
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

CF Unrivaled 3/18/12

4 min yoga warm up

10--->1 Power Cleans (#75*good for 8-10,easy for less)
2---> 20 Push Ups (increase by 2 each round!)
time: 13:52

+ JR 20min (10/50s -- 20x)

mon eats:
710 - cappuccino shake, peach, 1 dried papaya strip
11 - chicken, sweet potato, 1 tbsp coconut butter
215 - tuna, salad, 1/3 cup nuts
6 - 1.5 cup chicken curry

Monday, July 30, 2012

CF Unrivaled 6/4/12

4 min yoga warm up

5 rounds for time:
2 rope climbs
15 sit ups (#25 plate)
20 front squats (#45)
400m run
time:  31:37

1)JR 20min (10/30 -- 30x)

sun eats:
8 - cappuccino shake, peach/raspberries
12 - 2 eggs, 1/2 acorn squash, 1 tbsp coconut butter
315 - chicken brat, veggies, 1/3 cup nuts
715 - 1/2 chicken breast, salad

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Savor The Burn Workout

4 min yoga warm up

 3 rounds of:
60s mtn climbers
25 squat
26 BB Lunges total (#45)
15 burpee chin ups
15 jump tucks
50 star crunches
time: 23:58

-    JR 20 min (10s/50s -- 20x

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Go Kaleo #40

4 min yoga warm up

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 renegade rows (10 each side) #26/30 alt.
10 turkish get-ups (switch arm each rep) #26
20 kettlebell swings (#30)
20 sandbag shoulders (#40)
# rounds completed: 3.25

1) JR 20 min (10/30 -- 30x)

wed eats:
710 - cappuccino shake, peach
11 - ground turkey, 1/4th large squash, 1 dried papaya strip, 1/2 cup nuts:(
430 - 4 slices turkey, carrots, cuke, watermelon
715 - ground turkey & salad, 2 tbsp coconut butter

thurs eats
7 - cappuccino shake, watermelon
1030 - ground beef, 1/4 large squash, 1 tbsp coconut butter
230 - 2 egg & broccoli scramble w/ salsa, paleo crackers, 1/3 cup cashews

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Go Kaleo 7/16/12

4 min yoga warm up

P1: for time:

2k row (lvl6)
100 wall balls (#10)
3 sets of 20 weighted walking lunges (#20 dBs, 25, 27.5)

1st time check in: 19:48

P2: 5 sets of 5 for time: 
1 clean and jerk/1 burpee w/ strict pushup on handle of barbel

total time: 27:01

JR20min (10s/40s - 24 rounds)

tues eats:

730 - cappuccino shake & peach

11 - 2 egg & broccoli scramble w/ salsa, small sweet potato, 1/2 watermelon slice, 1/3 cup nuts

230 - bell pepper sandwich w/ gauc and salad, 3 tbsp raisins/1 dried papaya stirp, a couple of paleo crackers

730 - ground turkey, salad

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Body Heat Workout

Sunday’s Workout:
18mi bike ride + a shit ton of walking


Body Heat Workout - Jul 24

4 min yoga warm up

3 rounds FT:
15x Sumo dead lift high pull (65#)
Row 250m (lvl8)
10x kB clean & press (#26)
Row 250m
20x Box jumps (24”)

1) 20min JR (10s/20s -- 40x)

***Adding back in the JR because I’m getting fat! Need to cut for Kauai in September! 4 Cross Fit WOs per week + 4, 20 min JRs!

fri eats:
7 - cappuccino shake, watermelon
1045 - chicken, 1/2 squash, coconut flakes
215 - beef jerky (home made), cucumber,  1/4 cup walnuts
5 - paleo crackers

sat eats:
740 - cappuccino shake, watermelon
1045 - ground bison, tiny sweet potato, paleo crackers
245 - 2 slices turkey, blue chips n’ gauc, 1 beer
530 - watermelon, coconut butter

mon eats:
710 - cappuccino shake, 1/2 slice watermelon
1045 - 1/2 chicken breast, 1/2 acorn squash, 1/4 cup cashews
230 - tuna pkt, asparagus, 1/ 2 cuke & gauc
715 - burger patty, salad

