
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Danny J's Dirty 1000

0 exercises, 100 reps each. You may complete the exercises in ANY order. One persons strategy will be different from another. Below is the strategy I came up with based on my strength and endurance. Click HERE to watch me suffering this workout.
1)            OH SHIT! That was the crappiest thing I’ve ever done to myself.
2)           next time i will switch the kB swings out for the jacks and see if that shortens my time a little.

My new favorite condiment (in moderation of course): VEGANAISE!!!! I buy mine at Whole Foods but I'm sure any health food store carries it.

Why I love it:
- tastes 50,000 x better than any other mayo or mayo-like substances!
- 85mg sodium as opposed to 104-150mg in other mayo's (also it doesn't taste nastily of salt like the others -- blahg!)
- dairy free
- same calorie-wise but veganaise is canola based (instead of egg based) so though it seems high in calories (90/tbsp -- the omega 3s you get are worth it!)
- no artificial shit/preservatives
- and oh yeah! did i mention it tastes 50,000 x better than other mayos? :D

P.S - I only use 1-2 tsp a day.

Yesterday’s Eats:
7am - cappuccino shake, 1/2 banana
1045am - chicken, 1 ezekiel bread, 1 tbsp aB
2pm - ground beef, spinach salad, vinegar
430 - dried cherries 1/4 cup
6pm - 6 egg omlette with spinach, asparagus, tomato, jalepeno and 1/4 green salsa on top!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Death By Kettle Bell


I swear. The hardest part of taking these challenges is remembering that I’m doing them.

5 min yoga warm up!

Every other round you will switch the last two exercises up. First round split squats, second round ab exercises...etc...

10/30 - 30 rounds - 26lb kB:
kB kneeling getup L - 13/13/14/15/16
kB kneeling getup R - 13/13/15/14/15
1 arm clean and press R - 6/7/7/6/6
1 arm clean and press L - 7/7/7/6/6
kB split squat L - 32/36/38       or       bicycle crunch - 22/20
kB split squat R - 32/33/35      or       kB russian twist - 17/20

1)  JR 20 min (5s/25s -- 40 rounds)

Today's topic: BALANCE. All things are a balance and you have to find a balance that works for you. You may want a body like so-and-so but are you really willing to put in the time and effort it takes to get it? Let’s back up a second here. Do you even KNOW what it takes to get that body that so-and-so has? You probably don’t. You probably just assume that they look that way because they’re younger than you or they haven’t had children yet (my personal fav) or that they’re just genetically gifted. WRONG!

Super lean bodies don’t just happen all by themselves. She pays her dues everyday in workout and in ULTRA clean nutrition. The last three years have been my slow progression towards an ever cleaner diet. THREE YEARS!! I didn’t just drop everything and change my eating habits in fact I struggle with that the most. Every year I get a little better and a little better at it. The slower you make these changes, the better. Then you can truly accept them as lifestyle changes instead of temporary changes to get the body (temporarily) that you want. You have to fight (and fight hard) against the I WANT IT NOW/quick fix notion. It causes more harm than good physiologically. If you have an event you'd like to slim up for try 6 months to a full year in advance instead of a few weeks.

So are you willing to sacrifice all processed foods 99% of the time? Are you willing to do both a resistance workout and a cardio workout every single day for the rest of your life? Are you willing to take the time to cook and prep your clean menu meals for the week ahead whenever you have a moment of free time? If you are unwilling to do any of the following (or find yourself making up excuses as to why you think you can’t do any of the following) I’d suggest you re-evaluate your goals. You may want so-and-so’s body but you probably don’t desire it.

Yesterday’s Eats:
7am - cappuccino shake, 1/2 banana
1030am - 1/2 med chicken breast, 1 ezekiel bread, 2 tbsp aB
1230pm - 1 ezekiel bread, 1/3 cup raw nuts
4pm - 1 can tuna, spinach salad, vinegar, 2 tbsp craisins
7pm - seasoned ground beef, spinach salad, vinegar

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bring Me the O2 Tank

5 min yoga warmup!

