
Monday, April 30, 2012

Take It Off

Sweaty Betties May Challenge!
Add 30s more of jump roping in every day!
Day 1: 10 min (10/50s -- 10x)

Saturday, April 28, 2012


4 min yoga warm up

50 pendulums
20 burpees
15 kB swings (#30)
10 break dance pushup/toe touch
5 OH squats (each side #30)
2 min JR
time: 22:57

Part 2: 10/20s -- 20x

total workout time: approx 32min

May Goals:
1) 1/2 squash or 1/2 large sweet potato at meal #2
3)           make one workout video every week
4)          get rid of other sugars but alcohol is ok.
5)           6 workouts a week (2 crossfit/4 bodyrock)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sweat Like A Pig - Beat My Score!

4 min yoga warm up

roll back jump ups - 8/8/8/7/7
previous score: 6/6/6/6/5
dip station oblique lifts - 18/17/17/17/15
jump rope scissors - 83/83/82/83/83
sunflower squat R (#30 - heavier than last time) - 9/9/8/8/8
sunflower squat L - 9/9/8/8/8
kB situps (#30 - heavier than last time!) - 12/12/11/11/10

Part 2: 10/20s -- 20x

total workout time: approx 30 min

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


4 min yoga warm up

For Time:
800m Row (lvl 7)
800m Run
100 Sit Ups
time: 12min 11s

Superset for time: 4 sets, 9 reps
BB curl (#40)
seated cable row (#50) *higher next time!
time: 4:22

total workout time: approx 16 min

1)    rock climbing!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bikini Bunny Workout

4 min yoga warm up

Part1: 10/50 -- 12x
2 pushup/burpee/jump tuck - 8/7/6
10 high knees/10mnt climbers - 5/5/4.5
2 push ups/jump over sB - 7/6.5/6
1 frog jump & 1 push up - 8.5/8.5/8

Part2: 10/50s -- 3x
ugi wood chop L (#10) - 21
sB wood chop R - 21
knee raises - 21

Part 3: 4 sets of 9 reps for time:
stationary lunges - #60
lateral raise - #12
time: 6:06

total workout time: approx 21 min

Friday, April 20, 2012

300 Rep Fat Slaughter

 4 min yoga warm up

kB alt swing (#30)
sB shovel L (#25)
sB shovel R
kB clean & press L (#26)
kB clean & press R
time: 17 min 25s

Part 2: 10/50s -- 3x
reptile pushup on dip station - 12
mnt climbers on dip station - 97
star push ups on dip station - 40

+    rock climbing outside


Saturday Apr 21:
climbing outside

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


4 min yoga warm up

dive bombers - 10x
burpees 5x
squat/leg lift - 20 each side
burpees - 5x
side plank dips - 10 each
burpees 5x
pistol squats - 10x
burpees - 5x
time: 20min 13s

Part 2: 10/20s -- 20x
Jump Rope

Total workout time: approx 30 min

tues eats:
930 - 2 eggs, salsa, spinach, fruit, 2 strips jerky
1 - southwestern chicken salad, vinegar
5 - jerky, veggies
715 - chicken, broc slaw, blueberries, 2 glasses of red wine

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Something To Sweat About

4 min yoga warm up

Part 1: AMRAP in 15 min
8 - dynamic squat/jump lunge combo
4 - tree pull ups
8 - single leg square plank jumps (alt.)
4 - tree pull ups
8 - star crunches (each side)
#sets: 4

Part 2: 10/20s -- 20x
Jump rope

Monday, April 16, 2012

ZWOW #11

4 min yoga warm up

10 mule kick & jump up
10 sumo push ups
20 side jump lunges
#sets: 9

Part 2: 10/20s -- 20x
Jump rope

total workout time: 25 min

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sexy Hot Cool Workout

4 min yoga warm up

10 Hi knees
10 dynamic pushups
time: 4:57

Part 2: 10/50 -- 8x
elevated pushup/knee tuck - 8/10
step ups L - 22/22
step ups R - 21/22
reverse knee tucks - 30/32

Part3: 6 rounds
10 mnt climbers (20 total)
10 jump lunges
time: 3:59

Part 4: 5 min JR
10/50s -- 5x

total workout time: approx 22 min

fri eats:
830 - 3 eggs, spinach, fruit, salsa
1130 - turkey, cabbage salad, 1/2 cup walnuts
3 - jerky, apple slices, veggies
7 - sea bass, salad

Friday, April 13, 2012

Beach Hottness

4 min yoga warm up

10/40s -- 30x
side lunge hops (alt) - 37/34/34/32
air chair - 57/55/60/57
spider pushup - 12/13/14/14
1/2 burpee - 25/2524/24
chin ups on tree - 8/8/8/8
sprinter abs - 20/19/19/20

