I started thinking about how I needed to get back on track way back in March when I was proposed to but it didn’t seem to happen until now. This was classic case of a bulk getting out of control. After being a lot more lean than I ever have before in the summer of ’09 and seeing that my legs were sorely lacking, I decided that I would start putting some muscle on them. While I absolutely did gain muscle, I wasn’t eating as cleanly as I should have been so along came a lot more fat than I anticipated. The two go hand in hand, however, if done cleanly and slowly one can minimize the addition of extra body fat. I’m going to calorie cycle for the next month or two and see how it goes. 1200-1300 cal for 3 days, 1500-1800 on one day. I’ve been doing high intensity circuit training to kick start some progress as well. I’ll check back in after I’ve made some REAL progress.
Current Body Stats:
128 lbs
18% Body fat
Waist: 29 inches
Hips: 34.5 inches
Thigh: 19 inches
Bicep: 12 inches

<== This is me at 128 lbs and 18% body fat. You know what this says to me? ZERO DISCIPLINE!