
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Lo IMpact Full #2/JR15

15min AMRAP+
1. Weighted wall Sit with KB overhead press #26 x 6
2. Feet up on the wall cross body kicks x 10 alt.
3. Pull up x 2 #6wV
4. KB Pendulum #50 x 10 
5. Hanging knee raises #12 x 10
6. Archer’s Squat Heel lift #26 x 5/5
7. Pull up x 2 #6wV
8. Push Up / bird dog x 10
#rnds: 2 3/4

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

climb/zyoga #46

5.8, 10b, 10dCLEAN, 10b, 10b, 10b
bouldering: v0, a few v1/2 attempts
zyoga #46

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Lo impact full #3/JR15

Ugh, I feel like I've lost my mojo. I can't seem to get a good, solid nutrition plan down. It's literally like I don't care or something. 


Next week I'll shift my focus to body building but I'm not 100% on exactly what I'm going to do yet. The goal is 100g protein a day though.

2min warm up (as always...)

16 min AMRAP
1. Hanging L-Sit Knee Tucks x 5
2. Air lunge / squat heel lift  #26 x 10 alt. legs
3. One leg Mountain Slider x 10/10
4. KB Swing #50 x 10
5. Side Plank Toe touch / push up x 10
6. Pull up x 3  #6wV
#rnds: 3 1/6
JR 10/30--24x

Monday, August 28, 2017

Summer Shred #21

Part 1
Ladder: Weighted Jump lunge #10s / push up with reptile knee tuck
10/6  15/6  20/6  25/6  20/6  15/6  10/6
Part 2
Ladder: Hardcore Egg slide to **1ea plank row #20s / **elev sumo #65
6/10  8/10  10/10  8/10  6/10

Part 2

Plank hold x 1 min / Russian Twist with db (20lbs) x 20 reps – 2 rounds
time: 16:49
JR15m (10/40--18x)
original wo as follows:
Part 1
Ladder: Weighted Jump lunge / push up with knee tuck
10/6  15/6  20/6  25/6  20/6  15/6  10/6
Part 2
Plank hold x 1 min / Russian Twist with KB (26lbs) x 20 reps – 2 rounds
Part 3
Hiit 10/30 x 6 (4 minutes)
JR high knees
KB Swing (Beast 44lbs)
Part 4
Ladder: Hardcore Egg slide to Plank Jack Push Up / Ballerina Plie Squats (bodyweight)
6/10  8/10  10/10  8/10  6/10

Sunday, August 27, 2017

tabata fit slide #1 & JR15

10/30 -- 24x
1. Frog slide - 16/12/13/11
2. Weighted Backward lunge slide – L #15s - 13/12/12/10
3. Weighted Backward lunge slide – R - 13/12/12/10
5. Weighted Side to slide lunge #15 - 12/12/12/12
6. Plank slide to cross body slide kick alt. sides - 8/10/10/9
10/20--30x JR

Friday, August 25, 2017

lifted butt #19/yoga #48

15 min AMRAP
1. Wide legged Hip Raise to hip abductor press x 20 (black)
2. KB Sumo Squat (3 short reps) to one leg goblet squat x 10 alt #30

3. Wide legged Hip Raise to hip abductor press x 20
4. KB Pendulum (x 5) / Swing (x 5) x 2 sets #40
5. Wide legged Hip Raise to hip abductor press x 20
6. Deadlift to one arm deep squat  x 10 alternating arms #50
#rnds: 2 1/3