25 min workout

thurs eats:
830 - 3 eggs, fruit, spinach, salsa
1130 - shrimp, grapes
230 - salmon, spinach salad, 1 glass red wine
7 - steak, asparagus 1 glass of red wine

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sweaty Beast

4 min yoga warm up

JR (200-->150-->120-->90)
push up/toe touch
jump squats
mnt. runners
mnt lunges
time: 23min 43s

wed eats:
930 - 3 eggs, spinach, salsa w/ fruit
12 - tuna pkt, brocolli slaw
3 - 1/2 cup walnuts, 3 pcs jerky, carrots/celery
7 - sea bass, veggies, 1/2 medium sweet tato

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ZWOW #12

4 min yoga warm up

alt. pistols - 10x
low jacks - 20x
dynanic burpees - 10x
low jacks - 20x

Part 2: 10/50s -- 10x
Jump Rope

Total workout time: 25 min

mon eats
730 - 3 eggs & spinach salsa, 1/4 melon
11 - leftover caulifower rice w/ sausage, small sweet potato, 1 tbsp flax oil
3 - tuna pkt, stir fried veggies, 1/4 cup almonds
730 - ground bison, salad, carrots w salsa & gauc dressing

645 - coconut cappuccino shake
1030 - home made beef jerky, veggie sticks, apple
3 - 1/4 cup nut raisin mix
5 - salmon, salad
7 - 1/4 cup nuts

Monday, April 9, 2012

ZWOW #10

4 min yoga warm up

JR High knees 100
reptile 180 burpees - 20
kB dead lift jumps - 20
# rounds completed: 3

Part 2: 10/30s -- 15x
Jump rope

total workout time: 20 min

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hard Tight Rep Challenge

4 min yoga warm up

10 reps --->1 rep pyramid for time
tuck jump, sB OH reverse lunge R then L (reps each side!)
elevated tricep pushup
exploding upright row
jG upside down inverted row
time: 36min 53s

**holy shit this was REALLY FREAKING HARD!!!

BB Bi’s & Tri’s: supersets!
dB hammer curl (#20)
OH tri ext (#25)
time: 2:57s

total workout time: approx 40 min

wed eats
730 - 3 eggs, spinach, salsa, 1/4 cantaloupe
11- chicken, 1/4 squash w/ 1 tbsp flax oil
1:30 - beef jerky, broccoli/mushroom stir fry, 1/2 cup nuts
5:45 - beef jerky, carrots & 3 tbsp gauc, 1/4 cup sausage/cauliflower rice recipe

*feeling very full all day although very hungry come breakfast time.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

We Found Love

4 min yoga warm up

1 dive bomber/1 knee raise
#: 46 reps

Part 2: 10/20 -- 20x

BACK: bent BB row (#55)/one arm dB row (#25) 4/10
time: 4:18s

total workout time: approx 24min

tues eats:
730 - 3 eggs, spinach, salsa, grapes
11 - beef jerky (home made WOOT!), 1/2 squash w/ 1 tbsp flax oil
215 - 1/2 cup thai curry (chicken/veggie), 1/3 cup nuts
6 - 1 cup curry w/ spinach


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tighten It Up

Part 1: 10/50 -- 12x
sB shoulder lift and drop L & R - 11/10/9
1 leg push up & jump over sB - 7/7/7
sB 10 high knees/10 mnt climbers (#40) - 4.5/4/4
knee tucks & explosive star jump - 23/20/23

Part 2: 10/50 -- 3x
star crunches - 24
side plank oblique dip L - 28
side plank oblique dip R - 26

LEGS: walking lunges (#25 dBs)/BB full squats (#55) 3/10
time: 5:11

total workout time: approx 21min

+ indoor rock climbing

mon eats:
730 -- [from scratch] cappuccino protein shake, 1/2 cup grapes
11 - ground bison, salad, 1 tbsp flax, 1/2 large sweet potato
3 - 1/4 cup nuts, tuna/veggie stir fry
8 - 3/4 cup thai chicken/veggie curry

Monday, April 2, 2012

Here Comes Summer

Sunday’s Workout - April 1st
7.5 mile hike in RMNP


Here Comes Summer Workout - April 2

500m row (lvl7: 2:20 ave)
side plank dB raise/dip L (8# dBs) - 25 reps
side plank dB raise/dip R - 25 reps
single leg burpees L - 25 reps
side lunge hops L - 50 reps
side lunge hops R - 50 reps
500m row
one arm pushup L - 25 reps
one arm pushup R - 25 reps
single leg burpees R - 25 reps
sB back lunge kick up L (#40) - 50 reps
sB back lunge kick up R - 50 reps
500m row
TIME: 31min 33s

1.     SHOULDERS: BB front raise (#30)/Rev fly (#15) 4sets/8reps (superset)
time: 4:03

total workout time: approx 36 min