
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Just Did It!

3 min yoga warm up

JR low jacks -59/55/55
lunge on ball (L) - 14/14/17
JR low jacks - 61/52/55
lunge on ball (R) -13/14/17
JR low jacks -47/53/51
dip station combo (leg over/lunge back/legraise) -9/12/11
JR low jacks -56/50/52
ball squeeze/pulse squat - 52/54/56
JR low jacks -52/52/49
90 degree ball touch sit up -16/18/19

Tues Eats:
645 am - cappuccino whey shake (1/4 cup coconut)
1030 - chicken breast, medium sweet potato
2pm - 1/4 cup walnuts


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Stronger & Hotter

3 min yoga warm up

time: 2min 59s

Total workout time: 14min 59s

- having upper back pain so I’m going to add weight training to my routines every other day if they don’t already have some in them. (5 sets/15 reps -- smith 1 arm row/smith underhand row +10# each side)

1)  JR 20 (5/25s -- 40 rounds)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Sayonara Fat

chin ups - 20 rep
400m sprint (1/4 mile)
ball pushup/knee tuck - 40 rep
400m sprint
 1/2 burpee row (#65) - 60 rep
400m sprint
thrusters (#55) - 80 rep
400m sprint

Completion time: 35min 16s

1)perfect weight for 1/2 burpee/row and rep range
2)             killer workout. even hard than yesterday. i feel like dropping dead:)
Thurs Eats
7am cappuccino whey shake (w: 1/4 cup canned coconut)
11am 4oz ground beef/6 oz sweet potato
1pm protein/fruit sorbet - (2 tsp) coconut oil
4pm 2 HB eggs/ 1 bell pepper and a large handful of pea pods
7pm chicken/2 cups lettuce/ 1 tbsp home made vinegarette

***SUCCESS!!! I was not hungry between meals AT ALL yesterday!***

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Shape Shifter

5 min yoga warm up

sB squat jump up - 20 rep
reptile *pushups - 20 rep
one leg squat jump up - 20 on each leg
side plank lift cross over - 20 reps each side

Completion time: 35min 59s


Tues Eats:
7am cappuccino whey shake/apple
10am chicken/salad/vinegar/20 mac nuts
1pm chocolate coconut protein pudding/1 cup mixed fruit/ 2 tbsp raisins
4pm 2 hard boiled eggs/1/3th med sweet potato
7pm chicken/veggie curry/1/4 cup brown rice

Wed Eats:
7am cappuccino whey shake/apple
10am burrito seasoned beef/brussel sprouts/15 mac nuts
1pm 2 HB eggs/watermelon
4pm 1 slice protein bread/veggies with mashed black beans/1/4 cup walnuts
7pm leftover chicken/veggies

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

CrossFit Unrivaled 6/23/11

Dead lift (#105)

THEN: 10---> 1 of each:
Pistols (each leg - jG assisted)
Ring Dips
Toes 2 Bar
total workout time: 21min 01s

+ JR 20 min (10s/40s - 24 rounds)

Mon Eats

730am cappuccino whey shake/1 cup mixed tropical fruit
1030am 1/2 med sweet potato/4oz tuna/15 mac nuts
1:30pm 1 slice protein bread, 1/4 cup sunflower and craisin mix
4pm 3 egg soup(zucchini, cauliflower, Broccoli, tomato, onion)
7pm *****I.F.******

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hotel Room Workout

5 min yoga warm up

sB squat L - 11/11
dive bombers - 6/6
sB squat R - 12/11
diagonal knee tuck pushup - 7/8
sB squats L -11/11
tricep leg lifts -14/15
sB squats R -11/10
santana pushup -7/8
sB squats L -12/11
monkey pushup -7/8
sB squats R -11/10
sumo pushup -9/10


+JR 20  (5s/35s - 30 rounds)

sunday eats
7am cappuccino whey shake
10am turkey burger/melon
12pm 1 slice protein bread
1:45 pm 2 egg drop soup (mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower)/1/3 cup raw sunflower seeds
4:30pm chicken/apple
7pm ground beef w/ burrito spices//brussel sprouts/red pepper

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Jackie K's WOD

5 min yoga warm up

3 rounds:
kB swings (#35) - 20 reps
hang power clean to overhead press (#65) - 10 reps
Jump rope  - 500 skips

Completion time:  21 min 34s

+20 min stair sprints (skip 1 step/every step/double ft hop = 1 set. 12 sets completed)

thursday eats
7am cappuccino whey shake/melon
10am chicken/ avocado/sweet potato
1 pm protein sorbet/1/2 slice protein bread
4pm  1/2 cup craisin, sunflower seed, 2 tbsp organic granola, almond mix/2 egg soup (mushrooms/zucchini)
7 - *****I.F.*****

friday eats
7am cappuccino whey shake/1 cup mixed fruit
10am   chicken/ 1/2 cup almond, craisin, sunflower seed mix
130pm 1.5 slice protein bread, 2 cups broccoli
245pm small home made banana oat cookie
7pm chicken/veggies

