
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Haven't Had Enough

3 min yoga warm up

burpee/ugi pushup - 11/10/10

1 leg sB dead lift (#40) L - 18/19/18

1 leg sB dead lift R - 17/18/18

cross cross ugi hip thrust - 22/24/24

jump lunge and twist (#10) - 20/20/18

Part2: time challenge!

300 reps of ugi squeeze

time: 4min 39s


+          JR15 min (5/25s -- 30x)

Friday, November 25, 2011


AMRAP in 15 min:
5 OH squats (#45)
5 L-sit chin ups (vW #12)
10 ugi crunch & throw (#10)
# sets:  8

+15 min JR (10s/50 -- 15x)

.....and a much needed week off from working out :P
Happy ONE YEAR anniversary to US :D

Thursday, November 24, 2011

You Da One!

Tuesday Nov 22 Workout:
15 min JR (5s/35 -- 23)
Climbing 3 hrs (highest: 5.10d) -- super frustrating climb today!!! >_<


Wednesday Nov 23 Workout:
+ 30 min HiiT [10 min ARC trainer (1:1 sprints), 10 min elliptical (1:1 sprints), 10 min treadmill (1:15/45s sprints)]   **this wasn’t that hard. up it next time


and now for today’s regularly scheduled workout....

3 min yoga warm up

10/30 -- 18x
surfer kick outs - 12/10.5/10
sB running man press (#40) - 4/3.5/3.5
sB kick press L - 9/8/7
sB kick press R - 9/8/6
sB press jacks - 8/9/7
3 point abs - 4/4/4

*holy hell this was one of the hardest 12 min of my life!!

1)          15 min JR/tB alternating (10/20s -- 30x)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Killer Hot Bod

3 min yoga warm up

AMRAP in 30 min
man makers (#25 dBs) - 6x
dead lift (#115) -  6x
wall walk ups - 6x
pistol squats - 12 each leg
pull ups - 6x
dead lift - 6x

#sets:  4

+          JR 15 min (10/20s -- 30x)

sun eats
8 - cappuccino shake
11 - leftover enchiladas, apple, mac nuts
2 - 2 egg veggie omelette, 1/4th sghetti squash
5 - protein hot chocolate
7 - chicken/salad

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I'm Sexy And I Know It

Friday Nov. 18 Workout
30 min sprints (1:30s/30s -- 15x)
Climbing 2 hrs (highest grade: 5.10+ )
To understand today’s workout name you have to watch this first!!!!!!
3 min yoga warm up
Part 1: 10s/50 -- 9x
sB low jacks (#40) - 29/35/38
walk over push up/5 mnt climbers - 9/9/8
inverted row (legs straight/bent when you get tired) - 28/28bent/27bent
Part 2: 10s/50 -- 3x
10s - elbow plank hold
50s - reptile pushups (reptile when tired) - 17/18rept/23rept
+ 15 min JR (5s/55 -- 15x)

fri eats
7am - cappuccino shake
1015 - leftover steamed shrimp/veg, small grapefruit, 3 tbsp aB
2 - 2 egg omelette, green beans, almond cheese, 1/4th cup muesli
5 - orange, walnuts
7 - chicken, salad

sat eats
745 - cappuccino shake
1030 - leftover enchiladas, banana & pear, mac nuts
130 - 2 egg omelette, almond cheese, zucchini & onion, 3 tbsp coconut flakes
5 - protein hot chocolate, 3 tbsp raisins, celery
7 - chicken, salad

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Good Feeling Workout

Tuesday Nov 15
+ Tabata burpees (10/20s -- 30x)


Wednesday Nov 16
1)         15 min JR (5/35s -- 23x)
Climbing 3 hrs (highest grade: attempted 11-, achieved 10+)


Is there any other kind of workout?

4 min yoga warm up

6 min cD:
one arm handstand  and free balance handstand skill work

10/50s -- 12x
ugi jump squat & punch (#10) - 27/26
frog burpee - 29/27
side/forward lunge L (#40) - 8/8
side/forward lunge R - 9/8
sumo pushup - 10/11
side knee raises - 16/17

+ 15 min JR (10/40 -- 18x)

mon eats
745 - cappuccino shake
11 - leftover chicken in carrot/ginger sauce, 1 cup mixed fruit, 1/3th cup cashews
230 - cinnamon protein bread, 1/2 cup berries w/ 1 tbsp whey
430 - 2 egg, 1/2 bell pepper omelette, 1 oz almond cheese
7 - 1 cup cranberry chicken stew, salad

tues eats
7 - cappuccino shake
10 - cranberry chicken leftovers,  banana,  1tbsp aB, 1/2 cup granola
2 - 2 egg omelette, bell pepper, almond cheese, 4 tbsp coconut flakes
330 - 1/3 cup berries, 1 tbsp whey
5 - protein hot chocolate, brussel sprouts
7 - baked chicken, salad, 2 tbsp almond slivers

wed eats
730 - cappuccino shake
1030 - chicken, pear, 3 tbsp aB, blue chips :(
430 - 1 oz jerky, brussel sprouts, 1 slice cinnamon protein bread
7 -  1.5 cup beef/veggie stir fry

Monday, November 14, 2011

It's So On Right Now

3 min yoga warm up
sB swing (#40) - 31/30
cross legged ugi burpee - 7/7
turkish jump up w/ ugi (#10) - 8/7
ugi crab - 42/46
sB foot elevated squat L(#40) - 21/27
sB foot elevated squat R - 21/23
ugi jump lunge/knee crunch (10#) - 10/10
ugi mnt climber - 109/107
sB squat/lunge combo (#40) - 6/6
ugi full body combo - 8/9
1)          15 min JR (5s/25s -- 30x)

sun eats:
730 - cappuccino shake
11 - chicken in carrot/ginger sauce, apple, 1/4th cup cashews
1 - brat, salad
4 - cinnamon protein bread, bell pepper, 1/4th cup cashews
7 - chicken, zucchini/onions

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bombshell Butt Workout

4 min yoga warm up (keep forgetting to post this but I’ve been doing them!)

