
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Zshred #48

3 min yoga

Zshred #48
Round #1
1. Jump Rope basic bounce for 30 seconds
2. Jump Rope high knees for 30 seconds
3. Kettlebell High Pull alternating hands 20 reps
4. One leg Kettlebell Deadlift (x2) to Side Kick (x2) 10 sets on each leg #40 1st/#30 all)
5. Squat Press to Jump Squat with Dumbbells #15s x10
Round #2
1. Jump Rope basic bounce for 30 seconds
2. Jump Rope high knees for 30 seconds
3. Kettlebell High Pull alternating hands 15 reps
4. One leg Kettlebell Deadlift (x2) to Side Kick (x2) 8 sets on each leg !!!!
5. Squat Press to Jump Squat with Dumbbells x8

Rounds #3
1. Jump Rope basic bounce for 30 seconds
2. Jump Rope high knees for 30 seconds
3. Kettlebell High Pull alternating hands 10 reps
4. One leg Kettlebell Deadlift (x2) to Side Kick (x2) 6 sets on each leg !!!!
5. Squat Press to Jump Squat with Dumbbells x6

Round #4
1. Jump Rope basic bounce for 30 seconds
2. Jump Rope high knees for 30 seconds
3. Kettlebell High Pull alternating hands 5 reps
4. One leg Kettlebell Deadlift (x2) to Side Kick (x2) 4 sets on each leg !!!!
5. Squat Press to Jump Squat with Dumbbells x4
+ 6 burpees to 20min
TIME: 20:03

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