x 8/8

table press and abd (green) x 12

#r = 4


jr20 10/40

Sunday, August 15, 2021


 walk 2 



8,9,9, 11proj (2t), 10+ (1t), failing at some other high tens low 11s

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Black Diamond #22/jr20/5rft1/walk2

 walk 2


2 min warm up

DB22: 2rft:

chest press/sit up/OHP #15s x 10

upside down inv row #10 x 5

side plank row x3/pu x 5/5 #25

regular inv row #10 x 5

tri dip x 6

chin ups x 6

time: 12:22



kb row #53 x 7/7

bent raise/rotation #10s x 8

superman lat pulldown x 10blue

total time: 22:52


jr20: 10/20x40

Thursday, August 12, 2021

April 2018 Mash up/jr20/walk 2

 walk 2


2min warm up


green band abd + press x 20

kb Swing #40 x 20

#r = 3+



squat to lunge hop x 15

elev sumo squat #60 x 10

#r = 3+



dip st knee raise #12 x 10

reptile sliders x 20

#r = 3.5



kb pick up squat/put down squat/jump squat #30 x 10

wV pistol asst x 4/4 #10

#r = 3


jr20 10/30x20

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

*rest: full body mob


I can't seem to kick this illness...and so ANOTHER REST DAY :(


z morning mob routine

Monday, August 9, 2021

Killer Legs21/jr20/walk2

 walk 2 


2 min warm up



two phase one leg squat to side kick x 10/10

high knees x5/squat heel raise x 8

kb  pick upbk slide lunge (4 count)/kb jump squat #30 x 8/8

high knees x5/squat heel raise x 8

1 leg jump/touch down x 16/16

high knees x5/squat heel raise x 8

time: 17:44


jr20 5/25

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Bosu Balance & Agility18/walk2/jr20

walk 2 


2 min warm up



1. Push Up / Leg Swing x 6 alt. legs #10wV

2. Curtsy / Step Up / Knee Up Jump x 10 / 10 #10wV

3. Transformer / Side Plank Leg Lift x 8 / 8

4. Squat Jump / Squat Jack x 8 #10wV

5. Weighted Side Lunge Deadlift / Leg Lift x 16 alt. sides #15s

6. Donkey Side Hop (x3) / Hop Up and Over (x2) x 8 

time: 16:04




Saturday, August 7, 2021


 Sunday 8/1:


manmakers #20s x 8

kb swing #50 x 15

#10 pistol L x 5 (assist)

#10 pistol R x 5

ball pikes x 8

#r = 3




Monday 8/2:



Tuesday 8/3:



Wednesday 8/4:

Climb: 7,9,10a,11a (1t), 11a (2/3 lower), 10c




THursday 8/5:

Heartbreaker body #7


1. Curtsy / Squat & Upright Row x alt. #15s/green
2. Side to Side Squat Hop Arms Overhead green
3. Side Plank Row to Leg Lift x alt. #15s/green
4. Clams - L #15/green
5. Clams - R #15/green
6. Side Step Squat  / Leg Lift alt. #15s/green




Friday 8/6:

climb: 8,9,10a, 11a proj completed, 11a vert onsight

TR: 11c


Saturday 8/7:

walk 2