
Friday, June 22, 2012

Abs4Me Ex. Challenge

3  min JR freestyle combos
10/50s -- 3x
sit up & star touch L/R alt. - 28/25/24/28/26
leg lift/toe touch & sit up/toe touch - 8/8/7/6/6
ball plank knee tucks - 16/17/14/16/18

total workout time: approx 30 min

thurs eats:
740 - cappuccino shake          
 *try to bring sugar content down/stop using creamer!!!
11 - 1 cup thai curry w/ 1/4 squash and watermelon slice
230 - 2 deviled eggs, 1/2 cup nut&raisin mix
7 - veggies

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Suck Off Fat

4 min yoga warm up

ugi plank with star jumps (#10) - 64/57/53
10 high knees/10 front kicks -  6.5/5.5/5.5
ugi burpee w/ fwd/bkwd jumps - 7/7/6.5
ugi chop ab roll up & jump - 6/6.5/6.5

+         15 min HiiT: JR 10/50 -- 15x

total work out time: approx 27 min

+ outdoor rock climbing

tues eats:
715 - cappuccino shake, raisins
1030 - ground bison, 1/4 b.nutt squash, grapes, blue chips
230 - 1/2 whole foods chicken salad, spinach, carrots
6 - other 1/2 chicken salad, 1 egg, spinach/1/2 cuke, bites of paleo banana bread

710 - cappuccino shake
10 - ground bison, 1/2 butternut squash, watermelon, coconut butter
230 - tuna, spinach, veggies & gauc
7 - 1.5 cup chicken thai curry, bites of paleo nana bread

SUUUUPER hard climbs yesterday. The last 10d took absolutely everything I had left + more. Gotta take it a little easy today!

Check out today’s workout then I’m off to camp/float and climb :D

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Strong Is Sexy

4 min yoga warm up

burpee jump tucks - 8
high knees JR - 85
ugi jump lunges (#10) - 19
High knees JR - 98
Reptile push ups - 12
High knees JR - 90
10 high knees/10 mnt climbers - 3.5
High knees JR - 98
Side plank knee 2 upper elbow alt - 6
high knees JR - 99
push up side plank dip (#5 *higher!) - 7
high knees JR - 101
side v-crunches L (#5) - 15
high knees JR - 104
side v-crunches R (#5) - 15
high knees JR - 95
explosive star jumps - 15
high knees JR - 88
single toe touch abs (#10) - 15
high knees JR - 102
ugi squat jumps (#10) - 16
high knees JR - 90
burpee plank jump ins (just feet) - 9
high knees JR - 96

-    15 min HiiT: row 100m sprint/100m recovery (total m rowed: 2800m lvl6 )

total workout time: approx 30min

mon eats:
720 - cappuccino shake
1045 - 1/3 cup leftover pork carnitas, watermelon slice, coconut butter
230 - tuna packet, veggies & gauc
6 - ground bison, veggies

Monday, June 18, 2012

ZWOW #14

Sunday’s Workout:
Hiking/rock climbing outside


4 min yoga warm up

5 rounds for time!
push press (#20 dBs) 10x
thruster (#15) 10x
back curl/lunge (#15) 10x
preacher curl (#12) 10x
weighted jump lunges (#15) 10x
broad jump burpees 10x
time: 18:47

1)          15 min HiiT: JR 10/20 -- 30x

total workout time: approx 33 min

sun eats:
8am - cappuccino shake
1230 - 1 cup paleo shepherds pie & apple
5 - 1 paleo energy bar & 1/4 cup nuts
7 - lettuce wrapped burger, salad & a couple bites of paleo banana bread

Today’s weigh in: 123#

Friday, June 15, 2012

Turn Up The Music

Thursday’s Workout - Jun 14
Outdoor rock climbing


Part 1: 10/50s -- 12x
towel drag push ups - 14/11
ball push up/pike - 9/9
side plank inner thigh leg lifts on step ladder L - 30/27
side plank inner thigh leg lifts R - 30/29
low jacks/L pull up - 8/9
ugi stand up abs & jump (#10) - 10/11

Part 2: 10/50s -- 3x
sit up & star touch L/R alt. - 24
leglift/toe touch & situp/toe touch - 8
ball plank knee tucks - 14

+15 min grab bag HiiT: jR 10/50 -- 15x

total workout time: approx 30 min

wed eats:
7 - cappuccino shake
1030 - ground beef, sweet potato, watermelon, blue chips:(
2 - tuna, veggies, coconut butter
7 - 1.5 cup paleo shepherd’s pie

thurs eats:
730 - cappuccino shake
1030 - 1 cup paleo shepherd’s pie and gauc
2 - 1/2 whole foods chicken salad, salad greens w/ cuke, coco nut butter
630 - veggies
9 - other half wf chicken salad w/ 2 slices turkey, gauc & blue chips

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

ZWOW #16

4 min yoga warm up

renegade row (#25) - 10x
OH lunges (#33) - 10x
burpee broad jumps - 10x
crab toe touches - 10x (one on each = 1 rep)
kB sumo dead lift/hi pull (#35) - 10x
# sets completed: 4  1/10

+ 15 min HiiT: row (100m fast/100m recovery = 2800m rowed on lvl6)

total workout time: approx 30 min

tues eats:
730 - cappuccino shake
1030 - ground beef, sweet tato, guac, watermelon slice
2 - tuna pkt, salad w/ salsa dressing, coconut butter
6 - ground beef, salad, gauc/salsa for dressing
**woke up hungry early morning**

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Caught Stripping Fat

4 min yoga warm up

2 commando pushups, roll over/power up, jump fwd, sB squat 10x (#40), 2 jumps back to start
# reps completed: 8? (lost count...)

