
Thursday, March 31, 2022

LB9 p3*/jr20/wd2/food🔺

 2 min warm up

LB9 p3


kb sngl dL #40 x 10/10

*burpees x 10

sb back squat lo x 5/full x 5 ~ 3 sets

*dip st leg lifts x 10

*pistol (block & band to hold leg out) x 5/5

time: 19:14


jr20 10/20x40



Meal 🔺:

1/3c coaches oats with tsp honey, protein coffee drink

meat + veg + starch

meat/protein bar + veg/fruit


✨ March Notes/LBS


3/19: 132.8!!!

This month:

  • Staying with 4 JR20's per week despite my itching to increase it for extra results for Florida.
  • 1769 cal/day...need to build in AP phase at some point? (+100/cal each week for two weeks then drop back to 1769 or +50 week  for 4 weeks?) hmmmmm
  • Continuing Sara's splits TVA prog 3x week 
  • Had some set backs with the LB program. I think all the kB work PLUS climbing is not a good mix. As of 3/9 I've scaled most of the kb stuff to sandbag or dumb bells and have dropped the extra kB swings for now too.
  • I feel like I did a lot of things wrong this cut...
      • only added 1 20 min JR sesh back per month, next time add 2 back in January
      • didn't follow the deficit very well AT ALL but at the same time I tried to keep it a little higher so it wouldn't affect my already crappy sleep too much
        • waffled back and forth about whether or not to do carbs at dinner. The answer (for a cut) is DON'T.
      • program was not intense enough (or as intense as) the lifting/metcon program I was doing before this
      • too much jump roping over winter so my body didn't de-condition therefore it wasn't "surprized" back into metabolic action when I added it back in Jan & Feb

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

🏖️FLORIDA! Plan & Deload week 🏖️

 FL Plan:


  • ELEL
  • Lower carb: oats with BF, sweet tato w/ lunch then no more
  • Alcohol every 2 days

Workout Plan:

  • deload week: alternate 12min TB workouts and TVA/8mob each day


12min AmRAP:
Sngl leg band dL (red& purple) x8/8
Sngl trx  row x5/5
Jump lunges x 20
R= 5


ZWOW #101*
12 min AMRAP:
10 banded f/b lunges each (green)
20 side crunches each
20 side lunge jumps green band
20 reverse plank knee tucks
r = 3


pistol slide/archer slide x 5/5
burpee x 10
superman lat pulldown blue x 10
plank BD K2E x 8/8
time: 12:32


12 amrap:
dive bomber pu x 10
pogo x 12/12
TRX pike abs x 10
banded side lunge green x 10/10
r = 3.25

OFF (home)



Monday, March 21, 2022

LB9 (p2)/jr20/wd2

 2 min warm up


*dB deficit lunges (3 riser total) #15s x 10/10

sb sumo 2 to curtsey #30 x 20 alt

weighted ab splitters x 8 #2.5s ankle x 8

sb side lunges #30 x 10/10

BB glute press #90something x 12

r = 2 3/5


jr20 5/30




Sunday, March 20, 2022

CCC Cats v Dogs

 5.8, 5.7, 5.8, 5.8

^ first 8 was meandering a dumb. I don't ever want to warm up on it again. it was the right most 8 facing the wall.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Friday, March 18, 2022

P1/3 LB9, JR20, wd2

 2 min warm up

part 1 of 3 LB9

20min amrap:

sB side to side dbl squats x 10 alt #55

side to side dyn squats (green) x 20

dB back lunge #15s/weighted knee up #5s x 10/10

*ball pikes x10

ankle weighted narrow jump squat to leg lift #2.5s x 20 alt 

r = 3 4/5


jr20: 5/50x22



Thursday, March 17, 2022

Climb G1/wd2/5rft2


L: 8,9,10a, 11c (1/3 then lowered), 11a (3-4t)

TR: 12a, 11a

Walk dog2

5rft2 (see pages)

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

*rest: TVA/walk2/jr20

 walk 2


jr20: 5/25


TVA+8mob (see pages)


 spot climb:

L: 8,9,10-, 11b (4t), 11b (lower at half way), 10b

TR: 10+, 10


walk 2 mi


5rft1 (see pages for description)

🔺moved row to #55lbs and 90* rotation first set to 3lbs/2lbs for other 4 sets

Monday, March 14, 2022





Power Band Set: green
1. Squat side steps (x2)  with a power band x 10 sets alt. sides
2. Squat side step with a power band and SB #55 x 10 alt. sides
3. Standing leg extensions with power band x 10 / 10 x 4
4. Bridge to Abductor Press x 20 + Abductor Press at the top x 20

