4/12 (CD16): 149.8
H-38 (up 1/2")
W-30.5 (up 1/2)
B-34.5 (up1/2")
T-21 (up 1/2")
A-13.5 (up 1/2")
N-36 (up 1 1/2") !!!!
well this information blowwwwwwws
- It's really been hard to get back to the regular schedule with food, workouts and sleep post ILLNESS and now my back is killing me. WHY CAN"T I CATCH A BREAK LATELY.
- the third week is better but back is still in the shitter.
- 2155 cal (140/230/75) until May 8th?!? maybe possibly plleeeeaaasssse!?
- IDEAS FOR NEXT WO: pay a little more attn to quads
- week of 4/10: add ATG mobility (ATG heel elev. split squat/seated good mornings) into leg WOs
- up weight or reps on this every 8 weeks MINIMUM
- 4/12: FOOD = decrease coconut milk to 1/4c in AM
- 4/10: WO = Decrease rest time to 1 min/add 5th set