I was hoping to take measurements today but it is all of a sudden CD2 for me so that won't work. Feeling gross & fat & bloated. All this and a few days ago I was actually feeling more ripped than usual.
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(6th WO) indoor climbing:
------getting hard now...
11 (2/3)
11 different (2/3)
I was able to leave the hospital for a few hours today so I could do this workout. Granted, I'm exhausted from being up all night with my son and also from trying to sleep on a terrible hospital bed but I powered through it with the help of some coffee and I think it was good. A good outlet for stress, anxiety and a way to channel the negative effects of those into something that's going to help me achieve my beach bod goals. Ideally I'll get in 5 out of 6 of the planned workouts this week but who Knows how long we'll be here. I was planning on updating my body stats in Monday but I might push it another week out so I have time to normalize from this experience.
2 min Z warm up
30/30--5x JR
pistol L #12 (band assist) - 4on/5off/4/5/4
pistol R #12- 5/5/4/5/4
30/30--5x JR
kb sngl leg DL #50 L - 8/8/9/8/8
kb sngl leg DL #50 r - 9/8/8/8/8