5. *Smith Sumo Squat x 10 #86
6. Side lunge deadlift to single leg heel raise with the Beast x 10/10 #40
7. Pendulum to Swing 10 reps with Beast #40
8. Backward lunge pass under (x5) to  One leg deadlift (x5) x 2 sets alt. legs #40

time: 18:32


JR20 5/40x27

Sunday, March 13, 2022

15Fit Slide #21+5/jr20/walk2

 2 min warm up



frog slides x10

*1 leg squat ugi butt touch (fwd lean) x 5/5

oblique slide ins x 10/10

kick slide push up x 5/5 (mod to 4/4 for last 2r)

archer slide to pistol slide x 5/5

r = 3 1/5+


jr20L 10/60



Saturday, March 12, 2022

Rest: walk2/TVA+8mob

 Walk 2


TVA/8mob prog:

round 1: 

plank block squeeze 1min/hollow hold block sqz 45s/plank " "/Lsit prep 30s

round 2:

pigeon L 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/pigeon R

round 3:

lying hamstring L 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/lying ham R

round 4:

wall hip flex 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/wall hip flex R

round 5:

frog 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/TFL ball L 1 min

Friday, March 11, 2022


 Climb: still watching the left arm

L: 8,9,10a, 11b COMPLETED!, 11b lead wall repeat, 10c (fucking hard 10c with 4-5 takes), 10b

TR: purple 11a

*arm felt used but not bad at all




5rft2: see "pages" for description

Thursday, March 10, 2022


My left arm really hurt after Monday's LB workout and then climbing Tuesday so I decided to modify most of the kB work for now, not do any burpees during JRing and had it worked on yesterday so hopefully it'll be good as new soon. I'm sure the deload week in FL will be excellent for it!

2 min warm up

LB7 3r4ft:

1. weight vest Jump Switch Step ups on a chair x 20 #18/10/10
2. dB One leg elevated lunge x10/10 #15s
3. Weighted Clam Circles x 20/20 #20
4. Sb squat to Curtsy Lunge x 20 alt. #35

5. Pogo #10 mball x 10/10

time: 20:25


JR20 10/50x20



So F-ing bummed (and pissed) that I'm not down any weight for FL coming up soon. 


WTF am I going to do to get things moving when I get back?


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

*restish: TVA+8mob/jr20

 JR20 10/20x40


TVA/8mob prog:

round 1: 

plank block squeeze 1min/hollow hold block sqz 45s/plank " "/Lsit prep 30s

round 2:

pigeon L 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/pigeon R

round 3:

lying hamstring L 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/lying ham R

round 4:

wall hip flex 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/wall hip flex R

round 5:

frog 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/TFL ball L 1 min

Tuesday, March 8, 2022



Lead all:

7,8,9, soft 11b clean, 10d, 10d, 10c, 10b, 10b



Monday, March 7, 2022


 2 min warmup

LB11 2rft:

1 arm kb front squat to tip toe sumo x2 (w/o kb) x 10 sets #50

elev glute press #30 x 10

kb DL up/wide squat down up down/jump squat (nokb) x 10 #50

elev glute press #30 x 10

jump lunges x 20

elev glute press #30 x 10

kB pendulum #50 x 10

elev glute press #30 x 10

jump lunges x 20

elev glute press #30 x 10

standing band kick back x 20/20 green

time: 16:52


air lunge tabata (10/20x8) *focus on not pushing with bent leg!!


jr20: 10/35x27


walk 2 mi

Sunday, March 6, 2022

restish: w2/jr20/TVA+8mob

 walk 2 mi


jr20: 10/40


TVA/8mob combo

round 1: 

plank block squeeze 1min/hollow hold block sqz 45s/plank " "/Lsit prep 30s

round 2:

pigeon L 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/pigeon R

round 3:

lying hamstring L 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/lying ham R

round 4:

wall hip flex 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/wall hip flex R

round 5:

frog 1 min/hollow 45s/Lsit prep 30s/TFL ball L 1 min

Saturday, March 5, 2022



LB 20: 2rft:

1. Clams with power band x 15/15 green
2. Weighted Side Lunge Knee Up / Side lunge jump x 20 #12s
3. BB glute press #105 x 10
4. Kettlebell Swing x 10 #60
5. Abductor press with power band x 15 green
6. Kettlebell Deadlift (Beast) on blocks x10 #80
7. Side Leg lift with power band (x5) to Side Squat (x5) x 3 sets each leg green
8. Weighted Backward lunge x 10/10 #40
9. Kneeling hip abduction to heal raise x 10/10 green
10. Kettlebell Swing x 20 #60

time: 17:36


pistol block assisted tabata (10/20x8)


jr20 10/55x19

Friday, March 4, 2022





L: 6, 8, 9, 11b (2t!!), 10d clean, 11b (1t at the very top), 10b

TR: 11a

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

rest-ish: walk2/jr20/TVA

 walk dog 2 mi


jr20 10/20x40


TVA work from SS's Splits Program (unit 1)

plank with thigh block squeeze 60s x 2

then superset:

hollow hold w/ block squeeze 45s and L sit prep 30s hold x 5 rounds

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

climb g1/wd2/5rft2


L: 7,8,9,11b clean, 11b (several takes) soft though

TR: 11d, 11c


walk dog 2

