
Monday, January 31, 2022



8,8,9,11-(1t), 11 (mess 3t)

Tr: 12- fail, 11+, 11



Row #53 x 8/8

90* prone row #2s x20

SLPD blue x 10

🦁January 2022 Notes/LBS

1/1: begin 1800 cal/day (compliance rating = 75%?? def better than last month)

1/3: 134.4lbs 

1/13: 135.8 (period week - maybe skip this week?!)

1/19: 137.6!!!! Wtf - I think this is due to probiota I started taking. Hopping off that riiiight now.

1/26 (CD16): 135.0! *phew* [begin 1750 cal/d 1/24]

This month:

  • Weigh once a week for data points (not after drinking or an oops high cal day and def getting CD16 lbs) -- not sure how I like this, might end up skipping period week
  • Use more whole grains and only one or less serving of processed CHO a day
  • TAKE ANOTHER DAY OFF if body is really tired & achy!!!
  • 1/24: Bikini Butt Program in ZGYM (replace core days with climbing days)
  • 1/24: Enter Fat loss 1 = 1750x2,1700x2,1650x2 (watch for plateaus before dropping cals & don’t flux daily numbers like ETP yet)
  • Hyperbolic stretching x 2 wk lvl2 for 4 weeks (off on deload week) then on to lvl3 (wk of 1/31) for 4 weeks

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Legs Like A Dancer #1/jr20/16mob


1. Rounded back squat arm swing x 4 / side to side x 8 X 2 sets
2. Wide 2nd plie to side to side tendu with side bend x 8 / grand plie in 2nd x8 / pulse x 16 X 2 sets
3. Grand plie 2nd one leg on demi point x8alt./ wide 2nd eleve x8 X 2 sets
4. Grand Plie in 2nd one leg on demi point halfway up x 8/ One inch pulse x 16 X on each leg
5. demi plie 1st x 16 / Grand plie 2nd demi point x 8 X 2 sets alt. legs
6. Fondue x 8 / attitude x 8 X 2 sets each leg
7. Arabesque x 16 (front knee bend) / 1st demi plie x 8 X 4 sets alt. legs
+ leg stretch
8. Retire knee forward and back to side slide lunge x 8/8
9. Weighted demi plie in 2nd x 16
10. Backward slide lunge to releve x 8/8
Barre Stretching

* follow along. there are too many strange words to remember here.


JR20 10/45


hyperbolic lvl2 16mob

Friday, January 28, 2022


 2min warm up

Lifted Butt #7


1. Weighted Jump Switch Step ups on a chair x 20 #12s

KB swing #40 x 15

2. Weighted One leg elevated lunge x10/10 #30

KB swing #40 x 15

3. Weighted Clam Circles x 20/20 #12

KB swing #40 x 15

4. Pass Under Squat to Curtsy Lunge x 20 alt. #30

KB swing #40 x 15

time: 23:31


JR20: 5/40x27



walk dog 2

Thursday, January 27, 2022


Reeeeaaaallly feelin' the 50 less calories today plus not sleeping possibly because I'm down 50 cal!??!!? This is stupid. So f-ing over this.


8,8,9,11c->10a (switch 1/2 way), 11a (1/3 completed), 11a (2t)

TR: 11d

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

🔺Bikini Butt Prog (zgym) LB11+BC24/JR20/16mob

 Starting the 12 week bikini butt program THIS WEEK! All the abs days will be climbing days instead and I will use the ab day exercises on the end of any workout that doesn't last 20min long.

2min warm up

Lifted Butt11:


Buy in: Weighted bridge x 50 reps #20sb

1. One arm KB (BEAST) front squat to tippi toe wide squat (x2) x 10 sets
2. Medium KB deadlift /squat down/up/down and then  jump squat x 10 sets
3. Jump lunge x 20
4. KB pendulum #26 x 20 
5. Jump lunge x 20
6. Standing kick back 20/20 (green) 

7.KB pendulum #26 x 20  

time: 15:36


4:30 min AMRAP (core)

  1. 5 reps - Ab Splitters #2.5s
  2. 20 reps each - Mountain Climbers #2.5s
  3. 10/10 reps - Side Plank Reach Unders #2.5s
r= 2

