Thursday’s Workout
Row lvl5 (15s easy/45s hard -- 20 rounds)
** this totally got me in the butt and hips but wasn’t too
tiring so I’ll try lest rest and a higher level next time! Note to self:
stretch before this next time so piriformis doesn’t get cripplingly angry
Jump Into It
4 min yoga warm up
8 rounds for time:
burpee box jumps (20”) - 10x
pistol L - 10x
handstand chest taps - 10x
pistol R - 10x
kB step ups (56)- 10x total
time: 34:47s
And thus it is upon me! This is my last day of whey protein
supplementation. Stay tuned for Monday’s post because I will be sharing exactly
what my new dietary & workout program will be like as well as progress
photos and measurements