
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Guns & Buns - Beat My Score!

Friday March 30 Workout:
climb outside 1230-5


4 min yoga warm up

6 rounds for time:
ugi diagonal lunge pulse 3/knee up (#10) - 10 reps
santana zuzana pushup - 6 reps
ugi side lunge jumps (#10) - 5 reps on each leg
time: 14min 50s!!!!!!!
Beat 23 min!

10 handstand chest taps/10 handstand balance (attempts)
#set: 3

thurs eats:
730 - 3 eggs & spinach w/ salsa, melon
11 - 1/2 cup bison goulash, salad, 1/4 cup raisins
3 - tuna packet w/ 1tsp veganaise, carrots,
5 - apple, 1/2 cup nuts
730 - 2 glasses red wine, ground bison, paleo tortilla

9 - 3 eggs, spinach, salsa, banana
1245 - turkey jerky, apple, cucumber, carrot
5 - 1/3 cup nuts
7 - salmon, salad, blueberry paleo ice cream (1/2 cup)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Get It On Hot Stuff

4 min yoga warm up

sb clean + press + 2 sumo knees - 7/7/7
ugi chop (#10) - 21/21/19
elevated dip station push ups - 12/11/12
fireman lift + lunge kick  - 8/10/10

Part 2: 10/50s -- 4x
regular burpee - 11
star burpee - 8
side burpee - 8
1 leg burpee -7

Part 3: 10/50s -- 6x
sprinter abs - 23/18
ugi twists (#10) - 28/28
leg raise/V-raise alt - 10/8

total workout time: approx 22min

wed eats:
730 - 3 eggs, spinach, banana
1045 - chicken, broccoli/cabbage stir fry
5 - 1/2 cup nuts, gauc & veggies

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Turn Up The Heat!

4 min yoga warm up

10/50s -- 25x
step ups L - 34/25/24/21/22
step ups R - 30/27/27/25/24
sB squats (#55) - 13/11/11/10/10
row (lvl7 -- ave: 335m)

+ indoor rock climbing

tues eats:
730 - 3 eggs, spinach, melon
1030 - 1 cup bison/veggies, 1/4 cup gauc
2 - tuna pkt, 1/4 cup coconut flakes, cucumber
6 - 1 cup bison/veggies, salad, 1/4 cup nuts

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bangin' Body - Beat My Score!

Monday  March 26 Workout
ARD: 45min fitness fusion yoga, dog walk


3 rounds for time:
kB swing (#30) - 20x
one leg elevated pushup - 5 reps each leg
kB swing - 20x
side plank lift - 5x each side
kB swing - 20x
turkish get ups - 3x each side
kB swing - 20x
time: 19:57s!!!!!!!!!!last time: 22:35s

STEP ONE: Swap nuts for coconut/avocado

mon eats:
845 - 3 eggs, melon
12 - chicken, veggie stir fry
230 - 1/2 cup leftover sweet potato/chicken chowder, 1/4 cup nuts, gauc
730 - 1 cup bison goulash, 1/4 cup feta, 1 glass red wine

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bodybuilding Circuit #2

3 rounds for time:
1 arm dB row (#40) 10x/10/8
BB step ups (#55) 10x each
Row 500m
skull crushers (#15) 8x
BB bicep curl (#55) 6x
JR 500 skips
back squats -- full (#85) 8x
dB hammer curls (#25) 8x
time: 34min 43s

tues eats:
730 - hemp shake
11 - chicken, salad, cuke w/ salsa & avocado
230 - ground bison, stir fried brocolli/cabbage
430 - 1/2 nuts, grapefruit
630 - cranberry chicken, salad

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Feel It Burn - Beat My Score!

Back from my Birthday Weekend @ Steamboat!

Tuesday March 20 Workout:
Rock climbing (inside) 2.5hrs
4 min yoga warm up
10/40 -- 18x
sumo jump squats (#10 ugi) - 20/18/17
last time: BW-18/18/19
power pushups - 11/10/10
squat to pull up (on finger board) - 8/7/7
jG - 11/11/10
2x scissors, 2x low jacks (ugi) - 11/11/11
BW - 8/9/8
one leg dive bomber pushups - 9/8/7
hanging knee raises (i had my legs slightly extended to make it harder) - 14/15/14
3 min handstand one arm holds (15/15 -- 6x)
3 min free balance
total workout time: 22 min

mon eats:
8 - hemp shake (70)
11 - ground bison, salad, 1/3 almonds
4 - chicken, salad, w/walnuts
730 - ground bison, blue chips:(
Tomorrow: back to paleo!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Grab Your Balls

4 min yoga warm up

wood chop L - 21/20/18
wood chop R - 19/18/18
ugi burpee (no pushup) - 12/14/14
ugi sprinter lunges - 26/29/29
ugi mnt climber - 109/118/126
ab toss & catch - 21/22/21

+ rock climbing outside!!!!

