Took a week off to see if my intense braxton hicks would abate. They backed off a little but no significant change. It seems to just depend on the day. Yesterday evening when I slept 11-930am then also took a nap I had intense I slept intermittently (e.g SUPER CRAPPILY) from 1130-530 and also laid down for nap but didn't full sleep I had none. Curious. So here's the modified plan:
New Plan:
10am break fast
3 total body weight circuits (20min)
2 yogas
7, 1 mi dog walks
Baby Booty Circuit #1
20 min AMRAP +2
one leg stand up L #15 - 8x, 10, 12, 14
one leg stand up R #15 - 8x, 10, 12, 14
BB curl #35 - 8x, 10, 12, 14
seated cable row #66 - 8x, 10, 12, 14
BB 1/2 squat #55 - 8x, 10, 12, 14
knee tri push ups - 8x, 10, 12
ball ham roll ins - 8x, 10, 12
dbl 90* dB row #15s - 8x, 10, 12
#rnds: 3 5/8s