
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hot n' Humid Body Burn

5 min yoga warm up (I ALWAYS do this regardless of if I forget to post it or not!)

Complete max sets in a 20 min!

kB split jerk L - 6 reps
kB split jerk R - 6 reps
sprinter abs - 20 reps
ab burnout - 20 reps

# Sets completed: 11

-26lb kettle bell used
-get wrist bands to avoid kB bruises!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Body On Fire

The new bodyrock challenge is a concept that I struggle with but one that makes 100% sense. For a long time now I’ve subscribed and practiced the theory that carb intake at night is nothing but a useless setback because you’re just going right to sleep after that and won’t use much of them up. If not used, extra food energy is stored as fat. This is also why dinner should be your smallest meal of the day.

The new challenge is one that Zuzana has mentioned before and is an expanded version of this. It is called EARN YOUR CARBS meaning one should only ingest carbs 1-2 hours after exercise. She mentions grains but not fruit so I’m going clarify that since I like to have fruit with my breakfast and since I have a hard time working up prior to breakfast with no food energy in me. I am still on the fence about this method:(

40s/40s -- 3 rounds (4 min)

Over/under (R to L)
Over/under (L to R)
Happy dancing crab
Triple knee tuck
*Alt one leg 1/2 pistol (hop to switch legs)
Swimming pushups

repeat 4 more times!

*switched this one up because my knees can’t handle real pistols
1)             no time to write down reps today!
2)            cardio-wise this was pretty easy so I pushed harder in my jump roping.

+ jump rope 20 min (10s/20s -- 40 rounds)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wild Woman Workout & Burpees On Sand Dunes

Took a rest day yesterday since we decided to ride wolf creek 3 days instead of 2. Plus we hiked to the very top of the sand dunes on the third day too!


5 min yoga warm up

Part 1: 10/20 - 8 rnds

sB dynamic squat L - 15/17/18/17

1 arm pushup L - 10/10/8/8

sB dynamic squat R - 17/18/18/17

1 arm pushup R - 10/10/8/8

Part 2: 4 min count down

jump squat/tricep kick back 15lbs - 10 reps (second time through switch to bicep curls)

side V crunch L - 10 reps

side V crunch R - 10 reps

round 1 - 3.1 sets// round 2 - 3.25 sets

Part 3: 10/20 - 8 rnds

single leg jump squat L - 11/13/11/12

monkey pushup - 8/8/8/8

single leg jump squat R - 12/13/12/11

sumo pushup - 9/9

repeat once more.

1)  20 min jump rope (5s/55s -- 20 rounds)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Push Up Knee Tuck Ex. Challenge

Exercise Challenge - MAR 24

1 min jG push up knee tuck
4 min jump rope
1 min jG push up knee tuck

****Bonus round:
1 min jump rope
1 min pushup knee tuck
(repeat two more times!)

total workout time: 32 min


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

FAT-astrophic Workout


plank pushup 1/bicep curls 2 (15lbs) - 50 reps
plyo side to side jumps - 100 reps
seated upward row - 50 reps
dead lift one leg touchdowns alt. - 100 reps total
pendulum lunge and press 15lbs - 26 reps
prisoner squat/knee up (12lb. weight vest) - 100 reps
jG 90 degree rows - 50 reps
side lunge touch downs - 100 reps
leglift/crunch up - 50 reps

Completion time: 25min 18s

+  20 min jump rope (10s/50s -- 20 rounds)

Pretty beat after this whole deal. Had a REAL hard time making it through the jump roping. Not sure if I will take tomorrow off or try to squeeze in one last exercise challenge before I leave for the hot springs.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Circuit Nightmare

Success! Yesterday I was able to eat veggies with meal 2, meal 3 and meal 5! It seems silly to celebrate little things like this but if you don’t absolutely convince yourself that; a) you can do it and b) you are more awesome for doing it, then you probably won’t be successful at keeping your clean diet consistent. It’s the same thing with training a puppy -- lots and lots of overly enthusiastic positive reinforcement!


5 min yoga warm up
15s/45s - 20 rounds

low jacks (12lb weight vest) -40/37/41/43
diamond runner pushups - 12/10/10/9
half burpee/BB row 45lbs - 13/12/12/11
jump lunge/lateral raise 10lbs - 13/12/12/13
plank pushup with dB fly 10lbs - 9/11/10/10

pretty challenging on upper body
good cardio aspect
could go up another 5lbs on the half burpee row next time :)

+  20 min jump roping (5s/45s -- 24 rounds)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pretty Fly Ex. Challenge

Climbing today! Here is my version of the Pretty Fly Exercise Challenge. As you know it is my strong belief that less than 15 min is just not enough if you aren’t already super low body fat and eat perfectly like Zuzana. The original is only 10 min long.

