2/2: 136.2 - I know it's supposed to be just data but... 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。
2/9: week of period -- skip lbs, it's just not worth the stress
2/16: 134.6!!!!! I know it's just back to what it was before but.... Ù©(◕‿◕。)Û¶
2/22: Forgot to take weight this last week for CD16. womp. womp.
I really don't care for monitoring my weight this much. I may go back to once a month or twice maybe CD16 and one week prior.
This month:
- Add another 20 min JR sesh for a total of 4, 20 min JR intervals plus adding some burpees in there
- Began my version of the ZGYM 12 week Bikini Butt Program end of January (x2/wk) + legs like a dancer 1x/wk
Hyperbolic Stretching 2/16: Switched to Sara Soloman's splits program which has heavy focus on TVA strength x3/wk - IMMEDIATE DECREASE IN BACK PAIN!!!! 😮s-o-l-d
- 1/2 cup grains with each meal. 1 cup each was making me ultra bloated and gassy.
- can't decide if I want to do it at dinner though...does it power my morning workout better? YES. do I feel hungrier at night? ALSO YES. fuck.
Calorie cycle 2/7-2/22 1833x3/1600x4 -- nope- While scale returned to normal 2/16, it hasn't really been moving so I'm going to try 1769 cal every day based on the minimum or "fastest cut" calculations from New Power Eating.
- I've probably been at least 100 over most days.