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sexy Supremacy Workout

5 min yoga warm up

10 mnt climbers/1 (staggered) pushup - 5/6/6/6
1 arm sB alt. row (#30) - 16/17/17/16
*sB fwd/bkwd lunge L - 9/9/9/8
*sB fwd/bkwd lunge R - 11/10/9/8
inverted 1/2 rows - 49/40/46/43
bicycle (#15) - 28/24/23/24

-        jr 20 min (5s/55s -- 20 rounds)

OK. So far my “clean it up in 3” challenge is not going well. I definitely went from 85% to 90% in the last couple of days but it pisses me off that i was not 100% so as punishment i decided to start it all over again yesterday. this is really important. If you fail, try again. Do not give up, do not lose hope/motivation it was just a couple of days and you can make up for it fairly easily once you’ve committed to doing better. Remember, you are AMAZING and you can do ANYTHING if you put your mind to it!

1)              veggies with 3 meals a day
2)             fruit with only 2 meals a day
3)             0-1 serving grains/day, no alcohol or dairy


wednesday eats:
7am cappuccino whey shake/melon
10am tuna salad/veggies/1 tbsp almond butter
1pm protein pudding/melon/1 slice protein bread
4pm 2 egg drop soup (mushrooms, spinach, broccoli), 1 small ezekiel corn tortilla
7pm home made ratatouille

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mostly Muscles

5 min yoga warm up

AMRAP in 15 min
full squats (#45) - 6 reps
Pull ups - 6 reps

# sets completed:   14 

1)              switched to assisted pullups on round 9.
2)             go slightly heavier with the squats next time.

+    JR 20 min (10/30s -- 30 rounds)

Yesterday’s Eats:
7am cappuccino whey shake/1 banana
10am chicken salad/asparagus/sweet potato
1pm protein sorbet/ 1 slice protein bread/ 1/3 cup almond walnut mix
4pm 2 egg drop soup (broccoli, onions)
7pm leftover beef stew/veggies/7 home made tortilla chips :(

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fcuk The Gym

5 min yoga warm up


+     20 min sprints outside (1:30/30s -- 10x)

yesterday’s eats:
8am cappuccino whey shake
1130am tuna/bell pepper
2pm 2 egg drop soup (spinach, mushroom), 1.5 slice protein bread
3pm melon/2 tbsp ab
5pm chocolate/coconut protein pudding
7pm beef/veggie stew with asparagus

Monday, July 4, 2011

Danny J's Challenge #3

50-40-30-20-10 Reps (50 of all then 40 of all, then 30 of all etc...)
1. Plyo bench hops
2. Mountain Climbers (Right + Left = 1)
3. Jump Rope
4. Plank to Straddle
5. Falling Push-Ups

Completion time: 22min 31s
+jr 20 min (5s/45s -- 24 rounds)    


Yesterday’s Eats:
-cappuccino whey shake, 1 banana
-chicken/sweet tato stew
-organic turkey jerky/blue chips
-leftover steamed fish and veggies

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pound Melting Workout

5 min yoga warm up

Quick workout before a day of floating and early fourth of july festivities!!!!

Yesterday’s eats:

7am Cappuccino whey shake, 1 apple
10am crock pot chicken/sweet potatoes, 1/3 mac nuts/almond sliver mix
2pm 2 oz shrimp, 1.5 slice protein bread, 5 brussel sprouts
430pm protein sorbet
7pm steamed fish and veggies

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hot as F@#& ! Workout


5 min yoga warm up

15 Kettle bell swings (#35)

14 box hops (20")

13 dB split jerk (#25)

12 reptile pushups

11  dead lifts (#105)

10 wall walk ups





10-9-8-7-6-5        (360 total reps!)

Completion time:  35min 49s


1.              extra long and super duper hard workout today so i’m skipping the jump rope.

Yesterday was an ARD (active rest day) and officially began my three week diet challenge that i have named:  “clean it up in 3.” (You give it a name and it becomes all the more important!) Although my diet has been really good (better than ever before, even) I have let a few nasties slip back in and while thats ok sometimes its getting a little too frequent for my comfort. I am recommitting myself to paleo (a dairy, grain and alcohol free lifestyle) and am going to work harder at getting a large serving of veggies with at least three meals a day and fruits for two.

Yesterday’s Eats:

7am Cappuccino whey shake, 1 med banana

10am egg drop soup (3 oz chicken, 1 whole egg, onion, mushrooms), 1 slice paleo cinnamon swirl protein bread

2pm protein sorbet, 1/2 slice cinnamon protein bread, 1/4 cup almonds

4pm 2oz shrimp, brussel sprouts, 1/4 cup craisins

7pm crock pot chicken/sweet potatoes