
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bad Ass Back Workout

OH walking lunges (#25) - 50 steps
chin ups - 10 reps
1 arm kB swing/leg abd L (26#) - 50 reps
chin ups - 9 reps
diamond runner pushups - 50 reps
chin ups - 8 reps
one arm kB swing/leg abd R - 50 reps
chin ups - 7 reps
1/2 get ups L (#10 dB) - 50 reps
chin ups - 6 reps
1/2 gets ups R - 50 reps
chin ups - 5 reps
side crunch L - 50 reps
chin ups - 4 reps
pendulum lunge/press alt. (10# dBs) - 50 reps  
chin ups - 3 reps
side crunch R - 50 reps
chin ups - 2 reps
jump squat/tri kickbak (10# dBs) - 50 reps
chin ups - 1 rep

time: 39 min 23s

tues eats:
7 - cappuccino shake
10 - chicken, small banana, 2 mini muffins
1 - 1/4 cup raw nuts, 1 slice corn bread
3 - tuna pkt, salad
5 - 1 cup leftover thai chicken chowder

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dangerous Curves Ahead

3 min yoga warm up

8 rounds of:
BB back (full) squats (#65) - 12 reps
dB 1 arm row (#35) - 8 reps each arm
JR - 300 skips
time: 32 min 57s

mon eats:
745 - cappuccino shake
1045 - chicken, sweet potato
1pm - 1 egg, 1 slice p28 french toast, watermelon
3pm - tuna pkt, salad, 1/4 cup mac nuts
5pm - 1/2 cucumber
7pm - 1.5 cup thai chicken chowder

Monday, August 29, 2011

Work Hard To Play Hard

part 1: 10/40 - 6 rounds (5 min)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hottie Body

part 1: 10/30s - 6 rounds
sumo triple squat - 5/5/5/5.5/5/4
part 2: 6 rounds for time:
10 plank side jump & 10 single leg toe touches
time: 5min 43s
part3: 10/30 - 6
side burpee knee tuck pushup - 6/6/5/5/5/5
total workout time:13min 43s
+   JR 25 min (10s/20s - 50 rounds)

fri eats
7am - cappuccino shake
10am - 5 mini protein muffins, 1/4 cup raisins, 1/4 cup almonds
1pm - 2 hb eggs, 1/4th avocado, asparagus, apple
4pm - 1 slice p28 bread, coconut butter spread
7pm - chicken, salad, glass of red wine

sat eats
7am - cappuccino shake
10am - chicken, apple
2pm - beef jerky, blue chips, cantaloupe
5pm - 2 mini muffins
7pm - salad, salmon, 1/3 avocado, raisins

Friday, August 26, 2011

Don't Stop!

3 min yoga warm up

Part 1: 4 min cD
2 hop fwd/10 high knees back/drop down/power up
# sets: 23

Part 2: 10/50s - 4 rounds
dynamic sB squat (#40) - 24/18
donkey kicks - 34/35

Part 3: 10/10s - 12 rounds (4 min)
mnt. runner - ave. rep/round = 17
jump lunges - ave. rep/round = 5


thurs eats:
7am - cappuccino shake
1030am - chicken, sweet potato
130pm - watermelon protein sorbet, 3 mini protein muffins
430pm - 2 egg drop/veggie soup

Thursday, August 25, 2011

UPsideDown Ex. Challenge

Exercise Challenge - Aug 25
3 min yoga warm up
5 min JR 6 wall plank walk ups/6 handstand chest taps 
repeat four more times!
total workout time: 39min 31s
wed eats:
7am - cappuccino shake
10am - p28 bagel, 3 tbsp aB
1pm - 5 pumpkin protein mini muffins, 1/2 leftover chicken breast, 8 asparagus
4pm - pkt tuna, salad
7pm - other 1/2 chicken, 12 asparagus, 1/4 cup raisins (thin shaving of ice cream cake!)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Aubrie's #4 Challenge

Mon Aug 22:
JR 25 min (10s/40s -- 30 rounds)
rock climbing (2 hours: highest grade - 5.10)
Tues Aug 23:
JR 25 min (10/50s -- 25 rounds)
3 min yoga warm up

10 rounds for time:
dead lift (2 sets@#95/4@85#/4@75#) - 15 reps
push up  - 15 reps
lateral burpees w/ no pushup (to one side = 1 rep) - 10 reps

time: 33min 34s

I can’t believe that September 6th will be my one year Bodyrock anniversary! I managed to make it a whole year without repeating a single workout! After Sept 6th, I will go back and try to beat my scores for some of the workouts I’ve already done. Bodyrock has given new life to my workouts! I love being cross-fit because it has made my physically ready for any and every other sport or type of exercise/activity I’ve come across. I plan on using these types of workouts forever.

mon eats:
715am - cappuccino shake
1030am - ground beef, lettuce, peach
2pm - tuna pkt, bell pepper, 1 p28 bread
330pm - 1/2 cup granola >_<
6:30pm - chicken, greenbeans, 1 tbsp aB

tues eats:
7am - cappuccino shake
1030am - ground beef, peach, 1/3 cup almonds
1pm - 1 slice p28 bread, 1 egg french toast, watermelon
4pm - 4 egg whites, zucchini, 1/4 avocado
7pm - chicken, asparagus, 1/4 cup brown rice

Sunday, August 21, 2011

This Is How We Do It

3 min yoga warm up
Part 1: 5/20s - 12 rounds
Inverted row/knee tuck - 15/13/13/13/12/12
Breakdance push up - 6/6/6/6/6/6
Part 2: cd 4 min
plyo bench hops - 10 reps total
sB low lunge backs (#40) - 10 reps total
# sets: 5
Part 3: 5/20s - 12 rounds
sprinter abs -12/14/14/14/14/14
sb 1 leg deadlift/row (#40) - 4R/6L/5/6/5/6
+ jr 20 min (10/20s -- 40x)
fri eats:
7:15am - cappuccino shake
1030am - chicken & 1/2 p28 protein bagel (1 tsp coconut butter spread)
2pm - leftover carribean chicken stew
5pm - zuccini and 2 hb eggs
7pm - thai shrimp salad

Friday, August 19, 2011

Kauai CrossFIt 6/29/11

500 rep time challenge!!!!!

