
Friday, December 30, 2011

Jump Into It Workout

Thursday’s Workout
Row lvl5 (15s easy/45s hard -- 20 rounds)
** this totally got me in the butt and hips but wasn’t too tiring so I’ll try lest rest and a higher level next time! Note to self: stretch before this next time so piriformis doesn’t get cripplingly angry again.


Jump Into It Workout:

4 min yoga warm up

8 rounds for time:
burpee box jumps (20”) - 10x
pistol L - 10x
handstand chest taps - 10x
pistol R - 10x
kB step ups (56)- 10x total
time: 34:47s

And thus it is upon me! This is my last day of whey protein supplementation. Stay tuned for Monday’s post because I will be sharing exactly what my new dietary & workout program will be like as well as progress photos and measurements

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Gimme More

4 min yoga warm up

10/30s -- 30x
ugi high knees/mnt climber (10) - 3.5/3.5/3/3.5/3/3.5
bench tucks - 25/20/28/28/29/20
sB squat jumps (40) - 15/14/14/13/12/12
ugi single leg toe touches (10) - 17/15/14/14/13/14
kB swing (30) - 14/15/15/14/13/10

20 min tabata: 10r JR /10r stair runs(10/20s -- 40x)

tues eats
715 - cappuccino shake
11 - 4 oz meat, p28 bread, 1/4th avocado
2 - 6 oz tuna, salad, 1/4th cup
5 - (1 scp) protein hot chocolate, steamed broccoli
7 - 4 egg whites, spinach

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Jerk It! & Concept2

Monday’s Workout:
Rock climbing: 2.5 hrs/highest grade: 5.11

***Ordered my concept 2 rower today!!! It’s supposed to be here Friday and I’m suuuuuuuper excited to start using it!!!! :)


Jerk It! Workout

4 min yoga warm up

AMRAP in 20 min
BB split jerk L (65)- 5x
body blasters (pushup, jump up to bar, pull up) - 5x
BB split jerk R - 5x
body blasters - 5x
kB pushup/row (30) - 5x each
rounds completed: 3  2/5

20 min JR (10/50s -- 20rounds)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Let It Go & Happy Xmas!

Saturday’s Workout:
JR 20 min (5s/45s -- 24x)

Yesterday I attempted one day of the phase two livefit trainer program just to see how it would go. I felt full enough all day long except at night after the eggs I started to get a little hungry and snuck a few mac nut halves. The one serving of grains per day, though deeply against my religion, did help boost my energy levels. I am also really really really not a fan of how low fat it is and I think I’d rather go strict paleo instead. (No whey protein for the month of Jan!) It’s going to be tough because I rely on whey a lot for quick fix food but I can do it for one month. Come Feb, I will re-evaluate and see where I’m at.

I wanted to try this diet change first, and keep my exercise the same for a couple reasons. A) Diet is the most important part of a lean body. Anyone who tells you otherwise is LYING to you. B) I really like Bodyrocking and CrossFitting much better than standard weight training which is part of the livefit trainer program. I am saving that kind of a program for a time when I might not be comfortable bouncing around so much. C) Scientific method. You can change only one variable at a time in order to figure out what gets you the best results. Otherwise, at a later time you’re not going to know exactly what worked and what didn’t: repeatability. This is the main reason it has taken me SO many years to get my nutritional act together. Speaking of SO many years and fitness, I noticed on my bodyspace profile that I’m coming up on my 10 year anniversary with exercise!


X-mas Workout!

4 min yoga warm up

10/20 - 24x

ugi side jump lunge (10) - 18/20/17/15/15/16

ugi pendulum - 43/39/36/39/41/38

sB clean (40) - 6/6/6/5/5/4

ugi squeeze - 31/35/33/29/35/32

20 min tabata (10/20 - 40rounds) 5r JR/5r burpee

fri eats:  (test run of the new diet starting Jan 1st!)

7 - cappuccino shake , 1/2 banana

11 - 4 oz shrimp, 3/4 cup brown rice

2 - 6 oz chicken, cucumber, 2 carrots, 1/4th avocado

5 - (1 scoop) protein hot chocolate, 4 oz sweet tato w/ ghee

7 - 5 egg whites, spinach

*felt more full than usual:) i think this is going to work!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy To Hurt

4 rounds of:
25 dead lift (75)

25 BB ab roll outs

25 BB back squats (75)

25 pull ups (assisted)

time: 27min 47s

thurs eats

8 - cappuccino shake

11 - chicken, 1/2 squash w/ ghee, 1/4 cup granola, 1 apple

2 - 2 eggs, black beans

5 - protein hot chocolate, 2 carrots

7 - salsa chicken, asparagus, 1/4th cup brown rice

Happy To Hurt

4 rounds of:
25 dead lift (75)
25 BB ab roll outs
25 BB back squats (75)
25 pull ups (assisted)
time: 27min 47s

thurs eats
8 - cappuccino shake
11 - chicken, 1/2 squash w/ ghee, 1/4 cup granola, 1 apple
2 - 2 eggs, black beans
5 - protein hot chocolate, 2 carrots
7 - salsa chicken, asparagus, 1/4th cup brown rice

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Party Rock!

