
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CrossFit Unrivaled 7/3/11

Monday: active rest day
Today starts a new month of training! This month I am going to alternate weeks. One week of cross fit then one week of bodyrock. So far, I really like my progress!
CrossFit Unrivaled 7/3/11
Clean and Jerk  --  4-4-4-4 (#65)
time: 3min 11s
AMRAP in 10 min:
4 bodyweight squats
4 sB swings (#40)
4 burpees
4 Hand-stand push ups (1 riser)
# sets: 10.5
AMRAP 5 min
7 Thrusters (55#)
7 Toes to Bar (w/ kip)
# sets: 4
total workout time: ~18 min
**pink means I liked this workout a lot!!**

sun eats
830 - 1 cup paleo shepherds pie, 1/2 cup mixed fruit
12 - egg (3) salad
345 - chicken salad w/ walnuts & craisins, 1 beer
630 - 1 cup leftover paleo casserole w/ spinach & 2 carrots

720 - 1.5 cup paleo shepherds pie, 1/2 cup mixed fruit
11 - 3/4 cup buffalo & spinach scramble, 2 carrots, 3 tbsp almond butter
2 - 3 paleo deviled eggs, cauliflower, carrot

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Silent Killer

4 min yoga warm up

sB stationary lunge L (#40) - 25/16
sB squat (#40) - 18/19
sB stationary lunge R - 22/17
sB squat - 18/15
ugi inverted row - 26/23
sB squat - 21/18
knee raises - 17/16
sB squat - 21/18
ugi leg hold crunches (#10) - 23/25
sB squat - 19/15

**hardest leg workout EVER***
Definitely missing Z’s leg-centric workouts. My legs are not nearly as strong this season from just doing crossfit/neo bodyrock workouts as they were last season from doing all Z’s bodyrock workouts.

Rock climbing 2 hours.

sat eats:
745 - 1/2 primal pancake recipe, orange
12 - 1.5 cup leftover casserole, 1/2 squash
3 - tuna salad, spinach, 1/3 cup nuts/seeds
630 - 1.5 cup paleo shepherds pie

Friday, January 27, 2012


Thursday’s Workout:
Climbing 2 hrs/highest grade: 5.10d
Salsa dancing ~2hrs! (Yes, you read that correctly...DANCING.)



4 min yoga warm up

10/30 -- 30x (20 min)

jG pistol squat (alt. L/R leg each round)- L-10/R-10/10/10/8/8
JR high knees - 81/75/76/87/79/84
one leg burpee (alt L/R leg ea. round) - 5/6/R-5/L-5/4/4
JR high knees - 77/79/79/82/85/84
sprinter abs -14/13/14/13/13/13

wed eats
710 - 3 eggs, apple
11 - grnd beef, sweet potato, mac nuts, 1/4 cup raisins
2 - 1 cup banana chips
4 - tuna pkt, coconut smoothie
8 - chicken, spinach salad, 3 carrots, walnuts
**tried to eat more today to stoke the metabolic fire!**

730 - 3 eggs, banana
11 - grnd beef, sweet potato
3 - tuna pkt,spinach salad, 1/3 cup mac nuts
7 - chicken salad, 1 glass red wine
11 - 1/2 cup ground buffalo & spinach

745 - 1 cup buffalo & spinach scramble, banana
11 - grnd beef, sweet potato, 1/3 cup mac nuts
230 - 1/2 primal pancake recipe, bell pepper, 3 carrots,
430 - 1/3 cup buffalo spinach scramble, 1/4 cup shredded coconut
7 - 1/2 cup (heaping) paleo chicken, broccoli and “rice” casserole

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Elbow Grease & Lead climbing