Friday, July 20, 2012

Go Kaleo #68

4 min yoga warm up

50 pushups
10 burpees
50 ab wheel roll outs
10 burpees
50 weighted BB lunges (#55)
10 burpees
50 hang snatches or cleans
10 burpees
time:  18:57

thurs eats:
7 - cappuccino shake, apple
1045 - ground bison, coconut butter 1tbsp, sweet potato
330 - 2 hb egg scramble with mushroom/broccoli & salsa, applesauce, luna protein bar
830 - 1/2 chicken breast, salad

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Mel Frog"

4 min yoga warm up

6 rounds for time:
400m run
5x Handstand push-ups (2 risers)
10x GHRs
15x Box jumps (24”)
20x Squats
25x Double unders
time: 30:17

**It never ceases to amaze me how hard just plain old body weight stuff is!

tues eats:
730 - cappuccino shake, apple
1030 - 2 egg scramble w/ broccoli, mushrooms, salsa, small sweet potato, 1/2 cup nut/raisin mix
3 - bell pepper sandwich, coconut butter
730 - ground beef & salad

wed eats:
715 - cappuccino shake, apple
1030 - sweet potato chowder w/ tuna pkt, 1/4 c almonds
4 - home made beef jerky, cucumber, 2 clementines, blue chips:(((((
8 - 1/2 cup paleo cream of broccoli soup w/ chicken, 3 tbsp coconut butter & some raisins

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"Dirty Dozen"

4 min yoga warm up

20 walking lunges (#25 dBs)
20 pull ups
30 box jumps (20")
20 Double Unders
20 tricep dips
30 knees to elbows
20 kb swings (#30)
20 hang squat cleans (#45)
30 sit ups
20 back ext
20 wall balls (#10)
3 rope climbs
time: 16:38

mon eats:
730 - cappuccino shake & banana
11 - 2 egg scramble w/ broccoli/mushrooms and salsa, small sweet potato
3 - veggies & guac
6 - 1.5 cup paleo cream of broccoli soup w/ tuna pkt

Monday, July 16, 2012

CF Unrivaled 4/10/12 & Buffalo Peaks Wilderness

Back from a short backpacking trip @ Buffalo Peaks Wilderness!!!

Unrivaled 4/10/12 - Jul 16

4 min yoga warm up

Weighted tricep dips (#12 wV)

12 min AMRAP
12 Pistols (total)
9 Push Press (#22.5 dBs)
6 k2e
# sets:  6

total workout time: approx. 14 min

Friday, July 13, 2012

Fight The Fat

Thursday’s Workout:
Rock climbing outside (If you could call it that. This week has been pitiful.)


Fight the Fat Workout - Jul 13

4 min yoga warm up

800m run (3:21)

then 12 min AMRAP:
wall ball (#10) - 6x
back squat (#95) - 6x
mtn. lunger - 6x each leg
# sets:  6

then 800m run (3:45)

total workout time: approx 20 min

tues eats:
715 - cappuccino shake, blueberries
11 - chicken brat, paleo tortilla, sweet potato
315 - tuna pkt, salad, 1/4 cup nuts
1 cup sweet potato chicken chowder

wed eats:
810 - cappuccino shake, blueberries
1130 - 1.5 cup sweet potato/chicken chowder, 1/4 cup nuts
315 - bell pepper sandwich w/ 1/4 cup guac
7 - 3 egg mushroom & salsa omelette, salad

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Booty Like Whoa

4 min yoga warm up

4 rounds for time
kB alt dead lift 20x each (#26)
3 min freestyle jump rope
leg lift, toe touch, sit up, toe touch 20x
3 min freestyle jump rope
weighted walking lunges 20x total (#25 dBs)
time: 35:45

mon eats
745 - cappuccino shake, banana
11 - tuna pkt, small sweet potato w/ coconut oil, 2 tbsp raisins
5 - 2 hb eggs, veggies & guac
8 - chicken, salad, 2 beers

