walk Zedd .5 mi warm up
Sweet Punishment:
P1: 10/30x6 (4min)
Lunge back jump up L #10wv
Lunge back jump up R #10wv
P2: 4rftr:
reptile pu x 10
broad jump fwd/2 back x 10
side plank kick up/front kick x 8/8
time: 12:39
totaL: 16min ish
jr20 5/30
walk Zedd .5 mi warm up
Sweet Punishment:
P1: 10/30x6 (4min)
Lunge back jump up L #10wv
Lunge back jump up R #10wv
P2: 4rftr:
reptile pu x 10
broad jump fwd/2 back x 10
side plank kick up/front kick x 8/8
time: 12:39
totaL: 16min ish
jr20 5/30
Auto doubles: 8x2
TR: 11- 2nd project, 12a, 11b, 11
Auto: 11-x2, 11x2
kB row #50 x8/8
Bent row w rotation #8s x 10
Superman lat pulldown blue x 10
Walk 2
1 mi dog walk warm up
elev dL #60 x 10 (~5)
time: 4:14
then 10-->1 reps:
alt pistols #10wv + band assisted
dip st. dips
ball pike abs
total time: 18:59
jr20 10/35x27
walk 2 mi
1 mi dog walk warm up
15min FB #17
walk Zedd 1 mi
part 1: 4 rft:
10/10 static sb lunges #35
10/10 elevated one leg glute press #20
part 2: 3 rft:
8 side burpees
16 dB step ups #15s (8/8)
12 toes 2 bar
8 pike press
total time = 18: 31
jr20 10/45
walk 2
Auto: 8,8
Lead: 10, 11 lead wall proj (1t), 11+(assist)
TR: 12+ (assist)
kB row #50 x 8/8
Bent row w rotstion#8s x 10
Superman lat pulldown blue x 10
auto: 8,9,10b
lead: 11 lead wall (1t), 11 (1/2 way then bail), 11b-->10d at third clip
TR: 12a (2f)
2 min warm up
1020x36 (18min)
side lunge jumps #10wV
sB shouldering (OH) #35
sngl leg alt dL #60
dive bombers
side lunge jumps #10
sB cleans #35
sngl leg dL alt #60
pike jump over (mat)
side lunge jumps #10
*L-sit hold
sngl alt dL #60
slide under bar w/ sB #35
JR20 5/35
walk 2 mi
Walk 3mi
+ F mob (mash up): a
Wrist walk arounds x4
L lying shoulder stretch L/r
QL squeeze 20s x5
Behind back shoulder stretch L/r
Squat press always x 10/10
Wushu good mornings x 20 pulses
Squat knee tap ins x 20
Pigeon hold 2min L/r
Pancake sit and lean fwd
Block assist leg liftsx 20/20
2 min warm up
300 killer rep 7: 3rft:
Jump lunge x 20
Cross body knee tuck pu x 10
Pull-up x 5
Comp burpee x 10
Mtn climber x 20
Ninja jump/jump tuck x 5
Hanging bicycle abs x 5
Air lunge kick L x 10
Air lunge kick R x 10
Chin up x 5
Time: 18:39
Jr20: 10/50
Walk 2 mi
8,8,8,10-(lead wall)
Auto doubles;
12a x 2 (2/3)—>10b, 11bx2, 11ax2
Jr20: 10/20
kB row #50 x 8/8
R cobra sqz 30s hold
HSCTs x 10 alt
walk 2 mi
part 1: 4rft:
sb good mornings #35 x 12
sB step ups #35 x 8/8
time: 7:45
50 mtn sliders
25 goblet squats #26
15 burpee bar hop overs
toatl time: 19:45
jr20 10/45
2 min warm up
control & cardio #6
1. Hanging Oblique Pistol Leg Raise x 6
2. Kettlebell Swing x 15 + Scissor Lunge Jump / Side Kick x 10/10
3. Hollow Horizontal Scissors (x8) / Pistol Squat x 6 alt. legs
4. Kettlebell Swing x 15 + Scissor Lunge Jump / Side Kick x 10/10
5. Kettlebell Windmill x 4/4 (you can do 5 reps if you're really strong or have a lighter kettlebell)
6. Kettlebell Swing x 15 + Scissor Lunge Jump / Side Kick x 10/10
7. Side Plank Star (10 sec) / One Legged Push Up x 6 alt. legs
8. Kettlebell Swing x 15 + Scissor Lunge Jump / Side Kick x 10/10
time: 11:30~ (added reps from 1st adn 2nd to 12min)
tabata: 10/20x8
pistol squats alt rounds
jr20 10/40
uMob (w/ qL sqz mod)
Lead: 9,7,8,10b lead wall clean, 11a, 11a
TR: 12a 1 fall, 11c 1 fall
Jr20min: 10/20
1 arm row #50 x8/8
Bent row w/ rotation #8s x 10
Superman lat pulldown blue x 10
walk 3 mi
4/4 tempo front squats x 10
time: 1:20
B: 4rft:
8/8 deficit lunges #12s
12 BB glute press #85
30 side lunge hops
time: 9:39
C: tabata 10/20x8 (4min)
ab splitters
kB snatch #30 (alt/L/R/alt)
jr20 10/30
Muscle max out
1 leg crawl out/pu/pike press/ stand L
1 leg crawl out/pu/pike press/ stand r
Ninja jump tuck
Twisted climber
Ankle wrap pistols alt
Band bent row x 12
Plank knee drops x 10/10
Bb curtsey #30-40 x 10/10
Knee hugs x 20
DBUs x 50
#r = 3
10/20x8: burpee jump tuck/split lunge hop jump lunge
10/20x8: bb side lunge #30 L/R
10/20x8: HSCTs/plank cross kick
Bb step ups #30-40 x 10/10
Transformer Jax green x 10
Sit up clap unders x 16
Glute abd&p green x 12
#r = 4