I'm going to randomize workout type (bodyrock, metcon, z5/zwow) and workout mode (tabata, intervals, JR/ex alternating circuit, pyramid up or down, ladder) using a variety of crossfit workouts, Jade Teta's metcons and zuzka light's free youtube workouts. Keeping with 20min of lifting and 20 min jump roping, 5 times a week, with 4 indoor walk videos a week because that seems to support my climbing the best. Still keeping with the 2 servings of carbs a day (post workout), bumping my mid morning snack to 20g of protein instead of 10 and bringing back more glute work. I totally feel like my butt shrunk from just a couple months ago:(
2min warmup
tabata 10/20x10 each couplet:
1a- jump squat
1b- alternating pistol squat (band assist)
2a- jump lunges
2b- alternating single leg kB dL #50
3a- BB glute press #90
3b- plank mat hop overs
4a- goblet squat #30
4b- band abd + press black
JR20min 10/30x30