
Monday, March 28, 2016

40min power yoga w/ Sean Vigue fitness

Monday March 28th - 40min power yoga [A+]
W-27.5(down half inch)
H-36 (same)
Bb-32.5 (same)
***135.6lbs!!! Goal met!!!****

Now, I was planning on running my alternative 2 week schedule this vacation but I've decided to take a week rest as a reward for hitting my goal. Plus I'm exhausted and NEED it badly. Vacation is going to be ssssooooo much harder on me than normal due to the fact that Ben's leg is still effed up. Fingers crossed next week is better.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Black diamond #7

1. Knee raises (straight up) x 10
2. Side to Side Push Up x 8
3. Leg Raises x 10
4. Staggered Push Ups x 8
5. Chin Ups x 5 
6. One Arm Elevated (1riser) Push Up x 4/4
7. Pull Ups x3
8. One Leg Elevated Push Up (exercise ball) x 8 alt.
+ buy out:
Knee Raises x10
Leg Raises x10
Chin Ups x5
Pull Upsx3
Time: 13:05
JR to 25! 10/40--15x

I feel like my Pullups were harder Today???! Wft . This usually means I got fatter :( wouldn't put it past me since my diet has just been shitty. We'll see on Monday's weigh in!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Z's 5 min WOs #66&56 & Power Yoga #38

Rest day you say?!?!? paaaah. I will be adding one day just like this when I get back from vaycay so why not start this week.

5 Min WO #66:
5min AMRAP:
1. Clam x10
2. Side Crunch x 10
3. Clam x 10 other side
4. Side Crunch x 10 other side
5. Plank jack push up x 5
#rnds: 3 4/5


5min WO #56
5 min AMRAP
1. Knee hugs x 10
2. Flying burpee x 5
3. Plank jack x 10
4. Bird dog x 10
#rnds: 3 1/4
ZGym POWER YOGA #38 (~14min)
note: great for back body stretching!

Monday, March 21, 2016

lifted butt #19 take two

15min AMRAP (#40kb all)
1. Wide legged Hip Raise to hip abductor press x 20
2. KB Sumo Squat (3 pulse) to one leg surrender squat x 10 alternating legs 
3. Wide legged Hip Raise to hip abductor press x 20
4. KB Pendulum (x 5) / Swing (x 5) x 2 sets 
5. Wide legged Hip Raise to hip abductor press x 20
6. Deadlift to one (bent) arm deep squat  x 10 alternating arms
Rnds: 2 2/3
JR 10/40--12x

Next stop...alternative vacation workout schedule!!!! That'll all be in one post that I'll post when the two weeks are over. Monday I'll begin with 45m yoga. See ya in April!!

bunny slope #19

Time Challenge – 1 round
1. Leg lifts (x3) to side to side squats SB #40 (x3)with power bands x 10 sets
2. Reverse squat DB raise #5s x 15
3. Forward / backward lunge SB #40  10 / 10
4. Squat and press x 15 #12s
5. OPp grip Pull up/ 3 pt knee raise x10
6. Clam10 to side crunch10 #5- 2sets total
7. Hip Raise to DB weighted heel touch #5s x 15
time: 12:06
Jr to 25! 10/40--16x

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Lifted butt#20

1 round for time:

1. Clams with power band x 30 / 30

2. Weighted Side Lunge Knee Up / Side lunge jump x 20 #10s

3. Hip Raises SB #40 x 30

4. Kettlebell Swing with the beast x 20 #40

5. Abductor press with power band x 40

6. Kettlebell Deadlift (Beast) on blocks x 20 #50

7. Side Leg lift with power band (x5) to Side Squat (x5) x 5 sets on each leg

8. Weighted Backward lunge (Beast) x 10/10 #40

9. Kneeling hip abduction to heal raise x 20 / 20

10. Kettlebell Swing x 20 

Time: 12:06


JR to 25 10/40--16x (13:20)