JR20 5/25


Hyperbolic 16mob lvl2 (last week)


Monday, January 24, 2022



L: 8,9,9,11- (2t), 11(1t)

TR: 12, 11+



Row x 8/8 #53

Rev plank 25s hold

HSCTs x 10

Sunday, January 23, 2022

🔽deload week🔽

 deload week!


heartbreaker #11

12min AMRAP:

1. Weighted Side Lunge w/Pulse x 20 #12s

2. Seated Hip Abduction (x3) / Overhead Press x 10 #12s

3. Table Top / Abduction x 20 Green

4. Weighted Squat Drop jack / Overhead Press @ Bottom x 10 #15

5. Plank / Side Step Abduction / Quad Row x 5/5 #35/25

r = 2 4/5





L: 8,8,9+, 11- (2t), 10+ (3-4t), 11- cleeeaaannn


kb row #53 x 8/8

rev plank hold x 25s

HSCTs x 10 alt


BF upper body & lower body mobility routines

*no walk due to ice storm :(




ugi sngl leg squat touch alt

pilates teaser

back lunge pass under to OHP #30 alt

awesome sauce




climb G1

8,9,10a, 11b (3t), 11a (shut down 2/3 @ crux), 

Tr: 11d (overhung), 11a (same)


Row #53 x8/8

Prone 90* rotations #2s x 20

Superman lat pulldown blue x 10


rest: walk2/zmob drills #3


5min Burnout #4 (12min)


  1. Weighted Jump Squat
  2. Side to Side Dynamic Push Up
  3. Power Jump Lunge
  4. Mountain Climber
  5. Kettlebell Swing
  6. *KB leg lowers 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

15min FB24+5/step20/walk2/16mob




  1. Curtsy / Jump Up / Side Lunge / Jump Up - L
  2. Curtsy / Jump Up / Side Lunge / Jump Up - R
  3. Competition Burpee
  4. Plank Hold
  5. Twist Squat Jump
  6. Push Up / Knee Up -alt
  7. Archer’s Squat / Front Kick - L
  8. Archer’s Squat / Front Kick - R
  9. Knee Hug / Sit Up
  10. Power Push Up into Squat
  11. Side Plank Double Leg Lift - L
  12. Side Plank Double Leg Lift - R
  13. Backward Lunge / Jump / Knee Up - L
  14. Backward Lunge / Jump / Knee Up - R
  15. Pike Press / Leg Lift alt.
step 20
hyperb lvl2 WK3

Friday, January 14, 2022


 walk 2

ladder x3 FT

sb good mornings #45: 10--11--12--11--10

seated leg lifts #3lbs:    18alt------------->all 5 sets


smith squat #70: 8----------->all 5 sets

BD k2e:             8/8--------->all 5 sets


purple band kick backs: 8/8-9/9-10/10-9/9-8/8

runner sits ups #10wv: 16 alt--------------->all 5 sets


cardio shred #48b

3rft or 20min amrap

  1. 12 reps - Plank Pass Under #53
  2. 16 reps - Side Jump Over (two blocks high)
  3. 16 reps - Weighted Jump Squat / Toe Touch - alt. sides #12
  4. 16* reps - Dumbbell Weighted Hollow Scissors #12
  5. 16 reps - Side to Side Squat Twist Jump (green)
  6. 20 reps - Laying Hip Raise / Abduction (green)
#r = 4.5
8 mob

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Climb G1/walk2/5rft1

 L: 7 up& down, 7 up&down, 9, 11b lead wall clean!, 11c (5t),

TR: 12a 1/2 finished, 11d




Row #53 x 7/7

Prone 90* lifts #1.25 x 20

Superman lat pulldown blue x 10

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Tuesday, January 11, 2022



L: 7/8, 6/7 (up & down climb), 9, 11+ to second bolt switch to 10, 11 (2t) didn't clip top but made it up there

TR 12-, 11+

Monday, January 10, 2022


 My diet yesterday was apparently MAGICAL because I slept awesome AND worked out at a much higher capacity than the ush. Here’s what it looked like