30/30 - 6 ruonds/min
side burpees - 4/5/5/4/5/4
plyo alt. side hops - 22/16/20/17/17/16

10/40 -- 12 rounds (8 min)
sB one leg dead lift L (30lbs) - 16/17
seated pull ups - 32/30
sB one leg dead lift R (30lbs) - 16/18
Plank pushup/rev fly (10lb dBs) - 7/6.5
backwards lunge kick ups R (12lb weight vest) - 18/17
backwards lunge kick ups L (12lb weight vest) - 17/18

30/30 - 6 min
bench hop overs -22/15/16/14/13/13
wide leg burpees - 6/5/5/5/5/5

+  24 min HIIT run outside:
(1:30s - slow/30s - all out sprint -- 12 rounds)

Climbing again yesterday! Did many a 5.10/5.10+...even attempted the first 5.11 which I made 75% the way up! Tried to push past that spot about 6 times and then I was spent and had to give up. Next time! *fist shaking*  Ended with some bouldering which made it about 2.5 hour visit.

In other news, this week it’s official. I am committed. I’m now doing 20 min (HIIT) cardio 5x a week instead of 4.  Fingers crossed that this gets me that little extra progress I’ve been lusting after. (That and the no sugar diet challenge the whole month of May which I totally forgot that I was doing on Tuesday when I woke from my nap and grabbed a pB banana cookie.)

Yesterday's Eats:
715am - cappuccino shake, 1/2 banana
1045am - 1 tbsp aB, 1/2 small chicken breast, spinach, vinegar
2pm - 2 lg beef meatballs, 1 med. apple, ezekiel bread
33pm - 2 tbsp aB
5pm - whey protein
7pm - 1.5 cup green chili, spinach salad, vinegar

Tuesday's Eats:
7am - cappuccino shake, 1/2 banana
1015am - 1 small chicken breast, 1 ezekiel bread, 2 tbsp almond butter
1pm - 15 mac nuts
3pm - ground beef meatballs (2 lg.), 1/3 cup dried cherries, spinach, vinegar
530pm - whey protein, 1 home made pB cookie (DAMMIT!)
7pm - 1 cup green chili, spinach salad, vinegar

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Summer Abs Workout

5 min yoga warm up

sB slide under (30lbs) - 10 reps
sB sit up (30lbs) - 10 reps
ball knee tuck/pushup - *10 reps
diagonal knee raises - 10 reps

Completion time: 12min 27s

5s/25s -- 12 rounds (6min)
high knees
jump tuck

Total workout time: 18min 27s

+  JR 20 min (10s/20s -- 40 rounds)

Yesterday's Eats:
8am - cappuccino shake, 1/2 banana
1130am - 1/2 chicken breast, 1 ezekiel bread
1230pm - 15 mac nuts
330pm - spinach, vinegar, 1 can tuna, 1/4 cup sunflower seeds, 2 tbsp dried cherries
530pm - whey protein, sweet potato
730pm - 1 small chicken breast, spinach, vinegar

Monday, April 25, 2011

abs-R-us Ex. Challenge & 5.10s!

2 min side V crunches R/L - 27/27, 29/28, 27/26
4 min jump rope

2 min  plank knee tuck/ab pulses - 32/56, 30/57, 35/68
4 min jump rope

Total sets: 6

Total workout time: approx. 36 min (if i’ve done the math right. don’t count on it though)

Climbing today! Hope to push it a little bit more...

If you’ve seen my facebook page lately you’ve seen my numerous expressions for my undying newfound love of acupuncture. Working as a personal trainer, I’ve come in contact with a lot of different people suffering from a lot of different health problems who’ve gone for acupuncture and had great success. Last friday I went to treat my allergies, cramps and my sesamoid pain and here I am 3 days later allergy free (no medication!) and pain free. Let me just clarify the profoundness of this -- I haven’t been off allergy medication since high school when my symptoms weren’t as bad (10 years ago). Another major victory for NON western medicine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The real test will be to see how I feel come friday before my next appointment.