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Lifted butt #18 take two

2 rounds for time:
1. Side Lunge Dead lift with power band x 10 #50
2. Kneeling heel lift /hip abduction  with power band x 20/20
3. Side to side sumo squat with power band x 10 #62
4. Kettlebell swing (x 10) + Jump Lunge (x 10) x 4 sets #40
+ Burn Out:
10 x Side to Side Sumo Squat w/ band #52 / 10 x Side to side squat with power band x 5 sets total #52
time: 17:55
JR to 25! 10/40--10x (8:20)
Thursday eats: m
830- BP coffee
12- grnd beef, spinach salad w/ salsa, tato w/ .5t ghee , apple, 1/3 nut craisin mix
4- 2 protein bars, 1/2 squash, 1/3c nut craisin mix
730- 2 eggs/2tbacon, snap peas, craisins

friday eats: L
830- BP coffee
1- turkey jerky, 2apples, snap peas, 1/3c nut mix
330- protein bar, carrots pb2, banana, Apple 
730- paleo casserole, 1/2 serv Blu chips

Bunny slope #18 & zcut5 WD sub

dB DL to heel raise #25s - 15x
dB st. lunges L/R #20s - 15x each
BB sumo squat #106- 15x
plank rows #25s - 20x ^
ball dB pullover to hip raise #10s - 20x
ball db pullover to sit up & twist #10 - 20x
ball hand to foot pass - 10x
band kneeling kickbacks - 15x each
band clams - 20x each
band wide hip raise to dB sit up (straight) OH #10 - 20x
time: 13:34

JR 10/40--15x (12:30)

Later that day....because it was snowy and Gavin was hardcore napping...
ZCUT warm up, ZCUT POWER CARDIO #5, ZCUT cool down
P.s- I did 5 rounds in the same time as it took her to do 4!!! #hadtwobabies #hospitalbedrestforamonth #csectionrecovery #ikickyourassdaily

Wednesday eats: (L)
845 - BP coffee
12 - 2egg/2white, snap peas, 2tbacon, cherries
3 - orange, 1T alm butter
5- 1 protein bar, nana, spinach salad
8- beef chili, carrots, 1/2serv blue chips

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

BOdy Crush #8

8 days!!!! Getting so excited to be on the beach with good family and good friends!

Had a great 33rd birthday, thanks to those who showed me some love! (Finally fit in my less fat jeans with no complaints from surgery ghost!)

Decided to lay low Sunday (just walked the dog) as Gavin had his worst night EVER Saturday night. He was up every 45min from 10-1, slept 130-430, was up 430-530 then slept 6-11. Ugh. Babies. I could live without them. Jaxen has been 50 shades of gnarly lately too. Fingers crossed this week is an improvement. If not...yay extra travel stress. As if I didn't find traveling stressful enough.

For this last week and on vacation I'm going to modify my eating plan to 3 low days and the rest medium days. This block (1block=1serving) style menu has been working out great for me. Stress free and easy to manipulate. Here's what it looks like now:

Medium days:
BP coffee (1/3c milk or 1T oil)
Protein, fruit and veg at all meals 
2 fat, 2 starch (tato,squash, yam, occasionally quinoa)

Low days:
BP coffee 
Protein, fruit and veg at all meals 
1 fat, 1 starch

Ready. Set. Go!!!!!


Jack knife Burpee x 10

Roll back Pistol alt. x10

Kick through Push up x5/5

Ninja Jump Tucks x10

Ab Splitters x10

Time: 19:23


JR to 25! 10/40--8x (6:40)

Monday, March 14, 2016

Lifted butt #19

15min AMRAP (#40kb all)
1. Wide legged Hip Raise to hip abductor press x 20
2. KB Sumo Squat (3 pulse) to one leg surrender squat x 10 alternating legs 
3. Wide legged Hip Raise to hip abductor press x 20
4. KB Pendulum (x 5) / Swing (x 5) x 2 sets 
5. Wide legged Hip Raise to hip abductor press x 20
6. Deadlift to one (bent) arm deep squat  x 10 alternating arms
Rnds: 2 1/3
JR 10/40--12x

Monday eats:
9- bp coffee
1030 - 1T alm butter & orange
1245 - banana, taco salad, swt tato, 1/4c almonds
5- 1 hm protein bar/1b-up, green beans, 1/4c sunflower seeds, cherries
8- swt tato chicken chowder, carrots

Jump Rope Cardio Kettlebell #1 & progress update

2 weeks to go! A little nervous for this progress check in. I am disappointed that I haven't been as strict paleo as I set out to be (85%?) I am absolutely fighting myself tooth and nail not to extend my workout time to make up for it. When I don't make progress fast enough or at all I tend to do this rather than fix my diet. However, 25-30min a day is about all the time I have as a mom and I don't want to set myself up for failure. I want to set myself up for long term success in fat loss and goal maintenance and that often means not getting the results one wants as fast as one knows one could get them. Ive learned the hard way that fast results DO NOT = maintainable results. I am also feeling a little burnt out in my workouts these days and I'm looking forward to the two week yoga(45min)/HIIT (20min) program I'll do in FL (4x/wk). Last time I ran this, I experienced major strength gains afterwards which helped my wreck those 5.11s at the Rock gym.

