
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just Me?

5 min yoga warm up

jumping jack squats - 100 reps
hand stand push ups - 3 reps
chin ups ups - 6 reps
dead lifts (#95) - 9 reps
jG tricep dips - 12 reps
kB dynamic squat/upright row - 15 rep total
ball pikes - 18 reps
overhead walking lunges (#25) - 21 reps total
push up/front raise (#8) - 24 reps total
diamond runner pushup - 27 reps
plank kB row (#26) - 30 reps total
squats (touch ass to step)- 100 reps

Completion time: 17min 57s

My legs are still sore from Sunday. If yesterday they were a 9 then today they are a 6. It is unusual for me to have a second day of hurt. Thanks a lot Danny-J! Took yesterday off completely to rest them...didn’t even walk the dog! I can’t afford to take another day off if I want to get my 5 workouts in this week so here goes nothing. Everything.

+ JR 20 min (10s/30s -- 30 rounds)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Danny J's Challenge Take 2

Danny-J's Challenge Take 2 - Sun May 29

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Up & In Ex. Challenge

Exercise Challenge
pull ups - 5 reps (overhand/wide grip)
jG 90 degree rows - 20 reps
2 min jump rope
Repeat 9 more times (for a total of 10 rounds).
Total workout time: 35min 29s

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sexy Summer Body

Thurs May 26 WOD:
Sprints outside (1:30 walk/30 100% all out sprint -- 12 rounds = 24 min)

Sexy Summer Body Workout - Fri May 27

1min/1min -- 10 rounds
prisoner squat/front kick
one leg elevated pushup
*kB one leg deadlift L (26#)
*kB one leg deadlift R
tricep dips
side lunge hops L
side lunge hops R
pull ups (overhand/narrow)
getups (10#)
side crunch L
side crunch R
dive bombers
jump lunges
knee tucks
pike press
knee raises
inverted rows
diagonal knee raises
santana pushups

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hot n' Ripped Workout & Block Menu

5 min yoga warm up

2 min cD - max reps!
sB front/back lunge alt. (30#) - 24/25
2 min cD:
pike press/pike jump/squat jump - 20/23
2 min cD:
sB clean to press (30#) - 18/22
 REPEAT (12 min)

20/20 - 6 rounds:
diagonal knee raises - 10 reps ave.
dip station kicks - 8 reps ave.
(4 min)

- this was tough on the legs in the first part and super tough on the arms in the second part!

+          JR 20 min (5s/45s -- 24 rounds)

Today begins day five on the CrossFit block menu. I haven’t gone totally paleo yet but I’m getting there. I’ve gone from 85% to probably 90% just doing this block menu thing. By day 3 I noticed that I already dropped a bit of water I was carrying over my abs. Hopefully the measure in on Monday produces more changes!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ready To Rock

Mon May 25 WOD:
JR 20 min (10s/20s -- 40 rounds)

Ready to Rock Workout - Tues May 24

5 min yoga warm up

Part 1:  5 min cD
kB swing hop fwd/bk - 8 reps (1 jump = 1 rep)
surfer - 8 rep
# sets: 4

Part 2: time challenge
sprinter abs - 75 reps
1 leg squat hop L - 50 reps
1 arm pushup L - 25 reps
ab burn out - 75 reps
1 leg squat hop R - 50 reps
1 arm pushup R - 25 reps
time: 10min 20s

Part 3: 5 min cD
mnt. climber lunges - 8 rep (2 jumps each = 1 rep)
thrusters (55#) - 8 rep
# sets: 3

Total workout time: 20 min 20s

1)          JR 20 min -- (10s/50s - 20 rounds)

- great workout! last part was REALLY tough to get through!
1)          went climbing today for 2 hours
2)          this was the first morning in several weeks that I haven’t woken up hungry. even though the block menu is technically lower in calories, the balance of them each meal I think is what helped me.

**I started a block menu today because I really need some way of keeping tabs over my macros. Otherwise my fat intake is through the roof and I neglect my veggies. I am running a 4 block menu which means I will have five meals every 3-4 hours and my meals will be set up in 4/4/1/4/1 blocks. I am also giving up grains. It’s a CrossFit thing and if you google “crossfit zone blocks” you can download a copy of the manuel. I’m going to run it for a full 7 days and remeasure to see if there’s been any progress. (Today I weighed in at 124lbs/15.7% BF)

Great day on the slopes on Sunday! It was more like early March conditions than almost JUNE. They still have 100” base! We BBQ-ed, made some beach buddies and enjoyed the sun at 10,000 ft +. Every one who was SUPPOSED to come missed out on a really great time.

FIRST 5.11 CONQUERED YESTERDAY! Now I feel really tired so I scaled down the workout today.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hot Attack

5 min yoga warm up

1)          * denotes the fact that I added rounds. After yesterday’s 10 min workout I wanted something a little longer (18 min).
2)          this was totally kick ass.

Expose your skin to the sun! A light pinkness to the skin 24 hours after sun exposure is equivalent to ingesting 10,000-20,000 IU of Vitamin D. But perhaps the most miraculous thing about getting your vitamin D via sunlight is that UNLIKE consuming Vitamin D supplements, your skin has a built in mechanism to dispose of excess vitamin D so that you never get too much. We evolved in the sunlight. Our bodies need it or they are unable to fight off cancer and other horrible diseases. So just tell your dermatologist to f@$% off next time you get yelled at for having a little color.

