2min warm up
Lower Body – Time Challenge
1. KB Backward Lunge / deadlift (yoga blocks or a an elevated platform are optional) x 20 alt. #30^
2. Jump Lunge to One leg jump up x 20
3. KB squat to heel elevated sumo squat x 20 alt. #30^
4. Ice skater / curtsy lunge / side lunge x 10 alt.
Cardio – 10/50 x 6 HIIT
1. High Knees
2. KB swings #30
3. DBUs
4. KB Swings
5. Hight Knees
6. KB Swings
Upper Body & ABS – Time Challenge
1.Roll to Pike Press (exercise ball) x 5
2. Hanging Knee Raises #12 x 10
3. Push Up to DB Row #25s / Twister Push Up x 6 alt
4. Extreme Mountain Climbers (x2/2) / Pull Ups (x2) x 4 sets
Buy out: 10/50 x 3 plank intervals
total time: 21:32
2 mi walk