Further diet tweak-age:
(Note that this is not a static process...but rather, evolving based on results which is why it's so important to write it all down!!!!)
High days
BP coffee (no protein-1T coc oil or 1/3c coc cream)
Fruit at all meals except 1st
2 protein bars at meal 3
2 serv starch (tato/swt tato/squash)
3 serv fat (1/4c nuts/1/2avocado)
BP coffee
Fruit at all meals except 1st
2 protein bars at meal 3
2 serv starch
2 serv fat
BP coffee
Fruit at all meals except 1st
1 protein bar at meal 3
1 serv starch
1 serv fat


1. One Arm Swing R #30 (all)- 19/19
2. One Arm Swing L-19/19
3. High Knees JR 
5. Vertical Clean to Overhead Squat – L- 4/4
6. High Knees JR 
7. Snatch – R- 11/11
8. Snatch – L- 12/11
9. Double Unders JR 
JR to 25! 10/40--16x (comp burpee/JR alt)

Sunday eats
9- BP coffee
12- taco salad, deli turkey slice, 1:4c cashews, tato in avo oil, cherries
5- 2 hm protein bars, nana, orange, 1T alm butter, carrots
8- smoked salmon, hb egg, slice ham, green beans, swt tato

Friday, March 11, 2016

Lifted Butt #17 take two

3 rounds
1. Wide Legged Hip raises with power band x 30
2. Kettlebell swing x 20 with the beast (30-40 with the normal)
3. Laying side leg lifts with power band x 20 / 20
4. Kettlebell Swing x 20 with the beast (30-40 with the normal)
5. Clams with power band x 20/20
6. Kettlebell Swing x 20 with the beast (30-40 with the normal)
time: 12:30
Jr to 25! 10/40--16x (13m)
Friday eats: L
8- BP coffee
12-2whole eggs/2 whites, carrots, cherries
3- 1.5 apples
5- protein bar, 1/4c cashews, celery & pb2, bite of Bobo bar
7-chicken, green beans, Apple, 2kiwi
Saturday eats: (h)
8-BP coffee
1030- protein bar
12-a shit ton of chicken tenders, chips, salad, slice bday cake, 2 cans fruit sparkle water
5- hm protein bar, snap peas/carrots
730- chicken taco salad w/ 1/3c quinoa & blue chips

Bunny Slope #17

3 rounds for time:
1. Side lunge deadlift x 20 alt. #40
2. Clams with power band x 20/20
4. Inner Thigh Lifts with Power Band 20/20
5. St. Arm DB jack knives #5s - 20x
**2 pullups
time: 13:58
& JR to 25! 10/40--15x (12:30)
Thursday eats: h
8-BP coffee
12- grnd beef, salsa/spinach salad, 1/4c cashews, swt tato, apple
4- 1hm protein bar/1 probar, cherries, 1T alm butter, 1 serv gluten free pretzels, snap peas
730- 2 eggs, 2bacon, carrots

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Lifted Butt #18 & climbing (finally!)

Wednesday's workout:
Auto belay rnj: 5.8, 5.9, 10- (not clean. Tricky end), 10- (clean), 5.9, 5.9&8 burnout
2 rounds for time:
1. Side Lunge Dead lift with power band x 10 #40
2. Kneeling heel lift /hip abduction  with power band x 20/20
3. Side to side sumo squat with power band x 10 #52
4. Kettlebell swing (x 10) + Jump Lunge (x 10) x 4 sets #40
+ Burn Out:
10 x Side to Side Sumo Squat w/ band #52 / 10 x Side to side squat with power band x 5 sets total
time: 17:39
JR to 25! 10/40--10x (8:20)
Monday eats: 
8- BP coffee
12- Apple, grnd beef, spinach salad w/ salsa, fruit snacks, tato in avocado oil, 1/4c cashews
4-2 hm protein bars, 2kiwi, carrots, turkey pickle rollup
730-chicken tato soup w/ 2bacon, green beans
8 - BP coffee
10- 1/4c cashews
1- jerky, Apple, cherries, carrots, tato in avocado oil 
3- 2 hm protein bars, turkey pickle roll up, celery  salad w/ dressing, banana, 1T alm butter
5 - pb2
7-ratatouille & edamame pasta (1serv)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Summer shred #2 & GONE PALEO.