**Everything is sore from yesterday! But this is the last workout of the week! Off to Steamboat for an amazing 3 days of birthday snowboarding, hot springing and partay-ing!!!!! WOOT!

thurs eats:
815 - hemp shake (banana)
1 - 1 cup paleo granola
4 - 1/2 of chicken,broccoli, parsnip stir fry
soooooooooooo not hungry today. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Glory To The Booty

4 min yoga warm up

100 high knees JR
50 sB lunge kick ups each leg (#40)
100 high knees JR
100 sB front squats
100 high knees JR
25 ugi sit ups
25 v abs R
25 v abs L
25 sprinter abs*
time: 19min28s

Part 2: 3 min cD for each exercise (6 min)
sB bicep curls - 37 reps
sB bent over row - 60 reps

+ rock climbing (indoor) 2 hours

tues eats:
730 - hemp protein shake (banana)
1045 - chicken, broccoli, carrot stir fry, 1/4 coconut flakes, 1/2 small sweet tato
145 - shrimp, salad, 1/4 cup nuts
545 - ground bison, salad

8 - hemp shake (banana)
11 - tuna salad, salad, vitamin c gummy bears from whole foods
2 - ground bison, broccoli & carrots
430 - 1/2 cup nuts
8 - chicken taco in paleo tortilla, 1 home made margarita

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Body Breaking Tabata

 4 min yoga warm up

10/50 -- 20x

thrusters (#45) - 13/14/11/11
row (lvl 9 - 155m ave)
wall walk ups - 5/5/5/5
sB one leg dead lift alt rnds (#40) - L17/R19/20/18

mon eats:
730 - hemp shake (banana)  - 5 tbsp
11 - 1 cup leftover curry
2 - shrimp, salad, 1/4 cup raisins
5 - 3 slices applegate turkey, 4 large strawberries, 1/2 cup nuts

Monday, March 12, 2012

Pumped Up Kicks

Sunday March 11 Workout:
Outdoor rocking climbing


Part 1: 10/30 -- 22x (do each exercise twice)
2 pushups/frog jump fwd - 9
jump rope high knees
sB squat/clean (#40) - 14
jump rope high knees
sB around the world squat - 9
jump rope high knees
ugi twist & jump lunge (#10) - 17
jump rope high knees
elevated pushup - 22
jump rope high knees
oblique raise/leg raise - 14

Part 2: 10/50 -- 6x
side plank k2e L - 20/20
knee raises - 18/19
side plank k2e R - 20/20

Total Workout Time: approx 22 min

sat eats:
730 - hemp protein shake (mango)
1030 - 3 HB eggs, zucchini, 8 chips w/ gauc
230 - turkey jerky, apple
8 - ground bison, salad, 1/4 cup cashews

715 - hemp protein shake (banana)
10 - chicken, broc/carrot stir fry, 1/4 cup nuts
230 - 3 hb eggs, cuke
7 - 1.5 cup chicken veggie thai curry

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mission Abs Possible

4 min yoga warm up

sB full squat (#40) - 20/14/13/14
knee raises - 21/20/20/21
ankle crossed pushups - 12/12/12/12
one leg lift/toe touch (#10) - 19/17/16/15
flying jump lunge (#3) - 28/26/26/26


+ outdoor rock climbing [4 climbs 5.8(2), 5.9, 5.10b]

Feeling fat & jiggly. Could be that time of the month, could be time to buckle down on the nutrition again. Since I’ve been avoiding eggs in the morning, I feel like I have lost leanness so apparently the breakfast muffin is not working. Starting today I will switch to a hemp protein shake or egg protein pancake every morning. Check the recipe page for how to make them.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Bodybuilding Circuit #1

4 min yoga warm up

4 rounds for time:
dB one arm row (#40) 6x
row 100m (lvl10)
BB step ups (#55) 5x each
row 100m
skull crushers (#17.5) 6x
row 100m
BB bicep curl (#55) 5x
row 100m
back (90deg) squats (#90) 5x
row 100m
dB hammer curls (#25) 6x
row 100m
time: 33min 34s

wed eats:
7 - protein muffin
1030 -  sweet potato/bison hash, salad
2 - 3 hb eggs, carrots, bell pepper, 1/3 cup guac
645 - “  “  hash, salad

730 - hemp protein shake (banana, OJ, 2 tbsp almond meal) **GOOD!**
11 - s.tato/bison hash, salad
4 - tuna pkt, carrots, 1/3 cup gauc
630 - chicken, brocolli/pepper stir fry, pear