Here are some more facts about your vitamin D levels:
1)          HEALTHY blood levels are greater than 30ng/ml
2)          for every 100 IU you consume, you raise your blood level by 1ng/ml
3)          adults and children should be on a multi vitamin plus an additional 1000IU of D supplement + 10-15min full, uninhibited sun exposure every day between the hours of 10am and 3pm. You will NOT make any Vit D in your skin if you are outside these hours.

Yesterday I went climbing and the 5.11 escaped me again! First of all I spent all my energy on my 10 min workout, then the first route I do is a 5.10+ that really should have been a 5.11. Next was the 5.11. The good news is I got half way up this time as opposed to 1/4 way up like last time! Monday I will take that sucker DOOOOOWWWNNNN. First thing.

Last workout of the week! Tomorrow we are headed up to the basin to enjoy the fresh powder and bbq. It’s still snowing up there = EPIC LATE SEASON!!!!!!!!!! They are staying open until June 17th this year which is an extra TWO WEEKS. (And that of course = TOO MUCH SNOW...but what ev. Gotta make the best.)

1)        JR 20 min (5s/55s -- 20 rounds)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Jackie's Challenge #2

**BONUS ABS ROUND! 10/50s -- 8 rounds
plank (hold)
mnt. climbers - 83/81
dB bicycle (15#) -33/30
twisted mnt. climbers - 31/30

Thursday, May 19, 2011

All I Got

Wednesday 5/18 WOD:   
 JR 20 min: 10s/40s - 24 rounds

Wednesday I woke up hurting even more than I did Tuesday so I thought it probably wasn’t a good idea to keep pushing. There is a fine line between pushing hard enough and completely destroying yourself. Pushing too hard too often can compromise immune function and having not been sick in two years...well I’m not about to invite it in. Just jump roping (and taking the dog for a walk) really made me feel a lot better by late afternoon.

All I Got - Thurs May 19

5 min yoga warm up

Part 1: 6 rounds 20/20 (4 min)
mnt runners
chin ups (under hand)

stability ball single leg curls 35 reps each leg

Part 2: 6 rounds 20/20
plyo side to side hops (20” box)
BB jumping jacks (#40)

ball pass - 35 reps

Part 3: 6 rounds 20/20
dynamic pushups (stagger)
lunge back/bicep curl (#20)

1/2 pistols 35 reps each leg

Part 4: 6 rounds 20/20
box hops (20”)
dive bombers

Total workout time: 24min 41s

+ JR 20 min (5s/35s -- 30 rounds)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Fat Pulverizer 500

kB one arm swings (alt.) - 50 reps
one leg burpees - 50 reps
jack knives - 50 reps
surfer swims (1# each hand) - 50 reps
tricep dips on chair (leg straight) - 50 reps
side crunch (L) - 50 reps
kB one arm swings (alt.) - 50 reps
side crunch (R) - 50 reps
plank push up/rev fly (8# dBs) - 50 reps
kB one arm swings (alt) - 50 reps

Completed in: 25min 34s

+ JR 20 min (5/30s -- 35 rounds)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cardio & Climbing

Sunday 5/15 Workout
 JR 20 min (5s/45s -- 24 rounds)

Monday 5/16 Workout
Sprints 24 min (1:30/30s -- 12 rounds)/Climbing 2 hours

Still considering going Paleo. I’m watching Aubrie’s progress for the rest of this month and talking to people on it to get some questions answered. I also plan on reading Arthur De Vany’s “The New Evolution Diet” because Robb Wolf’s “The Paleo Solution” got terrible reviews as far as actually explaining HOW to follow the Paleo Diet. There is some discord between what these guys are saying and what I know to be true (I did one of my undergrad degrees in Anthropology) so we’ll see if they can convince me!

Also, my legs, hips, abs and sacrum are killing me from my sprints yesterday but since I’m taking a day off on Sunday to snowboard I have to push through it today. I will say that sprints get your abs like nothing else! At least, that’s how you know you ran fast enough:)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Major Guns Exercise Challenge

Exercise Challenge

BB curls (45#) - 10 reps
3 min jump rope
band overhead extension (blue) - 30 reps
3 min jump rope

Repeat 7 more times!

Total workout time: 31min 33s

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hot In Here

5 min yoga warm up

**BONUS ROUND: 15s/45s - 4 rnds:
Asst’d pull ups - 15/15/15/15

Total workout time: 20min 38s

+ JR 20 min (10/30s -- 30 rounds)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Aubrie's #3 Challenge

1)          Totally dripping after I finished this workout!!!!!! YES!!!!!!! Wish I could afford a rower :(

1)          About 5.5 min over where I wanted to be. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to do one dB split hop total or one each leg so I ended up doing one on each leg  which doubled the reps but I’m a sucker for even-ness.

1)          Goal re-evaluation: 120lbs (that’s only three more lbs.) Thinking about trying to go 100% paleo too! On a weekly basis I eat 85% paleo already so it wouldn’t be that much of a change.