Also, I decided to add the new bodyrock diet challenge into my plan. That means I have to get THREE servings of veggies (e.g veggies with three meals a day) each day. I’m taking a break from food journaling lately because it sometimes makes me a little crazy. In April I wil start l again:)

2 min jump rope high knees
1 min knee hugs
2 min free jump
1 min knee hugs (total reps completed: 22/23/23/26/26/27/26/25/24/23)

repeat 4 more times.

Total workout time:  30 min

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fire Starter & Nutritional Strategy

Definitely off track with the diet this week but it’s time to get back on the horse. I find I am getting a little bored with the protein fruit smoothies in the morning so I’m going to try to come up with something else. The only trouble is when I have to be at work so early in the morning that’s usually my only choice. Maybe I’ll switch back to my dymatize cappuccino makes killer imitation starbuck’s iced cappuccino’s when mixed with a little vanilla almond milk and some ice. Plus its fifty-thousand times better for you.

On a happier note I have short work week this week and then it’s off to Wolf Creek and the Pagosa Hot Springs! It’s going to be a challenge to stick to my eating plan while in a situation that involves lots of social eating, drinking and being on the go all day long (snowboarding) but my goal is to really focus and defeat my social consumption weaknesses. To make sure I am prepared I am bringing down a batch of seasoned ground turkey, organic beef jerky, eggs, tuna packets, broccoli slaw salad and kind bars.  This is only a long weekend, I can do it! Meeting this short term goal will help mentally prepare for my trip in April where I will be away for a whole week.

Nutritional Strategy Recap:
meal 1 - protein shake made with canned coconut and 1 serving of fruit
meal 2 - 1 slice ezekiel bread, meat
meal 3 - salad or veggies and meat or eggs (4)
meal 4 - whey protein shake, 1 tbsp nut butter or small handful of raw nuts
meal 5 - veggies or salad and meat


5 min yoga warm up

15 min countdown:
catch and punch L - 10 reps
kB star jumps - 10 reps
catch and punch R - 10 reps
frog leaps - 10 reps
# sets completed: 9 3/4

5 min countdown:
dynamic pushup/jump up - 10 reps
lunge back kick ups - 10 reps each leg
# sets completed: 2.5

holy shit.

+ 20 min jump rope (10s/40s -- 24 rounds)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Suicidal Sweat

Happy 28th Birthday to ME!!!!!!

Most people decide not to workout on their birthday’s. To me, that is a giant load of crap. From an addict you should expect nothing less. Anyway, I am so happy with these workouts I can’t even put it to words. They have pushed me beyond anything I possibly thought myself capable of and I’ve made improvements in attitude, body composition and nutritional habits like I never thought possible. The workouts are fun, challenging and don’t completely wipe me out for the rest of the day like my bodybuilding workouts were. I actually can’t wait to do my workouts each morning!  Zuzana and Aubrie have been such amazingly positive forces in my life and if I could be just a fraction as inspirational to others as they are to me, I would be happy.

Lastly, my back is phenomenally sore from yesterday’s workout! SWEET! I can’t even jump rope like I had planned so I’ll just tack it on to tomorrow’s workout.

Combo 1: (complete 20 sets)
2 jump squats/1 jump tuck/2 pushups/power up
completion time: 3:20

Combo 2: (complete 10 sets)
10 kick ups/10 mnt climber peaks
completion time: 3:54

Combo 3: (complete 10 sets)
10 pike press/10 one leg jump squats
completion time: 6:06

Combo 4:
Breakdance pushups - 30 reps
completion time: 2:41

***Bonus round!***
4 minute countdown
Ab burnout - 20 reps
Sprinter abs - 10 reps
# sets completed: 4.5

I had to add in extra reps and a bonus round to meet my 20 min quota today (came in at 20:01.) ENJOY!!!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rock Body


15/45 - 21 rounds

dB jump squats 12lbs - 28/26/27

plank pushup/tri kickback 12lbs - 11/12/10

kB lateral hop/overhead press - 14/15/14

jack knife - 16/16/16

kB swing jumps - 19/21/22

jG one arm row L - 16/16/15

jG one arm row R - 16/16/15


kettlebell is 26lbs

+ 20 min jump rope (5s/30s -- 35 rounds)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bikini Beach Workout

Happy St. Patty’s Day! Yet another excuse to waste your calories on alcohol. Don’t do it! Speaking of no alcohol, that’s the latest BodyRock diet challenge. I am pretty much in that same boat but make an exception every once in a while. Since December 3rd 2010 I’ve only had one beer and two 5 oz glasses of wine.

Part 1: 4 min 10/30s -- 6 rounds

backward lunge knee up L - 25/26

backward lunge knee up R - 26/26

Plank jumps - 4/5

Part 2: 2 min countdown

2 walking pushups/4 low step touch - 9 reps

Part 3: 4 min 10/30s -- 6 rounds

jump forward/back and jump tuck - 7/7

side plank jump and pushup L - 8/6

side plank jump and pushup R - 6/7

Part 4:

Same as part 2 - 10 reps

Part 5:

Same as part 1 - L24/23  R28/22  5/5

Part 6:

same as part 2 - 10 reps

part 7:

same as part 3 - 7/7  R7/5  L5/5

Killer workout for not using anything but bodyweight!