Also, great information coming out of two holistic doctors: Dr. Mercola and Dr. Gonzalez! Sign up for the daily newsletter Dr. Mercola puts out to learn how you can avoid furthering the profiteering of the pharmaceutical companies and furthering the betterment of your health!

Yesterday was a refueling day which I kept about 75-80% clean. Back on track today with Zuzana’s No sugar diet challenge. I’m going to extend this through the whole month of may though and I know I can do it because I was able to avoid alcohol the whole month of April just like I resolved to. In fact prior to my birthday in March, I had gone almost 3 months without any drinks.

Kicked ass climbing yesterday! Two solid hours of 5.10-5.10+!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Suck Wind Workout

Set timer for 15 min cD:
leap frog/burpee combo - 10 reps
plank bicep curls/kickback (15lbs) - 10 reps total
jump lunges (15lbs) - 10 reps total
kB reverse pushups - 10 reps
# sets completed: 5.25

+  JR 20 min (5/55s -- 20 rounds)
Let’s talk about desire and want for a second here. Tons of people approach me wanting a better body, better health, greater fitness...etc. I can’t even tell you how many people I’ve trained who have REALLY REALLY wanted this. However, all of these people have failed in their quest because they only wanted it and they did not desire it. To simply “want” something is somewhat of a wishful state. The possibility that you might achieve it is neither confirmed nor denied. It is this lack of commitment that is the ultimate downfall of the individual.
To desire something is to live, breath, eat, sleep it. Yes, it is borderline obsession. When it comes to fitness, what separates desire from an obsessed state is merely the fact that you could stop yourself at anytime. You know when your body needs a rest and you take it (if begrudgingly.) You could let go and enter a downward spiral that is most human beings lives. But you know better. You know that every workout counts. That the quality of each calorie you consume counts towards a better you. Anything else will just send you backwards. DESIRE is the proper fuel for achieving goals, not want.
1)            still toying with the idea of going from 4 to 5 cardio sessions sometime soon...want better results but don’t want to totally kill myself at the same time.
2)           STILL hurting from jackie’s workout!!!!!!!
3)           went to a bbq yesterday and did ok with food. could have done better. will do better at the bbq today.
4)           p.s - the name of this workout is EXTREMELY accurate
Yesterday's Eats:
8am - cappuccino shake/melon
11am - chicken, ezekiel bread
1pm - 1/3 cup raw almonds, ezekiel bread
4pm - brat, 1.5 cup fruit, 12 multi grain tortilla chips n’ salsa
7pm - steak salad, 1 tbsp vinegarette dressing, 1 chocolate chip cookie

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fat Assassin Workout

5 min yoga warm up

Complete 6 rounds of each exercise before moving on to the next!

Ninja Jump Tucks - 7/7/7/6/6/6
Half Burpee with Push Up - 10/9/8/8/8/8
High Knees (10)/Drop Down - 4/4/4/4/4/4
Reversed Crunch/Leglift - 11/11/11/11/11/10
*sB Side Step Ups (30 lbs) - 12R/11L/11/11/10/11

+ JR 20 min (10/50s -- 20 rounds)

Yesterdays Eats:
7am - cappuccino shake/1 cup melon
11am - chicken, 1/2 medium sweet potato
2pm - spinach 5-egg mug, dijon, 3 tbsp craisins
5pm - whey protein, 1/2 cup raw nuts
7pm - spinach, vinegar, chicken

Friday, April 22, 2011

Jackie K's Challenge

5 min yoga warmup

FIRST WORKOUT IN MY VIBRAM FIVEFINGERS!!!! I wear a size 9 usually and the 39s fit perfect and snug just as they are supposed to. Like many people, I’m having the pinkie toe discomfort especially on my left foot (broke that one a long time ago) but I’ve read many a blog claiming it will resolve in a week or two when my feet get used to them. It makes perfect sense...regular shoes utilize your feet more as paddles totally eradicating the need for a pinkie toe. In reality our feet are designed to grip the terrain with each individual toe leading to a wider more spread out looking toe arrangement.