Monday’s Workout:
Climbing 2.5 hrs/highest grade: 5.11- (3, 5.9 leads)
Elbow Grease Workout
4 min yoga warm up
6 rounds for time:
400m row (lvl6)
back squats (full - #55) - 10x
wall walk ups - 5x
thrusters (#55) - 5x
tricep dips on dip station - 5x
time: 31min 12s

mon eats
7 - 3 eggs, pear
1045 - chicken enchilada in coconut flour tortilla, mac nuts, 1/2 avocado
7 - steamed shrimp and veggies w/ 1/4 cup coconut flakes, 1 oz turkey jerky. 3/4 cup nuts/seeds

8 - eggs, orange
11 - chicken, sweet potato, 1/3 cup mac nuts
3 - tuna pkt, salad
630 - grnd beef, salad

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hot Like The Sun Workout

Saturday’s Workout:
3 climbs in Boulder Canyon (2 crack, 1 reg)  ***first outdoor climb!***


Hot Like the Sun Workout:

4 min yoga warm up

10/40 -- 36x
jump lunges - 33/33/29/27/28/26
jG elevated inverted row -14/14/12/14/14/13
ugi side lunge jumps - 28/26/20/28/27/26
dive bombers - 8/8/8/7/5/6
sB one leg deadlift/row L (#40)- 10/11/13/13/13/12
sB one leg deadlift/row R - 10/11/13/12/13/12

fri eats:
7 - 3 eggs, grapefruit
1030- 1/2 cup raw nuts/seed mix, buffalo burger patty, 1/4 squash
3 - veggie stir fry w/ tuna pkt
7 - 1 cup beef/veggie stew, 2 glasses red wine

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Grin & Bear It

4 min yoga warm up

7 rounds for time:
10 back squats (90 degree - #85)
200 JR skips
10KB swings (#30)
3 (finger board) pull ups
time: 23min43s

thurs eats:
730 - 3 eggs, orange
11 - buffalo burger patty, 1/4th squash, 1 carrot, 1/3 cup raisins
3 - 1.5 cup paleo jambalaya w/ spinach, 1/4th cup mac nuts

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

BodyRock Christmas Workouts #9-12

4 min yoga warm up

Part 1: 10/50s -- 4x

sB prisoner squat jumps (#40) - 38

elevated reptile pushups - 8

sB front/back squats - 7

sB OH lunge & press - 8

Part 2: 10/50s -- 4x

burpee/knee raises -8

bench tuck (on floor)/dip stat pull ups - 8

tri dip/V-raise  - 11

elevated inverted rows - 25

Part3: 10/50s -- 4x

scorpion pushup,1/2 burpee (alt) - 6

step ups L - 32

scorpion pushup, 1/2 burpee - 5

step ups R - 31

Part 4: 10/50s -- 4x

ugi ab tucks (alt sides) - 26

side V crunch R - 26

side V crunch L - 25

*ugi ab tucks (alt sides) - 23

*bonus round

8 min hand stand skill work:

find balance

total workout time: 20 min

wed eats

7 - 3 eggs, 1 cup blueberries

11 - buffalo burger patty, 1/2 squash, 2 tbsp raisins, apple

245 - 1 cup casserole leftover w/ added spinach, 1/3 nuts/seeds

630 - 1.5 cup paleo jumbalaya w/ spinach

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Super Tight Workout

Super Tight Workout

4 min yoga warm up

3 rounds for time:
Row 850m (lvl6 - ave: 4:05s)
12 OH walking lunges each hand (#25)
12 k2e
time: 21min 47s

mon eats:
8 - 3 eggs, orange, 1/4th cup raisins
12 - turkey burger patty, 1/2 squash, mac nuts
3 - 1/2 chicken breast, veggie stix, 1/4th cup mixed raw seeds & nuts
630 - 1.5 cup creamy paleo pumpkin chicken casserole

7 - 3 eggs, banana
1045 - 1.5 cup paleo casserole leftovers, mac nuts
3 - 1 pkt tuna, salad, 3  carrots, 1/4th cup shredded coconut, 2 tbsp raisins

Monday, January 16, 2012

Turn Me On & Steamboat

Saturday/Sunday Workout:
Snowboarding @ Steamboat!!!