+30 min HiiT combo (300 JR skips/1/4th mile sprint/6 rounds burpees 10/20 -- AMRAP in 30 min:      # sets completed: 3.66)

fri eats
7 - cappuccino shake
1030 - chicken, apple, 1/4th avocado, 1/2 cup nuts
1 - tuna, brussel sprouts
3 - cinnamon protein bread, brussel sprouts
5 - 1/2 cup fruit/1 tbsp vanilla whey
7 - turkey burger patty, salad

sat eats
7 - cappuccino shake
10 - turkey burger, apple, 2 tbsp aB
1 - ground beef, cucumber
3 - 1/2 cup fruit, 1/2 cup raw cashews

Friday, November 11, 2011

CrossFit Unrivaled 6/27/11 & Climbing

Thursday 11/10/11 Workout:
1)          15 min JR 10/30 -- 23 rounds)
2)          Rock climbing 3 hrs (highest grade: 5.10c/v2)

Crossfit Unrivaled WOD 6/27/11 - Nov 11
5 rounds for time:
28 walking lunges
28 push press (#55)
28 sit ups
28 sumo deadlift high pull (#55)
28 box jumps (20”)
28 kettlebell swings (#26)

time: 48min 3s

+          15 min tabata JR(5rnds)/stair runs(5rnds)

wed eats:
745 - cappuccino shake
12 - turkey burger patty, 2 tbsp aB, banana
3 - cinnamon swirl bread, brussel sprouts, 1/4th cup walnuts
5 - tuna, apple, 1/2 bell pepper
7 - 5 paleo chicken fingers, salad

thurs eats
7 - cappuccino protein shake
10 - turkey burger, apple, 1/4th avocado, mac nuts
230 - ground beef, salad, 1/4th cup granola, lite protein bar
8 - mahi/spinach salad/2 paleo chicken fingers

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kick It Into HIGH Gear

Tuesday 11/8/11:
+ 15 min JR (10s/40 -- 18x) 


Kick It Into HIGH Gear Workout - Nov 9

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
dB swing/abduct L (#25 ) - 8x
dB swg/abd R - 8x
mnt lunges - 16x
cable side plank/row L (#50   ) - 8x
cable side plank/row R - 8x
mnt. lunges - 16x
cable squat/press (#30  ) L - 8x
cable squat/press R - 8x

# sets completed: 3.5

-    15 min HiiT on Arc Trainer (1min 6/30, 1 min 10/40)

mon eats:
715 - cappuccino shake
1030 - chicken salad, banana, 1/4th avocado
1 - 2egg spinach omelette, 3 tbsp black beans, 1/2 cucumber, 1 carrot
330 - 1/2 cinnamon protein bread, 1/4 cup cherries, 1/2 cup raw cashews
7 - ground beef, spinach salad

tues eats:
7 - cappuccino shake
1030 - turkey burger patty, banana, 1/4th avocado, 2 oz sweet potato
1pm - cinnamon protein bread, asparagus
3 - 1/2 cup fruit, 2 tbsp whey
5 - spinach, dijon egg mug
7pm - EFL meatloaf, brussel sprouts, 2 tbsp walnuts

Monday, November 7, 2011

Earn Your Body

Sunday Nov 6 Workout:
    *30 min tabata (10s/20s -- 60 rounds: 4 rounds burpees, 2 rounds jump roping, 3 rounds high knees, 6 rounds stair runs)
    *rock climbing 2 hrs (highest grade: 5.10+)


Earn Your Body Workout - Nov 7

5 min skill work:
One arm handstands & handstand balance

8 rounds
7 Deadlifts (105#)
30 Double Unders          
60s plank holds                 (time:  19min 57s    )

$ Cash Out $ 
30 GHD Sit ups               

 total time: 21min 35s

+         JR 15 min (10/50 -- 15x)

fri eats
7 - cappuccino shake
1030 - slice EFL turkey meatloaf, 20 grapes, 1/4th cup craisins, 2 tbsp aB
130 - mix 1,  green beans
5 - 1/2 cup raw nuts
7 - meat, spinach & strawberry salad

sat eats
8 - cappuccino shake
11 - larabar
2 - chicken salad
5 - turkey jerky + apple + 3 tbsp walnuts
8 - meatloaf, 1/4th cup mac nuts, green beans

sun eats:
640 - cappuccino shake
10 - meatloaf, 1/2 sweet potato, 1 tbsp aB
2 - mix 1, 1/2 cup cashews, fruit leather, 1/3 cup cherries
430 - 2 egg/bell pepper omelete, spinach/cauliflower salad, 1/4th cup brown rice
7 - ground beef, spinach salad