*Double unders - 50 reps
Box jump (20") - 50 reps
*Plank reverse flys (#10 dbs) - 50 reps
Kettle bell swings (#26) - 50 reps
Walking Lunge - 50 steps
Knees to elbows - 50 reps
*Split jerk (#45) - 50 reps
Back extensions on ball - 50 reps
Burpees - 50 reps
Double unders - 50 reps

Completed in: 32min 34s

- * changed some of the exercises because i did the original ones yesterday.

thurs eats:
9am - cappuccino shake
12pm - 4 oz chicken, 1 slice p28 protein bread
230pm - 2 hb eggs, 1 zucchini cooked in tsp coconut oil
3:30pm - 1 slice p28 protein bread
7pm - ***if***

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Danny J's 8/16/11 Tabata

10s/20s -- 40  rounds (20 min)
Burpees - 5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5
Push Press (#20 dbs) - 8/6/6/5/6/6/6/5
Jump Lunges - 12/13/14/14/12/12/10/12
kB swing (#35) - 8/9/8/7/7/8/7/6
1)Pullups (instead of legs) - 6/6/5/5/4/3/3/4

1)Was totally shaking by the end of this workout so I stopped there.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

6 Minute Maniac (x2)

Round 1: 10s/20s - 12 rounds
10s jump squat
20s puke jump overs
10s jump squat
20s mnt climber

Round 2: ". "
Jump lunge
Sumo pushup
Jump lunge
Monkey pushup

+   20min jr 10/50s - 20 rounds

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Burning Badly

3min yoga warm up

3 rounds for time:
Sleeping crab - 15 each arm
Jr 250x
Reptile toe touch -10x
Jr 250x

My time: 22min 30s

Ps - hate doing workouts before breakfast. I feel sluggish, slow and clumsy. Can't wait to get back on a regular schedule.

Friday, August 12, 2011

600 Rep Fat Burn

3 min yoga warm up

jump lunge kickup - 30x
Side burpee knee tuck 30x
1 leg squat/good mornings 30x
Diving knee tucks 30x
Jack jump tuck 30x
3D pushup 30x
One leg squat jumps 30x
Plank lift off 30x
Sumo twist crunch 30x
Ab chopper 30x

Completion time: 50min 2s.   O.o

Followed by a lovely baste in the ocean:)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

3 Minute Maniac

Perform each exercise back to back. 1 rep of each then 2 of each then 3 of each. Ex. 1 pushup/1 elbow plank, 2 pushup/2elbow plank....

4 min yoga warmup

3min cD:
Pushup 1/2 burpees
Elbow plank side to side jump
Total: 6 reps

Jump lunges
Dynamic squats
Total: 7 reps

Knee hugs
Mnt climbers
8 reps

Dive bombers
5 reps

-  20min jr 10/40s - 24rnds

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Holy Hell, That's HOT!

handstand chest taps - 8x total
ball cross crunch (side/middle/side = 1 rep) - 25x
bb 1/2 burpee/row (#65) - 1--->16x
sprinter abs - (1 to each side = 1 rep) - 25x
pull ups - 32x (asst'd)
ball cross crunch (side/middle/side = 1 rep) - 25x
bb split jerk (#55) - 64x total
sprinter abs - (1 to each side = 1 rep) - 25x

Completion time: 20min 20s

+   20 min JR (10s/30s -- 30 rounds)

mon eats
7:30am - cappuccino whey shake
11am - 4 oz chicken, 9 cherries, 1 slice ezekiel bread, 1/4 cup raisins
1:30pm - 2 oz shrimp, 1/2 mixed nuts and seeds (raw), 4 oz steamed veggies
5pm - 1/2 recipe banana protein pancakes

As promised I am staying on track with my workouts this trip!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Self Massacre & Game Plan Reminder

3 min yoga warm up

1/4 mi sprint
single leg burpee  15---->1 (one on each side = 1 rep)
hang snatch (#45) 1<-----15
1/4 mi sprint

time: 52min 5s

Game Plan Reminder:
1)protein blocks per meal: 4/4/2/2/4, cho per meal: 0/2/1/1/2, fat every other meal
2)            No alcohol
3)            Oats, yams, brown rice only in the meal following the workout
4)          One i.f randomly per week
5)           Veggies with 3 meals every day, fruit as necessary

sun eats:
7am - cappuccino whey shake
11am - ezekiel bread french toast & 2 cherries
2pm - 2 oz chicken/14 asparagus & 1/3 cuke/1/3 avocado
3pm - 1 heaping tbsp almond butter
5pm - 2 oz ground bison/4oz steamed veggies & 2 cherries
7pm - 4 oz shrimp/veggie skewers