Monday: active rest day
Today starts a
new month of training! This month I am going to alternate weeks. One week of
cross fit then one week of bodyrock. So far, I really like my progress!
CrossFit Unrivaled 7/3/11
Clean and
Jerk -- 4-4-4-4 (#65)
time: 3min 11s
AMRAP in 10 min:
4 bodyweight
4 sB swings
4 burpees
4 Hand-stand
push ups (1 riser)
# sets: 10.5
AMRAP 5 min:
7 Thrusters
7 Toes to Bar
(w/ kip)
# sets: 4
total workout
time: ~18 min
**pink means I
liked this workout a lot!!**
sun eats
830 - 1 cup
paleo shepherds pie, 1/2 cup mixed fruit
12 - egg (3)
345 - chicken
salad w/ walnuts & craisins, 1 beer
630 - 1 cup
leftover paleo casserole w/ spinach & 2 carrots
720 - 1.5 cup
paleo shepherds pie, 1/2 cup mixed fruit
11 - 3/4 cup
buffalo & spinach scramble, 2 carrots, 3 tbsp almond butter
2 - 3 paleo deviled eggs,
cauliflower, carrot