Tuesday’s Workout:
20 min HiiT [10min stairs/10min JR (5/55s -- 10)]
Climbing 2 hrs/highest grade: 5.11

Today’s Workout:
4 min yoga warm up

Part 1: 10/50s -- 4x
 sB row, clean, press, squat, press (#40) - 6
ugi walk over push up - 10
sB fwd lunge, press, OH jump lunge - 7
ugi inverted rows - 25
Part 2: 10/50s -- 4x
2 jump squat, jump tuck, 2 jump lunge - 6
staggered pushup, knee to elbow - 8
mnt climber kick ups - 17
jump 2 fwd, push up, jump tuck, bkwds - 7
Part 3: 10/50s --3x
ugi single leg toe touch crunches (#10) - 21
V - leg raises (dip station) - 18
dancing crab - 13
+20 min JR (10/30 --30x)

mon eats
710 - cappuccino shake
1030 - chicken salad, 1/2 p28 bagel, apple, 1/2 cup nuts
2 - spinach  dijon  2egg mug & 3 carrots
430 - protein hot chocolate, broccoli
7 -1 cup ratatouille leftovers

tues eats
715 - cappuccino shake
11 - chicken, 1/2 p28 bagel, 1/4th cantaloupe, 1/2 cup nuts
4 - 1/2 chicken wrap + chicken from other half, 1/3 cup raisins, 2 cups brussel  sprouts
8 - 2 small pork chops, salad

wed eats
730 - cappuccino shake
11 - grilled salmon, salad
2 - shrimp, 1/2 squash , 1/2 cup nuts
5 - protein hot chocolate, cuke, 2 carrots
7 - pork chops, green beans

Monday, December 19, 2011

Aubrie's UFC Fan Expo 129 Workout

4 min yoga warm up
50 Lunge Climbers
50 Sprinter Abs
50 Burpee Broad Jumps
50 Thrusters (55)
50 GHD Sit Ups 

Time: 25min  12s

20 min tabata JR 3r & burpees 2r (10/20s -- 40x)

sun eats
820 - cappuccino shake
11 - chickenw/ simple guac, 1/2 lg. sweet tato w/ ghee
2 - tuna packet w/ broccoli & cabbage stir fry, 1/4th cup raisins
5 - protein hot chocolate, carrots, 1/4 cup nuts
7 - 1/2 cup (ground turkey) ratatouille, 1/4 cup shredded cheese, 1/4th cup brown rice

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Girl With The Dragon Abs

 Friday’s Workout:
Climbing 4 hrs/highest grade: 5.11


Saturday’s Workout:
JR20 min (10s/20s -- 40x)


Sunday’s workout:
Part 1: 10/50s -- 4x
sB 2x squat jump & 2x pushup (#40) - 5
sB squat & drop (2 push up), jump tuck combo -5 (forgot j.tucks!!)
ugi 10 high knees/10 mnt climbers (#10) - 6
pushup & knee grab - 11
Part 2: 10/50s -- 4x
box jump & 2 pushup - 7
plyo star - 22
surfer kick outs - 9
cross leg push ups - 13
Part 3: 10/50 -- 3x
upright bicycle abs - 19
bench tucks - 35
sB sit up & press (40) - 7

20 min JR (10s/40s-- 24x)

See “recipes” section for meal details!
fri eats:
745 - cappuccino shake
1030 - chicken, 1/4 squash, kiwi
230 - 2 eggs, black beans, spinach, 1/4th avocado
730 - chicken salad with walnuts
10 - 1/4th cup ground beef, carrot, 1/4th avocado

sat eats:
830 - cappuccino shake
11 - ground beef, 1/2 large sweet potato
2 - 2 eggs, 1/4th cantaloupe melon, 1/3 cup nuts
6 - grilled salmon w/ salad
8 - protein hot chocolate

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Aubrie's Work Week Workout

Wednesday’s Workout:
JR 20 min (5s/35s -- 30x)


Aubrie's Work Week Workout - Dec 15

3 min yoga warm up

Part 1:
***BONUS: 8 min skill work***
4 min handstand balance
4 min one arm handstands

Part 2:
1-----5/5-----1 reps
hang clean (75)
body blaster (burpee with pushup jump to do a pull up)
100 dbl unders
time: 23min 3s   (total WO time: 31:03)

workout goes like this:
1 hang clean, 100 dBl unders, 2 hang clean, 100 dBl unders etc...
then 5 body blasters, 100 dBl unders, 4 body blasters, 100 dBl unders etc...