Zyoga #48

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Lo Impact Full #1

16 Min AMRAP 
1. KB overhead press and squat 3/3 #26
2. KB sit up knee tuck / goblet squat x 10 #30
4. KB Deadlift / squat heel lift / goblet squat x 10 #50
5. Pull Up #6wV x 3
6. Frog Slide x 10
7. Pull up #6 x 2
8. Cross body kick slide / reptile push up x 4/4
9. Pull up #6 x 1
10. KB swing #50 x 10
#rnds: 2 1/5 (over time finishing last set)
JR15min (10/50--15x)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

climb/zyoga #47

lead: 9,9, 10a,10b,10a,10a
TR: 10d
Z power yoga #47

Monday, August 21, 2017

Summer Shred #20

1. KB swing / pendulum x 10 #40
2. KB ballerina plie squats #50 x 10
3. Hardcore Egg on the exercise ball x 10
4. Chin up/ pull up / hanging knee raise x 3 sets
5. Weighted Sumo squat / rockstar jump / sumo squat / jump tuck #12 x 10 sets
6. Weighted Reverse Burpees #15s to Plank rows #20s x 10 sets
#rnds: 2 1/6

JR 15m (10/40--18x)
(original workout as follows:)
Part 1 – full body circuit time challenge
1. KB swing / pendulum x 20
2. KB ballerina plie squats x 10
3. Hardcore Egg on the exercise ball x 10
4. Chin up/ pull up / hanging knee raise x 3 sets
5. Weighted Sumo squat / rockstar jump / sumo squat / jump tuck x 10 sets
6. Weighted Reverse Burpees to Plank rows x 10 sets
7. Double Unders x 20
Part 2 – Cardio and Abs 
 4 rounds of:
1. Jump Lunge x 20
2. Plank hold – 1 min
Buy out: Wall Sit – 2 minutes

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Lifted Butt #18

1. Side Lunge Dead lift with power band x 10 #40
2. Kneeling heel lift /hip abduction  with power band x 20/20
3. Side to side sumo squat with power band x 10 #50
4. Kettlebell swing (x 10) #40 + Jump Lunge (x 10) x 4 sets 
#rnds: 3 (a min over or less)

15min JR

Friday, August 18, 2017

Summer Shred #30

pistol/jump tuck alt - 5/4/5
one leg squat (back k2g) - 7/6/8
archer side2side squat - 9/8/8
back lunge pass under/elbow twist #30 - 8/9/8
plank hold
jump lunges #12wV - 18/18/15
windshield wiper abs - 8/7/8
side to side push up - 9/8/8
JR 15min (10/20--30x)
total time = 30min

**original workout as follows:
1. Hiit – 4 min:  High knees /Pistol to jump tuck / high knees/ air lunge jump squat / high knees / archer squat alt.
Bonus: KB swing (x3) / push up x 5 sets
2. Circuit:
Backward lunge elbow twist x 10 alt. / plank hold – 1min x 3 sets
Bonus: Jump Lunge x 30 reps
3.  Ladder:
windshield wipers / Side to side push up
2/2  4/4  6/6 4/4  2/2
bonus: KB swing x 20 reps

Thursday, August 17, 2017


2 hour climb
lead 1.5hr/TR 30m
z power yoga #49

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Lo Impact #8/yoga 48

Slide back lunges #15s x 10/10
*Elev Sumo Squat #65 x 10
KB Swing #40 x 20
Side Slide Lunge #15 x 20
Ballerina Hip Lift Abductions x 20
Wall Sit abductions x 20
#rnds: 3 1/3
z yoga 48

Monday, August 14, 2017

BEGIN 15/15 5xWK Summer Shred #19

2min warm ups as always
2 mi walks, 5x wk

Summer Shred #19
side lunge 2 oh knee up #20 x 10/10
1 arm burpee on dB side plank row to split snatch #20 x 10/10
pu/L kick x 5/5
side jack knife 2x/expl pu from ground(2) x 5/5
pullup/leg raise x 5
kB swing #40 x 20
round2: (half all 10 rep exercises and use #25 dB)
#rnds: 1 2/3


10/40 -- 18x

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Summer Shred #29

1. Hiit – 4 min
High knees / Rockstar jump burpees / high knees / Jump tuck burpees / high knees / sump jump squat burpees
Bonus: Pull ups – 5 reps
2. Ladder
Pistol squat / reptile push up
2/2  4/4  6/6  8/8  6/6  4/4  2/2
Bonus: Pull ups – 5 reps
3. Ladder
hanging knee raises / Side lunge slide squat with KB #30
10/6  12/8  14/10
time: 18:00 + super man burpees to 20min = 15 reps