2 min warm up

5x4 amraps


sb sngl leg elev glute press #20 x 9/9

prone bench frog lifts #10wV x 9

R = 2.5



ball ham roll ins x 9/9

dB wide leg dL #25s x 9

r = 4



kb leg lower x 9

15s L sits

r = 3.5



fig 8 sqt #50/10wV x 18 total

suitcase squat #40/10wV x 8/8

r = 3


jr20 10/55x19


walk 2

Sunday, January 9, 2022

300 KR #19/JRto40/16mob lvl2^2/walk 2

 2 min warm up


300 killer rep #19


  1. 10 reps - Chin Ups
  2. 10 reps - One Leg Elevated Lunge - L
  3. 10 reps - One Leg Elevated Lunge - R
  4. 10 reps - Push Up / Knee Tuck - alt. legs
  5. 10 reps - Weighted Archer’s Squat w/Overhead Press -alt. sides #18
  6. 10 reps - Weighted Reverse NO JUMP Burpee w/Overhead Press #18
  7. 10 reps - Hanging Leg Raise
  8. 10 reps - Banded Side Plank Leg Lift (forward / back) - L (blue)
  9. 10 reps - Banded Side Plank Leg Lift (forward / back) - R
  10. 10 reps - Pistol to Warrior III - alt. legs
time: 26:20


JR to 40: 10/50 x 14


16 hyperb lvl 2 end of week 2



Saturday, January 8, 2022

Friday, January 7, 2022


Ladder x 3

c2 ham curls: 8--9--10--9--8
pass the ball: 10-----------> all 5 sets
dbl elev glute press (5 risers) #40: 10--11--12--11--10
kb side crunches #26:                     8/8------------>all 5 sets
smith sumo #70: 10--11--12--11--10
pl. knee drops:    8/8------------>all 5 sets

time: 24:30
JRCKB12 (20 amrap)

buy in: 30 jump squats


JR 60s (side to side/twist/hi knees)
kb snatch #26 x 8/8
JR 60s (side to side/twist/hi knees)
one leg sit up to pistol up/down x 10 alt (block assist)
JR 60s (side to side/twist/hi knees)
*wV surrenders x 8/8 #10
JR 60s (30s one leg/30s other)


elbow plank with remaining time (1:40)



walk 2



L: 8,9,9, 11 (2t). 11 3/4 finished)

TR: same 11 (couldn't finish top), 11


walk 2

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Tuesday, January 4, 2022



Solo prog:

Auto: (5-8min  rests) 8, 9, 10+ (thought this would be a 10- oops), 12 (1/2), reattempt 12 3/4, 12- (1/2 way), 12- reattempt, 11+ 2/3, 11+ finish (with some assistance in top panel due to dumbness of setters), 11, 11, 10+



kB row #53 x7/7

Rev plank hold 25s

HSCTs x 10 alt

Monday, January 3, 2022

5x4amrap/jr20/walk2/16mob lvl2

 2 min warm up

5min AMRAP A:

elev sumo #60 x 9

walking lunges #15s x 18 total




lying leg ext/twist knee tuck x 16 total

TRX reptiles x 9/9

r = 3



dB side lying abduction on bench #10 x 9/9

BB glute press x 9

r = 3.5



elev dL #60 x 9

sngl ham curls #15 x 6/6

r = 3


JR20 10/35x27


walk 2


hyperbolic lvl 2

Sunday, January 2, 2022

15min FB25+5/step20/walk dog/rev pl holds 20s x5

 2 min warm up

15min FB25 (20min)


down down up up squat jumps

plank heel taps

side plank dip/jack knife L

side plank dip/jack knife R

curtsey/side lunge/front kick L

curtsey/side lunge/front kick R

hollow flutter kicks

*santana pu

squat jump f/b & knee up 1 each

roll over/up dog pu/jump up

f/b lunge & quick switch L

f/b lunge & quick switch R

Rev plank leg lifts

side plank walks

crab dance

down down up up squat jumps

plank heel taps

curtsey/side lunge/front kick L

curtsey/side lunge/front kick R

hollow flutter kicks


step intervals 20 min (15/45x20)


walk 2


rev plnak holds 20s x5