Part 2: 10/50s -- 6x
kB swing (#30) - 20/20/20
kB sit up - 15/12/12

+15 min grab bag HiiT: JR 10/20s -- 30x

total workout time: approx 27 min

mon eats
730 - cappuccino shake
1045 - 1 cup jambalaya w/ salad greens & slice of watermelon
145 - 1 hb eggs, carrot/cuke & 1/3 cup guac, 1/2 small paleo energy bar
6 - ground beef, salad

Monday, June 11, 2012

Go Kaleo #3

Sunday’s Workout - Jun 10
Rock climbing


Go Kaleo #3 - Jun 11

Part 1: 8 rounds:
5 back squats (#75)/1 handstand pushup (single riser)
time: 6:38

Part 2: tabata (10s/20 - 16x)
1. dBl unders - 30/30/32/31
2. burpees -5/5/5/5
3. wall ball with weighted ball (#10) - 8/10/10/11
4. kB alt leg deadlift (#30) - 8/8/9/8

+15 min grab bag HiiT: stair run/JR combo (3min each)

total workout time: approx 29 min

fri eats:
7 - cappuccino shake
1045 - leftover jambalaya, salad greens, sweet tato
3 - small salad, 2 oz mahi, mojito
9 - paleo energy bar & apple

sun eats:
8 - cappuccino shake
11 - beef jerky, sweet potato
3 - paleo energy bar, veggies, coconut butter
7 - tuna pkt w/ gauc, apple

Friday, June 8, 2012

Look Better

Part 1:10/50s -- 12x
mnt climbers
squat lunge back/side lunge
ugi jump
push ups
straight arm plyo jump
inverted row

Part 2: 10/50s -- 6x
side oblique twist L
side oblique twist R
bicycle abs

+15 min grab bag HiiT: JR 10/50s --15x

total workout time: approx 30 min

+ outdoor rock climbing

thurs eats:
720 - cappuccino shake
11 - 1.5 cup jambalaya w/ salad greens & sweet tato
2 hb eggs, veggies, paleo energy bar
9 - steak/walnut/apple salad, 1/4 coconut butter

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tight Like A Spartan

4 min yoga warm up

4 rounds for time:
400m run
6 G2OH (#75)
12 russian twists (#30)
time: 14:29

+15 min grab bag HiiT: jR 10/20 -- 30x

total workout time: approx 29 min

tues eats:
7 - cappuccino shake
1030 - 1.5 cup paleo jamabalaya w/ spinach and 1/2 sweet potato
3 - HB egg, veggies, 3 tbsp coconut butter
6 - 2 glasses of red wine

wed eats:
730 - cappuccino shake
1030 - 1.5 cup paleo jamabalaya w/ spinach & 1/3 sweet potato, 1/4c coconut butter
245 - home made jerky, veggies
8 - chicken & squash mash w/ salad & 1 glass red wine

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Roc It Out Rep Challenge

4 min yoga warm up

Part 1: 40s/4min -- 3x
ugi jump lunges (#10) - 20x
staggered push ups - 10x
# sets: 4  1/4

Part 2:
inverted row - 20x
plank side hops - 10x
#sets: 4

Part 3:
sB squat jumps - 20x
dive bombers - 10x
#sets: 2  1/2

+          15min grab bag HIIT (stair run): approx 27min

total workout time:

sun eats:
730 - cappuccino shake
11 - ground beef, sweet potato
3 - tuna, veggies
8 - trout, veggies, raisins

mon eats:
710 - cappuccino shake
1040 - ground beef, sweet potato, raisins
145 - beef jerky, apple, veggies
445 - paleo apple/banana energy bar

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bang It Out

4 min yoga warm up

20 min AMRAP:
seated bi curl to standing bi curl (#15 dBs) =1 rep - 8x
dB squat and press (#20) - 8x
burpees - 8x
BB lunges (#40)
# sets: 5  1/4

1)          15 min grab bag HiiT: Jump rope (10s/50s -- 15x)

total workout time: approx 35min

+outdoor rock climbing

sat eats:
8 - cappuccino shake
12 - tuna, sweet tato, coconut butter
330 - 1 hB egg, cuke, sliver of pizza:)
7 - ground beef, salad, 1/4 cup granola :(

Saturday, June 2, 2012

CrossFit Unrivaled 8/19/11 & New WO Program

June Workout Program:
3x wk - Crossfit
2x wk Bodyrock
5x wk grab bag HIIT cardio (15min)
Take weight every other week

Nutritional Goals:
- ABSOLUTELY NO NUTS (trigger food?)
- smaller dinners (1 cup or just meat and veg)
- limit alcohol to fri-sun

Cross Fit Unrivaled 8/19/11

For time
19 dead lifts (#85) * go heavier next time!
19 pull ups
19 burpee broad jumps
19 KB swings (#30)
19 K2E
19 Box Jumps
19 JG asst'd pistols (each leg)
19 Ring dips
time: 13:01

1.           grab bag HIIT: 15min CD - 100m sprint/100m recovery: 2795m rowed

total workout time: approx 28min