Monday, July 9, 2012

CF Unrivaled 12/15/11

Sunday’s Workout:
Rock climbing inside 2.5 hrs


Unrivaled 12/15/11 - Jul 9

4 min yoga warm up

10 min AMRAP
10 Hang Cleans (#65 **perfect weight/rep)
5 lateral burpee box jumps 
20 double unders (jump rope)
# sets:  5

$Cash Out$
30 GHRs (2:21)

total workout time: 12:21

+ Rock climbing inside  -- RAIN SUCKS!!!!

sat eats:
7 - cappuccino shake, apple
11 - ground bison, sweet potato w/ coconut oil, coconut flakes
230 - bell pepper sandwich w/ guac, carrots, 1/4 cup raisins
5 - 1/4 cup nuts
8 - fish & veggies w/ 1 beer

sun eats:
820 - cappuccino shake, apple
11 - ground bison, small sweet potato w/ coconut oil, coconut butter
245 - beef salad w/ gauc & salsa for dressing

Friday, July 6, 2012

Til You Die

4 min yoga warm up

6 rounds for time:
5 back squats (#95 **perfect weight/rep combo)
10 dip station pushup/tri dip w/ft on ugi
400m run
15 inverted rows (w/ #12wV on)
time: 29:52


thurs eats:
710 - cappuccino shake, banana
10 - 1 cup paleo lasagna, small sweet potato, 3 tbsp coconut butter
2 - red pepper sandwich, 1/3 cup nuts, raisins
715 - ground bison, salad greens

fri eats:
7 - cappuccino shake, banana
11 - ground bison, small sweet potato, 1/2 cup raisin/nut mix
3 - 2 egg omelette w/ salsa, on salad greens, coconut butter 3 tbsp
5 - chicken brat in a paleo tortilla, 1/2 cuke, carrots, guac & blue chips

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Go Kaleo #29

4 min yoga warm up

8 rounds for time:
10 weighted sumo squats (#95 - **UP NEXT TIME!!!!)
10 slalom jumps over a box (20”)
100 JR skips
time: 15:23

tues eats:
710 - cappuccino shake, small plum & 2 tbsp raisins
1045 - 1.5 cup paleo lasagna, sweet potato, 2 tbsp coconut butter
2 - leftover tuna salad/chicken on salad greens
7 - paleo lasagna, a few chunks of watermelon

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Does A Body Hot

4 min yoga warm up

For Time:
500m row (lvl8)
dead lift 25x (#105)
400m row
tricep dips 25x
300 m row
OH squats 25x (#45)
200m row
push ups 25x
100m row
walking lunges 25x (#22.5 dBs)
time: 17:06

mon eats
7 - cappuccino shake, watermelon
1045 - chicken, sweet potato, coconut oil
4 - tuna salad, cucumber, 3 tbsp coconut butter, 2 tbsp raisins

Monday, July 2, 2012

CF Unrivaled 5/18/12 & Game Plan

Took last week off to give my body a break. I haven’t taken a solid week off since March! I bouldered and climbed indoors for 2 hours on Wednesday, and climbed outside all day on Sunday @ Jurassic Park though! Got 5 solid climbs in ranging from 5.9-5.10a. Feel slightly sore from that.

Game Plan for July & August:
1.             4 crossfit workouts each week
2.            at least 2 outdoor climbs each week
3.           full on paleo
4.           supp with 7.5g bcaa’s every day (start Tues)
5.           July: 2 oz kombucha every day

Unrivaled 5/18/12

4 min yoga warm up

For time:
21 Thursters (#65)
21 Pull Ups (10 full BW/11 asst’d)
Run 800m
30 KB swings (#26)
30 Pull Ups (asst’d)
50 Double Unders
50 Sit Ups
Run 400m
30 Box Jumps (20”)
30 Wall Balls (#10)

total workout time: 20:44