4 min yoga warm up

Part 1: 10/50s -- 12x
pushup/burpee/jump tuck x2 then 10 straight punches - 4/4/4
pushup/burpee/jump tuck x2 then 10 hook punches - 4/4/3.5
pushup/burpee/jump tuck x2 then 2 straight/2 hook - 4/3/3.5
mid abs x2/bag touch abs x2 -5.5/7/6.5

Part 2: for time.
50 JR
15 pushups on ball (alt legs)
50 JR
15 wide push ups/15 star pushups
50 JR
15 1 arm kB press on ball L (#26)
50 JR
15 1 arm kB press on ball R
50 JR
15 dips
50 JR
time: 9min 36s
total workout time: approx 22min

Friday, January 13, 2012

CrossFit Unrivaled 6/13/11

Thursday’s Workout:
climbing 3 3/4 hrs/highest grade: 11b


Crossfit Unrivaled WOD 6/13/11
Weighted (#20) Pull ups 1-1-1-1-1 (1:36s)
For Time
40 deadlift (#85 -- up it next time!)
400 meter row (1:59s ave.)
40 sit ups 
400 meter row
40 inverted rows (on ugi!)
400 meter row
40 box jumps (20”)
Time: 15min 34s
total time: approx 17 min

tues eats:
740 - 3 eggs, pear
11 - chicken salad, 1/2 squash. 1/2 banana, 1/4th cup nuts
130 - tuna packet, broccoli, 1/4th cup nuts
630 - ground beef, salad

7 - 3 eggs, banana
1030 - chicken salad, sweet tato, 1/2 avocado
130 - 1/2 cup nuts, 2 carrots
4 - tuna pkt, veggies
6 - veggies, 1/2 cup nuts, home made banana chips

715 - 3 eggs, pear
1045 - ground beef in coconut flour tortilla, 2 carrots
330 - tuna packet & turkey jerky, 1/3th cup nuts, broccoli
8 - mahi, spinach salad

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dirty Minds & 5.11+ PR!

Sunday’s Workout
Snowboarding @ Winter Park 5 hrs


Monday’s Workout:
Climbing 3.5 hrs/highest grade: 5.11+  ***PR!!!***


Dirty Minds Workout

4 min yoga warm up

10/50 -- 40x
JR skips (run, dbl foot, scissor/wide alt, criss cross) - 124/130/120/85
ugi jump lunge & swing - 12/10/12/12
JR skips - 137/125/127/84
side burpees - 9/9/8/8
JR skips - 123/122/118/94
dBl kB squats (56#) - 9/9/9/7
JR skips - 125/123/118/95
tricep dip/V-leg raise - 11/11/10/10
JR skips - 133/124/120/83
ugi inverted rows - 48/49/36/48

740 - 3 eggs, small grapefruit
1130 - turkey burger, sweet potato, veggies
230 - 1 cup stew with spinach added
5 -carrots, 1/4th cup almonds
7 - ground beef, salad

715 - 3 eggs, small grapefruit
1145 - chicken, 1/2 squash
630 - 1.5 cup chicken veggie thai curry w/ extra tuna packet
9 - 1 cup mac nuts

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fit Over Fat & Body Stats

Body Stats Update
Body fat: 15.9%

Weight: 124.8#

(had to take this in order to do BF%)

Paleo for one whole week! It went great and I felt awesome! Need to drop some fat so I can climb better again! Also, I’m excited to see what physical changes the addition of my Concept 2 rower will make in the upcoming months!

Fit Over Fat Workout

4 min yoga warm up                           

25min AMRAP 

explosive squats 25x

500 m row (ave 2:30s)

1/2 burpee rows (#75) 1--->6x

# rounds: 5  1/3

fri eats

7 - 3 eggs, apple

11 - turkey burger, small sweet potato, mac nuts

3 - chicken/veggie stir fry, 1 clementine

5 - veggies w/ coconut oil drizzle

7 - 1.5 cup caribbean citrus stew w/ spinach

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sweet Body Burn - Beat My Score!