20 min stair run w/10 burpees at bottom

wed eats:
730 - banana protein pancake
10 - chicken, 1/2 squash, 1/2 cup mac nuts
12 - 1/2 cup granola :(
2 - protein hot chocolate, raw veggies
5 - 2 egg/spinach mug
6 - ground beef, romaine salad

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It Will Rain Sweat & 5.11PR

Workout - Dec 12
20 min JR (5s/25s -- 40x)
Climbing 2.5 hrs/highest grade:  5.11     ***PR!!!***


3 min yoga warm up

10 rounds for time:
10 burpees
10 squat jumps (no sandbag!)
10 push ups
10 toe touch sit ups
10 tricep dips
10 jump tucks
10 plank jax
10 jump lunges
10 leg lifts
10 pike jump ins
time: 35min 21s
...and rain sweat it did!

mon eats
745 - cappuccino shake
11 - chicken, sweet potato, 1/2 cup slivered almonds
3 - mix 1 shake, veggie sticks
5 - 2 eggs, 3/4 cup black beans (w/ 1 tbsp salsa), asparagus
7 - leftover stoup w/1 cup spinach added in

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Look Hot In Your Undies

Friday Dec 9 Workout:

Climbing (2.5hrs/highest grade: 11-)

**After the abominable day I had on Friday, I decided I’d better take Saturday as a rest day.


4 min yoga warm up

10/50s - 12x

sB keg press - 14/11/11

plyo ugi push up -9/10/9

ninja warrior jump tuck w/ sB - 5/5/5

burpee knee up with dip station -7/7/7

30 min JR (10s/50 -- 30x)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Run It!

4 min yoga warm up

15 min AMRAP
dead lift (105) -15x
running man press (40) -12x
wall walk ups - 6x
sets:   3 

30min HiiT (10s/20 -- 60x: 5 rnds JR, 5 stairs, 5JR, 5kB swings 26lbs)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Damn Sexy Body - Beat My Score!

3 min yoga warm up

10/30s -- 36x
kB squat & press (26lbs - 11 lbs higher than last time!) L - 10/8/8/7
old score: 11/12/13/9
kB squat & press R - 10/9/9/10
pike jump - 10/10/9/9
one leg bridge (elevated this time!) L - 20/23/25/31
one leg bridge R - 20/22/2528
pike jump - 10/10/9/9
dips/knee raises - 9/9/10/10
one leg sit and lift L - 36/35/31/35
one leg sit and lift R - 36/33/37/40

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

5.11-!!!!! Puerta Vallarta & Dec WO Plan

Back from a great trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! Time to get back on track after eating sodium laden food and drinking many, many cocktails for 8 days. Can’t believe a year of being married flew by this fast! Happy one year to US:)

P.S - if you EVER go to PV...DO NOT STAY AT THE RIU JALISCO!!! The food was complete and utter GARBAGE.

December’s Workout Plan:

1hr 30min extra cardio each week split up different ways each week

1-2 rock climbs a week (counts as a workout)

3-5 bodyrock/crossfit routines a week (depending on # of climbs per week) always 3.3mi dog walks - 5x a week

Tuesday 12/6/11 Workout

30 min HiiT (10 min tabata burpees /10 min tabata JR/10 min stair runs)

Climbing (2.5hrs/highest grade: 11-)  ******PR!!!******

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Haven't Had Enough

3 min yoga warm up

burpee/ugi pushup - 11/10/10

1 leg sB dead lift (#40) L - 18/19/18

1 leg sB dead lift R - 17/18/18

cross cross ugi hip thrust - 22/24/24

jump lunge and twist (#10) - 20/20/18

Part2: time challenge!

300 reps of ugi squeeze

time: 4min 39s


+          JR15 min (5/25s -- 30x)

Friday, November 25, 2011


AMRAP in 15 min:
5 OH squats (#45)
5 L-sit chin ups (vW #12)
10 ugi crunch & throw (#10)
# sets:  8

+15 min JR (10s/50 -- 15x)

.....and a much needed week off from working out :P
Happy ONE YEAR anniversary to US :D

Thursday, November 24, 2011

You Da One!

Tuesday Nov 22 Workout:
15 min JR (5s/35 -- 23)
Climbing 3 hrs (highest: 5.10d) -- super frustrating climb today!!! >_<


Wednesday Nov 23 Workout:
+ 30 min HiiT [10 min ARC trainer (1:1 sprints), 10 min elliptical (1:1 sprints), 10 min treadmill (1:15/45s sprints)]   **this wasn’t that hard. up it next time


and now for today’s regularly scheduled workout....

3 min yoga warm up

10/30 -- 18x
surfer kick outs - 12/10.5/10
sB running man press (#40) - 4/3.5/3.5
sB kick press L - 9/8/7
sB kick press R - 9/8/6
sB press jacks - 8/9/7
3 point abs - 4/4/4

*holy hell this was one of the hardest 12 min of my life!!

1)          15 min JR/tB alternating (10/20s -- 30x)