Yesterday’s Eats:

8am - raspberry protein shake

1130am - chicken, dijon, 1 slice ezekiel, 4 multigrain tortilla chips

230pm - 1 can tuna, vinegar, broc slaw salad, 2 tbsp craisins,

430pm - 2 tbsp almond butter

530pm - whey protein

730pm - chicken, asparagus, two bites of potato, 1 oz reduced fat cheddar cheese

1421 cal

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jump For Joy Ex. Challenge

Climbing again today so I’m just going to do a leg based exercise challenge. And believe me, you’re going to want to jump for joy when this one’s over...if you can jump at all :D

On another note, many people have been coming up to me asking if I’ve been working extra hard on my arms lately. While I always challenge myself regardless of body part, it’s important to note that as you lose fat you begin to look more ripped even if you haven’t gained any significant amount of muscle. In fact it is not entirely uncommon to lose a little bit of muscle as you lose the fat. That said, I am down to 123.6lbs this morning with a body fat of 15.6%! Hurray! My diet approach has been successful!!!!!!!!!!!! You can see below what I eat, when I eat it and if you look at the course of a week see that I deviate very little from this approach. I’ve really been focusing on a BodyRock diet approach more than the traditional bodybuilding one.



50 jump lunges
3 min jump rope

Repeat 6 more times.

Total workout time: 32min 25s

Yesterday’s Eats:

730am - apple cinnamon protein shake
11am - 1 can tuna, vinegar, 1 slice ezekiel bread
12pm - 1 kiwi, 1 oz organic turkey jerky
230pm - spinach and mushroom/dijon egg mug, 1/3 cup walnuts
5pm - whey protein
7pm - chicken, salad, vinegar, small sweet potato
1450 cal

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hot Marine Core Workout

5 min yoga warm up

Part 1:  10/20 -- 8 rounds
sB squat R - 12/13  13/12
plank jump push up -8/9  8/7
sB squat L -12/14  12/11
plank jump push up - 8/7  7/7

Part 2: time challenge (complete 5 sets)
Pendulums - 10 reps/rollover/1 walking pushup/elbow plank jumps (side to side) - 10 jumps (all that equals 1 set)
Round 1: 4min 30s   //Round 2: 3min 47s

Part 3: 10/20 - 8 rnds
sB mini squat R -29/25  27/26
super girl push ups - 9/7  6/7
sB mini squats L - 30/25  28/28
supergirl pushups - 8/6  7/6

repeat once more time.

Total workout time: 24min 17s

Yesterday’s Eats:

815am - apple cinnamon protein shake
11am - seasonsed ground beef, 1 slice ezekiel bread
230pm - 1 tsp almond butter, spinach dijon egg mug
430pm - 1/4th cup walnuts
5pm - whey protein, 1 small piece of organic turkey jerky
7pm - round steak, mushrooms, green beans
1400 cal

Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm Crazy But You Like It Ex. Challenge

Climbing today! Hopefully get back into some 5.10/+’s and figure out the red bouldering problem that was stumping me last week.

5 min JR
4 min jump up/knee hug/power up - 24 reps
5 min JR
4 min jump up/knee hug/power up - 24 reps
5 min JR
4 min jump up/knee hug/power up - 23 reps
5 min JR

Total workout time: 32 min

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Push It! Push It!

Today completes week 6 of:
- 5 resistance workouts/week
1)             4, 20 min jump ropes a week
2)            5, 3.3 mile brisk paced dog walks/week

And week 1 of:
- 2 exercise challenges/week

The plan is to go another 2 weeks with the first part of the workout schedule and also add in 2 exercise challenges a week instead of just doing jump roping all by itself. Sometimes it can take two whole months to see the changes you want in your body! NEVER GIVE UP!


5 min yoga warmup

10s/35s - 24 rounds (18 min)

alt. med ball pushups - 13/11/10
plyo bench hops - 17/18/20
plank dB front raise (8lb dBs) - 14/14/12
jump lunges - 30/26/24
jG inverted row - 21/21/25
elevated one leg hip thrusters L -17/20/22
elevated one leg hip thrusters R - 14/17/20
tricep dips on chair (weight vest 12lb.) - 25/25/29

Yesterday's Eats:

830am - peach protein shake
1130am - 1/2 med chicken breast, 1 tbsp salsa, apple
130pm - other 1/2 med chicken breast, 1 tbsp salsa, 1/4 cup craisins
315pm - 1 can tuna, salad, vinegar, 1 tbsp almond butter
530pm - whey protein
730pm - 6 oz grilled salmon, salad, vinegar