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Beach Workout

4 min yoga warm up

Part 1: 3 rounds for time:
sB lunge/knee up (#40) - 30 reps each leg
sB row (#55) - 30 reps
dancing crab - 30 reps alt legs
time: 13min 48s

Part 2: 10/20s -- 8x
Jump squats - 13/12/10/11/12/10/11/11

Part 3: 15/15 -- 6x
One arm handstand holds

Total workout time:  approx 20 min

tues eats
7 - hemp protein shake (mango & coconut milk)
1015 - chicken, salad w/ salsa, 1/2 squash (no oil), 1/2 cup nuts
2 - 3 oz salmon, asparagus
6 - 1 cup sweet potato/bison hash, asparagus

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bringing Sexy Back

Starting a new workout plan for the month of March! This month I am going to include the following bodybuilding circuit at least once a week:

4-6 rounds:
dB row (#35) 5x
BB step ups (#55) 5x each
skull crushers (#15) 5x
BB bicep curl (#55) 5x
back squats (#90) 5x
dB hammer curls (#25) 5x

I will be adding other exercises to it to get my heart rate up and make it more like a bodyrock workout but it will be different every time. The rest of the 5 days a week will be either body rocking or rock climbing. I will also double any 12 minute bodyrock workouts in the effort of fixing my too much excess energy/not sleeping thing that I’ve been doing since Jan.

Nutritionally I completely failed with my goals because of how much I’ve struggled with digesting just plain eggs. Now that I can’t eat eggs for breakfast any more, it complicates my whole menu. Here’s what I’m shooting for this month:

BF: protein muffin or protein pancakes (made with eggs)
L: meat and squash or fruit
Sn: meat or hb eggs, veg, fat
D: meat and veg

Sunday March 4 Workout:
Climbing 2 hours


Monday March 5 Workout:
Climbing 2 hrs


4 min yoga warm up

10/50 -- 24x
burpee w/ staggered pushup & box hop - 9/8/8
star single toe touch abs - 22/24/24
sb squat/press jumps (#40) - 11/13/13
ugi mnt climbers 10/ugi toe taps 10 -5/5/6

mon eats
7 - protein muffin, clementine
10 - 1/2 cup nuts/seeds
115 - enchilada (chicken only), 1 hb egg, salad, 1/3 cup salsa, 1/4 cup gauc
3 - apple, carrots
6 - 3 oz dijon salmon, asparagus, small pc paleo carrot cake

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Don't SKIP Out!


In honor of my arm feeling like angry bees and my butt KILLING from yesterday, I’ve created a workout roughly based on the bodyrock one that I had planned for today but hopefully easier on the arm and butt. No excuses, I NEVER skip a workout!

Don’t SKIP Out!

4 min yoga warm up

100 JR High knees
50 knee raises on dip station
200 JR High knees
50 ugi crunch taps
300 JR High knees
50 sprinter abs
400 JR High knees
50 bench tucks
500 JR High knees
50 ugi alt toe touch crunches
time: 20min 03

fri eats
7 - protein muffin
11 - 1.5 cup pumpkin casserole, 2 tbsp aB
345 - 2 hb eggs, veggies, 1/4 cup walnuts
9 - grilled salmon, salad, 2 home made margaritas (see recipe page)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Get Solid

Thursday March 1 Workout:
Climbing 3.5 hours/some bouldering v0/v1, mostly lead 5.10a-c


Get Solid Workout - March 2

4 min yoga warm up

mnt lunges - 8x
300m row (lvl 8/1:26ave)
sB front lunges (#55) - 8x each leg
ab roll outs - 8x
ugi side lunge hop (#10) - 8 each leg
time: 34min 20s

perform workout in a pyramid like this:
mnt, row,
mnt, row, lunge
mnt, row, lunge, ab
mnt, row, lunge, ab, ugi
ugi, ab, lunge, row, mnt
ugi, ab, lunge, row
ugi, ab, lunge
ugi, ab

tues eats:
7 - citrus berry protein muffin
1030 - grnd beef, salad, 1/2 squash
3 - 1/3 cup walnuts, 1 cup pumpkin casserole

wed eats
715 - protein muffin
1030 - veggie/tuna stir fry, small sweet potato, 1/4 cup walnuts, 1/4 cup raisins
2 - 2 hb deviled eggs, celery, carrots 1 tbsp aB
6 - 1 cup pumpkin casserole

7 - 3 eggs, grapefruit     *egg sickness:(((((((((( 
11 - chicken, 1/2 squash
230 - 1 cup pumpkin casserole
730 - 2 pkts tuna/veggie stir fry, 1/3 cup walnuts