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Lifted Butt #17

1. Wide Legged Hip raises with power band x 30 (GREEN ALL)
2. Kettlebell swing x 20 #40
3. Laying side leg lifts with power band x 20 / 20
4. Kettlebell Swing x 20 with the beast 
5. Clams with power band x 20/20
6. Kettlebell Swing x 20 with the beast

time; 15: 10
+ 5 min JR (10/50--5x)
=20 min total

Monday, August 7, 2017

Summer Shred #18

Lower Body with Dumbbells – Time Challenge
1) Backward lunge kick ups (reach to the opposite foot with DB) x 10/10 #15s
2) One Arm DB front Squat heel raise / One Arm DB overhead jump lunge with heel raise x 5/5 #15
3) One Arm DB Side Lunge Knee Up DB Overhead x 10/10 #15^
4) Jump Lunge DB Twist x 20 #15
 Cardio HIIT 6 x 15/35 intervals
1. JR high knees
2. Plank Jack Push Up with Power band - 11
3. JR DBUs
4. Curtsey lunge leg lift with Power Band - 13
5. JR high knees
6. Squat jump jacks with power band - 26
 ABS & Upper Body – Time Challenge
1. Push Up with L-Kick x 5/5
2. Pull Up / Chin up x 2 sets
3. Elbow Side Plank Jack knife x 10/10
Buy Out: 3 Minute Plank Intervals 10/50 seconds

total time = 20:25

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Lo Impact Lo Body #7

1. KB weighted wall sit with KB overhead press (x 5) / Weighted Step Up (x 5/5)  x 2 #40
2. Leg elevated weighted lunge (x 10/10) #30 / weighted step up (x 5/5) x 2 #40
3. Ballerina Plie Squats ( KB x 10/10)alt. arms /KB Swing (heavy KB x 20) x 2 #40
power band: 10/20--8x
1. Side to side squat 
 squat abduction
2. Hip Lifts 
3. Hip lifted Abductions 
4. ClamL
CLam R
5. Inner thigh liftsL
inner thigh R
time: 18m
+ 2 min comp burpee (25rep) = 20min total

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Lifted Butt #16

20min AMRAP
Power Band Set: (3x)
1. Squat side steps (x2)  with a power band x 10 sets alt. sides
2. Squat side step with a power band and KB x 10 alt. sides #40
3. Standing leg extensions with power band x 10 / 10 x 4
4. Bridge to Abductor Press x 20 + Abductor Press at the top x 20
Kettlebells: (2x)
5. Sumo Squat with the Beast x 10 #50
6. Side lunge deadlift to single leg heel raise with the Beast x 10/10 #40
7. Pendulum to Swing 10 reps with Beast #40
8. Backward lunge pass under (x5) to  One leg deadlift (x5) x 2 sets alt. legs #40

time: 19:28 + 8 comp burpees = 20min

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


jr 20 min

10s rest/30s jump rope -- 30 rounds

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

summer shred #28

2min warm up

1. Hiit – *30/30 -- 12x (6m)
High Knees / Jump Squat leg lift / high knees /Jump lunge  / high knees / Jump Tuck to Sumo Squat
Bonus: Kettlebell Swing x 10 #50
2. Circuit
Pull up / Push up x 5 / Mountain Sliders x 20
Bonus: Kettlebell Swing x 10
Pull Up / Push Up x 5 / Criss Cross Mountain Sliders x 20
Bonus: Kettlebell Swing x 10
3. Ladder:
Ballerina staitionairy lunge
Leg elevated weighted lunge
Legs elevated push up to plank cross kick
5/5/4  5/6/4  5/7/4
Bonus: Kettlebell Swing x 10
4. Circuit
Hollow horizontal scissors (x 20 reps) / Plank Hold x 1min x 2 sets
Bonus: Kettlebell Swing x 10

time: 20:11