
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

πŸ„πŸ»‍♀️ July


  • REALLY HUNGRY NOW - stupidly tried to stay in cut too long >:(
    • adding food back via portions method (every month add 2 bumps)
      • 7/17 bump oats from 1/3 to 1/2c & bump dinner carbs to 3/4c
      • 8/17 bump sweet potato to 6oz from 4oz & add bedtime protein snack
  • switch to Lo2a +2b (see below for example)
  • 2, 20 min JR (stay with higher times and less rest), 1 20 min run
  • walking 2mi 6-7x week
  • 2 climbs (+ 3rft2 or sub 3rft1 for one missed climb)
  • NO ALCOHOL 7/15-???

7/17: 133lbs
    ^only ones due to vacations/camping this month

Example of weekly schedule (June-Jul-Aug):

  • Mon - Lo2b + JR20 + wd2
  • Tues - PT /wd2
  • Wed - wd2
  • Thurs - g1 climb/3rft2/wd2
  • Fri - Lo2a + JR20 + wd2
  • Sat - Qpt/wd2
  • Sun - climb/run 20

Current WO routine:

LO2a 3R:
side slide lunges #20 x 10/10
decline calf #20 x 10/10
c2 dbl ham slides (black) x 10
BB step ups Q #35 (-1riser) x 10/10
db/b glute kickbacks green + #25 x 10/10
elev step downs #12 x 10/10
sb good morning #50 x 10
rest 2min then repeat 2x more
roll IT/IN thigh/Q
LO2b 3R:
sngl leg ext #50 x 10/10
dbl kb dL #95 x 10
kneeling side plank glute dip/abd green x 12/12
hack squat #40 x 10
sngl landmine dL #15 x 10/10
decline calf #20 x 10/10
rest 2min then repeat 2x more
core: sngl mtn sliders x 8/8 & wiper abs x 8 (2-3r)

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