Thursday’s Workout:
Climb 3 hrs/highest grade: 5.10d (3 lead climbs 5.9, 5.9, 5.7!!!!!)


4 min yoga warm up

one leg JR skips - 60 each leg
explosive pushups - 8 reps
one leg JR skips - 60 each leg
explosive pushups - 8 reps
ugi chair jump and knee up 5 - 10 reps total
explosive pushups - 8 reps
ugi jump lunge (touch ground) - 30 reps
one leg pike press on chair - 10 reps each leg
time: 14min 42s    ***PR!!! Cut time in half!!!***
(previous time: 31:19s)

tues eats:
830 - 3 eggs, orange
11 - 3 oz salmon, broccoli
3 - ground beef, sweet potato w/ ghee, 1/4 cup raisins
645 - 1.5 cup paleo-ized beef & shroom crock pot stew with romaine salad

wed eats
730 - 3 eggs, 2 clementines
11- 1 cup beef & shroom stew, 1 tiny sweet potato w/ coconut oil, broccoli
1 - 1 cup mac nuts
5 - carrots/broccoli
645 - 2 turkey burgers (4 oz each), salad

thurs eats
710 - 3 eggs, 1 apple
11 - shrimp, 1/2 squash
3 - chicken, veggie stir fry w/ LA
8 - grilled mahi, salad, 1 cup fruit salad

Monday, January 2, 2012

The "Other" Jackie

Monday’s Workout:


The “OTHER” Jackie
For time:
1000m row
50 thrusters (#55)
30 Pull Ups (100% bodyweight only)
time: 17min

sun eats:
730 - 3 eggs, banana
11 - 1.5 cup paleo chicken pot pie & carrots
2 - 5 oz chicken, asparagus, 1/3 cup squash
5 - banana coconut smoothie (made with liquid egg whites!)
8 - grilled salmon, broccoli

7 - 3 eggs, apple
1030 - ground beef, 1/2 squashw/ ghee
5 - tuna pkt, asapargus
7 - 1 beer after climbing

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Paradise! Workout & Happy NY!

I thought we’d start the new year off with a positive image.That is Seychelles off the east coast of Africa. Skiing? Who needs it! She sells sea shells on Seychelles:)

2012 - is the year of the caveman and so today begins my RE-commitment to not just paleo but 100% paleo. I have officially given up whey protein as of yesterday and have made it part of my resolution to eat whole foods only. Not only this but I am also resolved to start eating only when I’m hungry and not when I’m bored or to meet any kind of protein quota. As a part of this adjustment phase, I am cutting out the additional cardio sessions and taking my workouts up to 6 days a week.

That said, I am doubling today’s BodyRock workout:)

Paradise! Workout

4 min yoga warm up

Part1: 10/50 -- 8x
one leg squat jump3 + one arm push up3 L - 4/4
one leg squat jump3 + one arm push up3 R - 4/4
half burpee jump ins3, squat jump3, jump tuck - 5/5
commando push up - 11/12

Part 2: 10/50 -- 8x
reptile push/one leg push on ball - 7/8
sB clean & press, jump over bag, 3 jump squats - 4/4
sB alt fwd/bkwd lunge and twist - 11/12
high knees w/ JR - 90/117

Part 3: 10/50 -- 6x
*leg lift w/ ball - 17/19
ugi chop on ball - 18/18
knee raise w/ oblique crunches - 9/8

*this exercise is PERFECT if you want to wreck your lower back. take the ball, put it between your knees and do leglifts with it this way

sat eats
715 - 3 eggs, grapefruit
11 - 4 oz chicken, sweet potato, carrot
2 - 1/3 cup almonds, brussel sprouts, carrot
5 - 2 tuna pkts, spinach, 1/4 squash
730 - 1 cup paleo chicken pot pie