21 days!

Friday I initiated a return to a paleo menu.  I just have been struggling so much with keeping my eating under control. (I've also had digestive issues...) just a few days in and all problems are resolving! But....I'm totally black or white on ALL things in life, food is definitely NOT an exception. I'm either eating no grains and cheese or ALL of it. I lack the capacity for middle ground, I think. Any who, i was wanting to wait on this until after breastfeeding to return to paleo on account of the fact that Gavin does really poorly with most of the veggies I like to eat. I'm limited to carrots, green beans, spinach, snap peas, celery and zucchini. I am sorely missing my delicious green smoothies, Brussels sprouts, broccoli & cauliflower etc. It's gonna look like dis:

High days
BP coffee (no protein-2T fat)
Fruit at all meals except 1st
2 protein bars at meal 3
3 serv carbs (tato/swt tato/squash)
2 serv fat (1/4c nuts/ 1/2avocado)
BP coffee (no protein-2T fat)
Fruit at all meals except 1st
2 protein bars at meal 3
2 serv carbs
2 serv fat
BP coffee (no protein-1T fat)
Fruit at all meals except 1st
1 protein bar at meal 3
1 serv carbs
1 serv fat

4H days, 2M days, 2L days

Ready. Set. GO!

Buy in: Side step squat x 50 reps
1. kB Pendulum #30 – 10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10
2. Russian Twist Sit Up #26 - 5 – 10 – 15 – 20 – 25 – 20 -15 – 10 – 5
3. Jump Rope High Knees 30 seconds each round
Pyramid workout – 9 rounds
Buy out: 30 burpee (no pu)
 TIME: 21:53
JR to 25! 10/40--7x (6m)
***totally fucked the reps up on this workout. Did 8 rounds instead of 9 :(
Sun eats (h)
830- BP coffee 
1030- 1T alm butter
12- can o tuna, spinach salad w/ dressing, grapes, swt tato 
5- 2 protein bars, nana, carrots, 1/4c cashews
730- bunless gauc:bacon burger, a few fries, beer, salad, cherries
Monday eats: (l)
8-BP coffee
1030-1/4c cashews
1-paleo turkey sandwich, nana, grapes, swt tato, carrots
430- protein bar, cherries, craving cocoa
8- grnd beef, spinach salad w/ salsa, cherries

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Body crush 28

15 minute AMRAP
1. Plank Jack x 20
2. Flying Burpee x 10
3. Knee Hug x 20
4. Jump Tuck x 10
Rnds: 3 3/4
JR to 25! 10/40--12x = 10min

Lifted butt #16 take 2 & paleo & 10/40JR!

I'm feeling like it may be time to get back to a paleo menu. I'm going to do it the next couple days then report on it in Monday's blog.
2 rounds for time:
Power Band Set:
1. Squat side steps (x2)  with a power band x 10 sets alt. sides
2. Squat side step with a power band and KB x 10 alt. sides #30
3. Standing leg extensions with power band x 10 / 10 x 4 (80rep)
4. Bridge to Abductor Press x 20 + Abductor Press at the top x 20
5. Sumo Squat with the Beast x 10 #52
6. Side lunge deadlift to single leg toe raise x 10/10 #40
7. Pendulum to Swing 10 reps#40
8. Backward lunge pass under (x5) to  One leg deadlift (x5) x 2 sets alt. legs #40
time: 15:30
JR to 25! (10/40--12x = 10min)

F@&* Thursday. JESUS.

Friday eats:
8 - BP coffee (no more added protein after today)
1 - cherries, turkey jerky, 1T alm butter, 1/2 lg swt tato, snap peas
4 - 2 HM protein bars, blueberries, carrots
8 - paleo chicken fingers, salsa, green beans, shave fruit-ice