You can watch ME doing it at the link above.

1)            first time ever doing thrusters...that was the hardest part of this workout for me
2)           went a little light on the deadlifts as I haven’t done these in years because they always used to throw out my back -- this weight was challenging but luckily I felt nothing in my back. will go up next time.


Yesterday's Eats:
745am - cappuccino shake/1 cup cantaloupe
11am - 1 can tuna, raw broccoli slaw, vinegar
1pm - 3 tbsp almond butter
2pm - leftover chicken, 5 oz sweet potato
5pm - whey protein, 2 tbsp craisins
7pm - salad, ground beef, vinegar

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Somewhere I Belong

Had a great powder day at A-basin yesterday! The morning was super but by noon everything was wet and heavy....TIRING. Had to hike my way out of the ‘Zuma bowl in waist deep snow. Great workout, I was totally beat by early afternoon.

On another note, that single leg dead lift row that I did last workout REALLY got my hamstrings. That’s a keeper!

5 min yoga warm up

12 min cD:
double grip pull up - 1 rep
push up/knee grab 5 sec hold - 1 rep
# sets completed: 41

***Bonus round***
1/1 -- 3 rounds
xman crunches - 16/15/15
mnt. climbers - 83/87/84

+ JR 20 min (5s/45s -- 24 rounds)

Yesterday’s Eats:
7am - cappuccino shake, 1/2 banana
11am - tuna packet, apple
2pm - elev8 me protein bar, pB protein ball
3pm - kind bar
7pm - leftover chicken from last night, 1/4 cup brown rice, salad, vinegar
8pm - whey protein

Tuesday’s Eats:

720am - cappunccino shake, 1 cup cantaloupe
11am - 1 can tuna, raw brocolli slaw, vinegar, 1 ezekiel bread
1245pm - 1/2 pB protein ball, 1/4 cup raw walnuts
2pm - spinach tomato 5 egg mug
530pm - whey protein, 1 tbsp almond butter
8pm - chicken with diced tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, 1 tbsp fresh parmesan

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Summer Hottie

Went climbing yesterday for the first time in about three weeks. Results were good and I was able to pick up almost right where I left off (5.10).

I’ve been having issues with my feet and I suspect it is from my new shoes so this is the second workout that I’ve done entirely barefoot. FEELS GREAT!

5 min yoga warm up

5 min cD:
monkey pushups - 20 reps
sB single leg dead lift and row - 20 reps (total)
# sets completed: 1.75

15/45s - 9 rounds
sB 1/2 pistols R - 11/13/14
plyo alternate hops - 44/36/33
sB 1/2 pistols L - 11/13/16

5 min cD:
side burpees - 10 reps (total)
one arm jG row - 10 reps (each arm)
# sets completed: 2.5

+ JR 20 min (10/40s -- 24 rounds)

Yesterday’s Eats:
730am - cappuccino shake, 1 cup mixed fruit
11am - 5 spinach dijon egg mug, 1 ezekiel bread
3pm - 1/2 chicken w/ dijon, 1/4 cup raw nuts, 1/2 pB protein ball
5pm - whey protein, 1 slice cantaloupe
7pm - 1 cup leftover shrimp pnut curry (w/ 1 can tuna), salad, vinegar

Sunday’s Eats:
8am - cappuccino shake, apple
1130am - 1/3 cup raw almonds, ground beef burger patty
2pm - 1/2 chicken breast, dijon, 1 ezekiel bread, 1/4 cup raisins
5pm - whey protein
7pm - 2 cups shrimp peanut curry
9pm - 1/2 pB protein ball